Encrypting a string - security

Is there a way to encrypt a string so there is no reversable effect? Like if you run some algorith 100 times, encrypting a message, you can run it 100 times in reverse and get the right one. If there a technology or method that eliminates such possibility?

There are two broad categories you should look into, depending on your needs:
Cryptographic Hash Functions
Cryptographic hash functions produce fixed-width values based on an arbitrarily long input, in such a way that even very minor changes in the input result in significantly different output. As a rule, they are irreversible (though flaws have been found in some algorithms). This is a good choice if you do not need to be able to recover the value of the string yourself. For example, good username/password verification systems store a hash of the password rather than the password itself, and authenticate by comparing that hash to the hash of the password provided by the user. This way, even if the username/password database is compromised, user passwords are not exposed.
Public-Key Cryptography
In public-key cryptography, a sender uses the intended recipient's "public" key to encrypt a message, and the recipient uses their "private" key to decrypt it. The message cannot be decrypted by the same key that encrypted it, so in that sense the algorithm is not strictly "reversible" (splicing hairs, I know). TLS, SSL, and PGP are all based on this technique, to name a few examples. This is probably your best option if you are transmitting data between two known parties.


Derive salt from password - How (in)secure is it?

I got the following problem:
In an Java Application I want to store some configuration data in an encrypted, local file. This file might be used for confidential data, like user credentials.
This file should be accessible by using a password (and only a password).
Now most trustworthy people and reference implementations use random salts. I completely understand that this is a reasonable choice. But if my application terminates and will be started later, the random salt is not available anymore. This application is stand-alone so no additional database could be used as a salt store.
For my software the user shall only type in the password (means: no user name, no salt, no favorite animal or colour).
Now my idea was deriving the salt from the password (e.g. by using the first 16 bytes of SHA-256).
My questions are:
How (in)secure would this implementation be?
What is a common way of encrypting stuff with only a password and would be a better alternative?
What is not the aim of this question:
Where to store salts
Secure algorithms and crypto implementation (of course, I did not implement crypto by myself)
Architectural improvements (nop, I do not want a global database for storing stuff)
First, I strongly recommend against devising novel encryption formats if you can help it. It is very difficult to do them correctly. If you want an encryption format that does what you're describing, see JNCryptor, which is an implementation of the RNCryptor format. The RNCryptor format is designed precisely for this problem, so the spec is a good source of information on how you could create your own if you don't want to use it directly. (I'm the author of RNCryptor.)
See also libsodium. It's a better encryption format than RNCryptor for various technical reasons, but it's a bit harder to install and use correctly. There are several Java bindings for libsodium.
When you say "of course, I did not implement crypto by myself," that's what you're doing. Crypto schemes are more than just the AES code. Deciding how to generate the salts in a novel way is implementing crypto. There are many ways to put together secure primitives (like salts) in simple ways and make them wildly insecure. That's why you want to use something well established.
The key take-away is that you store the salt with the data. I know you said this isn't about storing the salt, but that's how you do this. The simplest way to do this is to just glue the salt onto the start of the cipher text and store that. Then you just read the salt from the header. Similarly, you could put the whole thing in an envelope if that's more convenient. Something as simple as JSON:
{ "salt": "<base64-salt>",
"data": "<base64-data>" }
It's not the most efficient way to store the data, but it's easy, standard, and secure.
Remember, salts are not secrets. It is fine that everyone can read the salt.
OK, enough of how to do it right. Let's get to your actual question.
Your salting proposal is not a salt. It's just a slightly different hashing function. The point of a salt is if the same password is used twice (without intending to be the same password), then they will have different hashes. Your scheme fails that. If I implement the same approach as you do, and I pick the same password as yours, then the hash will be the same. Rainbow tables win.
The way you fix that is with a static salt, not a modified hash function. You should pick a salt that represents your system. I usually like reverse DNS for this, because it leads to uniqueness. For example: "com.example.mygreatapp". Someone else would naturally pick "org.example.ourawesomedb". You also can pick a long random string, but the important thing is uniqueness, so I like reverse DNS. (Random strings tend to make people think the salt is a secret, and the salt is not a secret.)
That's the whole system; just pick some constant salt, unique to your system. (If you had a username, you'd add the username to the salt. This is a standard way to construct a deterministic salt.)
But for file storage, I'd never do it that way.
To encrypt data, one needs a key not a password. There are key-derivation-functions to get a key from a user password.
A salt can be used for password hashing, but it cannot be used for encrypting data. There is a similar concept for encryption though, the random values there are called IV or Nonce and are stored together with the encrypted data.
The best thing you can do is
use a key-derivation-function with a salt, to get a key from the password.
With the resulting key you can encrypt the data.
In this case the salt can be stored inside the encrypted data container (the IV is already there), so there is no need for a global database.
To answer your original question: Derriving a salt from the password negates the whole purpose of the salt, it just becomes a more complex hash function.

Using asymmetric encryption to secure passwords

Due to our customer's demands, user passwords must be kept in some "readable" form in order to allow accounts to be converted at a later date. Unfortunately, just saving hash values and comparing them on authentication is not an option here. Storing plain passwords in the database is not an option either of course, but using an encryption scheme like AES might be one. But in that case, the key to decrypt passwords would have to be stored on the system handling authentication and I'm not quite comfortable with that.
Hoping to get "best of both worlds", my implementation is now using RSA asymmetric encryption to secure the passwords. Passwords are salted and encrypted using the public key. I disabled any additional, internal salting or padding mechanisms. The encrypted password will be the same every time, just like a MD5 or SHA1 hashed password would be. This way, the authentication system needs the public key, only. The private key is not required.
The private key is printed out, sealed and stored offline in the company's safe right after it is created. But when the accounts need to be converted later, it will allow access to the passwords.
Before we deploy this solution, I'd like to hear your opinion on this scheme. Any flaws in design? Any serious drawbacks compared to the symmetric encryption? Anything else we are missing?
Thank you very much in advance!
In response to Jack's arguments below, I'd like to add the relevant implementation details for our RSA-based "hashing" function:
Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());
Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/None/NoPadding");
rsa.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
byte[] cryptRaw = rsa.doFinal(saltedPassword.getBytes());
Having quickly skimmed over the paper mentioned by Jack, I think I somewhat understand the importance of preprocessing such as OAEP. Would it be alright to extend my original question and ask if there is a way to apply the needed preprocessing and still have the function return the same output every time for each input, just as a regular hashing function would? I would accept an answer to that "bonus question" here. (Or should I make that a seperate question on SOF?)
Update 2:
I'm having a hard time accepting one of the present answers because I feel that none really does answer my question. But I no longer expect any more answers to come, so I'll accept the one that I feel is most constructive.
I'm adding this as another answer because instead of answering the question asked (as I did in the first response) this is a workaround / alternative suggestion.
Simply put:
Use hashes BUT, whenever a user changes their password, also use your public key as follows:
Generate a random symmetric key and use it to encrypt the timestamp, user identifier, and new password.
The timestamp is to ensure you don't mess up later when trying to find the current / most up-to-date password.
Username so that you know which account you're dealing with.
Password because it is a requirement.
Store the encrypted text.
Encrypt the symmetric key using your public key.
Store the public key encrypted symmetric key with the encrypted text.
Destroy the in-memory plaintext symmetric key, leaving only the public key encrypted key.
When you need to 'convert' the accounts using the current password, you use the private key and go through the password change records. For each one:
Using the private key, decrypt the symmetric key.
Using the symmetric key, decrypt the record.
If you have a record for this user already, compare timestamps, and keep the password that is most recent (discarding the older).
Lather, rinse, repeat.
(Frankly I'm probably overdoing things by encrypting the timestamp and not leaving it plaintext, but I'm paranoid and I have a thing for timestamps. Don't get me started.)
Since you only use the public key when changing passwords, speed isn't critical. Also, you don't have to keep the records / files / data where the plaintext password is encrypted on the server the user uses for authentication. This data can be archived or otherwise moved off regularly, as they aren't required for normal operations (that's what the hash is for).
There is not enough information in the question to give any reasonable answer. Anyway since you disable padding there is a good chance that one of the attacks described in the paper
"Why Textbook ElGamal and RSA Encryption are Insecure" by
D. Boneh, A. Joux, and P. Nguyen is applicable.
That is just a wild guess of course. Your proposal could be susceptible to a number of other attacks.
In terms of answering your specific question, my main concern would have been management of the private key but given it's well and truly not accessible via any computer system breach, you're pretty well covered on that front.
I'd still question the logic of not using hashes though - this sounds like a classic YAGNI. A hashing process is deterministic so even if you decided to migrate systems in the future, so long as you can still use the same algorithm, you'll get the same result. Personally, I'd pick a strong hash algorithm, use a cryptographically strong, unique salt on each account and be done with it.
It seems safe enough in terms of what is online but have you given full consideration to the offline storage. How easy will it be for people within your company to get access to the private key? How would you know if someone within your company had accessed the private key? How easy would it be for the private key to be destroyed (e.g. is the safe fireproof/waterproof, will the printed key become illegible over time etc).
You need to look at things such as split knowledge, dual control, tamper evident envelopes etc. As a minimum I think you need to print out two strings of data which when or'd together create the private key and then have one in your office and one in your customers office,
One serious drawback I've not seen mentioned is the speed.
Symmetric encryption is generally much much faster than asymmetric. That's normally fine because most people account for that in their designs (SSL, for example, only uses asymmetric encryption to share the symmetric key and checking certificates). You're going to be doing asymmetric (slow) for every login, instead of cryptographic hashing (quite fast) or symmetric encryption (pretty snappy). I don't know that it will impact performance, but it could.
As a point of comparison: on my machine an AES symmetric stream cipher encryption (aes-128 cbc) yields up to 188255kB/s. That's a lot of passwords. On the same machine, the peak performance for signatures per second (probably the closest approximation to your intended operation) using DSA with a 512 bit key (no longer used to sign SSL keys) is 8916.2 operations per second. That difference is (roughly) a factor of a thousand assuming the signatures were using MD5 sized checksums. Three orders of magnitude.
This direct comparison is probably not applicable directly to your situation, but my intention was to give you an idea of the comparative algorithmic complexity.
If you have cryptographic algorithms you would prefer to use or compare and you'd like to benchmark them on your system, I suggest the 'openssl speed' command for systems that have openssl builds.
You can also probably mitigate this concern with dedicated hardware designed to accelerate public key cryptographic operations.

Is it possible to reverse a SHA-1 hash?

Is it possible to reverse a SHA-1?
I'm thinking about using a SHA-1 to create a simple lightweight system to authenticate a small embedded system that communicates over an unencrypted connection.
Let's say that I create a sha1 like this with input from a "secret key" and spice it with a timestamp so that the SHA-1 will change all the time.
sha1("My Secret Key"+"a timestamp")
Then I include this SHA-1 in the communication and the server, which can do the same calculation. And hopefully, nobody would be able to figure out the "secret key".
But is this really true?
If you know that this is how I did it, you would know that I did put a timestamp in there and you would see the SHA-1.
Can you then use those two and figure out the "secret key"?
secret_key = bruteforce_sha1(sha1, timestamp)
I guess you could brute force in some way, but how much work would that actually be?
I don't plan to encrypt any data, I just would like to know who sent it.
No, you cannot reverse SHA-1, that is exactly why it is called a Secure Hash Algorithm.
What you should definitely be doing though, is include the message that is being transmitted into the hash calculation. Otherwise a man-in-the-middle could intercept the message, and use the signature (which only contains the sender's key and the timestamp) to attach it to a fake message (where it would still be valid).
And you should probably be using SHA-256 for new systems now.
sha("My Secret Key"+"a timestamp" + the whole message to be signed)
You also need to additionally transmit the timestamp in the clear, because otherwise you have no way to verify the digest (other than trying a lot of plausible timestamps).
If a brute force attack is feasible depends on the length of your secret key.
The security of your whole system would rely on this shared secret (because both sender and receiver need to know, but no one else). An attacker would try to go after the key (either but brute-force guessing or by trying to get it from your device) rather than trying to break SHA-1.
SHA-1 is a hash function that was designed to make it impractically difficult to reverse the operation. Such hash functions are often called one-way functions or cryptographic hash functions for this reason.
However, SHA-1's collision resistance was theoretically broken in 2005. This allows finding two different input that has the same hash value faster than the generic birthday attack that has 280 cost with 50% probability. In 2017, the collision attack become practicable as known as shattered.
As of 2015, NIST dropped SHA-1 for signatures. You should consider using something stronger like SHA-256 for new applications.
Jon Callas on SHA-1:
It's time to walk, but not run, to the fire exits. You don't see smoke, but the fire alarms have gone off.
The question is actually how to authenticate over an insecure session.
The standard why to do this is to use a message digest, e.g. HMAC.
You send the message plaintext as well as an accompanying hash of that message where your secret has been mixed in.
So instead of your:
sha1("My Secret Key"+"a timestamp")
You have:
msg,hmac("My Secret Key",sha(msg+msg_sequence_id))
The message sequence id is a simple counter to keep track by both parties to the number of messages they have exchanged in this 'session' - this prevents an attacker from simply replaying previous-seen messages.
This the industry standard and secure way of authenticating messages, whether they are encrypted or not.
(this is why you can't brute the hash:)
A hash is a one-way function, meaning that many inputs all produce the same output.
As you know the secret, and you can make a sensible guess as to the range of the timestamp, then you could iterate over all those timestamps, compute the hash and compare it.
Of course two or more timestamps within the range you examine might 'collide' i.e. although the timestamps are different, they generate the same hash.
So there is, fundamentally, no way to reverse the hash with any certainty.
In mathematical terms, only bijective functions have an inverse function. But hash functions are not injective as there are multiple input values that result in the same output value (collision).
So, no, hash functions can not be reversed. But you can look for such collisions.
As you want to authenticate the communication between your systems, I would suggest to use HMAC. This construct to calculate message authenticate codes can use different hash functions. You can use SHA-1, SHA-256 or whatever hash function you want.
And to authenticate the response to a specific request, I would send a nonce along with the request that needs to be used as salt to authenticate the response.
It is not entirely true that you cannot reverse SHA-1 encrypted string.
You cannot directly reverse one, but it can be done with rainbow tables.
A rainbow table is a precomputed table for reversing cryptographic hash functions, usually for cracking password hashes. Tables are usually used in recovering a plaintext password up to a certain length consisting of a limited set of characters.
Essentially, SHA-1 is only as safe as the strength of the password used. If users have long passwords with obscure combinations of characters, it is very unlikely that existing rainbow tables will have a key for the encrypted string.
You can test your encrypted SHA-1 strings here:
There are other rainbow tables on the internet that you can use so Google reverse SHA1.
Note that the best attacks against MD5 and SHA-1 have been about finding any two arbitrary messages m1 and m2 where h(m1) = h(m2) or finding m2 such that h(m1) = h(m2) and m1 != m2. Finding m1, given h(m1) is still computationally infeasible.
Also, you are using a MAC (message authentication code), so an attacker can't forget a message without knowing secret with one caveat - the general MAC construction that you used is susceptible to length extension attack - an attacker can in some circumstances forge a message m2|m3, h(secret, m2|m3) given m2, h(secret, m2). This is not an issue with just timestamp but it is an issue when you compute MAC over messages of arbitrary length. You could append the secret to timestamp instead of pre-pending but in general you are better off using HMAC with SHA1 digest (HMAC is just construction and can use MD5 or SHA as digest algorithms).
Finally, you are signing just the timestamp and the not the full request. An active attacker can easily attack the system especially if you have no replay protection (although even with replay protection, this flaw exists). For example, I can capture timestamp, HMAC(timestamp with secret) from one message and then use it in my own message and the server will accept it.
Best to send message, HMAC(message) with sufficiently long secret. The server can be assured of the integrity of the message and authenticity of the client.
You can depending on your threat scenario either add replay protection or note that it is not necessary since a message when replayed in entirety does not cause any problems.
Hashes are dependent on the input, and for the same input will give the same output.
So, in addition to the other answers, please keep the following in mind:
If you start the hash with the password, it is possible to pre-compute rainbow tables, and quickly add plausible timestamp values, which is much harder if you start with the timestamp.
So, rather than use
sha1("My Secret Key"+"a timestamp")
go for
sha1("a timestamp"+"My Secret Key")
I believe the accepted answer is technically right but wrong as it applies to the use case: to create & transmit tamper evident data over public/non-trusted mediums.
Because although it is technically highly-difficult to brute-force or reverse a SHA hash, when you are sending plain text "data & a hash of the data + secret" over the internet, as noted above, it is possible to intelligently get the secret after capturing enough samples of your data. Think about it - your data may be changing, but the secret key remains the same. So every time you send a new data blob out, it's a new sample to run basic cracking algorithms on. With 2 or more samples that contain different data & a hash of the data+secret, you can verify that the secret you determine is correct and not a false positive.
This scenario is similar to how Wifi crackers can crack wifi passwords after they capture enough data packets. After you gather enough data it's trivial to generate the secret key, even though you aren't technically reversing SHA1 or even SHA256. The ONLY way to ensure that your data has not been tampered with, or to verify who you are talking to on the other end, is to encrypt the entire data blob using GPG or the like (public & private keys). Hashing is, by nature, ALWAYS insecure when the data you are hashing is visible.
Practically speaking it really depends on the application and purpose of why you are hashing in the first place. If the level of security required is trivial or say you are inside of a 100% completely trusted network, then perhaps hashing would be a viable option. Hope no one on the network, or any intruder, is interested in your data. Otherwise, as far as I can determine at this time, the only other reliably viable option is key-based encryption. You can either encrypt the entire data blob or just sign it.
Note: This was one of the ways the British were able to crack the Enigma code during WW2, leading to favor the Allies.
Any thoughts on this?
SHA1 was designed to prevent recovery of the original text from the hash. However, SHA1 databases exists, that allow to lookup the common passwords by their SHA hash.
Is it possible to reverse a SHA-1?
SHA-1 was meant to be a collision-resistant hash, whose purpose is to make it hard to find distinct messages that have the same hash. It is also designed to have preimage-resistant, that is it should be hard to find a message having a prescribed hash, and second-preimage-resistant, so that it is hard to find a second message having the same hash as a prescribed message.
SHA-1's collision resistance is broken practically in 2017 by Google's team and NIST already removed the SHA-1 for signature purposes in 2015.
SHA-1 pre-image resistance, on the other hand, still exists. One should be careful about the pre-image resistance, if the input space is short, then finding the pre-image is easy. So, your secret should be at least 128-bit.
SHA-1("My Secret Key"+"a timestamp")
This is the pre-fix secret construction has an attack case known as the length extension attack on the Merkle-Damgard based hash function like SHA-1. Applied to the Flicker. One should not use this with SHA-1 or SHA-2. One can use
HMAC-SHA-256 (HMAC doesn't require the collision resistance of the hash function therefore SHA-1 and MD5 are still fine for HMAC, however, forgot about them) to achieve a better security system. HMAC has a cost of double call of the hash function. That is a weakness for time demanded systems. A note; HMAC is a beast in cryptography.
KMAC is the pre-fix secret construction from SHA-3, since SHA-3 has resistance to length extension attack, this is secure.
Use BLAKE2 with pre-fix construction and this is also secure since it has also resistance to length extension attacks. BLAKE is a really fast hash function, and now it has a parallel version BLAKE3, too (need some time for security analysis). Wireguard uses BLAKE2 as MAC.
Then I include this SHA-1 in the communication and the server, which can do the same calculation. And hopefully, nobody would be able to figure out the "secret key".
But is this really true?
If you know that this is how I did it, you would know that I did put a timestamp in there and you would see the SHA-1. Can you then use those two and figure out the "secret key"?
secret_key = bruteforce_sha1(sha1, timestamp)
You did not define the size of your secret. If your attacker knows the timestamp, then they try to look for it by searching. If we consider the collective power of the Bitcoin miners, as of 2022, they reach around ~293 double SHA-256 in a year. Therefore, you must adjust your security according to your risk. As of 2022, NIST's minimum security is 112-bit. One should consider the above 128-bit for the secret size.
Note1: I guess you could brute force in some way, but how much work would that actually be?
Given the answer above. As a special case, against the possible implementation of Grover's algorithm ( a Quantum algorithm for finding pre-images), one should use hash functions larger than 256 output size.
Note2: I don't plan to encrypt any data, I just would like to know who sent it.
This is not the way. Your construction can only work if the secret is mutually shared like a DHKE. That is the secret only known to party the sender and you. Instead of managing this, a better way is to use digital signatures to solve this issue. Besides, one will get non-repudiation, too.
Any hashing algorithm is reversible, if applied to strings of max length L. The only matter is the value of L. To assess it exactly, you could run the state of art dehashing utility, hashcat. It is optimized to get best performance of your hardware.
That's why you need long passwords, like 12 characters. Here they say for length 8 the password is dehashed (using brute force) in 24 hours (1 GPU involved). For each extra character multiply it by alphabet length (say 50). So for 9 characters you have 50 days, for 10 you have 6 years, and so on. It's definitely inaccurate, but can give us an idea, what the numbers could be.

Is It Possible To Reconstruct a Cryptographic Hash's Key

We would like to cryptographically (SHA-256) hash a secret value in our database. Since we want to use this as a way to lookup individual records in our database, we cannot use a different random salt for each encrypted value.
My question is: given unlimited access to our database, and given that the attacker knows at least one secret value and hashed value pair, is it possible for the attacker to reverse engineer the cryptographic key? IE, would the attacker then be able to reverse all hashes and determine all secret values?
It seems like this defeats the entire purpose of a cryptographic hash if it is the case, so perhaps I'm missing something.
There are no published "first pre-image" attacks against SHA-256. Without such an attack to open a shortcut, it is impossible for an attacker to the recover a secret value from its SHA-256 hash.
However, the mention of a "secret key" might indicate some confusion about hashes. Hash algorithms don't use a key. So, if an attacker were able to attack one "secret-value–hash-value" pair, he wouldn't learn a "key" that would enable him to easily invert the rest of the hash values.
When a hash is attacked successfully, it is usually because the original message was from a small space. For example, most passwords are chosen from a relatively short list of real words, perhaps with some simple permutations. So, rather than systematically testing every possible password, the attacker starts with an ordered list of the few billion most common passwords. To avoid this, it's important to choose the "secret value" randomly from a large space.
There are message authentication algorithms that hash a secret key together with some data. These algorithms are used to protect the integrity of the message against tampering. But they don't help thwart pre-image attacks.
In short, yes.
No, a SHA hash is not reversible (at least not easily). When you Hash something if you need to reverse it you need to reconstruct the hash. This is usually done with a private (salt) and public key.
For example, if I'm trying to prevent access based off my user id. I would hash my user id and the salt. Let say MD5 for example. My user id is "12345" and the salt is "abcde"
So I will hash the string "12345_abcde", which return a hash of "7b322f78afeeb81ad92873b776558368"
Now I will pass to the validating application the hash and the public key, "12345" which is the public key and the has.
The validating application, knows the salt, so it hashes the same values. "12345_abcde", which in turn would generate the exact same hash. I then compare the hash i validated with the one passed off and they match. If I had somehow modified the public key without modifying the hash, a different has would have been generated resulting in a mismatch.
Yes it's possible, but not in this lifetime.
Modern brute-force attacks using multiple GPUs could crack this in short order. I recommend you follow the guidelines for password storage for this application. Here are the current password storage guidelines from OWASP. Currently, they recommend a long salt value, and PBKDF2 with 64,000 iterations, which iteratively stretches the key and makes it computationally complex to brute force the input values. Note that this will also make it computationally complex for you to generate your key values, but the idea is that you will be generating keys far less frequently than an attacker would have to. That said, your design requires many more key derivations than a typical password storage/challenge application, so your design may be fatally flawed. Also keep in mind that the iteration count should doubled every 18 months to make the computational complexity follow Moore's Law. This means that your system would need some way of allowing you to rehash these values (possibly by combining hash techniques). Over time, you will find that old HMAC functions are broken by cryptanalysts, and you need to be ready to update your algorithms. For example, a single iteration of MD5 or SHA-1 used to be sufficient, but it is not anymore. There are other HMAC functions that could also suit your needs that wouldn't require PBKDF2 (such as bcrypt or scrypt), but PBKDF2 is currently the industry standard that has received the most scrutiny. One could argue that bcrypt or scrypt would also be suitable, but this is yet another reason why a pluggable scheme should be used to allow you to upgrade HMAC functions over time.

Difference between Hashing a Password and Encrypting it

The current top-voted to this question states:
Another one that's not so much a security issue, although it is security-related, is complete and abject failure to grok the difference between hashing a password and encrypting it. Most commonly found in code where the programmer is trying to provide unsafe "Remind me of my password" functionality.
What exactly is this difference? I was always under the impression that hashing was a form of encryption. What is the unsafe functionality the poster is referring to?
Hashing is a one way function (well, a mapping). It's irreversible, you apply the secure hash algorithm and you cannot get the original string back. The most you can do is to generate what's called "a collision", that is, finding a different string that provides the same hash. Cryptographically secure hash algorithms are designed to prevent the occurrence of collisions. You can attack a secure hash by the use of a rainbow table, which you can counteract by applying a salt to the hash before storing it.
Encrypting is a proper (two way) function. It's reversible, you can decrypt the mangled string to get original string if you have the key.
The unsafe functionality it's referring to is that if you encrypt the passwords, your application has the key stored somewhere and an attacker who gets access to your database (and/or code) can get the original passwords by getting both the key and the encrypted text, whereas with a hash it's impossible.
People usually say that if a cracker owns your database or your code he doesn't need a password, thus the difference is moot. This is naïve, because you still have the duty to protect your users' passwords, mainly because most of them do use the same password over and over again, exposing them to a greater risk by leaking their passwords.
Hashing is a one-way function, meaning that once you hash a password it is very difficult to get the original password back from the hash. Encryption is a two-way function, where it's much easier to get the original text back from the encrypted text.
Plain hashing is easily defeated using a dictionary attack, where an attacker just pre-hashes every word in a dictionary (or every combination of characters up to a certain length), then uses this new dictionary to look up hashed passwords. Using a unique random salt for each hashed password stored makes it much more difficult for an attacker to use this method. They would basically need to create a new unique dictionary for every salt value that you use, slowing down their attack terribly.
It's unsafe to store passwords using an encryption algorithm because if it's easier for the user or the administrator to get the original password back from the encrypted text, it's also easier for an attacker to do the same.
As shown in the above image, if the password is encrypted it is always a hidden secret where someone can extract the plain text password. However when password is hashed, you are relaxed as there is hardly any method of recovering the password from the hash value.
Extracted from Encrypted vs Hashed Passwords - Which is better?
Is encryption good?
Plain text passwords can be encrypted using symmetric encryption algorithms like DES, AES or with any other algorithms and be stored inside the database. At the authentication (confirming the identity with user name and password), application will decrypt the encrypted password stored in database and compare with user provided password for equality. In this type of an password handling approach, even if someone get access to database tables the passwords will not be simply reusable. However there is a bad news in this approach as well. If somehow someone obtain the cryptographic algorithm along with the key used by your application, he/she will be able to view all the user passwords stored in your database by decryption. "This is the best option I got", a software developer may scream, but is there a better way?
Cryptographic hash function (one-way-only)
Yes there is, may be you have missed the point here. Did you notice that there is no requirement to decrypt and compare? If there is one-way-only conversion approach where the password can be converted into some converted-word, but the reverse operation (generation of password from converted-word) is impossible. Now even if someone gets access to the database, there is no way that the passwords be reproduced or extracted using the converted-words. In this approach, there will be hardly anyway that some could know your users' top secret passwords; and this will protect the users using the same password across multiple applications. What algorithms can be used for this approach?
I've always thought that Encryption can be converted both ways, in a way that the end value can bring you to original value and with Hashing you'll not be able to revert from the end result to the original value.
Hashing algorithms are usually cryptographic in nature, but the principal difference is that encryption is reversible through decryption, and hashing is not.
An encryption function typically takes input and produces encrypted output that is the same, or slightly larger size.
A hashing function takes input and produces a typically smaller output, typically of a fixed size as well.
While it isn't possible to take a hashed result and "dehash" it to get back the original input, you can typically brute-force your way to something that produces the same hash.
In other words, if a authentication scheme takes a password, hashes it, and compares it to a hashed version of the requires password, it might not be required that you actually know the original password, only its hash, and you can brute-force your way to something that will match, even if it's a different password.
Hashing functions are typically created to minimize the chance of collisions and make it hard to just calculate something that will produce the same hash as something else.
It is a one-way algorithm and once hashed can not rollback and this is its sweet point against encryption.
If we perform encryption, there will a key to do this. If this key will be leaked all of your passwords could be decrypted easily.
On the other hand, even if your database will be hacked or your server admin took data from DB and you used hashed passwords, the hacker will not able to break these hashed passwords. This would actually practically impossible if we use hashing with proper salt and additional security with PBKDF2.
If you want to take a look at how should you write your hash functions, you can visit here.
There are many algorithms to perform hashing.
MD5 - Uses the Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) hash function. The output hash is 128 bits in length. The MD5 algorithm was designed by Ron Rivest in the early 1990s and is not a preferred option today.
SHA1 - Uses Security Hash Algorithm (SHA1) hash published in 1995. The output hash is 160 bits in length. Although most widely used, this is not a preferred option today.
HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384, HMACSHA512 - Use the functions SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 of the SHA-2 family. SHA-2 was published in 2001. The output hash lengths are 256, 384, and 512 bits, respectively,as the hash functions’ names indicate.
Ideally you should do both.
First Hash the pass password for the one way security. Use a salt for extra security.
Then encrypt the hash to defend against dictionary attacks if your database of password hashes is compromised.
As correct as the other answers may be, in the context that the quote was in, hashing is a tool that may be used in securing information, encryption is a process that takes information and makes it very difficult for unauthorized people to read/use.
Here's one reason you may want to use one over the other - password retrieval.
If you only store a hash of a user's password, you can't offer a 'forgotten password' feature.
