Apache couchdb 1.3.0 build from source not stopping - couchdb

I build apache couchdb 1.3.0 from source on ubuntu 11.10 by following the instructions on http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Installing_on_Ubuntu
I was able to get the server up and running, however to get it to stop was not working.
I am using the commands below
sudo service couchdb start
sudo service couchdb stop
Please let us know if there is something i am missing. The stop command stops the couch process but not the heart beat one and hence it restarts couch once again.


There has been a runner system failure, please try again

How to resolve this error specially on macbook. I have installed docker on my machine also but its not working.
You have to start docker deamon on your gitlab runner.
Below is link to docker desktop for mac.
If you start docker desktop gui, docker deamon will start.
This problem is not just for mac computers but also for windows. I experienced this problem and found out that the the PowerShell script part for Infra as Code that I was using was not installing docker.
I therefore made changes to the Infra as Code to ensure that Microsoft-Hyper-V is enabled and that docker is actually installed and docker service started, then the computer HAS to be restarted for the changes to pick up.
I do not know the exact order of when the restart should happen since I am still understanding the flow but I can update my answer when I have more info

Update Postgresql to newer version breaks legacy code

As Postgresql versions less than 9.5 are becoming unsupported I need to update this package in my Centos environment.
Current version: postgres -V (PostgreSQL) 9.2.24
Also in my ecosystem, there is another rpm that uses postgresql. For this rpm there are build, restart scripts and also various scripts that monitor dependency services, check status etc.
These scripts all reference postgresql using kwywork postgresql
https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/redhat/ provided the exact steps how to do update/install. However for 9.6 version for example one need to use postgresql-9.6 keywords to refer to postgresql
This means one will need to go through all references of postgresql in scripts and code and analyze if it needs to be changed. Updating to another version afterwards would of course mean repeating this process.
Is there any 'out of the box' approach that allows us to leave the scripts untouched for this update?
I'm also copy/pasting the install postgresql 9.6 steps here.
yum install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
yum install postgresql96-devel postgresql96-server
/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql-9.6
systemctl start postgresql-9.6
This is to check all is good
service postgresql-9.6 status
I don't know any "out of the box approach".
You should alyways read detailed release notes to check if there is some incompatibility when upgrading.

Datastax Enterprise Installation on Virtual Box CentOS

Can anyone please guide me step by step installation one by one for Datastax Enterprise Installation on Virtual Box CentOS .
I checked Datastax Documentation , but getting little bit confused in few steps and due to which I am not satisfied. Also checked other resources but not able to understand completely.
So Help me to know installation process one by one with all basis steps.
Thanks in advance .
You may have an easier time using OpsCenter's Lifecycle Manager to deploy DSE. (Disclaimer, I am a Lifecycle Manager dev so am biased.)
First you need to install OpsCenter in a separate VM or Centos box. If you're able to get through the Java install and yum repository setup parts of DSE setup, this won't be difficult: https://docs.datastax.com/en/opscenter/6.0/opsc/install/opscInstallRHEL_t.html
Then run an install job from LCM: https://docs.datastax.com/en/opscenter/6.0/opsc/LCM/opscLCMinstallJob.html Example the pre-requisite section of that page carefully. It will show you the things you need to do in LCM to get ready to run the job, it's all point-and-click, though.
The only pre-requisites on your target DSE machine are "python" (usually installed by default) and for the minute "which", though we'll be removing that dependency in an upcoming version.
Note at the end of this process, you'll need to provide cqlsh an IP address, username, and password to connect to the cluster... even when making a "local" connection from your DSE vm. For example: "cqlsh -u cassandra -p the-password-you-chose-during-lcm-install"

How to make mongodb service not start automatically in ubuntu 15.10 desktop?

I installed mongodb by Ubuntu Software Center in ubuntu 15.10 desktop. Service Mongodb starts automatically every time when I boot my laptop. Because it is not in the server edition os, so I want to start or stop the service manually, like sudo sevice mongodb start/stop.
I've tied to comment # start on runlevel [2345] in /etc/init/mongodb.conf, and remove all *mongo* from all /etc/rc*.d/.
The service still starts automatically.
So, please help me.
This should do it:
sudo update-rc.d mongodb disable
This should work for Ubuntu 16.04. Not sure if 15.10 was still using upstart or not.
For more information, the same question has been asked over AskUbuntu, check the other answers there for more information.

How to remove/install a docker image on an unconfigured Docker for centos 7

Using Centos 6.6 and 7 and deciding to move to centos 7 as there are some issues using docker with centos 6.6 (reboot issues for me) and i'm trying to pull the current centos image from docker. (should just be docker pull centos)
However because i already had a docker image of centos installed on the 6.6 virtual machine, i thought it conflicts with the one im trying to pull on the centos 7. It states that the image (f1b something) is already being used on the system and is causing the download to not go through. Simply going over to the centos 6.6 and trying to remove the images (which would be labeled as none by the way, thus you have to do docker images -a),even with force, does nothing. The only solution so far to this is to do a full removal of docker and its dependencies, and reinstall it which should come package free.
Of course this is not the solution i want. One of two things can happen. Either a way to make the two of them to coexist, or a way to remove the current one without removing any other current images. Or if I am not getting this right, take an entirely different approach.
EDIT+1: Ok heres the actual error im receiving when doing the the docker pull...
f1b...: download complete
f1b...:error downloading dependant layers
c85...:Downloading [>
7322...: Error pulling image (latest) from docker.io/centos, endpoint :https://registry-1.docker.io/v1,Dr
7322...:Error pulling image (latest) from docker.io/centos, Driver devicemapper failed to create image rootfs
FATA[0012] Error pulling image (latest) from docker.io/centos, Driver device mapper failed to create image rootfs f1b...:error running DeviceCreate (createSnapDevice) dm_task_run failed
And looking over the problem more im not so sure if its because of the centos 6.6 like i had initially thought despite sharing the same ID's.
EDIT +2: Stranger still is that the fatal error codes keeps changing (im assuming those are FATA[0012]?)
Theres a config file that needs to be changed for centos 7 docker users which happened to be applying the following change
OPTIONS='-g /docker/data -p /var/run/docker.pid'
in the vim/vi file of /etc/sysconfig/docker.
I swear docker is going to be the death of me...
EDIT +1: Ok lets remap the solution to the following starting from a new centos 7 machine...
yum install docker
service docker start
docker pull centos
systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
systemctl start docker.service
yum remove docker
yum install epel-release.noarch
yum install docker-io
vim /etc/sysconfig/docker
OPTIONS='-g /docker/data -p /var/run/docker.pid'
service docker restart
docker pull centos
and thats how i got docker to work on the new VM if i mapped it correctly.
Also one of the commands i might have used was a thin_check. Somebody used it to verify docker in this link
EDIT +2:
Oh wow, this would explain even better whats happening here. See, the docker server can be installed straight out of the box with centos 7, however the daemon must still be installed from epel. As a reminder, the daemon is the item that actually runs the docker service. The server just allows docker to connect to the internet and view its repositories. Link is right here.
