Gnuplot nested do loop and plotting on the same graph - gnuplot

Hi I'm using gnuplot to create a large number of graphs. To save myself work I've written a script that tries to plot all possible graphs.
is_missing(x)=system("./ ".x)
set terminal post eps enhanced color
set key inside right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
set grid
models="Cebeci-Smith Baldwin-Lomax Spalart-Allmaras Launder-Sharma Chien"
files="./CebeciOut/ ./BaldwinOut/ ./SpalartOut/ ./LaunderOut/ ./ChienOut/"
xgrid="35000 70000 140000 280000 560000"
# Plot grid convergence Spalart
do for [f=1:words(files)]{
set output sprintf('%s%s',word(files,f),'ZPGGridConvergence.eps')
set title sprintf("%s%s",word(models,f), " ZPG Grid Convergence")
set xlabel "N_y"
set ylabel "C_f Final"
print f
do for [i=1:words(xgrid)]{
plot filename using 1:2 title sprintf("%s%s",word(xgrid,i), " X Gridpoints") with linespoints
Unfortunately I have a problem, after one full iteration the script fails, ie f is never made 2 despite the first plots completing successfully. The error given is
cannot open file; output not changed
line 25: util.c: No such file or directory
which I haven't managed to decipher. Any help would be much appreciated. Also is there a way to use replot in this loop given I haven't already created a plot.

"files" are actually dirs in your code.
If you want to place the output in a subdir, then make sure that it exists and is writable.
gnuplot cannot create subdirs automatically. You can add system("mkdir -p ".word(files,f)) ( on linux/unix) in your code to create the directory if needed.


Script to launch gnuplot and plot graph

I am trying to launch gnuplot and plot the graph for me with a single command. My script looks like this:
load "runscript"
But it would ignore the second command. Any help would be appreciated,Thanks.
I think that is no necessary to create another script to launch Gnuplot and then load your plotting script. This task is easy to be done using the Gnuplot commands. For example, consider you have a script called "" and its contents are:
set xlabel "Time t"
set ylabel "sin(t)"
set title 'Gnuplot test with PDFcairo'
plot [0:2*pi] sin(x) with lines lw 2 title 'Sin(x)'
Then, to run your "" script just go to the folder that contains the file, and type in the command line:
gnuplot -p
the '-p' option allows the persist mode and remains the plot window.

Using nested for loop in gnuplot

I am trying to plot a set of graphs to compare the simulation results with the experimental data. The simulation files are in ordered arrangement on 7X7X7 for various parameters. I need to plot all of those files using a nested for loop for each iXjXk file. The files are named thus : fibrilAll_i_j_k.dat
I have already tried some alternatives like using multiple for loop in the same line. But it doesn't seem to work.
set terminal eps size 1200,800
set output "all.eps"
set title "{/*2 Alternative rates}"
set ylabel "{/*2 fibril mass fraction}" offset 1.5,0,0
set xlabel "{/*2 Time(h)}"
set key left top
plot 'experiment.txt' using 1:6 ps 2 pt 5 title "EXP",\
for [i=1:7] for [j=1:7] for [k=1:7] 'fibrilAll'._i_j_k.'.dat' using 1:2 with lines title 'i,j,k'
I get the following error message:
internal error : STRING operator applied to undefined or non-STRING variable
I see a few possible problems.
1) I take it you do not want to plot the same file fibrilAll_i_j_k.dat 343 times.
If the data files are named e.g. fibrilAll_1_5_3.dat then you can construct that name by saying plot ... sprintf("fibrilAll_%d_%d_%d.dat",i,j,k)
2) Probably you want something similar for the titles
3) The replot does not accomplish anything. Did you leave out something?

gnuplot : anomalous behaviour of 'set xrange' in an animated 2D-plot of MD data

I am working on a Windows 7 machine using gnuplot 5 Patch level 1.
I am preparing an animation of the sequence of interatomic distances along a trajectory from a molecular dynamics calculation.
The following script works fine:
set termopt enhanced # turn on enhanced text mode
# --- GRAPH a
set yrange [0.0:25.0]
set xlabel 't (fs)'
set ylabel "R_{ij} (A)"
set key box opaque
stats 'NeH2+_125K_TRAY171.DAT'
do for [i=1:STATS_records:2001] {
plot 'NeH2+_125K_TRAY171.DAT' using ($1/10):2 every ::1::i with lines title 'R_{NeH_{1}}', \
'NeH2+_125K_TRAY171.DAT' using ($1/10):3 every ::1::i with lines title 'R_{H_{1}H_{2}}',\
'NeH2+_125K_TRAY171.DAT' using ($1/10):4 every ::1::i with lines title 'R_{NeH_{2}}',
end of script
However the x-range is updated during the simulation and can be quite distracting since the data file is quite long.
To avoid updating the x-axis, I tried using the set xrange command
set xrange[0.0:7.0]
set yrange [0.0:25.0]
set xlabel 't (fs)'
When the animation starts, it works correctly but after plotting a few thousand data, it stops. Furthermore, there are no error messages in the console window of the aplication.
I have tested both scripts on a second windows 7 computer with gnuplot 5.2 and did observe the same behaviours.
Apparently the scripts are correct. Can anybody identify the problem?.
Thanks in advance.
Note, that the set yrange also applies to the stats call (yes, the yrange, because you don't specify any column).
So in any case you might have less plot iterations than you expect. Try
f = 'NeH2+_125K_TRAY171.DAT'
stats f
set xrange [0.0:7.0]
set yrange [0.0:25.0]
do for [i=1:STATS_records:2001] {
plot f using ($1/10):2 every ::1::i title 'R_{NeH_{1}}', \
'' using ($1/10):3 every ::1::i title 'R_{H_{1}H_{2}}',\
'' using ($1/10):4 every ::1::i title 'R_{NeH_{2}}'

Is there a blind terminal in gnuplot to use for gathering x/y min/max without a screen plot

Using a flow where I do a 'scratch' plot first to then gather the 'GPVAL_DATA_Y_MIN / MAX' variables for framing the plot size. I then send the actual plot into PNG file. Still the 'scratch' plot command flashes up on screen which I want to avoid. I was doing a 'help set terminal' to see the available terminals (in my gnuplot session) and was looking for something like 'blind' or 'null' but couldn't find any like that. Is there such a terminal? And what is it's name? (Using gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 7)
Since I don't know exactly, how you actually use those values, here are some different possibilities:
Gnuplot's "blind" terminal is called unknown:
set terminal unknown
plot "data.dat"
set terminal pngcairo
set output "output.png"
Variants of this would be to wrap the set terminal unknown call in set terminal push and set terminal pop to go back to the previous terminal.
Use the stats command:
f = "data.dat"
stats f using 2 nooutput
set yrange [STATS_min:STATS_max]
plot f
If you don't need the values for computations, but only to fit the yrange to your actual data range, then use
set autoscale yfix
set autoscale yfixmax
possibly combined with set offsets.
Try to send the output to the null device:
On Linux:
set terminal png
set output "/dev/null"
plot sin(x)
set output "real_output.png"
On Windows:
terminal png
set output "nul"
plot sin(x)
set output "real_output.png"
Read this SO question or this Wikipedia entry, especially for Windows details.

GNUPLOT cannot zoom in

I am having an issue where I am unable to zoom in on my GNUPLOT. I created a bash script that records various resource information, and displays this information via the following command.
gnuplot -e persist "set title 'Resource monitor' ; set timefmt '%y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S' ; set xdata time ; set xlabel 'TIME' ; set ylabel 'PERCENT' set yrange [0:101]" -e "plot '${cpuResFile}' using 1:2 title 'CPU' smooth Bezier, '${memResFile}' using 1:2 title 'MEM' smooth Bezier" &
The graph is viewable and displays my information I want, I just cannot figure out how to allow it to zoom in and out. I read that it has something to do with the X11 window no longer being set or that I need to set it via the command line, I just cannot figure out exactly how to, or if this is even the reason. Hopefully there are a couple GNUPLOT experts that can assist me. :)
Thank you.
Zooming and unzooming isn't possible in interactive windows which are left open with the -persist flag. Those operations would require a redrawing which isn't possible anymore since the main programs has already exited.
Quoting from the persist documentation:
[...] gnuplot will open a display window, draw the plot into it, and then exit, leaving the display window containing
the plot on the screen. Depending on the terminal type, some mousing operations may still be possible in
the persistent window. However operations like zoom/unzoom that require redrawing the plot are generally
not possible because the main program has already exited
You could add pause -1 at the end of the command list:
gnuplot -e "plot sin(x); pause -1" &
