Invoke Spotify ad in premium version - spotify

For testing my app (Spotify Apps API) for the free version of Spotify I need to invoke a commercial track. In the following document it says that I can use the URI spotify:ad:9ca1a889f34945d59fc521759dd177a7 to invoke the commercial program: I also remember that this used to work in the past, but when I type in the search bar now, there is simply nothing happening, nor there is any error message. What can I do to invoke a commercial?

Try an alternative ad URI, like spotify:ad:5e8c1e01cc7d4e16a0c273ecd93d2742


create space/room and send message via google-api in node.js

Case: Google Chat support in node.js using the googleapis library.
I studied the documentation, created a service account and implemented authentication. In first step I used the chat.spaces.list() method and it worked (no error returned).
I want to send a message via chat, so I wanted to create a new space, I found the chat.spaces.create method ( Unfortunately, this method is not present in "googleapis" for node.js In general, I see that the list of methods in "googleapis" is different than the one in the documentation. Only spaces in the documentation, but spaces and rooms in the library... I'm lost. How to do it? Any tips?
I see that the list of methods in "googleapis" is different than the one in the documentation
I think you are seeing wrong documentation. Your reference link is REST API documentation. The nodejs googleapis client documentation you can see on$Spaces.html.
And also based on the REST API documentation, the API that you looking for(create space) is not general available.
† Supports user authentication in Developer Preview. App authentication isn't available.
You need to join Google Workspace Developer Preview Program to access that feature.

Error starting audio call using skype web sdk This person can't be reached right now. Please try again later

I have a web app built using Skype Web SDK. When I try to start an audio call I get an error "This person can't be reached right now. Please try again later". The person whom I am trying to call is available and I am also able to start an IM(chat) with him. Only when I start audio, it throws an error.
I am using Skype For Business Online and not On Premise. The authentication is performed using Azure AD.
I am getting an InvitationFailed error with a subcode of NotAcceptable
The latest Skype Web SDK requires SfB 2015 CU1+ update on front-end and edge servers. You would also need to whitelist your URL on the server using following powershell command:
$x = New-CsWebOrigin -Url “{http://YOUR_URL}”
Set-CsWebServiceConfiguration -Identity “{YOUR_IDENTITY}” CrossDomainAuthorizationList #{Add=$x}
Use Identity as global for global identity
A plugin needs to be installed for IE11+ and Edge. Not currently supported in Chrome and Mozilla
Error accepting audio calls in skype for business web app. Error Failed to parse SessionDescription in Chrome
I had the same issue, solved it when I figured out that if you want to call an external user, their skype id is:

Panasonic API for Firefox OS Apps

Thanks to MDN I successfully deployed a simple app on my Panasonic CXW754. So far so good. Now I'd like to have access to screen settings like brightness etc. Is there an API provided by Panasonic or can I do it with plain Firefox OS API somehow?
I already looked at
But navigator.mozSettings is null and does not exist on my TV runtime :(
You should be able to change screen brightness using navigator.mozPower.screenBrightness from the PowerManager API. Only certified apps can access this API though.
I would use the SettingsManager API instead of using directly navigator.mozPower.screenBrightness.
The SettingsManager let you change almost any setting by firstly requesting and locking that setting. It can even let you add Observers:
For example:
But as pointed out by #kumar303, it is only for certified apps.

Dynamics CRM Online + Node.js (request runns forever /hangs)

I tried to develop a node.js module that allows the use of the SOAP web service of CRM Online: XrmNodeKit
The code based on the JavaScript code provided by Jason Lattimer
So far I was able the retrieve the auth-token but when I execute the WhoAmI requst the web-service call just runs forever (see test "should fetch the name of the current user", no error is thrown....
You can find the source-code on github
Has anyone tried to consume the SOAP web-services via Node.js?
Have you found this post?
I understand this is the correct approach. You need to use OAuth.
But it is not correct in one regard (I'm quoting an expert from the CRM product team)
He says "You cannot move the node.js code to client, since in this case you need to use the Implicit flow rather than the Authorization code flow , Finally after getting the OAuth token, you still cannot send it to our Web services from the client since [CRM Online] does not support CORS in 2013/2015"
While this is a .NET sample it covers the principles, just have to make it work with Node.js: (credits to George Doubinski)

eBay API FindPopularSearches call using node.js returns 'Getting popular keywords is not enabled on current site' error

I'm using the "request" module and passing all the correct arguments for the eBay API's FindPopularSearches endpoint and no matter what I do, I keep getting this error:
Getting popular keywords is not enabled on current site.
At first I thought it was a mismatch between the categoryID I had fetched and the siteid I was using. But double-checking that with someone else's code, I was able to conclude that my API call was properly built.<my-app-id>&callname=FindPopularSearches&siteid=0&responseencoding=JSON&version=847&CategoryID=10159
Shopping API calls such as FPS don't work too well with Sandbox, as you discovered. Since such calls are read-only, eBay recommends simply making them directly to Production.
I tried switching to a production app id, and using the production API and this solved my problem. AFAIK, this call does not seem to function in sandbox mode.
It would have been nice to have written that down in an obvious place in the docs but hey, that's why I'm leaving it here.
So I guess the "site" in the error message means sandbox vs production.
