Extracting a substring from a string of arbitrary length - excel

I have just a hair over 30,000 tweets. I have one column that has the actual tweet. There are two things that I would like to accomplish with this column.
First here is a snippet of sample data:
RT #Just_Sports: Cool page for fans of early pro #baseball. https://t.co/QCMYFQNSq8 #mlb #vintage #Chicago #Detroit #Boston #Brooklyn #Phil…
#brettjuliano you already know #unity #newengland #hiphop #boston #watertown #network
I have a column that uses the following formula to see if the message starts out with RT meaning a re-tweet. It returns 1 for yes and 0 for no.
What I would like to accomplish is to create a formula in two columns. One that will get the username if the RT column has a value of 1 and in the second column the username if the RT column has a value of 0. Since usernames are of arbitrary length I am unsure of how to go about this.
RT #Just_Sports: | 1 | #Just_Sports | 0
#brettjuliano | 0 | | #brettjuliano

Take a look at Excel's FIND function. You can use this to identify the position of the #, then using a specified delimiter, match the end of the user name:
=MID(A1, FIND("#",A1), FIND(":",A1,FIND("#",A1)) - FIND("#",A1))
Where A1 is the cell containing the tweet, and ":" is your delimiter.
You can use the same feature to check for the existence of the "RT" identifier.
Which returns TRUE if "RT" is found. You may want to consider a search for " RT " (spaces), or some other variation, since there is no standard for using this in a tweet:
=OR(FIND("RT",A1)>0,FIND(" RT",A1)>0,FIND("RT ",A1)>0, FIND(" RT ",A1)>0)
But beware of false positives: ART, START, ARTOO, etc...
Additionally, your "RT" may be lower/upper/mixed case, in which case you'll want to normalize that search:
=OR(FIND("RT",UPPER(A1))>0,FIND(" RT",UPPER(A1))>0,FIND("RT ",UPPER(A1))>0, FIND(" RT ",UPPER(A1))>0)
My OR check is different than the 0/1 check you say you already have, so you can jsut add IF to that to convert to the 0/1 as needed:
=IF(OR(FIND("RT",A1)>0,FIND(" RT",A1)>0,FIND("RT ",A1)>0, FIND(" RT ",A1)>0),1,0)
Once you know you have the RT check correct, and your second column is filled properly, you can add to my original formula:
Case for 1 in 2nd column:
=IF(B1=1,MID(A1, FIND("#",A1), FIND(":",A1,FIND("#",A1)) - FIND("#",A1)),"")
Case for 0 in 2nd column:
=IF(B1=0,MID(A1, FIND("#",A1), FIND(":",A1,FIND("#",A1)) - FIND("#",A1)),"")


Excel: How to find six different combinations of words in string?

I have been working for several days on this and have researched everything looking for this answer. I'd appreciate any help you can give.
In Excel I am searching a string of text in column A:
Bought 1 HD Sep 3 2021 325.0 Call # 2.75
I am detecting the first word (in this case "Bought") and detecting the last word before "#" symbol (in this case "Call").
I am then detecting the price following the "#" symbol (in this case "2.75"). This number will go into column B (header "Open") or column C (header "Close") depending on the combination of words found:
Sold (by itself)=Open
Sold (by itself)=Close.
Bought 1 HD Sep 3 2021 325.0 Call # 2.75
The combination found in the above string is: "Bought Call". Therefore the number at the end ("2.75"), goes into "Open" column.
Here's another example:
Sold 4 AI Sep 17 2021 50.0 Put # 1.5
The combination found in the above string is: "Sold Put". Therefore the number at the end ("1.5") goes into "Close" column.
I am currently using this formula to determine if the string contains "Sold" and "Call" and get the desired number and it does work:
TRIM(MID(A10,SEARCH("#",A10)+LEN("#"),255))," ")
But, I don't know how to search for all the other possible combinations.
The point behind this is to be able to paste the transaction from the broker and have most of the entry process automated. I'm sure many will benefit from this as I've not found anything like this.
I'd appreciate any help and if possible, an explanation of the formula so I can better learn.
I think you have the right idea, but would just extend the IF statement.
Something like the below might work for you:
IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"Bought","Sold"}, $A1)),
IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"!!!","!!!","Bought","Sold"}, $A1)),
Just enter in column B and drag down; columns B through E should fill as needed.
For example:
Note that the search for "!!!" is just random characters, it can be anything that you don't think has a good chance of appearing in the string.
Here/screenshots refer:
(requires Office 365 compatible version Excel)
Main lookup
Other Excel versions:
(all that falls away is the 'Let' formula, replacing fn_1 and fn_2 with respective functions in index formula within the let making first equation somewhat longer, but otherwise identical)
Example applications
Have provided 2 examples of how one might customize to insert numeric in one of the columns (the key part to this question is really how to do lookup in first instance, from thereon it's a matter of finetuning/taking appropriate action)...
Assuming calls/buys are "long" position and strike price go in first col (here, D), and puts/sales are "short" position with strike price going in 2nd col (here, E):
Long - insert strike price col D
=IF(LET(fn_1,MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0),fn_2,MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0),IFERROR(INDEX($K$7:$K$12,MATCH(1,IF($I$7:$I$12="",fn_1*ISNUMBER(fn_2),fn_1*fn_2),0)),))=1,MID(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))+1,LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))),"")
Other Excel versions:
=IF(IFERROR(INDEX($K$7:$K$12,MATCH(1,IF($I$7:$I$12="",MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0)*ISNUMBER(MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0)),MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0)*MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0)),0)),)=1,MID(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))+1,LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))),"")
Short - insert strike price col E
=IF(LET(fn_1,MATCH("*"&$H$7:$H$12&"*",B4,0),fn_2,MATCH("*"&$I$7:$I$12&"*",B4,0),IFERROR(INDEX($K$7:$K$12,MATCH(1,IF($I$7:$I$12="",fn_1*ISNUMBER(fn_2),fn_1*fn_2),0)),))=2,MID(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))+1,LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""))),"")
Other Excel versions:
Follow same routine in previous Edits (remove Let, replace fn_1 & fn_2 with respective formulae...)
Note similarity in all 3 equations above: 2nd and 3rd contain 1st (effectively they just wrap a big old 'if' statement around 1st, use lookup_2 col (here, col K), and use mid/search to extract rate after the hashtag.
Assumes you don't have other hashtags in the sentence..
Customize as required.

how to vlookup if prefix found in the list?

how can i come up with return value of "company name" (column H) at Column B IF any of the "PrefiX" (Column G) found at "con no" (Column A).
Sample of outcome needed as in column B.
620011113 = DD
CN1234 = BB
Breaking this down, the INDEX retrieves the Nth item from Column H (Company name). To find the value of N, we are using the AGGREGATE function
AGGREGATE is a weird function - it lets us use things like MAX or LARGE or SUM while ignoring any error values. In this case, we will be using it for SMALL (first argument, 15), while Ignoring Error Values (second argument, 6). We will want the very smallest value, so the fourth argument will be 1. (If we wanted the second smallest, it would be 2, and so on)
So, all we need now is a list of values to compare! To make things slightly simpler, I'll break that bit of the code out for you here:
ROW($G$1:$G$7) / (--(FIND($G$1:$G$7,$A2)=1) * --(LEN($G$1:$G$7)>0))
There are 3 parts to this. The first, ROW($G$1:$G$7)is the actual value we want to retrieve - these will be the Row Numbers for each Prefix that matches your value. On its own, however, it will be all the row numbers. Since we are skipping errors, we want any Rows that don't match the prefix to throw an error. The easiest way to do this is to Divide by Zero
At the start of --(FIND($G$1:$G$7,$A2)=1) and --(LEN($G$1:$G$7)>0) we have a double-negative. This is a quick way to convert True and False to 1 and 0. Only when both tests are True will we not divide by 0, as this table shows:
A | B | A*B
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | 0
0 | 0 | 0
Starting with the second test first (it's easier), we have LEN($G$1:$G$7)>0 - basically "don't look at blank cells".
The other test (FIND($G$1:$G$7,$A2)=1) will search for the Prefix in the Con No, and return where it is found (or a #VALUE! error if it isn't). We then check "is this at position 1" - in other words, "Is this at the start of the Con No, rather than in the middle". We don't want to say Con No CNQ6060 is part of Company AA instead of Company BB by mistake!
So, if the Prefix is at the Start of the Con No, AND it isn't Blank (because there is an infinite amount of Nothing Before, After, and Between every number and letter), then we get it added to our list of Rows. We then take the smallest row (i.e. closest to the top - change AGGREGATE(15 to AGGREGATE(14 if you want the closest to the bottom!), and use that to get the Company Name
You could try the below formal:
Have in mind that you have to use ' before the cell value of column A & G in order to convert cell value into text get the correct out comes using VLOOKUP

How do I sum data based on a PART of the headers name?

Say I have columns
/670 - White | /650 - black | /680 - Red | /800 - Whitest
These have data in their rows. Basically, I want to SUM their values together if their headers contain my desired string.
For modularity's sake, I wanted to merely specify to sum /670, /650, and /680 without having to mention the rest of the header text.
So, something like =SUMIF(a1:c1; "/NUM & /NUM & /NUM"; a2:c2)
That doesn't work, and honestly I don't know what i should be looking for.
Additional stuff:
I'm trying to think of the answer myself, is it possible to mention the header text as condition for ifs? Like: if A2="/650 - Black" then proceed to sum the next header. Is this possible?
Possibility it would not involve VBA, a draggable formula would be preferable!
At this point, I may as well request a version which handles the complete header name rather than just a part of it as I believe it to be difficult for formula code alone.
Thanks for having a look!
Let me know if I need to elaborate.
EDIT: In regards to data samples, any positive number will do actually, damn shame stack overflow doesn't support table markdown. Anyway, for example then..:
| A | B | C | D | E |
| 1 |/650 - Black |/670 - White |/800 - White |/680 - Red |/650 - Black |
| 2 | 250 | 400 | 100 | 300 | 125 |
I should have clarified:
The number range for these headers would go from /100 - /9999 and no more than that.
Progress so far:
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($H$1)=4,$H$1&"",$H$1&" ")))+(A2:D2*
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($I$1)=4,$I$1&"",$I$1&" ")))+(A2:D2*
(MID($A$1:$D$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" "))))
Apparently, each MID function is returning false with each F9 calculation.
Okay! I found my issue, it's the /being read when you ALSO mentioned that it wasn't required. Man, I should stop skimming!
Final Edit:
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match5)=4,Match5&"",Match5&" ")))+(RETURNSUM*
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match6)=4,Match6&"",Match6&" ")))+(RETURNSUM*
(MID(HEADER,2,4)=IF(LEN(Match7)=4,Match7&"",Match7&" ")))
The idea is that Header and RETURNSUM will become match criteria like the matches written above, that way it would be easier to punch new criterion into the search table. As of the moment, it doesn't support multiple rows/dragging.
I have knocked up a couple of formulas that will achieve what you are looking for. For ease I have made the search input require the number only as pressing / does not automatically type into the formula bar. I apologise for the length of the answer, I got a little carried away with the explanation.
I have set this up for 3 criteria located in J1, K1 and L1.
Here is the output I achieved:
Formula 1 - SUMPRODUCT():
=SUMPRODUCT((A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" ")))+(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($K$1)=4,$K$1&"",$K$1&" ")))+(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($L$1)=4,$L$1&"",$L$1&" "))))
Sumproduct(array1,[array2]) behaves as an array formula without needed to be entered as one. Array formulas break down ranges and calculate them cell by cell (in this example we are using single rows so the formula will assess columns seperately).
(A4:G4*(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" ")))
Essentially I have broken the Sumproduct() formula into 3 identical parts - 1 for each search condition. (A4:G4*: Now, as the formula behaves like an array, we will multiply each individual cell by either 1 or 0 and add the results together.
1 is produced when the next part of the formula is true and 0 for when it is false (default numeric values for TRUE/FALSE).
(MID($A$1:$G$1,2,4)=IF(LEN($J$1)=4,$J$1&"",$J$1&" "))
MID(text,start_num,num_chars) is being used here to assess the 4 digits after the "/" and see whether they match with the number in the 3 cells that we are searching from (in this case the first one: J1). Again, as SUMPRODUCT() works very much like an array formula, each cell in the range will be assessed individually.
I have then used the IF(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false]) to check the length of the number that I am searching. As we are searching for a 4 digit text string, if the number is 4 digits then add nothing ("") to force it to a text string and if it is not (as it will have to be 3 digits) add 1 space to the end (" ") again forcing it to become a text string.
The formula will then perform the calculation like so:
The MID() formula produces the array: {"650 ","670 ","800 ","680 ","977 ","9999","143 "}. This combined with the first search produces {TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} which when multiplied by A4:G4
(remember 0 for false and 1 for true) produces this array: {250,0,0,0,0,0,0} essentially pulling the desired result ready to be summed together.
Formula 2: =SUM(IF(Array)): [This formula does not work for 3 digit numbers as they will exist within the 4 digit numbers! I have included it for educational purposes only]
The formula will need to be entered as an array (once copy and pasted while still in the formula bar hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)
This formula works in a similar way, SUM() will add together the array values produced where IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH() columns match the result column.
SEARCH() will return a number when it finds the exact characters in a cell which represents it's position in number of characters. By using ISNUMBER() I am avoiding having to do the whole MID() and IF(LEN()=4,""," ") I used in the previous formula as TRUE/FALSE will be produced when a match is found regardless of it's position or cell formatting.
As previously mentioned, this poses a problem as 999 can be found within 9999 etc.
The resulting array for the first part is: {250,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE} (if you would like to see the array you can highlight that part of the formula and calculate with F9 but be sure to highlight the exact brackets for that part of the formula).
I hope I have explained this well, feel free to ask any questions about stuff that you don't understand. It is good to see people keen to learn and not just fishing for a fast answer. I would be more than happy to help and explain in more depth.
I start this solution with the names in an array, you can read the header names into an array with not too much difficulty.
Sub test()
Dim myArray(1 To 4) As String
myArray(1) = "/670 - White"
myArray(2) = "/650 - black"
myArray(3) = "/680 - Red"
myArray(4) = "/800 - Whitest"
For Each ArrayValue In myArray
'Find position of last character
endposition = InStr(1, ArrayValue, " - ", vbTextCompare)
'Grab the number section from the string, based on starting and ending positions
stringvalue = Mid(ArrayValue, 2, endposition - 2)
'Convert to number
NumberValue = CLng(stringvalue)
'Add to total
Total = Total + NumberValue
Next ArrayValue
'Print total
Debug.Print Total
End Sub
This will print the answer to the debug window.

Using tbl.Lookup to match just part of a column value

This question relates to the Schematiq add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Using =tbl.Lookup(table, columnsToSearch, valuesToFind, resultColumn, [defaultValue]) the values in the valuesToFind column have a consistent 3 characters to the left and then varying characters after (e.g. 908-123456 or 908-321654 - i.e. 908 is always consistent)
How can I tell the function to lookup the value based on the first 3 characters only? The expected answer should be the sum of the results of the above, i.e. 500 + 300 = 800
tbl.Lookup() works by looking for an exact match - this helps ensure it's fast but in this case it means you need an extra step to calculate a column of lookup values, something like this:
A2: =tbl.CalculateColumn(A1, "code", "x => LEFT(x, 3)", "startOfCode")
This will give you a new column that you can use for the columnsToSearch argument, however tbl.Lookup() also looks for just one match - it doesn't know how to combine values together if there is more than one matching row in the table, so I think you also need one more step to group your table by the first 3 chars of the code, like this:
A3: =tbl.Group(A2, "startOfCode", "amount")
Because tbl.Group() adds values together by default, this will give you a table with a row for each distinct value of startOfCode and the subtotal of amount for each of those values. Finally, you can do the lookup exactly as you requested, which for your input table will return 800:
A4: =tbl.Lookup(A3, "startOfCode", "908", "amount")

Destination, prefix lookup via Phone number - Excel

I have two tables.
Table one contains: phone number list
Table Two contains: prefix and destination list
I want look up prefix and destination for phone number.
Given below Row data table and result table
Table 01 ( Phone Number List)
Phone Number
Table 02 (Prefix and Destination List)
1 |Canada_USA_Fixed
1242 |Bahamas
1246 |Barbados
1268 |Antigua
1284 |Tortola
1340 |Virgin Islands - US
1345 |Cayman Island
144153 |Bermuda-Mobile
1473 |Grenada
1649 |Turks and Caicos
1664 |Montserrat
Table 03 (Result)
Phone Number | PREFIX | COUNTRY
12426454407 | 1242 | Bahamas
12865456546 | 1 | Canada_USA_Fixed
12846546564 | 1284 | Tortola
14415332165 | 144153 | Bermuda-Mobile
14426546545 | 1 | Canada_USA_Fixed
16496564654 | 1649 | Turks and Caicos
16896546564 | 1 | Canada_USA_Fixed
16643216564 | 1664 | Montserrat
Lets assume phone numbers are in column A, now in column B you need to extract the prefix. Something like this:
=LEFT(A1, 4)
However your Canada_USA_Fixed creates problems as does the Antigua mobile. I'll let you solve this issue yourself. Start with IF statements.
Now that you have extracted the prefix you can easily use VLOOKUP() to get the country.
Assuming that the longest prefix is 6 digits long you, can add 6 columns (B:G) next to the column with the phone numbers in table 1 (I assume this is column A). In column B you'd show the first 6 characters using =LEFT(A2,6), in the next column you show 5 chars, etc.
Then you add another 6 columns (H:M) , each doing a =MATCH(B2,Table2!A:A,0) to see if this prefix is in the list of prefixes.
Now if any of the 6 potential prefixes match, you'll get the row number of the prefix - else you'll get an #N/A error. Put the following formula in column N: {=INDEX(H2:M2,MATCH(FALSE,ISERROR(H2:M2),0))} - enter the formula as an array formula, i.e. instead of pressing Enter after entering it, press Ctrl-Shift-Enter - you'll see these {} around the formula then, so don't enter those manually!.
Column N now contains the row of the matching prefix or #N/A if no prefix matches. Therefore, put =IF(ISNA(N2,'No matching prefix',INDEX(Table2!B:B,N2)) in the next column and you'll be done.
You could also the above approach with less columns but more complex formulas but I wouldn't recommend it.
I'm also doing longest prefix matches and, like everyone else that Google has turned up, it's also for international phone number prefixes!
My solution is working for my table of 200 prefixes (including world zone 1, ie. having 1 for US/Canada and 1242 for Bahamas, etc).
Firstly you need this array formula (which I'm going to call "X" in the following but you'll want to type out in full)
This uses the trick of multiplying a logical value with an integer so the result is zero if there's no match. You use this find the maximum value in one cell (which I'm calling "MaxValue").
If MaxValue is more than zero (and therefore some sort of match was found), you can then find the position of the maximum value in your prefix array.
I've not worried about duplicates here - you can check for them in your PrefixArray separately.
Notes for neophytes:
PrefixArray should be an absolute reference, either stated with lots of $ or as a "named range".
I'm assuming you'll make ValueToFind, MaxValue and the resultant index into PrefixArray as cells on the same row, and therefore have a $ against their column letter but not their row number. This allows easy pasting for lots of rows of ValueToFind.
Array formula are indicated by curly braces, but are entered by typing the text without the curly braces and then hitting Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
