I created an extension for IE10 that uses X-site scripting, which does not work when Document Mode (Not the Browser Mode!) is set to below IE10.
But some of the sites that my extension runs include the <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=IE8">, and sets the Document Mode to IE8.
I can manually change the Document Mode back to Standard using the Dev Tools, but I have to do it every time I visit the page.
Is there a setting in windows or IE10 to ignore the meta tag, and always use Standard Document Mode?
I'm working on a browser extension, initially for Chromium browsers. The extension injects css and js files in the page, and modify content.
We have tried to install it on Edge. It's work fine in most of cases, but doesn't work when a web page is in IE11 compatibility mode. The extension does nothing.
Is it totally impossible to run an extension in the case of IE11 compatibility mode ?
You should see what errors are generated in the DevTool window.
It is easy that some object \ method \ property called by the extension at the time of IE11 did not exist yet.
In any case if you take a look here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/edge-ie-mode
you may read that extensions that interact directly with the page content are not supported.
I have a web site and IE8, IE9, and IE10 always worked great using IE=EmulateIE7 mode in HTTP header response from IIS/7, but this mode does not seem to render properly in IE11.
The page does not render or behave properly in IE11, although it works fine in EmulateIE7 mode in IE8 through IE10.
If I open F12 tools on IE11, I see the document mode is "7."
The only way to make IE11 working properly is adding manualy the domain to compatibility view mode, then it works great; but we cannot ask all users to manually activate compatibility view for our domains.
How is possible to force IE11 to render as IE7 without adding the domain to the list of compatibility web sites ?
Many thanks to any help !!!
I've been working on this the last few days and there's some bad news, it works, but in order to make it work, the user must add the URL/Domain of your site to the "Compatibility View Settings" of IE 11.
In other words, you can't force the browser to render in compatibility mode without the explicit acceptance of the user.
You will find how to configure it here:
I have been able to get this to work if I add the X-UA-Compatible header in IIS itself. Not sure why it doesn't work when added to web.config
I am finding that IE8 renders web pages differently based on Browser mode despite Document mode always being set the same. Is this an IE8 bug?
Background is:
A corporate intranet being viewed by IE8 (part of the SOE).
Display Intranet sites in compatibility mode is ticked in compatibility settings.
I am forcing document mode for my intranet pages by using the meta tag approach: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
This results in Browser mode set to IE8 Compat, and Document mode set to IE8 Standards.
So far this has all been good, no issues whatsoever, pages layout as I expect, etc etc.
Just recently some functionality was added (I won't say what at this stage - the question is about page rendering modes) and the page is laying out incorrectly. Changing the Browser mode to IE8 in Developer Toolbar (or unticking in Compatibility View Settings) fixes the layout issues. This surprised me as the Document mode is unchanged.
So to re-cap the combinations:
Broswer Mode=IE8 Compat, Document Mode=IE8 Standards [broken]
Broswer Mode=IE8, Document Mode=IE8 Standards [works]
The document mode is the same, the only thing changing is the browser mode. I thought the document mode is the only thing that should affect page rendering, and that browser mode only affects, basically, the UA string sent in the request. Am I correct, or do I have it wrong? If I am correct then once document mode is determined then browser mode should have no affect at all on rendering. Is this a bug in IE8? Or am I wrong? Does the browser mode affect rendering even if the same document mode is used?
I have no control over unticking Display intranets in compatibility view in compatibility view settings for all our users (corporate intranet, we have other legacy apps, too much testing to make sure they all work in Standards mode, would never get approval to make that type of global change).
I have no option to upgrade browser for all users. We only just finished a 6+ month project upgrading from IE6 to IE8.
I realise this is a very old question, but in case it helps anyone:
According to this answer to the question IE8 browser mode vs document mode, browser mode does "just" set the User-Agent string. However, since this value is used when evaluating IE conditional comments, the browser mode can have an effect on rendering if (a) any code tests directly against the UA string, or (b) there are IE conditional comments in the code.
A browser mode of IE8 Compat would normally evaluate to a UA string of MSIE 7.0, so if you have any conditional comments checking for if lt IE8, for example, that could be the source of your issue.
I have been using some fairly plain vanilla JavaScript code to load KML into a GE Plugin. It still works normally in Windows 7 FireFox and Chrome and, until I was upgraded to IE9 worked in IE. Now I get the message: "There Was a Problem With the Google Earth Plugin ..." when I reload a page or load another similar page.
I have used the IE F12 Debugger tools to try to isolate the problem. It always occurs when I am executing the fetchKml function to load a kmz file. The ge plugin always crashes executing the statement:
windows.earth.TermsOfUseManager.prototype.db = function(){var = ...., c=a.a.getTermOfUseX_(),
I have a PDF file with a screen grab and other info.
I believe there must be an interaction between IE9 and the latest GE plugin.
The URL of a page with this problem is:
I hope someone out there can help.
Apparently, Google Earth plugin requires explicit declaration of IE9 compatibility mode.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" />
Simply, grab the Sample from Google Earth documentation and add this line in <head> to see the difference in behaviour (alternatively, hit F12 and force IE9 standards mode).
Note, switching off the "Enhanced Protected Mode" in IE10 does not help.
I am about to wrap up the implementation for my first ExtJS based application. But I am facing a weird issue at this point.
I am using ASP.net at the server and then ExtJS at the client. I noticed that, If I run this project from Visual Studio Debugger then it works nice, and in that case my browser URL was set to
But As soon as I open a new browser and hit
it behaves slightly different.
For instance, some Button Shapes are not rendered properly.
Can any body give me a clue how can I debug this issue. basically how the style can be influenced by the machine name vs localhost in URL ?
Thanks in advance!
I too had the same issue.
This is due to the compatibility issue in ie8. go to tools->compatibility View Settings
uncheck "Display intranet sites in Compatibility view.
In local host or when we run from VS. It is not in Compatibility mode. And works fine in ie or in FF. But as soon as we change the local host to hostname/machinename it is going to compatibility view(default setting).
Jquery drag and drop functionality was also creating some problem. when it was running in compatibility view.
Use this first in header: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">
You can use Firebug or IE Developer tools to debug the css ( >= IE 8 preferably if Firefox is not an option.).