Insert new columns only when ID is the same in Excel - excel

I have 2 worksheets with similar table structures which looks like this:
| ID | A | B | C |
| 1 | x | x | x |
| 4 | x | x | x |
| 12 | x | x | x |
| 3 | x | x | x |
| |
| ... (thousands of rows)
where x are values. Is it possible to create a new table (or worksheet) combining the two worksheets only where the ID from Worksheet1 is the same (similar to a SQL query) so that the resulting table will be like:
| ID | A | B | C | D | E | F |
| 1 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| 4 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| 12 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| 3 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
| |
| etc...
Note that the contents of Worksheet1 is added to and not subtracted from. Is VBA necessary or can it be done with a formula? Thank you.

You can use vlookup to solve this.
vlookup searches for id in sheet2 and returns corresponding value in your specified column number of the selected table.


excel cubset function to get 2 columns set

I am trying to use the cubset function to get a set of 2 columns. The data table is something like bellow:
| 1 | A | X |
| 1 | A | Y |
| 1 | B | X |
| 2 | A | Y |
| 2 | B | X |
| 2 | C | Y |
The code I running returns only 1 column set
=CUBSET("ThisWorkbookDataModel";"[TABLE].[CLIENT].&[1]*[TABLE].[PRODA].children";"result set")
The code I am trying to perform, I need to return both related columns PROD AND PRODB
=CUBSET("ThisWorkbookDataModel";"[TABLE].[CLIENT].&[1]*[TABLE].[PRODA].[PRODB].children";"result set")
result set
| A | X |
| A | Y |
| B | X |
So what is the correct way to write the code to retrieve both related columns ?
Appreciate any help

Looking up values in third column by two criteria

I have a list similar to this one:
NO | Cat1 | Cat2 | | Crit1 | Crit2 |
---|------|------| | A | O |
5 | A | O |
3 | K | Y |
6 | K | Y |
7 | F | K |
8 | A | O |
9 | J | H |
10 | K | Y |
5 | F | T |
50 | A | O |
8 | L | E |
1 | R | D |
Based on two criteria I want a dynamic list which changes everytime the content are changed or the criteria are changed.
If criteria is A O then the list should be as below,
| 5 |
| 8 |
| 50 |
If any other criteria is selected the list will be longer or shorter and if nothing is present it is shown as a blank cell.
I have tried some MATCH and INDEX formulas but I cannot make it work correctly.
Sorted ascending:
=IFERROR(AGGREGATE(15,7,A$2:A$12/((B$2:B$12=G$1)*(C$2:C$12=G$2)),ROW(1:1)), "")
Ordered by row:
=IFERROR(INDEX(A:A, AGGREGATE(15, 7, ROW(A:A)/((B$1:B$12=G$1)*(C$1:C$12=G$2)), ROW(1:1))), "")
Pick one formula then fill down for subsequent matches.

Automatically calculate (or delete) rows in Excel when first column is changing

I have a big table, where first columns X is "input column" and range it's changing.
Y - There are more formulas and functions (Vlookup) and 1st column X is a lookup value, and then other columns are calculated from other sheets.
| A | B | C | D | E
1 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
2 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
3 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
4 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
I am inserting (and deleting) more X values (actual data) and then I use "double click" for all other Y columns to be calculated, BUT it's not good because the X range is not the same. I tried to convert it to table "Ctrl-T", but it's not working very good for me. Maybe I don't use it properly.
If I paste a new X column, I need other Y columns to be automatically calculated OR if I delete few X rows, other Y should be also deleted. Now I get something like this:
| A | B | C | D | E
1 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
2 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
3 | | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A
4 | | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A
| A | B | C | D | E
1 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
2 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
3 | X | | | |
What I need:
If I remove X value I need automatically disappear Y values:
| A | B | C | D | E
1 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
2 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
If I add X value I need automatically calculate Y values:
| A | B | C | D | E
1 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
2 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
3 | X | Y | Y | Y | Y
Hope it's clear, thank you!
For Y Columns, you can add "IF" FORMULA
=if(A1>0,*Y COLUMN FORMULA*,"")
try changing formula to
=iferror(*Y formula,"")
or if it's still slow and if you are changing only X Columns
you can use below code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Count = 1 Then 'CHECK IF THERE IS ANY CHANGE ON X COLUMN
Cells(Target.Row - 1, 2).Resize(1, 4).Copy Cells(Target.Row, 2).Resize(1, 4) 'IF X COLUMN IS ENTERED OR MODIFIED COPIES ABOVE Y COLUMN FORMULAS
End If
End If
End Sub

Is it possible to do this in Excel?

I have a datasheet like
... | dests | ...
... | a, b, c | ...
... | a, b | ...
... | a | ...
... | a, d | ...
... | b | ...
and I want to convert it to the form
... | a | b | c | d |
... | X | X | X | |
... | X | X | | |
... | X | | | |
... | X | | | X |
... | | X | | |
or have a filter like
which I can use to select combinations of the possible dests.
Is this possible? How would I do it?
You can do something like this:

Excel if statement to display if anything is in the row

I don't really know how to search for this question or an appropriate title, so I hope that this will make sense.
I'm trying to construct an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of functions of a software that are currently have tests made for them. The spreadsheet looks something like below where A-F are placeholders for the tests and 1-5 are placeholders for functions.
| | A | B | C | D | E | F |
| 1 | X | | | | | X |
| 2 | | | | | | |
| 3 | | X | | | | |
| 4 | | | X | | | |
| 5 | | | | X | X | |
I would like to have another column at the end that would do something like this:
| | A | B | C | D | E | F | Tested? |
| 1 | X | | | | | X | Yes |
| 2 | | | | | | | No |
| 3 | | X | | | | | Yes |
| 4 | | | X | | | | Yes |
| 5 | | | | X | X | | Yes |
where the final column is an if statement that will display a conditional string base on if there are any entries in the row. I know that Excel's IF statements work something like this =IF(A1=10,"YES","NO") but I can't think how I would construct an IF statement that would print YES or NO based on whether there are any entries at all in the row.
EDIT: To add a little more detail. I've thought about constructing an IF statement like this: =IF(SUM(C3:AI3)>0, "YES", "NO") and this works essentially if I use 1s or 0s instead of X or O but I'd rather use the latter. Or really I'd just rather use strings instead of integers.
You can use following formula:
You're looking for the ISBLANK function.
Your solution should be something like this:
=IF(ISBLANK(A1:F1), "Yes","No")
