Setting default locale for Vaadin application - locale

Maybe this question was asked but I couldn't find. I am new to Vaadin. And how can I set default locale for Vaadin application.

Vaadin 6 : Application#setLocale(Locale)
Vaadin 7 : VaadinSession#setLocale(Locale) e.g. VaadinSession.getCurrent().setLocale();
Example code for Vaadin 7, as might be used in the init method of UI.
Locale locale = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH;
this.setLocale( locale ); // Call to affect this current UI. Workaround for bug/issue:
this.getSession().setLocale( locale ); // Affects only future UI instances, not current one. See workaround in line above.
// VaadinSession.getCurrent().setLocale( locale ); // Alternative to "this.getSession".


eclipse indigo - windowbuilder - eclipse doesn't regain focus

I have eclipse 3.7 indigo; I installed gwt plugin and its designer; The problem is (time after time) when I add new widget X to composite the
palette (keeps widget selected)
components (doesn't show the new widget in the tree)
properties (doesn't show the new widget properties) I cannot select another widget unless I resize the whole eclipse application to force its GUI repaint :(
It seems like palette and other managers don't get report "widget was added from windowbuilder" or similar :(
Moreover, I cannot edit widget's text if I have input method as "System" which is the default on btw so the only one input method which works is "X Input Method" but anyways it doesn't solve the mentioned focus regain problem;
That makes eclipse indigo really hard to use; So my question is... how to fix that?
eclipse 3.7 (indigo)
gwt plugin -
gwt designer -
gwt sdk 2.2
jdk 1.7
jre 1.7
OS Linux x64
I had to do my own research concerning the issue; I noticed there is some kind of "jobs order conflict" or similar with the default constructor based code style as :
public class MyTestUI extends Composite {
private FlowPanel flowPanel;
public MyTestUI() {
flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
}, as a workaround, I had to play with code generator as;
window -> preferences -> windowbuilder -> gwt
(combobox) method name for new statements : initComponents
variable generation : field
statement generation : flat
just to avoid having in-constructor init as a result I have code generated as :
public class MyTestUI extends Composite {
private FlowPanel flowPanel;
public MyTestUI() {
private void initComponents() {
flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
...btw there is a problem with focus regain if input method is "System" and initComponents() method generated first time; so before starting adding widgets I had to select "X input method" to avoid synch-ed jobs; So "X input method" needs to be the default one, as I can get it :)
The effect I faced very looks like bug 388170; So I tried to modify eclipse.ini argument as
It seems like the headless helps a bit but anyways eclipse sometimes does hang when using windowbuilder especially DnD :P
Anyways I want to point I faced the mentioned issue first time cause similar windows x32 eclipse indigo version works pretty fine with gwt;
The solution is not final (the hang problem still occurs on DnD evens) and I am still looking for a more optimal one; So do comment if you have some helpful tips or ideas;

Getting Message from all resource files in different locale from a key

I have different locale file for messages to user in JSF based Project.
i want to retrieve messages from all locale available in my project using Key
I am using in managed bean
String message=ResourceBundle.getBundle("",
new Locale(loggedInUser.getLanguage())).getString("");
Instead of one String i want all messages as a array or list assosiated with this key in all resource bundles like, etc.
As you've already figured how to get a locale-specific bundle and then get its message by key and that part thus doesn't need to be answered, your sole question basically boils down to:
How can I get all supported locales of my JSF application?
You can get all supported locales by Application#getSupportedLocales().
Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
Iterator<Locale> supportedLocales = application.getSupportedLocales();
while (supportedLocales.hasNext()) {
Locale supportedLocale =;
// ...

Set Font globally in JavaFX

How can I set the Font type globally in a JavaFX application?
Is there any solution that I can use? In JavaFX 8 the default Font has changed, and I would like to use the same Font used in JavaFX 2.2.
You can skin your application with CSS as described on the Oracle Website.
Using following syntax you may set the general theme for your application:
-fx-font-size: 16pt;
-fx-font-family: "Courier New";
-fx-base: rgb(132, 145, 47);
-fx-background: rgb(225, 228, 203);
You include the css as followed:
Changing the Default Font for a Scene
This is the solution outlinked in nyyrikki's answer.
You can change the default font used for most things in any given scene by applying the following CSS stylesheet to the scene:
.root {
-fx-font: 28px Vivaldi;
Substitute whatever settings you require for the -fx-font value according the font definition in the JavaFX CSS reference guide.
Changing the Default Font for an Application
If you want to change the default font used for most things in a JavaFX application, you can override the default style sheet using Application.setUserAgentStylesheet. Using this method you can set the default style for a JavaFX 8 application to the caspian stylesheet which was default for JavaFX 2.2 rather than the modena stylesheet which is default for JavaFX 8. If you want some hybrid of the two default styles or some custom default stylesheet such as AquaFX, then you will need to perform the customization yourself.
Switching Font Rendering Technology
Additionally, on some platforms, JavaFX 2.2 uses a different font rendering mechanism than JavaFX 8, which can account for subtle differences in font rendering between the two. There is an undocumented and unsupported command line switch which can be used to switch between font rendering mechanisms in JavaFX 8, but I don't know what the switch is off-hand and, even if I did, I wouldn't recommend deploying an application using the switch as it is unsupported.
FWIW, if you want to make the font change programmatically (no external css files involved), you can make a "global" change by using the .setStyle() method on the top parent node.
Example, I wrote a quick GUI (a bare bones testing framework) that both a Windows and a Mac user needed to run (and I'm writing on Linux/Ubuntu). The Mac user complained that the fonts were too small. So I added the following:
String os = System.getProperty("","generic").toLowerCase(Locale.US);
if (os.indexOf("mac") > 0) {
root.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 14pt");
In this case, root is the Parent node in the Scene instantiation. All nodes connected to root will share this font size setting, unless the setting is overwritten.
Just a TornadoFX example
package bj
import tornadofx.*
class MyView : View() {
override val root = vbox {
class MyStylesheet : Stylesheet() {
init {
root {
fontFamily = "Noto Sans CJK SC Regular"
class MyApp : App(MyView::class, MyStylesheet::class)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {

How to set JavaFX default skin

I noticed that when I run JavaFX application on JVM 7 and JVM 8 I get different default skins. How I can set the default skin to be same on every JVM?
You can set the default skin:
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
The default stylesheet for JavaFX 2 is caspian.css. You can find it in jfxrt.jar under This changed with JavaFX 8 and I believe the default stylesheet is named modena.css. In order to get a common stylesheet, you will have to either define your own or copy one of the defaults into your project.
You can also run with -Djavafx.userAgentStylesheetUrl=caspian on the command line.
You can set your own skin by adding a style sheet.
Unfortunately there is no default style sheet. Maybe browsing in jfxrt.jar might yield something.

Change visual c++ application font

How to change font in all dialog forms in a visual c++ application?
I want to set Tahoma style.
You can set the font for a dialog in the resource it's created from. I believe that'll change the font on all the standard controls as well. If you have custom controls, you'll have to do additional work.
Note that if you want to have the font match the default UI font for the computer, then you can use a virtual font like "MS Shell Dlg 2" which will be mapped to Tahoma on XP, and Segoe UI on Vista+.
Replacing font in each dialog of your application would be rather tedious job.
You can employ MFC to do it for you.
Check InitInstance of your app. Look at AfxEnableControlContainer();
It is being called woithout any parameter even though AfxEnableControlContainer is declared as
void AFX_CDECL AfxEnableControlContainer(COccManager* pOccManager=NULL);
COccManager is a very interesting class and is used when has occ ( OLE custom controls) support, managing OLE container and site classes. All MFC applications are created by default with occ support. If you do not see AfxEnableControlContainer in the code generated by wizard, you do not have occ support enabled.
Anyway, instead using default occ implementation, use own and change it to change the font.
Derive class from COccManager. In this sample I call it CDlgOccManager. Override virtual PreCreateDialog:
virtual const DLGTEMPLATE* PreCreateDialog(_AFX_OCC_DIALOG_INFO* pOccDialogInfo,
const DLGTEMPLATE* pOrigTemplate);
In the implementation:
const DLGTEMPLATE* CDlgOccManager::PreCreateDialog(_AFX_OCC_DIALOG_INFO* pOccDialogInfo, const DLGTEMPLATE* pOrigTemplate)
CDialogTemplate RevisedTemplate(pOrigTemplate);
// here replace font for the template
RevisedTemplate.SetFont(_T("Tahoma"), -16);
return COccManager::PreCreateDialog (pOccDialogInfo, (DLGTEMPLATE*)RevisedTemplate.Detach());
Now you are changin font for all dialogs. Remember changing AfxEnableControlContainer call:
PROCESS_LOCAL(CDlgOccManager, pManager);
BOOL CDlgFontChangeApp::InitInstance()
DO not forget to
#include "DlgOccManager.h"
For new verion of the MFC include afxdisp.h for older, occimpl.h for COccManager.
I just noticed something. It is not a blunder but it needs an explanation.
I have kept this code in my repository for a very, very, very long time.
It was a time when DLLs kept all data as global, making data available to all modules that loaded this dll. In order to force data to be stored in TLS area, I used PROCESS_LOCAL macro that expands to invoking CProcessLocal class that is still alive.
You can remove this macro and replace it with:
BOOL CDlgFontChangeApp::InitInstance()
CDlgOccManager* pManager = new CDlgOccManager();
