Issue with php code on azure - azure

I am trying to run the PHP code shown on this page - (scroll down a bit).
This worked fine on my rackspace cloudsite but now that I have moved to azure it doesn't run at all. I saw some things about curl not being support on azure but it appears to be running and I saw a post in March 2013 it is now supported on azure.
Any idea why that code would not run in Azure Websites?

You should first enable PHP Error Output, to get a detailed information about the error. I found this article on google:
If missing curl is the problem, you can install the curl extention this way:

I had a similar issue, which was resolved with information in this article:


Azure pipelines not loading in JIRA

Been facing this for a few days already. I wonder if there's anyone else having this kind of issue.
I go to My Apps in JIRA and select "Azure Pipelines for JIRA" then click on "Get Started" (I had already configured this once so it worked before) and get the following error:
Error and console from JIRA
It mentions deprecated JS, cookies, and a server 500 error. Not sure what needs to be done here.
I can reproduce this issue and try to install the plugin via a new account again, I will get the 500 issue.
I have report this issue in the GitHub and Azure DevOps Developer Community, you could follow these links to get the latest news.
Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.
Produce team response:
We have run into additional issues, and would need a couple more weeks. I am working on it to get the fix in place as soon as possible.

API Connect shows "Cannot GET /apim/" error when updating schema

I have API Connect installed with mongodb connector over a remote server.
When I access the IBM API Connect through browser, all is fine, but when I go to DataSources where my DB is, and try to hit Update Schema button as shown in the image, an error occurs showing this:
Cannot GET /apim/dataSources/partials/dataSourceMigrate.html
P.S. I gave full permission for my project directory (/var/www/) with full ownership for www-data group and still the same.
Anyhelp would be appreciated.
FINALLY AND AFTER 2 MONTHS OF WAITING, I've got an answer from IBM Bluemix Support and sorry to bring the bad news, which is the following:
Hi Ghassan,
Thanks for sending the additional files. I checked with our development team and they found a bug in the code.
The fix will be available in a future release of the apic command line, but I don't have a date for it yet.
I will further discuss the plans to release this fix and will update you as soon as possible.
IBM Bluemix Developer Support and Enablement Team
A fix has been provided for this issue in iFix versions of, as well as newer versions of API Connect. If you are still experiencing this issue, please update to a later version that includes the fix.

Why does my Umbraco installation from within the Azure Marketplace always fail?

I am trying to install Umbraco by using the Azure Marketplace. There they offer a template for it. I am always receiving the error below. I tried to install it a couple of times now but I always get the same error.
Does anybody know what this error message means? Is anybody able to install Umbraco by using the template in the Azure Marketplace?
You're asking 2 questions above.
Please see my answers and proposed troubleshooting guide/workaround below:
The error message means that the MSDeploy process failed due to some error which renders it unable to deploy the web deploy package for your Umbraco web app.
Yes I am able to provision a Umbraco web app from the Azure Market successfully (Location: Central US) and couldn't reproduce your issue
Troubleshooting Guide:
Append .scm in front of the of your Umbraco Web App as shown below and go to the Url.
Click on the Diagnostic Dump. You will be prompted to download a .zip file
Extract the zip file. You should see 2 folders at root level
Go into
You should see the detail log files for MSDeploy
Detailed MSDeploy log messages are in the appManagerLog.xml file.
If it is related to client side issue which can be resolved by yourself, you can try to resolve it and try again.
If it is related to server side issue, you should create a support ticket for Microsoft to look into with the detailed MSDeploy log which pinpoints the root cause which will help them a lot.
Hope this is useful.
A Microsoft employee confirmed this is a bug in the application currently. I have to wait for a fix.
I have encountered numerous problems with the Azure installer of Umbraco, try setting it up in VS2015 then publishing it to Azure. I have found that this works well.

Receive 400 Bad Request from Image Resizer request in Azure

ImageResizer is running as an Azure virtual application (after ImageResizer hotfix). This runs fine in Azure emulation but is having problems in Azure cloud. Image Resizer is working fine if no query string arguments are specified and the url redirects to blob storage, but if a query string argument is specified then I receive a 400 "Bad Request" error.
Below is a screenshot of my browser:
My Azure instance is running Windows Server 2012. I have also disabled the DiskCache plugin to reduce the problem.
I got the same problem as You. I used fiddler to see if I could figure out what went wrong and I think I fixed it. It's a problem with AzureReader2 and how it concatenates URL'S.
A specific example from fiddler is this URL:
As you can see it got two slashes in a row which gives you the 400 "bad request".
I downloaded the sourcecode for AzureReader2 and replaced all occurrences of "CloudBlobClient.BaseUri.OriginalString" with "CloudBlobClient.BaseUri.OriginalString.TrimEnd('/', '\')"
I don't know if it's the best fix, but at least it's working until a better fix comes. If you are interested, I can send you the compiled dll.
Best Regards
I would have added this as a comment in reply to user2486535, but my StackOverflow rep is not sufficient for posting comments yet...
You are probably getting the 400 Bad Request at this time because the latest version of Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage ( is not compatible with the current Storage Emulator released with the Windows Azure SDK (2.2).
It's explained at the bottom of this article, under "Storage Emulator Guidance":
As of January 27, Microsoft has released a preview version of the Windows Azure Storage Emulator (2.2.1) that is compatible with Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage (
Hopefully this helps you get by until the next official release of the Windows Azure SDK.

WebPICmdLine.exe not working on Windows Azure

I am working on Windows Azure SDK 1.4 version. I have written an sample application having a startp script. Script is as below:
"%~dp0\WebPICmdLine.exe" /Products: WDeploy /xml: /log:webdeploy.txt
net stop wmsvc
net start wmsvc
If application is deployed on Azure along with this script, webrole goes in busy and aborted state. If I remove this script and deploy an application, it works fine, without any error.
Is anyone faced this kind of issue or anyone has an idea about this issue? OR
anyone know how I can see log file /log:webdeploy.txt mentioned in command and where this file wil be located after deploying an application on Windows Azure?
Anykind of suggestion are welcome.
got the answer:
Please refer link
To work command, we need to add paramerer /accepteula
Now, if I run command as mentioned below, its working fine.
"%~dp0\WebPICmdLine.exe" /accepteula /Products: WDeploy /xml: /log:webdeploy.txt
