How to get rid of the VMware error when starting Visual Studio 2012, but without disabling VMDebugger add-in? - visual-studio-2012

I am getting the following error when starting Visual Studio 2012 as unprivileged user:
An error has occurred while trying to access the log file. Logging may not function properly.
A casual web search showed that the issue used to exist with VMware 6 beta, back in 2006. I also found one other user who experiences the same in a more recent VS version (2008) and it started only recently.
The title of the message box indicates that this comes from VMware. I have VMware 9 Workstation installed. The problem could be related to system updates or the update 2012.2 CTP and hasn't gone with the final 2012.2 update package.
The question:
How can I get rid of the error without actually disabling the VMDebugger add-in?
Temporary workaround:
There is a workaround, disabling VMDebugger in the "Add-in Manager". However, it even seems that unprivileged users are unable to successfully disable it. I had to start VS as admin (I am using SuRun for the purpose) to disable it and the error not reappearing upon next start of the IDE.

I had the exact same problem, this is how I solved it.
I monitored devenv.exe using procmon to find the log path, on my computer it was: %TEMP%\vmware-username
I checked the permissions on the log directory, and discovered that my user had no access - neither read nor write! I gave myself full access and deleted the old log files. That solved it for me.
I think this happened because UAC was disabled when I installed VS and VMware.

In Visual Studio, go to the menubar to VMWARE / About VMWare Virtual Debugger; the Debugger log file will be listed there, e.g. C:\Users\Phil\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-Phil\vmware-vsid-1.log
Give your user full access to that file.
(This solution was for Visual Studio 2013, VMware Workstation 11.1.2, Windows 8.1.)

The fastest and easiest way to solve is...
1. Locate the folder %temp%\vmware-{username}
2. Delete this folder. The folder will be created by opening the Visual Studio.
Note: You need to open the Visual Studio without admin rights to resolve the issue!
Background: Mostly this happens if you use the VMware debugger plugin the first time under admin rights (because your app may need this right to run properly). This creates the folder under admin rights with the admin permissions. Everytime you open the Visual Studio with admin rights, you have no problems.

Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-<username>-<PID>.log
Linux: /tmp/vmware-<username>/ui-<PID>.log

This post helped me
The fastest and easiest way to solve is...
1. Locate the folder %temp%\vmware-{username}

Go in windows+R %temp% , delete all , ready !


Windows store app deployment error

I just downloaded and installed Visual studio on my computer (windows 8.1) to start building windows 8 apps. The problem is when I try to run any application this error message shows up (the application from this error message is called Parcels.comStarter):
Error 1 Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. Deployment
Register operation on Package
failed with error 0x8E5E0530. See for help diagnosing app
deployment issues. (0x80073cf9)
I searched the entire internet but I didn't found a solution. I also did reinstall visual studio and I still have the problem.
Thanks in advance
Open the Services management console (services.msc) and stop the Windows Installer service.
In Windows Explorer, go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\ and rename PackageRepository.edb to PackageRepository.edb.backup.
Back in the management console, restart the Windows Installer service.
Now run Visual Studio as an administrator and open your project.
I was having this exact same problem, and the solution for me was to unlink my Windows account from my Microsoft account.
There are a couple of things to try.
Run WSReset (press [Win] then type wsreset)
Delete the metastore and remotemetastore folder here: C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync where %userprofile% is your username. (I suggest just renaming them to metastore.old and remotemetastore.old)
Make sure that there are no staged packages for the app in question.
If you re-deployed an app that was already installed by some other user, then you would get a deployment error. This should wear off if you change the identity in your package.appxmanifest fie.
You should try an OS refresh. You should not lose your apps and settings.
After that re-link your windows account to microsoft account.
If that doesnt work...The problem may be that visual studio is not able to delete the application data in local folder. So when you go in the location C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages you will find application data of app installed in your computer, now you need to find your app's application data and delete the folder. The folder name is the same as the package family name which you can see in your solution.
now again open the solution and rebuild and your app will run. (hopefully)
close visual studio and simulator before deleting the folder.
make sure that your account is set as administrator.
I had the same problem with visual studio running under Parallels VM. The solution was to copy the project from a cloud based directory to a local directory.

Visual Studio deployment error

"The application could not be launched for debugging. Please make sure the device is unlocked."
I am getting this error when I try to launch the app on my device for debugging.
I have tried the following:
Relaunch Visual Studio,
Reinstall Visual Studio,
Restart my computer,
I have selected both debug and release in the configuration window.
The problem is that its not getting launched even in the emulator. The emulator opens and never loads the app but gives the same error message. And I have tried to just open a new application on VS and tried to run the default application. That also gives the same problem.
Everything was working fine after I opened a few more projects for reference, It suddenly started giving this error message.
Make sure a Windows project is not set as startup(assuming you have both windoes project and phone project in the same solution). For example If your target platfrom is a Windows phone project WP7, then you cannot have a windows project as startup. This is a known reason for the error you mentioned.
Also what is the operating system you are working with? I know the error you mentioned reprorted on some OS's including Windows server 2003 and 2008. Try running your project in winsdows 7.
I suddenly got exactly the same issue today. I was coding like always and then I got this problem.
// P.S.
// Today I updated Windows from 8 to 8.1
// Then I installed VS 2013 preview
// But continued working in VS 2012 (I need R#)
// After ~ 5 hours of work I got this issue
I tried everything, deleted emulators from Hyper-V, deleted all virtual commutators, restarted VS 2012, restarted laptop, deleted Bin and obj folders from project, rebuilded project.
But nothing helped.
Then I tried to open solution in VS 2013 preview, and it works!!
I hope I help you with this answer.
If somebody know how to fix it in VS 2012, please tell us
I have a similar problem but I’m able to debug my app once I click OK on the error prompt following the “Launching TaskHost.exe failed.” message in the status bar. I haven’t been able to solve it but I’ve found a workaround that might also work for you.
Start the “Simulation Dashboard” under “Tools” and instead of starting the debugger the usual way build your project if needed and then try to start the debugger by clicking “Locked” under “Lock Screen” on the dashboard.
This answer worked for me.
Under the following:
Solution(Right-click) > Properties > Configuration Properties > Configuration
Ensure that your main project is set to 'Deploy.'

Visual Studio 2012 Remote Debugging: Invalid access to memory location

I followed the instructions in this link: to install the remote debugger (2012) on my server where the application is running in hope to debug it remotely from my dev machine running visual studio 2012.
I cannot even get as far as viewing the list of processes to attach to on the remote machine. I keep getting "Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named [name]. Invalid access to memory location".
I have managed to successfully connect a few times but then the attach fails immediately then I cannot connect again.
This is causing huge issues for me as I cannot remote debug anything. I must be missing something glaring. Please someone give me a solution.
I've found the only way to correct this is by restarting Visual Studio.
Worked for me. I found it at this blog post about invalid access and remote debugging.
It turns out the one thing I missed was to tell Visual Studio where to find the .pdb symbols relating to the remote process. To do this go to Tools -> Options -> Debugging then in the Symbol (.pdb) locations add the remote location to the pdb files.
To clarify, I was attaching fine but could not break into code. Now I can. Be aware though that there are other hurdles before you get to my stage where I was attaching to the process successfully but could not catch a breakpoint.
I recently had someone else report this and debugged the issue on their machine. The "Invalid access to memory location" errors are due to an issue in Windows, it can be addressed with this hotfix.
I have had this problem in VS 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2017. Based on other answers it is likely that the problem is related to running a 32 bit version of Visual Studio on a 64 bit PC. Sometimes, as others have recommended, restarting Visual Studio fixes the problem but the best solution I've found so far is to start Visual Studio without a solution, open Debug -> Attach to Process, change the Connection Target to the remove server and wait for the process list to load. Then Cancel, do not attach yet. Load your desired solution and then come back to Attach to Process and the remote process list will still be loaded. Connect to your desired process and everything should work properly from then on.

Visual Studio 2012 failed to create project

I just upgraded to windows 8 from windows 7. Visual studio 2010 broke down completely. Oh well. I removed vs2012 and installed visual studio 2012, where the pain starts. I have been reinstalling vs 2012 a couple of times. However, the symptom remains the same.
When I try to create a new project (FILE -> New -> Project or ctrl + N).
It pops up with an error message dialogbox saying
"Failed to create a ImageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'.
" I am like ##*%&^#*###(. So can anyone please tell me what is going on with my Visual Studio2012?
By the way, I can open and run the existing vs2010 projects with no problems.
I definitely neither want to do a fresh install on windows 8 nor rolling back to my windows 7.
To resolve that problem, I've change the permission of "modify" for "everybody" on the files
Don't know if it's the best way to do it, but at least it works.
Do you have any codec packs installed on your system? I had a WIC codec pack for viewing RAW files in Explorer, and it resulted in the same issue you are describing. Uninstalling the codecs fixed Visual Studio for me.
I was having various issues, including the above.
To resolve the problem on Windows 8 for VS 2012, setting it to run as administrator fixed the problem for me.
Launch icon properties->Advanced Properties->Run as administrator
I hope this helps.
The trace of this issue leads to Windows Imaging Component (one solution proposed was to remove FastPictureViewer, which codec affects WIC, but it was not my case). I used procmon to log all file and registry calls and found that VS2012 stumbles at the following key:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.png - REG_SZ Content Type
I was suprized to see that Content Type for .png was set application (for .jpg it was application as well). After correcting it to image/png, not only VS2012 started successfully, but VS2010 as well, that was showing "Provide value on System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension threw an exception" on Win8 and caused me to try VS2012.
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 13.
uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages did not solved the problem.
Finally I tried to run it as administrator, as explained above and it worked.
Just happened to me. As Eric Aubry said check the machine.config file. In my case it wasn't permission error but the fact that the file was destroyed internally. By renaming the machine.config.default everything was fixed.
For me, this happened when I installed mysql on my machine, and it added an extra connection string to my machine config. However, since I was using a separate file for configSource, it resulted my machine config to become corrupted.
Moving the new config key to my config source from the 32bit machine config solved the issue.
As I mentioned in that question ,
I tried almost every solution I found.
I would like to share, what I have tried and did not work and what did work and solved the problem.
Here are the "solutions" which did not work for me but claimed that they worked for some people.
1) Removing FastPictureViewer Codec Pack (which was already not installed)
2) Having a modify permission to everyone for
3) Using Procmon to see broken registries
4) Uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages
5) Renaming the machine.config.default to machine.config
6) Running Visual Studio as an administrator
And this what it solved it:
Simply installed all the updates for windows 8.1 (not only the important ones, also optional updates as well) and restart. It sounds crazy after spending hours and hours but that solved my problem.
Good luck!

The 'SqlStudio Profile Package' package did not load correctly

When I start up VS 2012 RC I get the following loading error message:
The 'SqlStudio Profile Package' package did not load correctly.
The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the installation
of another extension. You can get more information by examining the file
I also have SQL Server 2012 RTM installed.
What can I do to get rid of this warning?
Open Control Panel
Open Programs and Features
Locate all items named “Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier App Framework"
Note: There might be up to 4 such instances all with the above name
Right click each of them and select Repair
That should solve this issue.
Janaka solution worked for me.
But if you do not want to lose your VS configuration, remove only the file :
from the folder
Hope it helps.
Remove the following folders.
See this
It turns out that (in my case), the Data Tools installer has a bug whereby you end up with a registry full of:
Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0Common7
...paths, when it should be:
Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7
Fixing all the values and keys fixes the problem (for me).
(ps: no other solution in this thread worked for me)
Just reinstall SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
I had to run VS as an administrator in order to clear this issue.
Problem: The 'SqlStudio Profile Package' package did not load correctly.
Proven Solution:
Removing Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.Cache fixes the problem outlined above. It worked!
