vim mess up with color and window - linux

it seems my vim encounters a problem, and it cannot recognize its own filetype, when i edit ~/.vimrc, the syntax isn't highlight while i've set 'syntax on', but when i edit .c file, it has syntax highlight. And another problem is that it seems my VIM is running inside a shell when i edit ~/.vimrc, i can even sroll to my previous commands! And when i edit other file type, it doesn't have the problem. here is the screenshot:


vim syntax highlight not working (MacOs Ventura)

I use vim as my text editor, and I want to make use of highlighted syntax. However, I cannot get it to work when I use the command “syntax on” in my ~/.vimrc file.
The strange thing is that it does the syntax is highlighted in the ~/.vimrc file itself, but not in other files.
When I use the command “syntax on” in my ~/.vimrc file, it does highlight the text in the ~/.vimrc file itself, but not in other files. If I provide other commands in the ~/.vimrc file they work: colorscheme wors, set number also works. So the ~/.vimrc file itself is actually used and works correctly, only the “syntax on” command does not work.
Anybody who can help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
I have found the issue. Beginners mistake I guess...
As mentioned the comments, in the .vimrc file syntax highlighting worked fine. In the files I made myself, I just opened a file without extension (i.e. vim testfile).
In a file without extension, the syntax highlighting does not work because vim does not know how to highlight the syntax. When I now for instance open a file vim (with the Python extension), it works fine.
Thanks anyway for your comments!

Vim syntax doesn't highlight in real time

I have enabled vim syntax on (in ~/.vimrc syntax on) and it works but only on files with a code in when I view them. When I create a new file with vim and write there some code - no syntax highlight. After saving this file and reopening with vim - syntax highlight works perfect.
I am using manjaro KDE.
When you open a new file without an extension (vim mynewfile) none of vim’s filetype detection mechanisms can recognize it (they all use either extensions or first-couple-of-lines heuristics, which don’t work here).
When you enter code and reopen the file, the line-checks for filetypes work, causing the syntax to be set correctly, causing highlights to apply.
You can always set syntax=mine (though set filetype=mine is better) to set it manually.
This problem shouldnt happen when you do vim some.c or similar, because the extension will force detection based on extension rules.
Vim must know how to highlight your syntax in order to actually highlight it. One way to do this, is for Vim to check the file name and sometimes inspect the contents of the file, and set the file type. The file type is then used to highlight the syntax.
To enable detection of the file type (and load plugin and indent files), add the following to your vimrc:
filetype on plugin indent
If Vim is unable to detect the file type, and you have not yet saved your file with a known extension, you can set the file type manually, like this:
:set filetype=html
Vim will then highlight the syntax of the file as HTML syntax.
More information is available in the help pages.

Vim turn on syntax highlighting

I've been using Vim as my text editor, but now that I'm using it to write Python code, I'd like it to hightlight the syntax like this:
How do I turn on syntax highlighting in Vim? How do I get it to stay on by default for programming files?
Turning On Syntax Highlighting:
Open the file that you'd like to have syntax highlighting enabled for with vim
Press esc, then type :syntax on and hit enter.
Syntax highlighting should now be enabled!
Note: This will only turn on syntax highlighting temporarily. In other words, if you quit working on that file and open it again, or open a different file with vim, syntax highlighting will be off by default. If you'd like to make syntax highlighting permanent, you need to do some extra steps.
Enabling Syntax Highlighting by Default:
Change directory to your home directory by typing cd into the terminal.
Type vim .vimrc, which will edit the .vimrc file if you have it, or create it if you don't.
Append syntax on to the file as a new line, then hit esc, type :wq, and hit enter.
Syntax highlighting will now be enabled by default for files ending in common programming language extensions such as .py.
If you would like to turn off the syntax highlighting for a particular file, you can do that on a case by case basis.
Turning Off Syntax Highlighting for a Specific File:
Open the file that you'd like to have synta highlighting disabled for with vim
Press esc, then type :syntax off and hit enter.
Syntax highlighting should now be disabled!

Syntax highlight not working in Janus for Vim

I am using Linux Mint 13 Maya Cinnamon 64-bit. My Vim version is 7.3 and I installed the latest version of Janus.
I found that for any files with a hash "#" in its content, the syntax highlight for the file does not work. For example,
# test
print "Hello"
The 'print' has color while I am editing the file. But when I save it and open it again the whole file loses syntax highlight.
If I deleted the first line and save, the syntax highlight comes back after I open it again.
This applies to all kinds of files such as .py, .c and .h. If there is a hash "#" character in the file, syntax highlighting does not work.
I have already tried "syntax on" but nothing changes.
I don't know Janus so this answer might not be 100% useful for you, but let's see. You could try finding out where the settings have been set. Try this:
Get current settings:
:set filetype? syntax?
Check where these have been set:
:verbose set filetype? syntax?
Execute these commands when you lost your syntax highlighting:
:syntax on
:set ft=python
:verbose set ft? syn?
Here you should see which script changed your filetype after saving. Normally, vim uses heuristics to determine the correct filetype if the file extension is ambiguous. In cases where these heuristics don't work, you usually set a global variable in your vimrc to a fixed value. In your case this would be something like:
let g:filetype_py="python"

How to prevent Vim indenting wrapped text in parentheses

This has bugged me for a long time, and try as I might I can't find a way round it.
When I'm editing text (specifically latex, but that doesn't matter) files, I want it to auto-wrap at 80 columns. It does this, except if I happen to be in the middle of a parenthetical clause, it indents the text which is very annoying. For example, this works fine
Here is some text... over
two lines.
but this doesn't
Here is some text... (over
If anyone can tell me how to turn this off (just for text/latex files) I'd be really grateful. Presumably it has something to do with the fact that this is desired behaviour in C, but I still can't figure out what's wrong.
:set nocindent
The other options do nothing, and the filetype detection doesn't change it.
There are three options you may need to turn off: set noai, set nosi, and setnocin (autoindent, smartindent, and cindent).
This may be related, when pasting from gui into terminal window, vim cannot distinguish paste modes, so to stop any odd things from occuring:
set paste
then paste text
set nopaste
I had similar issues trying to paste xml text, it would just keep indenting. :)
gvim, the gui version of vim, can detect paste modes.
You can have a look at the autoindent option :
autoindent - ai
Copy indent from current line when starting a new line (typing
in Insert mode or when using the "o" or "O" command). If you do not
type anything on the new line except and then type or
, the indent is deleted again. When autoindent is on,
formatting (with the "gq" command or when you reach 'textwidth' in
Insert mode) uses the indentation of the first line. When
'smartindent' or 'cindent' is on the indent is changed in specific
cases. The 'autoindent' option is reset when the 'paste' option is
set. {small difference from Vi: After the indent is deleted when
typing or , the cursor position when moving up or down is
after the deleted indent; Vi puts the cursor somewhere in the deleted
From the official Vim documentation
filetype plugin indent on
This switches on three very clever
Filetype detection. Whenever you start editing a file, Vim will try to
figure out what kind of file this
is. When you edit "main.c", Vim will
see the ".c" extension and
recognize this as a "c" filetype.
When you edit a file that starts with
"#!/bin/sh", Vim will recognize it as
a "sh" filetype. The filetype
detection is used for syntax
highlighting and the other two
items below. See |filetypes|.
Using filetype plugin files Many different filetypes are edited with
different options. For example,
when you edit a "c" file, it's very
useful to set the 'cindent' option to
automatically indent the lines. These
commonly useful option settings are
included with Vim in filetype plugins.
You can also add your own, see
Using indent files When editing programs, the indent of a line can
often be computed automatically.
Vim comes with these indent rules for
a number of filetypes. See
|:filetype-indent-on| and
:set noai
sets no auto indent tt may be smartindent though. Check out the doc and see if you can find something more
