Google Checkout And Node - node.js

Is There A Pre Existing Node.js Module For Using Google Wallet/Checkout So I Don't Have To Make The JWTs Myself But Just Plugin The Product Info?

Check these: A Google Checkout API implementation for node.js
Github page:
Npm page:
Hope it fits your needs.

No it is no longer maintained as Google moved on to Google Wallet instead of Google checkout.
Have a look at this linknode-google-checkout


passport-google-oauth2 vs passport-google-oauth20 packages

These 2 packages look very similar:
Is one supersede the other or they serve different purpose? New to Google authentication and still trying to make it work.
passport-google-oauth20 has 10x the use of the other, and it has more recent commits.
One of the properties in the profile response for passport-google-oauth2 is isPlusUser, which suggests that it is not up to date. The readme in the github repository does not match the documentation, and there are a few links in the passport docs that no longer work.
To be fair, I've only ever used passport-google-oauth20. It's possible that pass-port-google-oauth2 works fine, but there is currently a lot more community support for 20.
Hope this helps!
I have the same question. It is pretty confusing. One is much more popular than the other.
Google is using passport-google-oauth20 in their Node tutorial examples.

Google Adwords and Node.js: library or different way to access API?

Is there a node.js library for google adwords? Or what is the current recommended way to access Adwords from node.js?
There's this question/answer. I guess this is not up-to-date?
As I can see no js-library here, I assume, I should use something else...
There is no official library written in JS or Node.Js.
You can search on for a package provided by the community.
This one looks to be the most advanced (full features) and up-to-date (last revision was some hours ago). There is no issue opened and npmjs says that it is quite dowloaded often (300/month), so I would go for it.

Paypal Express checkout - which one should I use Classic API Vs Rest API

Is paypal express checkout supported or not. While downloading the merchannt SDK samples I found this
"This Classic SDK is not actively supported and will be deprecated in the future. For full support on new integrations, please use the PayPal REST API SDK for .NET"
I need the express check out option. Which one should I use?
I am kind of confused. Can I use merchant SDK the classic one or go with the REST API?
The message about deprecation for the SDK is a bit misleading. PayPal have new REST APIs and also the Braintree SDKs, and these are the products that should be used for integrations going forward for the vast majority of merchants.
However, for enterprise merchants, and especially customers with specific product features that are not currently supported on the new platforms, Express Checkout is still the best solution, and it will continue to be for some time. So the deprecation message is intended to guide to the new APIs, rather than indicate a lack of support or functionality.
PaySharp.NET is an open source .NET SDK, and should meet your requirements, given that it is specifically designed to support Express Checkout. Here is an in-depth tutorial on the subject.

How to... Node js with Google/Facebook OAuth signin and Google Checkout

Hi I am totally new to Nodejs, but would anyone point me in the right direction on how I can quickly get Nodejs running with Google/facebook/openid single sign-on and google checkout integration.
Passport package seems to be the best. You can find a lot of useful modules on node wiki page in GitHub.
For Single Sign On, check out Passport-SAML module

How do I access Google AdWords API with Node.js?

Is there a way to use node.js to access and manage a google adwords account?
I'm the author of an unofficial node.js client library for AdWords: It is getting closer to a feature complete client library every day. Pull requests welcome.
Yes, the library uses standard Javascript (it is built using Google's Closure library). What you might need to do is to write an HttpWebTransport adapter that works for Node.js. has a few examples for specific technlogies like Google Gadgets, Chrome extensions, etc. , but there isn't one for Node.js. Also see for details on how to configure the library to use a particular HttpWebTransport class.
I don't know much about node.js but if it's using standard JavaScript then you should be able to get somewhere with the new AdWords API JavaScript library:
