Element is null in foreach loop - groovy

I have a problem that I can not understand.
There is a for-each loop, and the debugger tells me there are values in the list, but the concrete body-loop says the current element is null.
How can that be?
public void test(){
List cs = ["a"];
for(String c:cs){
print c; // but c is null(sais the debugger)! The console shows "null".
Edit: Another occourence is:
List<StaticSubFoobary> getBackendSubFoobaryList(List<String> electedSubFoobaryIds) {
List<StaticSubFoobary> subFoobaries = getStaticBackendFoobaryList()?.collect { StaticMainFoobary cat -> cat.backendSortedSubFoobaries }?.flatten()
List<StaticSubFoobary> electedSubFoobaries = subFoobaries.findAll { it.numericId in electedSubFoobaryIds}
return electedSubFoobaries
Do throw an NPE
List<StaticSubFoobary> getBackendSubFoobaryList(List<String> electedSubFoobaryIds) {
List<StaticSubFoobary> subFoobaries = getStaticBackendFoobaryList()?.collect { StaticMainFoobary cat -> cat.backendSortedSubFoobaries }?.flatten()
List<StaticSubFoobary> electedSubFoobaries = []
for(StaticSubFoobary it:subFoobaries)
if(it.numericId in electedSubFoobaryIds)
return electedSubFoobaries

but the concrete body-loop says the current element is null
No it doesn't. If you run this code in the Groovy console, the assertion passes:
List cs = ["a"];
for(String c:cs){
assert c == 'a'
Conversely, if you run this code in the console the assertion fails
List cs = ["a"];
for(String c:cs){
assert c == null
Which conclusively proves that the first element of the list is "a" and not null

Trying to cast the GroovyString to String could be the problem. Try with a single quoted string literal.

I Finally checked out the project again and build it like i always did before.
The problem is gone away, not sure why but it works now!
I just have to copy all my changes to the new workspace and continue development.
Let this workaround be part of experiences.


Method return wrong type of value in Groovy

I'm working on a groovy method to look for a custom attribute and return the value if the key is found.
The problem is that the method is returning the type of value instead of the value.
// There is more code before, but its not involved with this issue.
def UUIDca = 'UUID'
String customAttributeValue = grabCustomAttribute(UUIDca, event_work)
appendLogfile("\n\nTest grabCustomAttribute: ${customAttributeValue}\n")
// Grab the Custom Message Attribute values by name
String grabCustomAttribute (String findElement, OprEvent event){
appendLogfile("""\nIN grabCustomAttribute\nElement to look: ${findElement}\n""")
def firstItem = true
if (event.customAttributes?.customAttributes?.size()) {
event.customAttributes.customAttributes.each { ca ->
// Define each CMA to catch here
appendLogfile("""\nElement: ${ca.name} - """)
appendLogfile("""Valor: ${ca.value}\n""")
if ("${ca.name}" == findElement) {
String customValue = ca.value
appendLogfile("""Custom Attribute Found\n""")
return customValue
appendLogfile is basically a print to a log file :)
This is the output I'm getting.
IN grabCustomAttribute Element to look: UUID
Element: UUID - Valor: c3bb9169-0ca3-4bcf-beb1-f94eda8ebf1a
Custom Attribute Found
Test grabCustomAttribute: [com.hp.opr.api.ws.model.event.OprCustomAttribute#940e503a]
Instead of returning the value, it returns the type of object. It's correct, but I'm looking for the value.
I believe the solution is really simple, but I'm very new to Groovy.
Any help will be appreciated.
In this case the return statement is for the closure, not for the method, so your method is actually returning the list that "each" is iterating over
The easiest approach you can take here is to use Groovy find method to find the element you are searching for. Something like this:
String grabCustomAttribute (String findElement, OprEvent event) {
return event.customAttributes.customAttributes?.find { ca -> ca.name == findElement }.value

Office JS issue with recognising ListItems

I'm trying to add a paragraph at the end of the document and escape the possibility of the newly added paragraph to be added inside a list (if the document is ending with a list).
I have the following code:
let paragraph = paragraphs.items[paragraphs.items.length - 1]
let p = paragraph.insertParagraph('', window.Word.InsertLocation.after)
if (paragraph.listItemOrNullObject) {
p.leftIndent = 0
The following happens: if there is a ListItem, the code works. If not, it breaks inside the if condition, like I wrote paragraph.listItem.
Shouldn't this be used like this?
EDIT - error thrown:
traceMessages:[] 0 items
â–¶debugInfo:{} 4 keys
toString:function (){return JSON.stringify(this)}
the issue here is that the *.isNullObject methods/properties does not return a regular js 'null' object, but a NullObject (a special framework type of null).
check out this code i rewrote it i think in a more efficient way. excuse my js, you can port it to ts.
hope this helps.
Word.run(function (context) {
var listI = context.document.body.paragraphs.getLast().listItemOrNullObject;
return context.sync()
.then(function () {
if (listI.isNullObject) { // check out how i am validating if its null.
console.log("there is no list at the end")
else {
context.document.body.paragraphs.getLast().leftIndent = 0;
return context.sync();
listItemOrNullObject will return a null object if it isn't a ListItem. Conceptually you're if is asking "if this is a list item or it isn't a list item" which effectively will also return true.
It is failing here you are attempting to detach from a non-existent list. I would take a look at isListItem. This will tell you specifically if the paragraph is a ListItem so you only execute p.detachFromList() when in fact it is part of a list.

Using getAttribute to get the class name of a webelement in Native context

Went through the java docs of getAttribute. Couldn't understand the point mentioned as :
Finally, the following commonly mis-capitalized attribute/property
names are evaluated as expected: "class" "readonly"
Could someone confirm if webElement.getAttribute("class") shall return the class name of the element or not?
Edit : On trying this myself
System.out.println("element " + webElement.getAttribute("class"));
I am getting
Note : The element does exist on the screen as I can perform actions successfully on the element :
webElement.click(); //runs successfully
WebElement webElement = <findElement using some locator strategy>;
System.out.println("element " + webElement.getAttribute("class"));
So the answer to the problem was answered on GitHub in the issues list of appium/java-client by #SergeyTikhomirov. Simple solution to this is accessing the className property as following :
webElement.getAttribute("className")); //instead of 'class' as mentioned in the doc
Method core implementation here : AndroidElement
According to this answer, yes you are doing it right. Your org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException is thrown because selenium can't find the element itself.
The sidenote you have posted, about webElement.click() actually working, is unfortunately not included in the code you have posted. Since it is not a part of the actual question, I leave this answer without adressing it.
public String getStringAttribute(final String attr)
throws UiObjectNotFoundException, NoAttributeFoundException {
String res;
if (attr.equals("name")) {
res = getContentDesc();
if (res.equals("")) {
res = getText();
} else if (attr.equals("contentDescription")) {
res = getContentDesc();
} else if (attr.equals("text")) {
res = getText();
} else if (attr.equals("className")) {
res = getClassName();
} else if (attr.equals("resourceId")) {
res = getResourceId();
} else {
throw new NoAttributeFoundException(attr);
return res;

Groovy: evaluate a property with a variable in it

A bit new to groovy, I am trying to match a variable string to a property pulled from a file using ConfigSlurper. I have the slurper part working fine, but can't seem to figure out the right way to evaluate a property with a variable in it. I think I was getting warm when I found evaluating-code-dynamically-in-groovy but I am not entirely sure.
jobs {
foo {
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File('properties.groovy').toURI().toURL())
List jobs = (ArrayList) BazAPI.getArtifacts(bucket) // list of objects, foo is one
ListIterator jobIterator = jobs.listIterator();
while (jobIterator.hasNext()) {
Object j = jobIterator.next();
job_name = "${j.name}" //
email = config.jobs."${job_name}".email /* NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO EVAL */
foo_email = config.jobs.foo.email //evaluates to the correct property in properties.groovy
//these values get fed to a DSL but to illustrate
println "${job_name}" // prints foo
println "${email}" // prints [:]
println "${foo_email}" // prints foo#email.com
Have you tried
config.jobs[ j.name ].email

How does one return from a groovy closure and stop its execution?

I would like to return from a closure, like one would if using a break statement in a loop.
For example:
largeListOfElements.each{ element->
if(element == specificElement){
// do some work
return // but this will only leave this iteration and start the next
In the above if statement I would like to stop iterating through the list and leave the closure to avoid unnecessary iterations.
I've seen a solution where an exception is thrown within the closure and caught outside, but I'm not too fond of that solution.
Are there any solutions to this, other than changing the code to avoid this kind of algorithm?
I think you want to use find instead of each (at least for the specified example). Closures don't directly support break.
Under the covers, groovy doesn't actually use a closure either for find, it uses a for loop.
Alternatively, you could write your own enhanced version of find/each iterator that takes a conditional test closure, and another closure to call if a match is found, having it break if a match is met.
Here's an example:
Object.metaClass.eachBreak = { ifClosure, workClosure ->
for (Iterator iter = delegate.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
def value = iter.next()
if (ifClosure.call(value)) {
def a = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]
a.eachBreak( { it.startsWith("b") } ) {
println "working on $it"
// prints "working on bar"
I think you're working on the wrong level of abstraction. The .each block does exactly what it says: it executes the closure once for each element. What you probably want instead is to use List.indexOf to find the right specificElement, and then do the work you need to do on it.
If you want to process all elements until a specific one was found you could also do something like this:
largeListOfElements.find { element ->
// do some work
element == specificElement
Although you can use this with any kind of "break condition".
I just used this to process the first n elements of a collection by returning
counter++ >= n
at the end of the closure.
As I understand groovy, the way to shortcut these kinds of loops would be to throw a user-defined exception. I don't know what the syntax would be (not a grrovy programmer), but groovy runs on the JVM so it would be something something like:
class ThisOne extends Exception {Object foo; ThisOne(Object foo) {this.foo=foo;}}
try { x.each{ if(it.isOk()) throw new ThisOne(it); false} }
catch(ThisOne x) { print x.foo + " is ok"; }
After paulmurray's answer I wasn't sure myself what would happen with an Exception thrown from within a closure, so I whipped up a JUnit Test Case that is easy to think about:
class TestCaseForThrowingExceptionFromInsideClosure {
void testEearlyReturnViaException() {
try {
[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ].each {
if (it == 'c') {
throw new Exception("Found c")
catch (Exception exe) {
The output of the above is:
Found c
But remember that "one should NOT use Exceptions for flow control", see in particular this Stack Overflow question: Why not use exceptions as regular flow of control?
So the above solution is less than ideal in any case. Just use:
class TestCaseForThrowingExceptionFromInsideClosure {
void testEarlyReturnViaFind() {
def curSolution
[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ].find {
curSolution = it
return (it == 'c') // if true is returned, find() stops
System.out.println("Found ${curSolution}")
The output of the above is also:
Found c
Today I faced a similar problem while working with each closure. I wanted to break the flow of execution based on my condition but couldn't do it.
The easiest way to do in groovy is to use any() on a list instead of each if you wish to return a boolean based on some condition.
Good ole for loop still works in Groovy for your use case
for (element in largeListOfElements) {
if(element == specificElement){
// do some work
