How do I access Google AdWords API with Node.js? - node.js

Is there a way to use node.js to access and manage a google adwords account?

I'm the author of an unofficial node.js client library for AdWords: It is getting closer to a feature complete client library every day. Pull requests welcome.

Yes, the library uses standard Javascript (it is built using Google's Closure library). What you might need to do is to write an HttpWebTransport adapter that works for Node.js. has a few examples for specific technlogies like Google Gadgets, Chrome extensions, etc. , but there isn't one for Node.js. Also see for details on how to configure the library to use a particular HttpWebTransport class.

I don't know much about node.js but if it's using standard JavaScript then you should be able to get somewhere with the new AdWords API JavaScript library:


Using node/vuejs, how to make google place API request on client side

I am using vuejs which runs as a single page application in the browser, so any API calls I am making are using axios. Unfortunately googles APIs block any requests through axios due to CORS. I have tried various npm packages to try and solve this, including "official" google maps package, but I still run into CORS issues.
I am positive there must be a way to do a placeid search through the browser using one of their javascript libraries, but I can't for the life of me find any good articles or examples to see how it is done.
I have google autocomplete working, and creating google maps through geocode is no problem, just can't find anything related to placeid search.
Here is an example of the request I am trying to make taken from googles docs.
Can anyone provide a solution or link to an explanation on how to do this properly through javascript library, or through API call without running into CORS problems?
Your link to Google Maps Package is Node.js package (server side). That's why you have CORS issue.
If you're building a client-side application, take a look at the
Places SDK for Android, the Places SDK for iOS, and the Places
Library, Maps JavaScript API.
If you want to use it Google Maps on client side, you should use Maps JavaScript API

Google Adwords and Node.js: library or different way to access API?

Is there a node.js library for google adwords? Or what is the current recommended way to access Adwords from node.js?
There's this question/answer. I guess this is not up-to-date?
As I can see no js-library here, I assume, I should use something else...
There is no official library written in JS or Node.Js.
You can search on for a package provided by the community.
This one looks to be the most advanced (full features) and up-to-date (last revision was some hours ago). There is no issue opened and npmjs says that it is quite dowloaded often (300/month), so I would go for it.

How can a Dart application read cell data from google spreadsheets

What are the possible options and setups one would need for reading data out of a google docs spreadsheet into a dart web application? Does dart need the wrapper around gdata REST api to do this? Has any dart project or sample interacted with google docs?
Newer Google APIs have a common API infrastructure where the client libraries are always up to date. There is such a client library for Dart (
However, it looks like Google Spreadsheets is still using an older API infrastructure called GData. There is no GData client library for Dart that I know of.
Hence, I think the most sensible thing to do is to make raw HTTP calls. I'm not sure if you're trying to do this on the client or the server. If you're trying to do it on the client, you're going to have to make sure Google Spreadsheets supports CORS.
If you happen to be using a different programming language on the server, there is like a GData client library for that language. See (

Any libraries that can make accessing Google APIs as a service account simpler for NodeJS?

Background: My idea is to create a primarily content-heavy website (think news articles or blog posts) written entirely in nodejs. Since creating content on Google Drive (Google Docs) in particular is very simple, what I would like to do is have Nodejs retrieve the website's content from Google Docs.
Challenge: As far as I can tell, the correct way to do this according to Google is to create a Service Account so that the application can access the files stored on Google Drive without requiring user-intervention in the form of a confirmation. Google provides three libraries--java, python, and php--for server-to-server requests. Does anyone know of anything similar already written by the Node community? I am aware of node-oauth but I've searched through it's source and haven't found anything referencing private keys, which are required for server-to-server interaction, which I'm taking to mean it's not supported. Writing one is also an option, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible. Looking at the Google-written Java Oauth2 client library makes it pretty clear that it's not an easy task.
Thanks in advance!
This is one library I've found that looks pretty thorough and complete for creating JSON Web Tokens: JWCrypto
I know this thread is old, but in the event others arrive here looking for an answer:
Google is working on an official module to access all of their API's. Its alpha so be careful but it looks very nice- github repository

Google feed api in a nodejs application?

I have a php application that uses the google feed api to get the feeds I want and display them. I was wondering how can I call the google feed api from a nodejs application ?
Use node's http.request() (or the shortcut version http.get()) functionality; that's conceptually the same thing you must be currently doing in PHP.
You might find that installing and using Mikeal's request module would make things even simpler.
