Use vim as command line tool? - linux

is there a way to use vim as a command line tool? What I mean is, use it from the console (without opening a ncurses window) to run vim commands on file and save them. I need this because I usually run through all my files and do 'gg=G' to auto indent them.

Here are listed two different ways to do that:
by using vim -s file-containing-commands file-to-edit
by using vim file "+:firstcommand" "+:secondcommand" ...
The first solution needs a file to be written beforehands; the second solution will launch vim and execute the commands, without leaving vim; you'll have to do that yourself, for instance adding a last command '+:x'


How to run a list of vim commands in the current buffer from an external file

I frequently use Vim to parse and clean up data exported from other sources. Often, I find myself running a sequence of substitute commands. I'd like to save those commands to some kind of script file, then run it on the current buffer.
An example of the commands found in sample script could be:
... etc
If the script were in the same directory as the current buffer file (or maybe in the .vim folder), how could I load and run these commands as if I were typing them in manually?
If you have a Vim window open and want to execute VimL on a buffer, you can do:
:source /path/to/vim/file/name.vim
Put your commands in script.vim:
Use it like this:
$ vim filetocleanup -s script.vim
See :help -s.

need to write a script to change file format from dos to unix

I have to make a script using vim which opens a file, set the fileformat=unix, and then save the file and exit. Could you please help? Thanks
First, check out whether you have a dos2unix or dos2ux command; it already does this for you.
With Vim, this should do the job:
$ vim -c "wq ++ff=unix" filename
This one in-lines the fileformat change with the :w command; of course, you can also do this separately via -c "set ff=unix".
You can also do this via a variety of tools, e.g. sed, perl, ...; Vim is a quite heavyweight alternative.
This still starts up a full, interactive Vim instance. Have a look at this answer which additional command-line arguments can turn Vim into batch mode.

Can I write a script to tell me which files are currently being edited in vim?

I'm using tmux with many windows, and I frequently lose track of which files I'm editing in vim. I'd like to have another shell open that runs a script that tells me the paths of files that vim is currently editing.
I'm running Mac OS.
The way I would tackle the problem is to query all remote Vim processes for their opened buffers. You can use Vim's clientserver functionality for that. The GVIM server names are usually sequentially named: GVIM, GVIM1, ...; for terminal Vim, you'd have to name them with the --servername argument (e.g. via a shell alias).
You can then query the list of open files via the --remote-expr argument. A simple expression to loop over all listed buffers (like what the :ls command shows) is:
map(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val) && ! empty(bufname(v:val))'), 'bufname(v:val)')
As you can see, it's a bit involved and might affect your workflow of launching Vim. Think hard whether you really need this!
That I know of there is no way to get every open vim buffer from an external process. Instead of using separate tmux layouts and a separate instance of vim to edit multiple files, you could have one instance of vim and edit multiple separate files using :split and :tabnew. Then in that vim instance you can use :ls to see the paths of all open files relative to the current working directory. :pwd also works.
If this isn't your style and you'd still like to use vim in separate layouts, you can use ps to see the arguments to each vim process and check the cwd of these processes. Something like:
paste <(pgrep vim | xargs pwdx) <(pgrep vim | xargs ps -o %a | sed 1d)
Note that if you use multiple buffers in vim the above won't quite work because it will only list the arguments given to each vim command and not list the actual buffers.
You could tweak around with the piped commands ps -eF | grep vim for your script.
At the end of each line, of the result, you'll see you the different processes dealing with anything related to 'vim'. Therefore you'll find which files are currently being edited by vim('vim foo.txt' for instance), as well as 'grep vim' that was being active to get this result. To have a pretty output, you'd have to filter all of these with a script.
I hope this will help you.

How do I use Vim with Rebar

Trying to get up and running Vim + Rebar.
Separately they work but not together. What I want to achieve is to run eunit without leaving the Vim.
I guess this is doable with following plugin . Unfortunately is very poorly documented.
How do I run my tests quickly, see the output, code and once again.
All your feedback will be appreciated.
I don't know how to integrate rebar into vim, but perhaps you could try tmux? This works for me. In one window I keep opened vim, another window i use as compilation/attach session to erlang node.
One quick way to get out of Vim is to suspend it with Ctrl+z, run your commands, and then foreground it again with fg afterwards. Works at least on bash in Os X and Ubuntu Linux.
You can also run command line commands with :! <command name> directly from Vim, e.g. :! ls.
Yet another way is to use screen, with one window running vim and another still on the command line.
The best solution I've found is to use a Makefile in my project. Since vim is capable of running shell commands, you can call make & have it use your makefile. Then map these shell commands to shortcuts of your choosing.
For example, my Makefile has the following:
$(REBAR) skip_deps=true eunit
In my .vimrc:
command MakeErlangTest !make test
nmap <leader>r :MakeErlangTest<CR>

How to check if it's still in Vim shell mode

In vim, type :sh will switch to shell, and exit can exit the shell and get back to vim. Is there any command to check if it's in vim shell mode? So that I won't accidentally vim to open the same file again. I want to avoid below scenario:
vim myfile > :sh > exit > vim myfile // get warning of another vim instance is editing the same file
These are the normal scenario:
vim myfile > :sh > exit // keep editing
vim myfile > :wq > vim myfile // keep editing
In addition to #a3nm answer, what you can do is
use pstree -h: it will output process tree with current branch highligted and all you need to check is whether there is vim in the highlight.
Another possibility is ps t: it will show all processes using the current terminal and should show vim in a list when you are inside :sh. ps -oargs t may be more useful in case you want to know arguments you ran vim with.
These methods are more reliable because VIMRUNTIME, VIM and MYVIMRC environment variables may be overrided by you in order to do some customizations (BTW, they are defined by vim for use in vimscripts, not by :sh). They also work for other processes that allow you to run a subshell, but do not define any environment variables.
I would also suggest to consider using <C-z> in normal mode or :suspend/:stop in Ex because these use shell vim was launched from instead of creating new. This behavior gives you access to history of commands you typed before running vim and also makes you able to write more complex and time-consuming shell configuration without needing to wait every time.
In case you use <C-z> both methods still work, but first method won’t highlight vim because it will be at the same level (has the same parent) as pstree itself, likely just below or above pstree in graph. This also enables third method: jobs shell builtin.
In order to restore from <C-z> you should use fg (a single % in zsh and bash also works) which is less to type then exit (but more then <C-d>).
The :sh command in vim seems to define the VIMRUNTIME, VIM and MYVIMRC environment variables, so you can just check if they are defined. To do so, you can run echo $VIM, for instance, which should return an empty line in a normal shell and something like /usr/share/vim in a shell run from vim.
