woocommerce get attribute terms - attributes

In Woocommerce you can add global product attributes and terms. So for instance:
Size (attribute)
small (term)
medium (term)
large (term)
This is product independent. You can then select from the pre defined attributes on a product.
I need to get all of the terms in an attribute with php. So select the attribute required, eg size, and then return an array including [small,medium,large].
Seems simple enough but I can't find any help on doing this.

Slightly confusing, especially when looking through the WooCommerce Docs since there is absolutely no mention of getting a list of the terms/attributes.
The Attributes are saved as a custom taxonomy, and the terms are taxonomy terms. That means you can use native Wordpress functions: Wordpress get_terms() Function Reference
By clicking on an attribute in WooCommerce, you can look in the URL and you can see they are all prepended with 'pa_'
This is likely what you need:
$terms = get_terms("pa_size");
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
echo "<option>" . $term->name . "</option>";

I wanted to be able to get all the different attributes from the backend that were set, and get them in an array for me to work with, I took some code from the class-wc-admin-attributes.php file and modified it for my needs:
$attribute_taxonomies = wc_get_attribute_taxonomies();
$taxonomy_terms = array();
if ($attribute_taxonomies) :
foreach ($attribute_taxonomies as $tax) :
if (taxonomy_exists(wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($tax->attribute_name))) :
$taxonomy_terms[$tax->attribute_name] = get_terms(wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($tax->attribute_name), 'orderby=name&hide_empty=0');
This will loop through all the attribute taxonomies, retrieve the terms for each, leaving you with an array of term objects to work with for each taxonomy.

Since 4.5.0, taxonomies should be passed via the ‘taxonomy’ argument in the $args array:
$terms = get_terms( array(
'taxonomy' => 'pa_taxonyname',
'hide_empty' => false,
) );
For example, if the taxonomy slug is 'date', so the taxonomy will be 'pa_date'.
You can also mouse over the attribute name and see the taxonomy name at the bottom of the browser.
I hope it helps!

I use this:
echo '<h1>variations</h1>';
mario( $product->get_available_variations());
echo '<h1>Atributos</h1>';
echo '<h1>Poste Terms</h1>';
mario(wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'pa_color'));
function mario($texto){
echo '<pre>';var_dump($texto);echo '</pre>';
Really with: "wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'pa_color')" i search only one term, but the idea is to loop for the key ['name'] that return that function.

Get all attributes with attribute terms in woocommerce.
$attributes = wc_get_attribute_taxonomies();
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$attribute->attribute_terms = get_terms(array(
'taxonomy' => 'pa_'.$attribute->attribute_name,
'hide_empty' => false,


How to override template file item-list.html.twig for field_slider_images in Drupal 8?

I want to override the item listing template file core/themes/classy/templates/dataset/item-list.html.twig for listing the fields field_slider_images as well as field_blog_tags respectively of their's multiple values of the field.
I have selected "Unordered List" in the view.
Please do check the attached image.
I have created following files :
But, this is not rendered for the listing of the fields.
When I have created item-list.html.twig then only it will access.
However, both fields have different data to style and I am not able to get the current field name which is loading it's data in item-list.html.twig.
Had a brief look at this and it doesn't seem that 'item-list' to have suggestions, which is quite unfortunate.
In this situation there are two options:
Create your own suggestion which would accomplish exactly what you need.
You'll have to do something like this:
/*add new variable to theme with suggestion name*/
function hook_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$theme_registry['item_list']['variables']['suggestion'] = '';
//send a value to newly added variable to use it build the suggestion
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#suggestion'] = 'field_slider_images';
//use newly added variable to build suggestion
function hook_theme_suggestions_THEME_HOOK(array $variables) {//THEME_HOOK=item_list
$suggestions = array();
$suggestions[] = 'item_list__' . $variables['suggestion'];
return $suggestions;
Now you should be able to use item-list--field-slider-images.html.twig
Second option is to do what others in core did: use a new theme
function hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view(array &$build, $entity, $display, $view_mode) {
//add condition here if field exists or whatever, do the same for other field
$build['field_slider_images']['#theme'] = array(

Woocommerce add attribute info to product shortcode

I want to add a product's size attribute to the product information shown by the Woocommerce [product] shortcode.
Is there a way to do this? I don't think it is a standard parameter to the shortcode so am assuming the code will need amending?
You could either unregister and re-register your own version of the shortcode OR the [product] shortcode displays content via
<?php wc_get_template_part( 'content', 'product' ); ?>
Therefore you can customize the the content-product.php template in your own theme via template overrides or via hooks/filters. (The content-product.php template is mostly just a few action hooks so it looks a little sparse if you aren't familiar with hooks.)
I would probably go the hooks route. Assuming your attribute is called "pa_size" (WooCommerce always prefaces the attribute with "pa_" so it know that the taxonomy is a "product attribute") I would add the following to my theme's functions.php
function kia_add_size_attr(){
global $product;
$attribute_name = "pa_size";
$results = wc_get_product_terms( $product->id, $attribute_name, array('fields' => 'names') );
if ( $results ) {
echo '<label>' . wc_attribute_label($attribute_name) . ': </label>' . implode( ', ', $results );
add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'kia_add_size_attr' );
Do keep in mind that this will add the attribute to every "loop" product with a size attribute. If you only want to apply it to the shortcode, then you probably need to write your own shortcode.

Order posts by date or keyword

I want to enable website visitors to order WordPress posts on the category page by date posted or by search keyword, similarly to how it's done on this page:
I'd appreciate a plugin recommendation or any other suggestion from knowledgeable people.
Thank you in advance!
WordPress has order and orderby options you can use in the query.
$args = array('order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'name');
$query = new WP_Query($args);
while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post();
// echo out the title, excerpt
Your example page uses GET variables.
So you need to create a form with method="GET" that submit GET data to the current page. Then, using PHP, you can check if any GET data is set (in this case, selSort and txtKeyword). If either of those are set, put them into your query. Then you can modify the query to resemble this:
$args = array('order' => $_GET['selSort'], 'orderby' => $_GET['txtKeyword']);
$query = new WP_Query($args);
while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post();
// echo out the title, excerpt

Paginator (Migration from Cake 1.3 to 2.0)

I am struggling with the paginator in Cakephp 2.0. While I am trying to migrate my application to 2.0 I cant find any solution to jump directly to the last page. In 1.3 it was quiet to do that from outside like this:
echo $this->Html->link(__('Flights'), array('controller' => 'flights',
'action' => 'index','page' => 'last'));
but this little trick putting 'page:last' in does not work anymore in 2.0. Of course there is a Paginator function called last, but this would only help if I would be already inside the app. My Problem is to access from an outside link directly the last page of the paginator.
This is the simple way:
echo $this->Paginator->last('Any text');
Other way to get the number of the last page is:
echo $this->Paginator->counter(array('format' => '{:pages}'));
Then you can use it to generate your link.
For more info:
Shortly after creating a bounty for this question I found the solution to MY problem using CakePHP 2.2.4. I was trying to accomplish the same task but instead using version 2.2.4 instead instead of 2.0. Basically if I had a link that looked like http://www.domain.com/articles/page:last that the controller's pagination method would know what page to go to and display the correct results (articles) for that page. For example, if I have 110 articles and the pagination limit is set to 25, by going to that URL it would display page 5 of 5, showing records 101-110. I also wanted the same capability if I go to “page:first”.
I needed to change my library file lib/Cake/Controller/Component/PaginatorComponent.php.
I changed
if (intval($page) < 1) {
$page = 1;
if ((intval($page) < 1 && $page != "last") || $page == "first") {
$page = 1;
I also added
if($page == "last"){
$page = $pageCount;
After the line
$pageCount = intval(ceil($count / $limit));
Christian Waschke, with this solution, you can use the same link helper exactly how you wrote it in your question. For me, the link helper looked like this
<?php echo $this->Html->link('Go to Last Page', array('controller' => 'articles', 'action' => 'index', 'page' => 'last')); ?>
You can 'calculate' the last page yourself if 'last' is passed as the page number;
I would discourage making modifications in the CakePHP library files as this will make it hard to perform upgrades in the future.
Basically, the PaginatorHelper uses viewVars that are calculated and set by the PaginatorComponent, as seen here: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/lib/Cake/Controller/Component/PaginatorComponent.php#L212
You can replicate this in your action; for example:
public function index()
if (!empty($this->request->params['named']['page'])) {
switch($this->request->params['named']['page']) {
case 'first':
// replace the 'last' with actual number of the first page
$this->request->params['named']['page'] = 1;
case 'last':
// calculate the last page
$limit = 10; // your limit here
$count = $this->Flight->find('count');
$pageCount = intval(ceil($count / $limit));
// replace the 'last' with actual number of the last page
$this->request->params['named']['page'] = $pageCount;
// then, paginate as usual
$this->set('data', $this->paginate('Flight'));
To improve this, this logic should be moved to a separate method, or to a behavior. However; as seen above, it is not required to make modifications in the PaginatorComponent!
Also note that the 'find(count)' in my example does not take additional conditions, they should be added if required
If you have a look in the CakePHP 1.3 source for paginate(), the code above is comparable; https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/1.3/cake/libs/controller/controller.php#L1204

Magento - get filterable attributes by category

I have created a custom navigation module specifically for a website, but I really want to be able to list filterable attributes by a specific category. So for instance my main navigation is:
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3 etc.
I then that when a user mouses over a category, they are then presented with an expanded menu with a few filterable options e.g.:
Category 1
View by manufacturer:
Manufacturer 1
Manufacturer 2
Manufacturer 3 etc.
I am able to get all filterable attributes for the store, but I want this list to pull in only the filterable attributes per category, as for instance Category 1 may have different manufacturers to Category 2. I then need to cache these results as this will not change often.
The answer that Joe gave was a good starting point, but the attributes didn't returned any options yet. After a lot of frustrations I solved the problem with the following code. Hope it helps all of you out.
$layer = Mage::getModel("catalog/layer");
foreach($categories as $categoryid) {
$category = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($categoryid);
$attributes = $layer->getFilterableAttributes();
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if ($attribute->getAttributeCode() == 'price') {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_price';
} elseif ($attribute->getBackendType() == 'decimal') {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_decimal';
} else {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_attribute';
$result = $this->getLayout()->createBlock($filterBlockName)->setLayer($layer)->setAttributeModel($attribute)->init();
foreach($result->getItems() as $option) {
echo $option->getLabel().'<br/>';
echo $option->getValue();
The only thing you'll need to do yourself is create the correct link using the getValue() functions.
This code has been tested in Magento 1.5
Magento uses the model Catalog_Model_Layer to accomplish this, so I'm guessing this may be your best bet. Caveat emptor, I have not tested this code yet:
$layer = Mage::getModel("catalog/layer");
foreach($categories as $categoryid) {
$category = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($categoryid);
$attributes = $layer->getFilterableAttributes();
// do something with your attributes
Each iteration here will give you an object of the class Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Attribute_Collection, which you should be able to iterate over in a foreach loop to get your desired output.
For caching, try enabling block caching on your site and give the block a cache tag like the following. Magento will cache the HTML output and all will be right with the world:
protected function _construct() {
'cache_lifetime' => 3600,
'cache_tags' => array(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::CACHE_TAG),
'cache_key' => $someUniqueIdentifierYouCreate,
The cache will only be valid for the key you pass, so make sure that, if the menu is to change (w/o flushing the cache, for instance), that the cache key is different.
Hope that helps!
