WAAD Tools for ASP.NET - Exception - azure

After installing Windows Azure Active Directory Tools for ASP.NET, I receive an exception after opening a web project in VS2012'; and, the Enable Windows Azure Authentication option does not appear in my Project menu so I am unable to use the feature. Uninstalling / reinstalling / rebooting has not helped. This is on Windows 8. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

David, what tools do you mean? The "Identity And Access Tools" or something else? Because the latest and recommended version of the tooling for WAAD (targeting VS2012) is the Identity and Access Tools And there is no more "Enable Azure authentication", there is menu item "Identity and Access" where you can configure either ACS or WAAD. And these tooling only work for .NET 4.5 projects. Hope this helps.
The exception for web project comes from another source. What worked for me (for the web projects) was:
Manually remove the NuGet Package Manager from Visual Studio.
Close All instance of Visual Studio
Manually install the latest version of NuGet Package manager
now Web Project shall be fine
Let me know if this works for you.


Visual Studio publish to azure existing apps error

Getting this error when I select a "publish target" in VS 2015 update 3. Had a look for a while online but didn't see anything, so any help would be appreciated if you could point me in the right direction.
An error has occurred while processing the request: Method 'StopRemoteProfiler' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.WindowsAzure.AzureWebSite' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.WindowsAzure.Impl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have implementation
I updated to the to Azure sdk 2.9.6 last night because of a different issue but related where there was no error, but no existing apps were listed.
I can confirm that this works on my work computer and I have existing apps on Azure, but not working on my home computer.
I am a bit loath to uninstall and reinstall VS, so any help would be appreciated. Of course, if the only solution is to reset, then so be it.
I faced the same problem. This is what worked for me.
I updated the "Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2" by going to Menu -> Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Updates -> Visual Studio Gallery. It shows all the available updates for your version of studio. Select the component to update. It should download a file named "DotNetCore.1.0.1-VS2015Tools.Preview2.0.3.exe" or something similar. When you run this file, if you have the software already installed then select the repair option. It will ask you to close any running instances of Visual Studio, also make sure you have internet connection.
Also if you are using Web Deploy to publish your app make sure you have Microsoft Web Deploy v3 or higher installed or you will get error. You can do it using Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
Hope it helps.

How to enable Web Development feature in Visual Studio 2015?

I am trying to install Microsoft Azure SDK. I downloaded this version (2.9) of the SDK from here. And I am getting the following error in the picture.
I have Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 installed on my PC. Could it be some sort of compatibility issue. I read on some forum that it won't work if I have different versions of the Azure SDK installed on Visual Studio 2013 and 2015.
But I don't have the SDK installed on any of them. And I can't seem to find any Web Development Feature in the IDE either. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
Given the situation, the issue is most probably that the relevant modules for Web Development weren't installed when Visual Studio was installed. Those modules are not selected to be installed by default.
The solution is to simply re-run the setup and select "Modify".
On the list of modules, go to "Windows and Web Development".
You should get Microsoft Web Developer Tools in the list. Just select that and install. That should do the trick.
#alchemist is right but I had deleted the VS2015 installer long ago (right after installing). So I went to the Control Panel > Programs And Features > Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community with Updates > (right-click) > Change
This will bring up the visual studio installer. Click on Modify > Check Microsoft Web Developer Tools > Update.
*walks towards the camera in slow motion on an exploding background

Microsoft Azure NotificationHubs Installation failed

i got this problem when i try to install this package Microsoft Azure NotificationHubs in visual studio 2015 enterprise.
image 1
image 2
Could you tell me how you install the package? Do you install as the similar steps below?
In Visual Studio, add a new Visual C# Windows Classic Desktop project to the current solution using the Console Application project template. Name the project ConsoleNotificationhubs.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the ConsoleNotificationhubs project, and then click Manage NuGet Packages.
In the NuGet Package Manager window, search for Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs, click Install, and accept the terms of use.
Please note that this package requires .Net Framework 4.5 Full Profile.
If you install successfully, you will get the information like this:
It looks like you are trying to install the Azure Notification Hubs package in a UAP app. You don't need to do it.
Just configure the notification channel per the doc referenced in the comments (cc: Brendan Green).

How to install Biztalk 2013 Project Templates in Visual Studio 2012?

Doing some work on a proof of concept in Azure VM with SQL Server 2012, BizTalk 2013 and Visual Studio 2012. All 3 (SQL, BizTalk and Visual Studio) are on the same VM. In visual studio 2012, I cannot see any project templates for BizTalk.
I installed the Windows Azure BizTalk Services preview but unfortunately, that only installs two templates both for BizTalk Azure services (not orchestrations, etc.).
I tried running (as admin) devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates to no avail.
All I'm trying to do is have the BizTalk project templates installed in VS2012 so I can create an orchestration.
Ideas? Suggestions?
As part of the Biztalk installation, there's an option to install the developer tools and SDK. If it's not installed initially, you can go into control panel, modify the installation and add it there.
If the dev tools and SDK are grayed out, it's because IIS ASPNET 4.5 and WCF HTTP ACTIVATION 4.5 prerequisites have not been met. Ironically enough, once you meet said requirements, they'll appear during installation (as seen in the image below). In order enable the SDK option, I've found that installing Excel, in addition to several IIS options will enable the installation option. Credit to this blog entry for pointing me in the right direction.
TL;DR Install Visual Studio 2012 FIRST to get ASPNET 4.5 and WCF HTTP requirements met before installing BizTalk. Not sure why they couldn't just say something during the BizTalk installation. Maybe have a "Development environment" mode or type of installation where they'd mention having VS installed first.

Trouble downloading Windows Azure SDK 1.4

I am trying to download the Windows Azure SDK 1.4.
The Web Platform Installer pops up, and I choose "add" for "Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 - August 2011". I click "accept" to the terms, and the installer downloads and tries to install the sdk.
I then get a message: "We're sorry. The following products have failed to install.", then lists everything I tried to download. It says that "this product cannot be installed because product that it depends on did not install successfully."
Download log available here.
Any idea what the problem could be?
I had a similar issue.
To get around it I started uninstalling the previous versions of everything it was trying to install. The installer worked after I'd unistalled the Visual Studio tool kit and the Azure SDK.
Fortunately when you rerun the WPI it doesn't try to re-download the files.
Try to download the msi without the platform installer to skip the dependencies.
