I am configuring Drupal 6 to install a Gallery module and when I navigate the site I see this image popup. Can someone please shed some light as to what is causing this?
Many Thanks
I'm trying to implement an email marketing email using a few widgets that gets triggers on submission of a form. Everything has been built and works locally but having issues with the CMS once uploaded to any hosted environment ('CI' and 'UAT' as we call them).
From what I can see everything has been sent up correctly but when editing templates there seem to be some CMS styling issues from some of the iframe loaded elements.
Have attached a screen grab as an example.
There are no console errors and no errors in the Kentico logs so I'm a bit stumped as to what is causing this issue.
Thanks in advance,
Solved this issue. We had recently upgraded from a previous version of Kentico and the associated updated stylesheets hadn't been uploaded to the development environments so were missing styles in these new areas of the CMS
I'm unable to create the web content in liferay 6.2 assuming some configuration required for the same. Not able to enter any value in textboxes and none of the links working. I'm new to liferay please help me outenter image description here
Thanks atrujillofalcon. Yes, There is some issue with ckeditor which not allowing to display the complete ui page. ckeditor plugin needs to be updated to resolve the issue.
You surely have a Javascript error in your page that block the complete front-end interface funcionalities. You should check the browser console to find this errors.
In my web site, 'sometimes' the font awesome icons are not loading. It shows only as squares.
When I googled I found out that to change the .htaccess file in the server. But my web site is hosted in weblogic server. Is there any equivalent to .htaccess file in weblogic.
I encountered this issue only in firefox. But other people have got it in IE 11 as well. In my case, when I clear the cache and open it, it loads also.
Pleade let me know, if anyone understands what's happening here. Thsnks in advance
I install Moodle on Centos7 with LEMP.
Right after I finished the installation process, I started to creat user.
However, the page is plain text, I mean it's like cannot load any css js file(sry, i dont have enough reputation to post a image) even though this is the 1st setup. it should come up with a default skin.
Can you guys please help me fix it? Thanks.
Is it fixed once you have created the user and logged in?
Have you tried using your browser developer tools to identify which file paths are failing to load?
Are you able to get as far as to be able to change the theme on your site to see if that helps? (Site admin > Appearance > Theme selector)
Can you try purging the caches (Site admin > Developer > Purge all caches), to see if that helps?
We have a problem under Microsoft IIS. People are not able to request the favicon through the browser. We checked all the coding of the website we are hosting on it and it is all fine. Problem is that the icon file seems to be blocked in general for the outside world:
Icon location: http://www.raakbeleving.nl/favicon.ico (gives 404)
Anybody any clue what could make this happen?
Our hosting provider cannot seem to solve the problem.
Thanks in advance.
See this page for a way to set up the content type in IIS 7.
Here there are a number of additional hints for it..
MS IIS Manager version 1809 includes a MIME type of .ico
**To Clarify the Problem: **
I have my favicon.ico in the root directory of my application which has an alias name of the website. I have run the same html through a number of servers. Each one looks for the favicon.ico, finds it, and uses it.
When you access a website without a favicon.ico, the icon on the browser tab for that site will have a browser default icon. The favicon.ico, when it exists, will replace that tabl icon with a custom one. I have found a lot of sites that discuss how MS IIS does not support favicon.ico.