The 'SqlStudio Profile Package' package did not load correctly - visual-studio-2012

When I start up VS 2012 RC I get the following loading error message:
The 'SqlStudio Profile Package' package did not load correctly.
The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the installation
of another extension. You can get more information by examining the file
I also have SQL Server 2012 RTM installed.
What can I do to get rid of this warning?

Open Control Panel
Open Programs and Features
Locate all items named “Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier App Framework"
Note: There might be up to 4 such instances all with the above name
Right click each of them and select Repair
That should solve this issue.

Janaka solution worked for me.
But if you do not want to lose your VS configuration, remove only the file :
from the folder
Hope it helps.

Remove the following folders.
See this

It turns out that (in my case), the Data Tools installer has a bug whereby you end up with a registry full of:
Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0Common7
...paths, when it should be:
Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7
Fixing all the values and keys fixes the problem (for me).
(ps: no other solution in this thread worked for me)

Just reinstall SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

I had to run VS as an administrator in order to clear this issue.

Problem: The 'SqlStudio Profile Package' package did not load correctly.
Proven Solution:
Removing Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.Cache fixes the problem outlined above. It worked!


Error installing Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio/MS SQL Server 2014/MS SQL Server Data Tools in Windows 10

I am facing the below errors when trying to install any type of MS SQL Server on Windows 10 operating system. There seem to be a common problem/error in all of the cases (i.e. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.CRT,version="8.0.50727.4027",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",processorArchitecture="x86",type="win32") for which I could not find any workable solution in earlier related posts or other sites (quora, microsoft support etc). This is similar to iTunes installation error but the workaround for that particular solution did not solve my problem. Screenshots provided in the following arrangement:
MS SQL Server Management Studio 2016
MS Visual Studio 2015
Somehow, I have been able to solve the issue. THANKS 3N1GM4!! You did point me to the right direction! Fiddling a bit here and there solved the issue. Listing down the steps as reference to other users facing the same:
Quoting 3N1GM4: "Go to C:\Windows\Installer and search for *.msi, then add the Comments column to the Explorer window and find the file for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable"
Right click and uninstall
Download vcredist_x86.exe
Extract content of vcredist_x86.exe using command prompt, which will result to the VCREDI~3.EXE being extracted. Ref: (
Once again, extract VCREDI~3.EXE following the steps in above link, which will result to i) and ii) vcredist.msi being extracted.
Now, run and install vcredist.msi
Note: Not sure if steps 5 & 6 were redundant but I went through with them anyway. Installing vcredist_x86 directly after step 3 may also solve the problem.
Once again, I would like to thank 3N1GM4 for this ingenuity!

SSIS Package Configuration issue with sql server data tools for visual studio 2012

I am using sql server data tools for visual studion 2012 for SSIS package development. Visual studio 2012 is also installed on my system. Facing issues with package configuration. I am following below steps.
Go to package cofiguration.
Expand any connection or variable to add value to config file.
Expand next connection or variable. And click on properties, previously selected connection values are disappearing. But its working fine when we expand all connections, variables and then select values.
All the selected values should not disappear. it seems to be a defect. any help would be appreciated.
An old issue I know, but incase this is driving anyone else insane, there is a work around (no fix I can find yet, but then I haven't reinstalled yet either).
The work around is to expand all the properties you are going to set before setting any parameters. It appears that expanding will clear all the other settings in the wizard, hence creating the behaviour both me and the OP had.
I found an even better workaround:
Open up 'View Code' in the Solution Explorer. This will show you the underlying XML page for the package. Find the Package Configuration value you want to change, and edit it directly.

visual studio express 2012 version control

I have been sent a working project from a coworker to start learning Visual Studio. The project is under version control, however I don't want to have access to final customer product. So when I try to open the solution file I first get a message that the project is under source control:
"Team Foundation Server Version Control
The solution you are opening is bound to source control on the following Team foundation Serer:
http:// . Would you like to contact this server to try to enable source control integration?"
[yes] [no] [help]
I press no, then I get an error:
"The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. Because it is not possible to recover the missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control."
[ok] [help]
I proceed and press ok, and another message pops up:
"projectname\projectname.tsproj: The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information:"
My coworker tells me he sent the whole project, so I can't figure out why I cant get visual studio to open it. I am new to visual studio, but I have some programming experience.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you
It is doubtful that version control has something to do with your problem. There are two possibilities I could think of:
Your coworker uses full version of VS2012 and you are now having problems due to the fact that Visual Studio Express comes in two main flavours - Web and Desktop. It is unable to load Web(or Desktop) project because it just does not have any tools to work with it. Ask your coworker whether they mix web and desktop in their solutions. If it is so you should either use full VS or be given a reduced set of projects.
Nearly the same - your coworker uses some very old or very new version of particular project type (something like ASP.NET MVC that(as I remember) has different project type for each version). Again ask your coworker if it is so. In this case you will just have to install the needed templates and SDKs.
P.S. I was unable to open your link - it opens due to some regional problems). Search by key words brought to me similar problem for VS2010 - may be it could help you more specifically.

How to get rid of the VMware error when starting Visual Studio 2012, but without disabling VMDebugger add-in?

I am getting the following error when starting Visual Studio 2012 as unprivileged user:
An error has occurred while trying to access the log file. Logging may not function properly.
A casual web search showed that the issue used to exist with VMware 6 beta, back in 2006. I also found one other user who experiences the same in a more recent VS version (2008) and it started only recently.
The title of the message box indicates that this comes from VMware. I have VMware 9 Workstation installed. The problem could be related to system updates or the update 2012.2 CTP and hasn't gone with the final 2012.2 update package.
The question:
How can I get rid of the error without actually disabling the VMDebugger add-in?
Temporary workaround:
There is a workaround, disabling VMDebugger in the "Add-in Manager". However, it even seems that unprivileged users are unable to successfully disable it. I had to start VS as admin (I am using SuRun for the purpose) to disable it and the error not reappearing upon next start of the IDE.
I had the exact same problem, this is how I solved it.
I monitored devenv.exe using procmon to find the log path, on my computer it was: %TEMP%\vmware-username
I checked the permissions on the log directory, and discovered that my user had no access - neither read nor write! I gave myself full access and deleted the old log files. That solved it for me.
I think this happened because UAC was disabled when I installed VS and VMware.
In Visual Studio, go to the menubar to VMWARE / About VMWare Virtual Debugger; the Debugger log file will be listed there, e.g. C:\Users\Phil\AppData\Local\Temp\vmware-Phil\vmware-vsid-1.log
Give your user full access to that file.
(This solution was for Visual Studio 2013, VMware Workstation 11.1.2, Windows 8.1.)
The fastest and easiest way to solve is...
1. Locate the folder %temp%\vmware-{username}
2. Delete this folder. The folder will be created by opening the Visual Studio.
Note: You need to open the Visual Studio without admin rights to resolve the issue!
Background: Mostly this happens if you use the VMware debugger plugin the first time under admin rights (because your app may need this right to run properly). This creates the folder under admin rights with the admin permissions. Everytime you open the Visual Studio with admin rights, you have no problems.
Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-<username>-<PID>.log
Linux: /tmp/vmware-<username>/ui-<PID>.log
This post helped me
The fastest and easiest way to solve is...
1. Locate the folder %temp%\vmware-{username}
Go in windows+R %temp% , delete all , ready !

Visual Studio 2012 failed to create project

I just upgraded to windows 8 from windows 7. Visual studio 2010 broke down completely. Oh well. I removed vs2012 and installed visual studio 2012, where the pain starts. I have been reinstalling vs 2012 a couple of times. However, the symptom remains the same.
When I try to create a new project (FILE -> New -> Project or ctrl + N).
It pops up with an error message dialogbox saying
"Failed to create a ImageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'.
" I am like ##*%&^#*###(. So can anyone please tell me what is going on with my Visual Studio2012?
By the way, I can open and run the existing vs2010 projects with no problems.
I definitely neither want to do a fresh install on windows 8 nor rolling back to my windows 7.
To resolve that problem, I've change the permission of "modify" for "everybody" on the files
Don't know if it's the best way to do it, but at least it works.
Do you have any codec packs installed on your system? I had a WIC codec pack for viewing RAW files in Explorer, and it resulted in the same issue you are describing. Uninstalling the codecs fixed Visual Studio for me.
I was having various issues, including the above.
To resolve the problem on Windows 8 for VS 2012, setting it to run as administrator fixed the problem for me.
Launch icon properties->Advanced Properties->Run as administrator
I hope this helps.
The trace of this issue leads to Windows Imaging Component (one solution proposed was to remove FastPictureViewer, which codec affects WIC, but it was not my case). I used procmon to log all file and registry calls and found that VS2012 stumbles at the following key:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.png - REG_SZ Content Type
I was suprized to see that Content Type for .png was set application (for .jpg it was application as well). After correcting it to image/png, not only VS2012 started successfully, but VS2010 as well, that was showing "Provide value on System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension threw an exception" on Win8 and caused me to try VS2012.
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 13.
uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages did not solved the problem.
Finally I tried to run it as administrator, as explained above and it worked.
Just happened to me. As Eric Aubry said check the machine.config file. In my case it wasn't permission error but the fact that the file was destroyed internally. By renaming the machine.config.default everything was fixed.
For me, this happened when I installed mysql on my machine, and it added an extra connection string to my machine config. However, since I was using a separate file for configSource, it resulted my machine config to become corrupted.
Moving the new config key to my config source from the 32bit machine config solved the issue.
As I mentioned in that question ,
I tried almost every solution I found.
I would like to share, what I have tried and did not work and what did work and solved the problem.
Here are the "solutions" which did not work for me but claimed that they worked for some people.
1) Removing FastPictureViewer Codec Pack (which was already not installed)
2) Having a modify permission to everyone for
3) Using Procmon to see broken registries
4) Uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages
5) Renaming the machine.config.default to machine.config
6) Running Visual Studio as an administrator
And this what it solved it:
Simply installed all the updates for windows 8.1 (not only the important ones, also optional updates as well) and restart. It sounds crazy after spending hours and hours but that solved my problem.
Good luck!
