How to figure out a backhand Database in a BDC (BDCM model) - sharepoint

I wanted to know how can one know which Database is a BDCM model using. I did some research and found that I can export the model from the central admin (which I did). Now that I have a model (abc.bcdm) to work with, I am not sure how use this to find out the database (external content type) its connecting to.
I found a good article here ( and I installed Business Data Catalog Definition Editor as well. However this software do not recognize .BDCM files.
I will really appreciate anyone's help. Thanks in advance.


Models registered in workspace do not show up in Designer (preview)

I registered a model in my AML workspace, and I can see it in the Model List:
Model List view
But I cannot see it in Designer (preview), which prevents me from using the new model there.
Designer view
Looks like a bug to me. Datasets work fine.
This is known issue as the models registered in workspace cannot be consumed in Designer without the new custom module capability (in private preview) available.
The models showing up in Designer today are these generated from Designer training -> inference pipeline conversion and can only be used in Designer (not registered in the workspace).
We have an effort ongoing to reduce the confusion.
Thanks for your feedback.
This is Blanca, working on AML Designer.
We're working on aligning models concept to reduce the confusion.
Shall we set up a meeting for us to understand your scenario to use registered model in Designer?
Your inputs will greatly help us to better design the user experience.
Could you please contact
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!

Sharepoint to replace a fileshare

Is Sharepoint my best option to replace an aging network of fileshares? There's approx 1TB of data residing among 3 fileshares (1 DFS, 2 NAS boxes). A document management system is in place for new things - the file shares are now just read-only archives/legacy. Our users would simply need to be able to search for and open the documents.
Users are finding it difficult to locate their documents in the file shares and windows search does not often help. Sharepoint was suggested as something which would play nicely with Office documents (99% of the content) and have a good search facility.
Not being a Sharepoint Developer or having had any training on it, I'm getting a little lost. I have set up a test server to try it out using SP2013. I have managed to index each of my file shares and have created a search page. However, results aren't consistent with the indexted items. I assume I need to somehow get the relevant metadata from the files but I have no idea how to go about this.
Could anyone suggest some resources for help on this subject (my searches have mainly turned up paid-for Sharepoint addons or outdated blogs) and any experience of doing something similar? Also happy for any suggestions on ways to achieve this using other software/platforms.
I went with Microsoft Search Server 2010 in the end.
Sharepoint is basically optimized to be a document manager. I think you don't need to buy or donwload addons.
For your problem, metadata are the key! You need to properly specify the metadata.
I give you the theory of a plan document management in SharePoint 2013 :
A nice introduction to metadata :
Be careful to use the Microsoft documentation for the beginning. From my experience, its difficult to start with this documentation because you have several things in it. There is also good books/ebooks that you can find easily to start well, and probably more simplified than MS documentation.

Convert Customer Relationships to Connection in CRM 2013

Can you please point me to a good guide on how to migrate Customer Relationship roles to Connections? I am using CRM 2013 on-premise.
I am going to try exporting the Roles and Importing them as Connections but this is giving me look up errors. In my opinion this is a simplistic approach and I might be wrong in the first place using this approach.
So has anyone tried this approach before and does it work? And is there an another way of doing this?
Here is a blog about doing it using Scribe:
Here is a blog about doing it using the built in import/export functionality:
If I needed to migrate a large volume of relationships I would build the connection table based off the old relationship roles table using direct SQL injection. Of course this is unsupported.

How do I export customizations (in this case custom Entities) from a server onto another in crm 2013

Before: We had (still working) a couple of CRM 4.0 servers working: A productive one and a test one. We would perform any changes on the test server first and, after testing, replicate them in the productive server. For entities (custom or not) this would mean using the "Export Customizations"/"Import Customizations" functionalities. Pretty straight-forward stuff.
Now: we're testing CRM 2013 and trying to do the same with a couple of servers. We set up our data structure by hand (took some time) including the creation of all our custom entities, which are not few in number.
My question then is: How can I perform a bulk entity export-import in the same manner as it was with 4.0? I've tried selecting saving the entities to a Solution package, export the package from one server and import it onto the other. System entities feature in the target-server's import list but not the custom entities! And they are a part of the original solution packet (both checking it through CRM itself or the package file's XML code directly)
The lack of online help on this may imply that I'm not approaching this in the right way and I presume this is something already standard in CRM 2011.
Can someone give me a hint?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, I have no time to delve into reasons and explanations but things got solved.
I tried to export ONLY the custom entities and their related entities and it ended up working out.
Afterwards, trying again to export ALL entities ended up working just fine!
Therefore, i'm still not fully convinced I was not doing anything wrong. Most likely I just missed some essential basic small step or detail no one thought of due to it's "self-evident" nature.
(I guess being too stuck to CRM 4.0's "modus operandi" takes it's toll when updating...)

MOSS and the Business Data Catalog - any good documentation?

Can anyone point to any good 'beginners walkthroughs' for the Business Data Catalog in MOSS 2007 Enterprise? It seems to be very powerful, but all the official guides assume preexisting knowledge.
Have a look at SharePoint 2007 Developer's Guide to Business Data Catalog. The authors (Brett Lonsdale and Nick Swan) have been developing tools and working with the BDC for 'ages' and really know their stuff.
There is an early access available now with the final due to be published in September 2009.
This has a great overview on the BDC, some examples on what it can do, and how to configure it:
It's a really great starting place that will help you get better footing when proceeding on to the more technical sites & how-tos. It's the best "starter" resource I've found yet.
Take a look at BDC Metaman, this tool will support you connecting to a BDC.
I played around with it a few months ago, and was able to display data from a db. Do you have a problem you're trying to solve, or are you just trying to get an understanding of what you can do with it?
By "preexisting knowledge", do you mean of Sharepoint, or the BDC itself?
Check out these links, as a start:
