Error linking module in ocaml - string

I am a complete beginner with Ocaml programming and I am having trouble linking a module into my program. Actually I am doing some regular expression checking and I have written a function that basically tokenizes a string based on a separator string using the Str module . So i use the functions defined in the library like this:
Str.regexp_string /*and so on*/
However, when I try to compile the ml file, I get an error suggesting that I have an undefined global Str . We use List functions by typing in List.length and so on just like I did for Str without having to explicitly include the specific module. I tried
open Str;;
include Str;; /*None of these work and I still get the same error*/
However if in the toplevel I use
load "str.cma" /*Then the program works without problems*/
I want to include the module in the ml file because I have to in the end link 3 cmo's to get the final executable(which is not run in the toplevel). I know this is a really basic question but I am having trouble solving it. Thanks in advance.

You don't need to add anything in your file
You do need to tell the compiler where to find the Str module when compiling . To do so, add it to the command line used to compile
ocamlc str.cma
ocamlopt str.cmxa
List and other modules from the standard library are accessible by default, so you don't need to tell the compiler about those often used modules.

Just add str to the libraries field of your dune file.

I think you need to use '-cclib ' compiler directive.
The module name shouldn't include the file ending like .cma.
Below is what I did when trying to use the unix and threads modules.
I think you need to use some combination of the 'custom' and 'cclib' compiler directives.
ocamlc -custom unix.cma -cclib -lunix
Look at chapter 7 of this book for help:
And look at coverage of compiler directives here:

ocamlc str.cma -o calc
File "", line 1:
Error: Error while linking calc.cmo:
Reference to undefined global `Str'
Code is very simple, to cut down scruff.
let split_into_words s =
Str.split ( Str.regexp "[ \n\t]+") s ;;
let _ =
split_into_words "abc def ghi" ;;
On ocaml 4.0.2. Obviously, there is a problem here, but I am too much of a beginner to understand what it is. From toplevel it seems work fine with #load "str.cma", so there is something here we don't understand. Anyone know what it is?


How to choose a specific msvcr.dl in Nim?

I would like to use an old msvcr71.dll when compiling Nim.
Is there a way to do so? If yes, how?
This is explained in the manual, right here. As StackOverflow doesn't like link responses, a copy-paste:
proc imported_proc(): ReturnType
{.cdecl, dynlib: "msvcr71.dll", importc.}
This asumes there is a function in msvcf71.dll called imported_proc that you want to wrap in your Nim code without changing the name.
You can also tweak which libraries to load when compiling, as explained here:
$ nim c --dynlibOverride:msvcr71 --passL:msvcr71.dll program.nim
Didn't test any of the code, hope it helps. You can always try to find some code that does this kind of linking, for example or maybe

Attempting to define a C data structure in SWIG, and access it in Tcl

According to the SWIG documentation, I should be able to wrap a C data structure definition like so:
struct Vector {
double x,y,z;
...and then create a new instance of it in Tcl like this:
% Vector v
...but when I try to do this, Tcl returns an error message "invalid command name 'Vector' ".
Clearly I am missing something. Can anyone clue me in? I am using SWIG 3.0.0 and Tcl 8.6...
After some more study and experimentation, I figured out my problem.
In the SWIG-3.0 documentation, section 5.5.8, this statement is made:
SWIG doesn't care if the declaration of a structure in a .i file
exactly matches that used in the underlying C code (except in the case
of nested structures). For this reason, there are no problems omitting
problematic members or simply omitting the structure definition
altogether. If you are happy passing pointers around, this can be done
without ever giving SWIG a structure definition.
I do not have a nested structure, so I apparently took the statement "this can be done without ever giving SWIG a structure definition" a bit too literaly; I did not include a structure definition in my .i file (other than its declaration in the '.h' file for my C source, specified in the "% incude %{ ... %} section of the .i file).
When I included my structure typemap statement in my .i file, all the documented functions were created by SWIG and work as expected from Tcl.

erlang -import not working

I have an erlang program, compiled with rebar, after the new debian release, it won't compile anymore, complaining about this:
bad import declaration
I don't know erlang, I am just trying to compile this thing.
Apparently something bad happened to -import recently
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Well, -import(). is working but it does NOT do what you are expecting it to do. It does NOT "import" the module into your module, nor does it go out, find the module and get all the exported functions and allow you to use them without the module name. You use -import like this:
-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3]).
Then you can call the explicitly imported functions without module name and the compiler syntactically transforms the call by adding the module name. So the compiler will transform:
map(MyFun, List) ===> lists:map(MyFun, List)
Note that this is ALL it does. There are no checks for whether the module exists or if the function is exported, it is a pure naive syntactic transformation. All it gives you is slightly shorter code. For this reason it is seldom used most people advise not to use it.
Note also that the unit of code for all operations is the module so the compiler does not do any inter-module checking or optimisation at all. Everything between modules like checking a modules existence or which functions it exports is done at run-time when you call a function in the other module.
No, there is no easy way to fix this. The source code has to be updated, and every reference to imported functions prefixed with the module in question. For example, every call to format should be replaced with io_lib:format, though you'd have to know which function was imported from which module.
You could start by removing the -import directives. The compilation should then fail, complaining about undefined functions. That is where you need to provide the correct module name. Look at the documentation pages for io_lib, erl_scan and erl_parse to see which functions are in which module.
Your problem is that you were using the experimental -import(Mod) directive which is part of parameterized modules. These are gone in R16B and onwards.
I often advise against using import. It hurts quick searches and unique naming of foreign calls. Get an editor which can quickly expand names.
Start by looking at what is stored in the location $ERL_LIBS, typically this points to /usr/lib/erlang/lib.

autoconf/automake: conditional compilation based on presence of library?

I need to conditionally compile some code based on the presence of a library. Seems like this should be easy with autoconf/automake but I can't figure it out.
For example, if there is a PNG library present, I want to include code to use it. My has:
AC_CHECK_LIB([png], [png_create_write_struct_2])
and my has:
libdev_la_SOURCES += png.c
(which adds png.c to the list of sources for libdev so it gets compiled).
An automake conditional like USE_LIBPNG requires the conditional be defined in, so i need:
The question is, what can test SOMETHINGOROTHER be? What does AC_CHECK_LIB define that I can test for?
AC_CHECK_LIB's default behavior is to define a symbol (in config.h) which can be used in source code, but that doesn't help the Makefile since the AM_CONDITIONAL needs a shell test
I tried overriding the default AC_CHECK_LIB behavior like so:
AC_CHECK_LIB([png], [png_create_write_struct_2], [HAS_LIBPNG=1])
after which I could test for it:
This is ugly, but works for the Makefile... but creates a new problem: since it discards the original AC_CHECK_LIB behavior, and I no longer get a symbol added to config.h, which I need.
I must be missing something basic, or possible Doing It Wrong. Have been digging around for hours and found no answer.
If the library you're checking for supplies a .pc file for use with pkg-config, then you're much better off using PKG_CHECK_MODULES to get the correct flags. libpng does:
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libpng], [libpng12])
This gives you access to the variables $(libpng_CFLAGS) and $(libpng_LIBS) which you will want to add to (probably in AM_CFLAGS/AM_CXXFLAGS and LDADD, or target-specific versions thereof).
It will also cause configure to fail with an error if libpng12.pc isn't found. If you want configure to continue, you'll need to supply the third and fourth arguments to PKG_CHECK_MODULES, which are ACTION-IF-FOUND and ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND:
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libpng], [libpng12], [HAVE_LIBPNG=1], [HAVE_LIBPNG=0])
Now, if you need an automake conditional, you can do something like:
If you also need the preprocessor definition, you could use AC_DEFINE like so:
AS_IF([test "$USE_LIBPNG" -eq 1], [AC_DEFINE([USE_LIBPNG], [1], [Define if using libpng.])])
Possibly nicer is to set the definition in
This will clutter your command line, though, whereas AC_DEFINE can put the definition in a header if you use AC_CONFIG_HEADERS. I guess this doesn't really matter if you use AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) or don't care about your command line being neat (and let's be honest, automake generates some pretty gnarly command lines anyway).
A note on good autoconf style
It is considered poor form to build optional support based on whether or not a check succeeded (see this gentoo doc for details). Here's how I'd code optional support for libpng:
# This is because the first PKG_CHECK_MODULES call is inside a conditional.
[support handling png files #<:#default=check#:>#])],
[yes], [PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libpng], [libpng12], [HAVE_LIBPNG=1])],
[no], [],
[PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libpng], [libpng12], [HAVE_LIBPNG=1], [HAVE_LIBPNG=0])])
AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_LIBPNG], [test "$with_libpng" != no -a "$HAVE_LIBPNG" -eq 1])
AM_CFLAGS += $(libpng_CFLAGS)
LDADD += $(libpng_LIBS)
libdev_la_SOURCES += png.c
If your library doesn't have a .pc file
For completeness, here's how I'd check for a library that didn't have a .pc file. I'll skip over the details of following good autoconf style. AC_CHECK_LIB sets a cache variable, so you can test that instead of replacing the ACTION-IF-FOUND of AC_CHECK_LIB:
AC_CHECK_LIB([png], [png_create_write_struct_2])
# Then test:
AS_IF([test "$ac_cv_lib_png_png_create_write_struct_2" = yes], [HAVE_LIBPNG=1], [HAVE_LIBPNG=0])
# Or set conditional:
AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_LIBPNG], [test "$ac_cv_lib_png_png_create_write_struct_2" = yes])
IMHO, you should only do it this way if you have no other option.
I will disagree mildly with Jack on his recommendation to use PKG_CHECK_MODULES. It is probably best to avoid using that. But I will agree with Jack on avoiding assigning to LIBS in the 3rd argument to AC_CHECK_LIB. Life is easier if you let AC_CHECK_LIB use the default settings.
Although AC_CHECK_LIB does not define a shell variable indicating whether or not the library was found, you can do this in
AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_LIBPNG],[grep HAVE_LIBPNG confdefs.h > /dev/null])
Arguably, this is relying on internal autoconf details, but in practice will work reliably.
Thanks for the replies.
Jack: I'm trying for maximum portability, so can't assume the libraries were installed as part of a package (they're not on my own box!), which means the no-other-option solution you suggested is what I already tried-- setting a shell variable manually-- but also manually performs the extra steps that would have been done by AC_CHECK_LIB: prepending the library to LIBS and defining HAVE_LIBxxx.
There was a catch though: autoheader complains about the bare AC_DEFINE:
autoheader: warning: missing template: HAVE_LIBPNG
autoheader: Use AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBPNG], [], [Description])
I'd be nice if autoheader worked in the future, so I had to change AC_DEFINE to the full monty:
AC_CHECK_LIB([png], [png_create_write_struct_2],
LIBS="-lpng $LIBS"
AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBPNG], 1, [Define to 1 if you have the `png' library (-lpng)])])
This works, but I don't much like having to duplicate the default behavior of AC_CHECK_LIB.
William: Yes I could grep for the symbol definition in confdefs.h, that also works.
Both solutions have their pros and cons (what doesn't?). Not sure which way I'll go, but it's nice to have options.
Thanks again.

haskell libmagic how to use it?

I'm trying to write a program that will check the file type of a certain file and I found a haskell library that should do the trick.
The problem arises when I try to use it. I have no idea what I have to do, which function to call etc. The library is full of cryptic commands with no examples, no tutorial or a homepage.
Please help.
There is the package's documentation that contains short descriptions of the important functions (which are not that many). For additional information about what the underlying C library does (and therefore also the Haskell library), have a look at libmagic's man page.
The basic usage should look similar to this (untested):
import Magic.Init
import Magic.Operations
main =
do magic <- magicOpen []
loadDefaultMagic magic
magicFile magic "/my/file" >>= print
