Debug Node.js - The iisnode module is unable to deploy supporting files necessary to initialize the debugger - node.js

I get the following error when I try to debug a node.js application using Azure SDK for Node.js:
The iisnode module is unable to deploy supporting files necessary to initialize the debugger. Please check that the identity of the IIS application pool running the node.js application has read and write access permissions to the directory on the server where the node.js application is located.
I have installed the full version of iisnode and added the config settings in web.config. Here is an example of what I type in the browser:
. The application is using IIS Express to run that is provided in the latest Windows Azure SDK for Node.js - August 2012.
Any help will be appreciated!

There are two possible issues here, depending on which version of the Azure SDK for Node you are running:
(1) If you are running a version < 0.6, then this is almost certainly a permissions issue with your webrole directory. Note that, in IIS, it's the actual web role directory and not the directory in local_package.csx that is actually used in the web role. Make sure that iiS_IUSRS has write access to this directory and it should work.
(2) If you are running a version >= 0.6, then the problem is that you are using an iisnode version that isn't iis full inside iisexpress. You can get around this by editing setup_web.cmd to use the path to the iisnode dll in your iisnode directory (rather than the iisnode-dev directory or the SDK directory).


Angular Universal Deployment to IIS server giving error

I have an angular universal project. After the production build dist folder was generated successfully. After putting the content in the server root folder it's displaying the following error -
iisnode encountered an error when processing the request.
HTTP status: 500
HTTP subStatus: 1002
HTTP reason: Internal Server Error
You are receiving this HTTP 200 response because system.webServer/iisnode/#devErrorsEnabled configuration setting is 'true'.
In addition to the log of stdout and stderr of the node.exe process, consider using debugging and ETW traces to further diagnose the problem.
The node.exe process has not written any information to stderr or iisnode was unable to capture this information. Frequent reason is that the iisnode module is unable to create a log file to capture stdout and stderr output from node.exe. Please check that the identity of the IIS application pool running the node.js application has read and write access permissions to the directory on the server where the node.js application is located. Alternatively you can disable logging by setting system.webServer/iisnode/#loggingEnabled element of web.config to 'false'.
My main.js and web.config file are under the project directory with the dist folder and I gave all users full control permission in the root folder but still there is no luck.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Please make sure the permissions to give the IIS_IUSRS group write permissions to that folder
Go into the advanced settings menu and under Process Model -> Identity change the user account to a user that already has write permissions.
And this link provide the steps to set node JS in IIS:
Maybe you need to check whether the static content feature in turn windows features on or off/IIS/world wide web service/http common feature/static content has been installed.

Unable to complete Kudu deployments on Azure Websites

I have set up a deployment following the guidelines here:
The deployment was working successfully when first set up. Today I made changes to my code for a redeploy and it stopped working.
I get the following error:
Command: "D:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd"
Handling ASP.NET Core Web Application deployment with MSBuild16.7.0.
Access is denied.
Failed exitCode=1, command="D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuilds\16.8.3\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe" /restore "D:\home\site\repository\myproject\myproject.Web.csproj" /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:configuration=Release /p:publishurl="D:\local\Temp\8d8f7e05bbfa782"
An error has occurred during web site deployment.
Access is denied.\r\nD:\Program Files (x86)\SiteExtensions\Kudu\92.30310.5111\bin\Scripts\starter.cmd "D:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd"
I then connected to the Kudu debug portal and attempted to run the command myself. It failed. Then I attempted to navigate to D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuilds\16.8.3\MSBuild\Current\Bin
That version of MSBuild is missing. The only versions present are:
03/27/2021 09:33 AM <DIR> MSBuild-15.3.409.57025
03/27/2021 09:33 AM <DIR> MSBuild-
03/27/2021 09:33 AM <DIR> MSBuild-16.4
How do I get 16.8.3 installed?
Azure web app is run in a sandbox environment, and the contents of the folder under D:/home have read and write permissions. All other folders have read-only permissions.
Azure web app has a web environment that supports deployment in various languages, so there is no need to install the 16.8.3 version of MSBuild.
For your question, I can only provide the following troubleshooting steps:
Check what version of your project is. Net framework, .net core 2.2 or 3.1, .net5 ?
Check if the Stack settings of your azure web app is consistent with the project.
(Optional step) Set the Stack settings to .Net5, and modify any file in github, such as a new file. Check the deployment results.
Download your project and run it locally to see if it can run normally.
Create a test slot, redeploy to see if it can be deployed normally, and set the traffic to temporarily not affect your web operation. See if the problem will recur. If the problem persists, please contact Microsoft.
Related Posts:
1. Error - Access is denied - deployment to Azure App Services

How to deploy shield with Kibana on Bluemix

I am trying to deploy Kibana on Bluemix PaaS. Because Kibana is a Node.js application, it can be deployed as such on Bluemix. All i have to do:
Provide a simple manifest.yml file that details the app name and a couple of other things
Provide a Procfile that has just one line as web: bin/kibana --port=$PORT
Thus, I can run Kibana on Bluemix. Note that this is pushed via Cloud Foundry.
Also, I was able to install the marvel and sense plugins for Kibana.
Now, I installed the shield plugin. This plugin requires an ssl key and an ssl cert file to run. The path to these files must be provided in the kibana.yml file.
After installation, I tested the shield plugin natively and it worked just fine.
Here is the layout of the directory structure:
(d) represents directories. The sslFiles folder contains the ssl key and ssl cert files.
Before I could push to Bluemix, I knew that the paths to the SSL files would have to be relative to the app in Bluemix. Thus, in the kibana.yml file, I specified them as:
I did this as in Bluemix, I could see the following directory structure:
Indentation represents containment. So, I pushed it to Bluemi using Cloud Foundry, but now I get a 502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request error. I tried changing the paths to sslFiles/kibana.key but then I got a cannot find path sslFiles/kibana.key staging error.
What is responsible for my 502 error? Is it the path to the sslFiles? If so, how can I properly provide the paths?

Setting up Bonobo 5.0.0 with Windows authentication

I'm trying to install Bonobo 5.0.0 on Windows 7 + IIS 7.5 with Windows authentication.
When I go to the homepage (http://domain/bonobo), I'm prompted for my Windows username/password and after that it redirects back to the root to look for a route called windowsAuthCallback:
Obviously this gives me a 404 error.
I have authentication set to 'anonymous' in IIS and 'Windows' in the Bonobo web.config and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Not sure if this is related... I have an existing Bonobo installation on the same server and I'm installing Bonobo 5 fresh as a new application. After running into the issue I described, trying to open the original Bonobo app gives me the following error:
Unable to find an entry point named 'sqlite3_open_interop' in DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll'.
Restarting IIS resolves the issue and I can access my old Bonobo app again.
This commit should resolve the windowsAuthCallback redirecting to root:
A workaround for this issue along with a link to the commit that resolves it can be found on the following page:

How can I deploy an mvc2 app developed on SharpDevelop (windows 7 64bit) to the local iis 7.5?

I'm using SharpDevelop and can test/see the app using "Use IIS Express Web Server" selected in the project property. But when I try to change to "Use local IIS Web Server" and hit "Create application/virtual directory", an error message show up that said:
Filename: redirection.config
Error: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
At end, what I need is deploy MVC 2 app to a IIS Server, first to a local server and then to a remote server.
The problem can be solved running SharpDevelop as Admin.
