monotouch implement singleton Admob ads - xamarin.ios

I am trying to implement Admob ads in my App.
After a few tests I made with previous apps, i have realized that a static Ad between screens usually make a better eCPM.
So I have searched a bit and found a post on implementing a singleton for Admob - unfortunetally it's written in objective-C.
I wonder if someone implemented something similar in monotouch or maybe implemented something which will get the same result.
This is the relevant post:
Creating A GADBannerView Singleton in AdMob Applications
Thanks for your help!

I would just make a static variable using Lazy<T>:
private static Lazy<GADBannerView> _adBanner = new Lazy<GADBannerView>(() => new GADBannerView());
public static GADBannerView AdBanner
get { return _adBanner.Value; }
You could put this in your AppDelegate, or just in a static class.


Autofac Dependency Injection in Azure Function

I am trying to implement DI using Autofac IOC in Azure function.
I need to build the container, but not sure where to put the code to build the container
I did write a blog entry for doing dependency injection with Autofac in Azure Functions. Have a look here:
Azure Function Dependency Injection with AutoFac: Autofac on Functions
It follows a similar approach like the one by Boris Wilhelms.
Another implementation based on Boris' approach can be found on github: autofac dependency injection
-- update ---
With Azure Function v2 it is possible to create nuget packages based on .net standard. Have a look onto
Azure Functions Dependency Injection with Autofac: Autofac on Functions nuget Package
I think for now you would need to do something ugly like:
public static string MyAwesomeFunction(string message)
if (MyService == null)
var instantiator = Initialize();
MyService = instantiator.Resolve<IService>();
return MyService.Hello(message);
private static IService MyService = null;
private static IContainer Initialize()
// Do your IoC magic here
While Azure Functions does not support DI out of the box, it is possible to add this via the new Extension API. You can register the container using an IExtensionConfigProvider implementation. You can find a full example DI solution in Azure here
Azure Functions doesn't support dependency injection yet. Follow this issue for the feature request
I've written a different answer to the main question, with a different solution, totally tied to the main question.
Previous solutions were either manually initializing a DI or using the decorator way of doing it. My idea was to tie the DI to the Functions Builder in the same way we do with aspnet, without decorators.
I don't know why my post got deleted by #MartinPieters, it seems that it was not even read.
I found no way to officially disagree with that decision, so I kindly ask that the moderator read my answer again and undelete it.
You can do it using a custom [inject] attribute. See example here

MVC5, OWIN, and Ninject - GetOwinContext Issues

I have an MVC5 project that is doing OwinStartup, and I'm using Ninject.MVC5, Ninject.Web.Common.OwinHost, etc.
I have NinjectWebCommon bootstrapping DI and things were working just fine. Until I started playing with the identity code.
I need to issue a password reset token, which requires a DataProtectionProvider. No problem, the ApplicationUserManager wires that up in the Create method, which is bound to the OwinContext during startup in Startup.Auth.cs:
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
In my NinjectWebCommon I have the following registrations:
.ToMethod(ctx => HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationDbContext>())
.ToMethod(ctx => HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>())
The problem I'm having is that the token isn't being issued. Why isn't that what my question is about? Well, if I get an instance of the ApplicationUserManager using the Create myself and use that, things work flawlessly.
Next on my plate a reported user creation bug. Hyphens aren't working in usernames. In that same ApplicationUserManager.Create method, is the UserValidator code that's overriding the default AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames value.
Again, if I use a self created dependency, it works as expected. This seems to indicate Ninject's injected dependency isn't using the ApplicationUserManager.Create'd version.
I'm guessing this has to do with the call to: HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext??
Is there something I need to do in order to inject something that relies on the owin context or something else I need to do while registering my resolver?
I've seen other questions here showing UseNinjectMiddleware and UseNinjectWebApi. I tried that approach, but didn't have any luck, nothing was being injected in...
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Using hooks to trigger a process

I am trying to work out how to use the Hooks and just can't seem to get the syntax correct.
I have built a site using PirahnaCMS that has a blog component and am extending it to call some social plugins and auto post to FB, Twitter etc.
I just can't seem to get the syntax correct though. My app is MVC and I have looked at this section
If you're using ASP.NET MVC hooks should be attached in you Global.asax.cs in the Application_Start method, or any other place where you keep you startup code. You attach you hooks with the followin syntax:
protected void Application_Start() {
Piranha.WebPages.Hooks.Menu.RenderItemLink = (ui, str, title, url) => {
str.Append(String.Format("<span>{1}</span>", url, title)) ;
} ;
The Hook I believe I want to use is Piranha.WebPages.Hooks.Manager.PostEditModelAfterSave but for the life of me I can't seem to work it out.
All of the hooks are just static delegates that you can attach methods to. In the above example an anonymous method has been assigned to the hook with the syntax:
delegate += (parameters) => { method body }
You could also assign a previously declared method.
delegate += MyMethod
Example skeletons for attaching hooks should be available in the Docs at the official site. If not you can find the hooks in the file:
And all delegates in:
I hope these URL:s are correct as I'm typing from memory :)

Can I proxy a ServiceStack Service?

I'm wondering if it's possible to have ServiceStack use an AOP-proxied service, instead of the main implementation. I would like to avoid having the class that inherits from ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Service simply be a wrapper, if possible. It looks to me like it will need to be, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask, to be sure.
I am looking for a way to achieve this, to proxy the services of a ServiceStack app.
Till now what I have learned is that: The only way we can generate a proxy to a service like
public class AllReqstars : IReturn<List<Reqstar>> { }
public class ReqstarsService : Service
public virtual List<Reqstar> Any(AllReqstars request)
return Db.Select<Reqstar>();
Is using a Custom Service Generation Strategy. And generating proxies of IService interface with class target and marking all the method of the service as virtual.
I have not tested this yet and even I do not know (and this is what I am researching for now) if ServiceStack can handle a service generator delegate so I can use Castle's DynamicProxy.
Good luck!

Examples of EventKitUi or EventKit in Monotouch

I am new to app development, but have developed in .Net sense inception. I was wondering if someone has any examples of how to use the EventKitUI.
My goal is to have a calendar view in my app and then if they choose to add it to their calendar they can.
I also want to be able to link to pdf documents from the content of the event.
Do you mean something like this?
class Testclass{
public event EventHandler Clicked;
public Testclass{
public void FireEvent(){
this.Clicked(this,new EventArgs());
} }
