Groovy: evaluate a property with a variable in it - groovy

A bit new to groovy, I am trying to match a variable string to a property pulled from a file using ConfigSlurper. I have the slurper part working fine, but can't seem to figure out the right way to evaluate a property with a variable in it. I think I was getting warm when I found evaluating-code-dynamically-in-groovy but I am not entirely sure.
jobs {
foo {
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File('properties.groovy').toURI().toURL())
List jobs = (ArrayList) BazAPI.getArtifacts(bucket) // list of objects, foo is one
ListIterator jobIterator = jobs.listIterator();
while (jobIterator.hasNext()) {
Object j =;
job_name = "${}" //
email ="${job_name}".email /* NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO EVAL */
foo_email = //evaluates to the correct property in properties.groovy
//these values get fed to a DSL but to illustrate
println "${job_name}" // prints foo
println "${email}" // prints [:]
println "${foo_email}" // prints

Have you tried[ ].email


Groovy closure without preceding equal sign prop = {} vs prop {}

I'm trying to create a config file for my java app that can have lazy evaluation, for instance, contain an e-mail template with current date time. I use ConfigSlurper to parse the config file.
For some reason I can't find at the description of the commonly used form (see build.gradle): prop1 { ... } prop2 { ... }. Am I looking at the wrong place?
My tests show that such closures are evaluated immediately and the example above can be rewritten as: prop1 = { ... }() prop2 = { ... }() (notice the parentheses, without them the evaluation is lazy).
I also don't understand why using dots in property without the equal sign cause MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.ConfigObject.URL() if I use: server.URL { System.out.println('ccc'); 'asd' } in the example below.
It's disappointing that the choice is completely transparent for Groovy, but you have to check that a value is instance of Closure or GString when using java.
I used this article as the starting point
// We can group settings.
// The following settings are created:
// app.version, app.setting1, app.setting2, app.setting3,,
app {
version = "1.0"
// We can write code to set up settings.
[1, 2, 3].each {
this."setting${it}" = it * 10
// We can use Java objects
date = new Date()
active = true
server.URL = "http://default"
// Environment specific settings override settings with the
// same name.
environments {
development {
server = { System.out.println('ccc'); 'asd' }
// server.URL = "${-> System.out.println('bbb');new Date()}http://localhost"
test {
server.URL = 'http://test:9080'
integrationtest {
server.URL = 'http://integrationtest/url'
production {
server.URL = 'http://prod/url'
My tests show that such closures are evaluated immediately and the
example above can be rewritten as: prop1 = { ... }()
Closures are not evaluated immediately. The parens above are causing the closure to be evaluated.
For some reason I can't find at
the description of the commonly used form (see build.gradle): prop1 {
... } prop2 { ... }.
prop1 {} is invoking a method named prop1 and passing a closure as a parameter That code is equivalent to this:
def myClosure = {}
I also don't understand why using dots in property without the equal
sign cause MissingMethodException: No signature of method:
Something like server.URL = 'http://test:9080' is assigning a value (http://test:9080) to a property (server.URL). If you remove the equal sign you are changing the expression fundamentally and then would be invoking a method named URL on an object named server and passing http://test:9080 as a parameter.

How I could create a table model with closure put multiple variable form loop

I see this code for how create a table with closure
but now I need create a table with closure
but using a text title for create all closure variable
like this; this code get the table but using the last value of xbn in this case 4
theTable = table(){
println it
while(xbn<4) {
closureColumn(header:stx[xbn], read:{it[stx[xbn]]}) ;xbn=xbn+1 }
normally my code without loop
look like this
theTable = table(){
println it
closureColumn(header:"date", read:{it["date"]})
closureColumn(header:"product", read:{it["product"]})
closureColumn(header:"quant", read:{it["quant"]})
closureColumn(header:"weight", read:{it["weight"]})
closureColumn(header:"price", read:{it["price"]})
please help me
Most DSLs don't prevent you from using the regular groovy stuff. So you can iterate multipl times, but you have to name your closure loop vars (e.g. your outer loop is the tableModel and it's implicitly named it).
tableModel() { // it ->
"date;product;quant;weight;price".split(";").each { hdr -> // name the loop var
closureColumn(header:hdr, read:{it[hdr]})

How can I retrieve the build parameters from a queued job?

I would like to write a system groovy script which inspects the queued jobs in Jenkins, and extracts the build parameters (and build cause as a bonus) supplied as the job was scheduled. Ideas?
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each { println }
retrieves the queued items. I can't for the life of me figure out where the build parameters live.
The closest I am getting is this:
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each {
println("${}:") { key, val ->
println(" ${key}=${val}")
This gets me this:
hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty$DescriptorImpl#b744c43=hudson.mod el.ParametersDefinitionProperty#440a6d81
The params property of the queue element itself contains a string with the parameters in a property file format -- key=value with multiple parameters separated by newlines.
def q = Jenkins.instance.queue
q.items.each {
println("Parameters: ${it.params}")
dbacher params:
MyParameter=Hello world
I'm no Groovy expert, but when exploring the Jenkins scripting interface, I've found the following functions to be very helpful:
def showProps(inst, prefix="Properties:") {
println prefix
for (prop in {
def pc = ""
if (prop.value != null) {
pc = prop.value.class
println(" $prop.key : $prop.value ($pc)")
def showMethods(inst, prefix="Methods:") {
println prefix {
println " $it"
The showProps function reveals that the queue element has another property named causes that you'll need to do some more decoding on:
causes : [hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause#56af8f1c] (class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList)

Writing dynamic query results into file

I am trying to write a generic program in Groovy that will get the SQL from config file along with other parameters and put them into file.
here is the program:
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File("").toURL())
Sql sql = Sql.newInstance(config.db.url, config.db.login, config.db.password, config.db.driver);
def fileToWrite = new File(config.copy.location)
def writer = fileToWrite.newWriter()
sql.eachRow(config.sql){ res->
in the config the sql is something like this:
sql="select * from mydb"
when I run it I get
in the file. If I substitute
it outputs the actual results. What do I need to do different to get the results?
You accomplish this by using lazy evaluation of the Gstring combined with altering the delegate.
First make the Gstring lazy by making the values be the results of calling Closures:
file.rows="${->res.column1}|${->res.column2}|${-> res.column3}"
Then prior to evaluating alter the delegate of the closures:
config.file.rows.values.each {
if (Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(it.getClass())) {
it.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
it.delegate = this
The delegate must have the variable res in scope. Here is a full working example:
class Test {
Map res
void run() {
String configText = '''file.rows="${->res.column1}|${->res.column2}|${-> res.column3}"
sql="select * from mydb"'''
def slurper = new ConfigSlurper()
def config = slurper.parse(configText)
config.file.rows.values.each {
if (Closure.class.isAssignableFrom(it.getClass())) {
it.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
it.delegate = this
def results = [
[column1: 1, column2: 2, column3: 3],
[column1: 4, column2: 5, column3: 6],
results.each {
res = it
println config.file.rows.toString()
new Test().run()
The good news is that the ConfigSlurper is more than capable of doing the GString variable substitution for you as intended. The bad news is that it does this substitution when it calls the parse() method, way up above, long before you have a res variable to substitute into the parser. The other bad news is that if the variables being substituted are not defined in the config file itself, then you have to supply them to the slurper in advance, via the binding property.
So, to get the effect you want you have to parse the properties through each pass of eachRow. Does that mean you have to create a new ConfigSlurper re-read the file once for every row? No. You will have to create a new ConfigObject for each pass, but you can reuse the ConfigSlurper and the file text, as follows:
def slurper = new ConfigSlurper();
def configText = new File("scripts/").text
def config = slurper.parse(configText)
Sql sql = Sql.newInstance(config.db.url, config.db.login, config.db.password, config.db.driver);
def fileToWrite = new File(config.copy.location)
def writer = fileToWrite.newWriter()
sql.eachRow(config.sql){ result ->
slurper.binding = [res:result]
def reconfig = slurper.parse(configText)
Please notice that I changed the name of the Closure parameter from res to result. I did this to emphasize that the slurper was drawing the name res from the binding map key, not from the closure parameter name.
If you want to reduce wasted "reparsing" time and effort, you could separate the file.rows property into its own separate file. i would still read in that file text once and reuse the text in the "per row" parsing.

Element is null in foreach loop

I have a problem that I can not understand.
There is a for-each loop, and the debugger tells me there are values in the list, but the concrete body-loop says the current element is null.
How can that be?
public void test(){
List cs = ["a"];
for(String c:cs){
print c; // but c is null(sais the debugger)! The console shows "null".
Edit: Another occourence is:
List<StaticSubFoobary> getBackendSubFoobaryList(List<String> electedSubFoobaryIds) {
List<StaticSubFoobary> subFoobaries = getStaticBackendFoobaryList()?.collect { StaticMainFoobary cat -> cat.backendSortedSubFoobaries }?.flatten()
List<StaticSubFoobary> electedSubFoobaries = subFoobaries.findAll { it.numericId in electedSubFoobaryIds}
return electedSubFoobaries
Do throw an NPE
List<StaticSubFoobary> getBackendSubFoobaryList(List<String> electedSubFoobaryIds) {
List<StaticSubFoobary> subFoobaries = getStaticBackendFoobaryList()?.collect { StaticMainFoobary cat -> cat.backendSortedSubFoobaries }?.flatten()
List<StaticSubFoobary> electedSubFoobaries = []
for(StaticSubFoobary it:subFoobaries)
if(it.numericId in electedSubFoobaryIds)
return electedSubFoobaries
but the concrete body-loop says the current element is null
No it doesn't. If you run this code in the Groovy console, the assertion passes:
List cs = ["a"];
for(String c:cs){
assert c == 'a'
Conversely, if you run this code in the console the assertion fails
List cs = ["a"];
for(String c:cs){
assert c == null
Which conclusively proves that the first element of the list is "a" and not null
Trying to cast the GroovyString to String could be the problem. Try with a single quoted string literal.
I Finally checked out the project again and build it like i always did before.
The problem is gone away, not sure why but it works now!
I just have to copy all my changes to the new workspace and continue development.
Let this workaround be part of experiences.
