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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've just published my first chrome extension to the webstore. However I see that the image shown next to the extension in the search results is just a small low quality version of the 128x128 icon that I uploaded when publishing. Notice how the second extension has a nice high quality image shown:
Here is a list of images that I can supply:
Manifest icons sizes: 16x16, 48x48, 128x128
Extension icon size 128x128
Promotional images sizes: 440x280, 920x680, 1400x560
Screenshots sizes: 1280x800 or 640x400
Of these, which is the one that displays in the search results shown in the screenshot above?
I should add, that I published the extension only 2 days ago and while I only uploaded the smallest promotional image, it appears that it has been reviewed and approved as there is no message saying Pending or Rejected on the extension's settings:
The image in the search results is a shrunk version of the 440x280 promo image.
Since your search result is still showing your icon, padded, I think that your images have not been approved yet. Contrary to what the documentation says, you won't be able to see the review status of your image.
It can take anywhere between a few days and a couple of weeks before the promo image is approved.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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In Firefox, Certificate Patrol addon displays a warning on the top of the page you are visiting like this:
How can I create a similar thing using a Chrome extension?
I like that it is separate from the website content (its DOM). Is this possible in Chrome or should I inject DOM into the page itself? But then the page can interfere with it?
Alternatively, is there some other more Chrome-like way to display warnings (imagine security issues)? I would not like to block the site (so that user can see what is happening) but display some message. The way how Firefox does it really looks great and the proper way as pages can't manipulate it in any way.
It is not possible to display a bar on top without modifying the active tab's DOM. There was an API (experimental until it got removed), namely chrome.infobars (cache of documentation in 2011) which does the exact thing that you wanted, however Chrome has since moved away from these bars, and possibly does not encourage the use of these bars.
Remember these bars?
They are long gone. The people who worked on Chrome has decided to remove all traces of these bars and replaced them with page actions.
If you really need these bars, you will have to find the active tab, and inject a small HTML section to display the bar. To semi-separate it from the page, you can inject an iframe so the styles don't interfere with each other. But keep in mind that, the preferred way would be to use a page action instead, ie display an icon in the omnibar (address bar) when you need user's attention.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to add fontawesome icons to my i3bar. I installed the package "ttf-font-awesome" via yaourt and added the necessary unicode characters to my i3status config and added the font pango as "FontAwesome" to my i3bar config. The icons should be displaying but all that shows are the unicode characters. Is there a specific package I need to install or did I edit the configs improperly?
Funny thing is that i came over this thread while searching for the same.
Anyways, according to Arch Wiki you load FontAwesome like this font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, FontAwesome 8, and the icons according to the cheatsheet. For example for the terminal icon.
edit: as mentioned below, you copy/paste the icon itself from the cheatsheet.
I recommend you try out either one, and stick with the one that is working.
Mini example below.
# set $ws2 "2:" # With the icon code from the cheasheet
set $ws2 "1 " # With the icon copy/pasted from the cheatsheet
bar {
font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, FontAwesome 8
Change in your bar {:
font pango:monospace 8, FontAwesome 8
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using FlipView Control in windows store app to navigate on different screen. The button of flipView are visible but auto hide after some time on laptop(OS: windows 8 or 8.1) while running app but not visible on windows tablet ( touch surface). How to make button visible on touch surface too
If you are talking about the built in next/prev buttons, they only show up after a pointer is moved on the page(and only if there is a next or prev item to go to). On the surface or any touch screen you don't need them because you can swipe to the next or previous page.
Try running the built in photos viewer app, it uses a FlipView and behaves exactly like this.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a question. Can anyone please answer me. I got this question from my friend.
what is browser in user point of view and developer point of view?
what is browser in user point of view and developer point of view?
This is what an end-user will see:
This is what a developer will see:
hit f12 in your browser to bring up developer tools. from there you can see the CSS/HTML etc. used (if in IE after pressing f12, click the little mouse pointer that appears then hover over/click any element on the page to bring up the CSS/HTML for that part of the page).
a user can't see the markup for the page, just the finished product. Using developer tools allows you to see how the page was put together. When you bring up developer tools, it shows the HTML for the page on the left and the CSS for the page on the right, you can edit the HTML and turn off/on parts of the CSS to change the look of the page. Hope this helps. I tried adding a picture but I don't have enough reputation to do so.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to get the Foursqaure category icons without the gray background.
However, it seems like many icons are missing. They are available if you want to construct the icons with the gray background. But once you are trying to get the icon without the gray background they are not available.
For example:
Gray icon for Breakfast is available:
But without it, it is not:
Is there a different URL I need use to construct to get all these?
How about this url:
If you go to this page, it looks blank, but there is an image there (white icon on white background). View the page source and you will see that the icon is on the page. The icon should be in the upper left corner, you can right click on it, download it, and then view it in another app.