Rule scenario manager in ilog - rule

I want to test a simple rule flow that has only one rule in it. i saw something called a Rule Scenario manager in Eclipse, is it related to testing ? Or can anyone help me in testing my ruleflow ?

You can use Rule Configuration to test your rule or you can create excel scenario file for testing.


Suitescript2 alert on ini

Is it possible that suitescript 2 is not enable ?
I have the most simple script, that show an alert but it doesn't popup
Possible ?
P.s. i'm willing to pay for thid
I assume you enabled SuiteScript options in Check Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features > SuiteCloud.
Make sure you deployed your script accordingly . Make sure there are no error in script execution log.
To make sure suitescript is working fine in Netsuite , you can write a simple suitelet and test it in script debugger. ( Customization > Scripting > Script Debugger).
The only thing I can see would be if you do not have SuiteScript enabled on your instance. Check Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features > SuiteCloud, and ensure that the SuiteScript options are enabled.
Aside from that, post some of your code, and/or any errors that you are seeing in the script execution log or the page that you are running the code on.
Finally I found the problem but I don't have a solution yet. I called netsuite and they said it's a known defect but I don't think so. I'm sure we are not the first one in the history.
We need to add a script to the customer record.
We found out that SalesForce added an Users Event Script.
I'm writing a Client Script, thus the conclusion from Netsuite is that you can't have a User Even Scrip and a Client Script, thus the reason it's not working.
Again I still CAN'T believe it
Any help is appreciated
I "think" I found the problem. The event script is written in SS1 and what I'm doing is SS2.
I have moved my code back to SS1 and it's working.
I know it makes no sense but it's working

URL Rewrite Deploy to Production Server

I've finished url dynamic rewrite module on my local computer, iis, everything is working but I have to deploy it to the production server now, which will cause errors. Do you have any idea how to avoid them?
If you have done similar thing before...
Thanks in advance
You could create a copy of the production server in a virtual machine and try to deploy your rewrite rules there.
VirtualBox is a simple engine to create a VM.
I do mine within a test vm environment then make my edits to the Production Site off hours to avoid the IIS Restart when saving rules.
If you want to move them up in one piece I have thought of making the edits to the machine.config file but after some discussions with our IT group found that was not a workable solution. Editing the rules on the Web Servers then testing them after being added is the course I have followed so far.

Switching from one connectionstring to another when moving from development to cloud

I am working on a cloud application. When I test out the application on my computer I want to have my connection string set as follows in ServiceConfiguration.cscfg:
<Setting name="DataConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />
When I publish to the cloud I need to have it set as follows:
<Setting name="DataConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xxxx;AccountKey=yyy" />
I keep going from one environment to the other and keep having to change the DataConnectionString.
Is there a way that I can automate this? I looked around and can't see any examples but I'm sure some others have the same problem as me.
I've answered a similar question here:
Visual Studio 2010 can apply Debug or Release transformations to Web.config, but what about the Azure settings?
While Igorek's approach works perfectly we prefer to make such kind of transformations on our CI server which is also responsible for automatic deployment. The main reason is to restrict access to sensitive data, since only limited number of trusted developers have access to CI server. Also, it helps to keep our code cleaner, since it doesn't include redundant config project. In our case we use Hudson-CI (Jenkins-CI) and MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.File (replace action) to transform config files.
In the part of your code that gets the connection string, you can use the #if(DEGUG) preprocessor directive in order to use something or not depending if the compilation is Debug or not, or the if(Debugger.IsAttached) (MSDN) in order to know if the debugger is attached.
You can use CloudConfigurationManager in Azure SDK 1.7
This starts by looking in the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg e.g. ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg for config setting. If it isn't there it falls back to web.config and app.config
For example
Will look in the appropriate cscfgfile for StorageConnectionString setting, then it will search the web.config and then app.config.

SharePoint feature not getting activated by default

I have created a feature and i am auto activating it whenever 'My Site' gets created.
I am activating it for the template SPSMSITEHOST.
This feature changes the Picture URL property of User Profile.
Now, the problem is my feature gets activated but it seems it does not execute the code by default and and does not change the picture URL property.
When i deactivate the feature and activate the feature again then feature works absolutely fine as expected.
P.S: I am facing this issue on Production server, surprisingly this work fine on Staging server , i mean the same code !!
Any help ??
Sounds like something becomes out of sync on your production environment. Could it be caused by load balancing?
Are you doing this through STSADM commands?
I would stick the following line after after each command:
stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
This will make sure processing for previous commands is done before moving on.
If thats way off then I would think its something to do with:
a) The way you're activating the feature... if you're using feature stapling, are you sure that the latest version of your stapling mechanism is in place?!
b) Assuming you have some sort of feature receiver in your code behind. Are you sure there isn't an error occurring thats being hidden by a try catch? If there is then you need to see what the exception is...
If it works when you deactivate/activate the feature, that almost eliminates security issues.
Hope this helps..
After long investigating and search for this problem i tried to rearrange the features at package file depending on the features dependencies, it seems SharePoint activate these features one by one as it's arranged in the package file and this is worked for me :)

IIS logging: don't write to log entry if match specific condition

i'm looking for some way to avoid logging some specific files like
/WebResource.axd and /ScriptResource.axd
is there any way to write some code lines in Global.asa or add some configurations to do that?
No, logging happens inside of IIS and not in the ASP.Net layer.
