2 Weblogic cluster in the same network - linux

we have 2 servers (dev/int), one of this has 3 Weblogic clusters with one managed server and different mutlicast addresses.
server 1 has the multicast addresses and and for ione of his cluster
server 2 has the multicast addresses and and for ione of his cluster
The admin and managed servers starts without errors. The managed servers connect to his clusters and it looks well.
Both server are in the same network (a.b.c.d/24) and connected to the same switch.
If I deploy a service to one of this cluster e.g., I received an timeout. With netstat I see connection to the other cluster from server 2 ( In the log of this cluster (server2), I saw the try of service deployment from server1. So after I stopped the clusters of server2, I can deploy the service on server1 without any trouble.
Where is the problem? To much multicast addresses in one network?
So maybe anybody can help me, thanks!
EDIT (10.05.2013):
Some days ago I take a new install of this server with his 3 cluster configurations. Maybe I had a mistake in my configuration.
In this new installation I had the same error, now I looked again on server2 with netstat -la --numeric-ports and see two connections to the another server1. It look like this:
tcp 0 0 server2:8088 server1:57963 ESTABLISHED
tcp 2 0 server2:7890 server1:34010 ESTABLISHED
Each connection will be created by a start from a managed server. But only this two connections with every same source ports.

I solved the problem by defined a special coherence.clusteraddress in the default start environment.
I add following lines by updating the EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES variable in the setDomainEnv.sh script inside of the bin directory of the soa and osb domain. For server1 and server2 I used different clusteraddresses.
-Dtangosol.coherence.clusteraddress= -Dtangosol.coherence.clusterport=31323 -Dtangosol.coherence.ttl=0 -Dtangosol.coherence.log=jdk
-Dtangosol.coherence.clusteraddress= -Dtangosol.coherence.clusterport=31324 -Dtangosol.coherence.ttl=0 -Dtangosol.coherence.log=jdk
More information are in this links.
https:// blogs.oracle.com/ateamsoab2b/entry/coherence_in_soa_suite_11g and the link below of this site.


"Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused" error when trying to get two Azure VMs to communicate on different ports

I have two Azure VMs I set up to test a program I made. The program is to be run on both VMs, where synchronous operations are performed, requiring the VMs to communicate with eachother on different ports using TCP protocols. To access my Azure VMs, I SSH'd into them on port 22 using Putty on my local machine. The VMs are on the same subnet, and I am trying to get them to communicate with eachother via their public IP. I have set up both VMs inbound rules to accept messages from eachother on any port, using any protocol here is an example of this.
During the execution of my program, I encounter the following error "Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused". After this, I did some investigating. First, I had both VMs ping eachother, which they successfully did. Then, on both VMs, I ran the command "telnet other.ip 22", where other.ip is the other VMs public IP. This seems to work, as seen in this image. When I run "telnet other.ip 6000", or any other port besides 22 for that matter, I get the same error of "Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused". My rational is that if I can get the "telnet" command running on any port, that my program will likely work too.
I am not too sure what my issue could be at this point, and my internet searches have not helped me. I doubt there is an issue of a port being backlogged with communication requests given my current inbound rules. Also, I did try to change my inbound rules so that my VMs would receive messages on any port, using any protocol, from any source, which resulted in the same error (I then changed it back from 'any source' to only my other VMs public IP for security purposes).
According to your description, you may check two points:
If there is any firewall inside the VM that is blocking the connection from the external network with port 6000. For example, if you are using Ubuntu VM, you can refer to How to Set Up a Firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04. Then disable the firewall with the command sudo ufw disable or add a firewall rule to verify this.
Run the command on Linux to see open ports. sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN. You should see port 6000 in the output. If not, it might mean that your program is not started well.
Let me know if you have any concerns.
Check your firewall rules. If your organization tent to use firewall then add port 6000 in inbound and outbound chain.
you can connect the remote host with port number only when it is in listening state.
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN.

run 3 web servers on the same port

Well i have a machine and i want to do a very simple thing, on this machine i have 3 DNS records,
for example is the ip of the machine itself
test1.whatever.net -
test2.whatever.net -
test3.whatever.net -
We would like the traffic coming through each DNS record to be
handled by each corresponding service.
Create 3 very simple scripts that act as a website using any language
or platform (suggested NodeJs), that echo the name of the service
when calling the DNS record (e.g. "service1", "service2" and
how do i do that?
All of the services must run on port 80
The machine is AWS Linux 2
What http server are you using?
Usually you can solve this issue with creating virtual hosts. In Apache it would look like this: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/examples.html
There you can define, based on the DNS request, which folder the webserver should use to present the client.
Another option, but this might be more complex, when you setup an nginx proxy. https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server/reverse-proxy/

Glassfih and Apache configuration with two NIC cards

I've an Ubuntu 16.04 server with two NIC cards. Both of them are configured with static IP and set to different hosts.
At this time, I've running Apache and glassfish through the same interface (only one of the cards), Apache listen on the port 80 and glassfish the 8080 (classic configuration).
Now I want to enable the second NIC in order to allow glassfish to listen the port 80. This way I'll have Apache listening port 80 of the first NIC and Glassfish the port 80 with the other card and different domain. However I can't accomplish that.
By the moment I've tried the following configurations but neither of them works:
Creating a new http-listener with port 80 and with address equal to the second nic IP address.
Creating a virtual server, set the host to the second nic IP address, and then the http-listener with port 80.
Create a new domain with --keytooloption CN=my.domain.name and with that domain make the two things upon (while creating this domain --instanceport 80 is not permitted, a message said that 80 port is in use, but from my point of view, port 80 is in use but by different interface...?).
Some different domain.xml adjustments like ports, hosts, etc.
I've been reading Glassfish documentation the last two or three days and didn't find the answer yet.
Both nic cards are on the same net, for example:
111.222.333.1 and the other 111.222.333.2
I didn't try with different sub nets maybe changing the second NIC IP to 111.222.444.2, however I don't have the necessary privileges to make those changes and before ask to the IT people on the company, and change other configurations, I'll like to know if someone of you have ever been on a similar scenario? does anyone have any idea? suggestions?
After several attempts I get with the right configuration.
Step 1
As the server have Apache and Glassfish servers, by default, apache configuration listen port 80 for all IPs, so is the first thing to change:
change line "Listen 80" by "Listen ###.###.###.###:80" having ###... as the apache desired ip address
Then restart apache
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Step 2
Create http-listener for Glassfish on the port 80 for the second IP:
sudo ./asadmin create-http-listener --listeneraddress ###.###.###.### --listenerport 80 --acceptorthreads 16 --securityenabled=false --default-virtual-server server myListenerName
Step 3
If you already have Glassfish installed (like my case) it was already listening to the previous IP (apache one) but in 8080 port, in order to listen to the new IP, a new virtual server needs to be created:
./asadmin create-virtual-server --hosts my.domain.name --networklisteners myListenerName myservername
Step 4
At the time of http-listener "myListenerName" creation, it needed to be linked to a server, so the only available at that time was the default one: "server". So then manually update domain.xml in order to delete myListenerName from the network-listeners of server and add it to the virtual-server "myservername". At the end it looks like the above:
<virtual-server network-listeners="http-listener-1,http-listener-2" id="server"></virtual-server>
<virtual-server network-listeners="myListenerName" hosts="my.domain.nama" id="myservername"></virtual-server>
Step 5
Re start glassfish
./asadmin stop-domain domain1
./asadmin start-domain domain1
Step 6
Deploy any application to the new server
./asadmin deploy --virtualservers myservername /path/to/my.war
Step 7
I hope this info helps somebody!
If I may, I wrote a blog post on this at:
Hope this helps

How to verify a CouchDB 2.0 cluster setup

I just set my three CouchDB instances as a cluster, this is how I did when I set it up:
Add "-kernel inet-dist-listen-minimum/maxinum" from 9100 to 9200 to the vm.args file. and shut down the firewall
Set three couchdb instanes' using the same admin and passwords.
Change binding address to for both chttpd and httpd section in Fauxton
Choos one of the couchdb instance to set up as cluster then add two nodes (by entering their ip address)
All done
After these steps, I believe the cluster should be set up properly, however, when I ran the command
curl http://username:login#localhost/_membership
on three VMs, only the main one of the three nodes showed it had three members in the cluster( nodes).
This is what it looks like when in http://localhost:9000/_membership (It's a ssh tunnel to connect to the port 5984 from my computer) :
And this is what the other instances show:
So now I have got two questions:
Did I set the cluster it correctly?
How can I tell if I set it properly?

AWS EC2 Error: The site can't be reached - ec2.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com took too late to respond. Deploy NodeJS

I currently have an EC2 instance up and running with Amazon Linux running and transferred my project (which contains both React/NodeJS/Express) onto the EC2 instance via SFTP using FileZilla.
For the EC2's Security Groups, I opened a port for 3000 (protocol: tcp, source:, which is how my Express is defined as well.
So I sshed into EC2 instance and ran the project's Express, and sees it listening to port 3000 within the terminal. But once I hit the Public DNS with ec2...us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:3000, it says The site can't be reached - ec2...us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com took too late to respond.
What could be the issue and how can I go about from here to connect to it?
Thank you in advance and will upvote/accept answer.
Just check if your Node.js server is running on the EC2 instance.
Check first if It working locally properly.
Check for the node.js server in EC2.
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :3000
try to run server with --verbose flag i.e npm run server --verbose
it will show logs of the server while starting.
Check for the security group Setting for the EC2 instance.
try to connect with the ip:port i.e 35.2..:3000
If still it not working and response taking long time.
that means some other service is running on the same port.
try this in ec2:
sudo killall -9 node
npm run server
And connect with using IP(54.4.5.*:3000) or public DNS (http://ec2...us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:3000).
Hope It will help :)
You may be encountering an issue with outbound traffic. You may be inside a company's network, either physically connected or VPN'd in. In some instances, your VPN isnt set up to handle split traffic, so you must abide by your company's outbound restrictions.
In a situation like this, you would want to use a proxy to access your site. when locking down your security group, make sure you use your proxy's public IP (not your company's).
Usually, when we have connectivity issues, it is something basic or a firewall. I assume you have checked whether a firewall is running on either end, eg. iptables -L -n. Also, any protocol analyzer like wireshark or tcpdump would tell you where packets to port 3000 are visible.
