How to add quotes to a string in shell script - string

I have a string for which i need to add quotes to a substring. How can i do that in shell scripting?
the string is
I have to add single quotes around Frequency.
This should be generic for all such inputs. Please help

Something like this works: sed "s/Frequency/\'Frequency\'/"
$ echo "Database.Procedure(Frequency,P1,P2,P3)" | sed "s/Frequency/\'Frequency\'/"
It is a matter of changing the word Frequency by the same one with quotes. As the ' is a reserved word, we have to escape it with \'.
Your comment:
But the problem is Frequency can be anything like 'DAILY' , 'WEEKLY' ,
'MONTHLY' etc. What should i do for that?
If you want to make it more general, do
sed "s/$var/\'$var\'/"
$ var=Frequency
$ echo "Database.Procedure(Frequency,P1,P2,P3)" | sed "s/$var/\'$var\'/"
$ var=Weekly
$ echo "Database.Procedure(Weekly,P1,P2,P3)" | sed "s/$var/\'$var\'/"

try using an escape character


How to accomodate single quotes in sed bash [duplicate]

How to escape a single quote in a sed expression that is already surrounded by quotes?
For example:
sed 's/ones/one's/' <<< 'ones thing'
Quote sed codes with double quotes:
$ sed "s/ones/one's/"<<<"ones thing"
one's thing
I don't like escaping codes with hundreds of backslashes – hurts my eyes. Usually I do in this way:
$ sed 's/ones/one\x27s/'<<<"ones thing"
one's thing
One trick is to use shell string concatenation of adjacent strings and escape the embedded quote using shell escaping:
sed 's/ones/two'\''s/' <<< 'ones thing'
two's thing
There are 3 strings in the sed expression, which the shell then stitches together:
sed 's/ones/two'
Escaping single quote in sed: 3 different ways:
From fragile to solid...
Note: This answer is based on GNU sed!!
1. Using double-quotes to enclose sed script:
Simpliest way:
sed "s/ones/one's/" <<< 'ones thing'
But using double-quote lead to shell variables expansion and backslashes to be considered as shell escape before running sed.
1.1. Specific case without space and special chars
In this specific case, you could avoid enclosing at shell level (command line):
sed s/ones/one\'s/ <<<'ones thing'
will work until whole sedscript don't contain spaces, semicolons, special characters and so on... (fragile!)
2. Using octal or hexadecimal representation:
This way is simple and efficient, if not as readable as next one.
sed 's/ones/one\o047s/' <<< 'ones thing'
sed 's/ones/one\x27s/' <<< 'ones thing'
And as following character (s) is not a digit, you coul write octal with only 2 digits:
sed 's/ones/one\o47s/' <<< 'ones thing'
3. Creating a dedicated sed script
cat <<eosedscript >sampleSedWithQuotes.sed
#!$(which sed) -f
chmod +x sampleSedWithQuotes.sed
From there, you could run:
./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed <<<'ones thing'
one's thing
This is the strongest and simpliest solution as your script is the most readable:$ cat sampleSedWithQuotes.sed
#!/bin/sed -f
3.1 You coud use -i sed flag:
As this script use sed in shebang, you could use sed flags on command line. For editing file.txt in place, with the -i flag:
echo >file.txt 'ones thing'
./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed -i file.txt
cat file.txt
one's thing
3.2 Mixing quotes AND double quotes
Using dedicated script may simplify mixing quotes and double quotes in same script.
Adding a new operation in our script to enclose the word thing in double quotes:
echo >>sampleSedWithQuotes.sed 's/\bthing\b/"&"/;'
( now our script look like:
#!/bin/sed -f
./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed <<<'ones thing'
one's "thing"
The best way is to use $'some string with \' quotes \''
sed $'s/ones/two\'s/' <<< 'ones thing'
Just use double quotes on the outside of the sed command.
$ sed "s/ones/one's/" <<< 'ones thing'
one's thing
It works with files too.
$ echo 'ones thing' > testfile
$ sed -i "s/ones/one's/" testfile
$ cat testfile
one's thing
If you have single and double quotes inside the string, that's ok too. Just escape the double quotes.
For example, this file contains a string with both single and double quotes. I'll use sed to add a single quote and remove some double quotes.
$ cat testfile
"it's more than ones thing"
$ sed -i "s/\"it's more than ones thing\"/it's more than one's thing/" testfile
$ cat testfile
it's more than one's thing
This is kind of absurd but I couldn't get \' in sed 's/ones/one\'s/' to work. I was looking this up to make a shell script that will automatically add import 'hammerjs'; to my src/main.ts file with Angular.
What I did get to work is this:
sed -i '' '/environments/a\
import '$apost'hammerjs'$apost';' src/main.ts
So for the example above, it would be:
sed 's/ones/one'$apost's/'
I have no idea why \' wouldn't work by itself, but there it is.
Some escapes on AppleMacOSX terminals fail so:
sed 's|ones|one'$(echo -e "\x27")'s|1' <<<'ones thing'
I know this is going to sound like a cop out but I could never get sed working when there were both single and double quotes in the string. To help any newbies like me that are having trouble, one option is to split up the string. I had to replace code in over 100 index.hmtl files. The strings had both single and double quotes so I just split up the string and replaced the first block with
<!-- and the second block with -->. It made a mess of my index.html files but it worked.
use an alternative string seperator like ":" to avoid confusion with different slashes
sed "s:ones:one's:" <<< 'ones thing'
or if you wish to highligh the single quote
sed "s:ones:one\'s:" <<< 'ones thing'
both return
one's thing

Not able to replace the file contents with sed command [duplicate]

I am using the below code for replacing a string
inside a shell script.
echo $LINE | sed -e 's/12345678/"$replace"/g'
but it's getting replaced with $replace instead of the value of that variable.
Could anybody tell what went wrong?
If you want to interpret $replace, you should not use single quotes since they prevent variable substitution.
echo $LINE | sed -e "s/12345678/${replace}/g"
pax> export replace=987654321
pax> echo X123456789X | sed "s/123456789/${replace}/"
pax> _
Just be careful to ensure that ${replace} doesn't have any characters of significance to sed (like / for instance) since it will cause confusion unless escaped. But if, as you say, you're replacing one number with another, that shouldn't be a problem.
you can use the shell (bash/ksh).
$ var="12345678abc"
$ replace="test"
$ echo ${var//12345678/$replace}
Not specific to the question, but for folks who need the same kind of functionality expanded for clarity from previous answers:
# create some variables
# notice the the str isn't prefixed with $
# this is just how this feature works :/
echo $result
# result is:
echo $result
# result is: someFileName.sally because ".foo" was not found
Found a graceful solution.
echo ${LINE//12345678/$replace}
Single quotes are very strong. Once inside, there's nothing you can do to invoke variable substitution, until you leave. Use double quotes instead:
echo $LINE | sed -e "s/12345678/$replace/g"
Let me give you two examples.
Using sed:
echo $LINE | sed -e "s/12345678/$replace/g"
Without Using sed:
echo $result
Hope you will find it helpful!
echo $LINE | sed -e 's/12345678/'$replace'/g'
you can still use single quotes, but you have to "open" them when you want the variable expanded at the right place. otherwise the string is taken "literally" (as #paxdiablo correctly stated, his answer is correct as well)
To let your shell expand the variable, you need to use double-quotes like
sed -i "s#12345678#$replace#g" file.txt
This will break if $replace contain special sed characters (#, \). But you can preprocess $replace to quote them:
replace_quoted=$(printf '%s' "$replace" | sed 's/[#\]/\\\0/g')
sed -i "s#12345678#$replace_quoted#g" file.txt
I had a similar requirement to this but my replace var contained an ampersand. Escaping the ampersand like this solved my problem:
replace="salt & pepper"
echo "pass the salt" | sed "s/salt/${replace/&/\&}/g"
use # if you want to replace things like /. $ etc.
result=$(echo $str | sed "s#$oldstr#$newstr#g")
the above code will replace all occurrences of the specified replacement term
if you want, remove the ending g which means that the only first occurrence will be replaced.
Use this instead
echo $LINE | sed -e 's/12345678/$replace/g'
this works for me just simply remove the quotes
I prefer to use double quotes , as single quptes are very powerful as we used them if dont able to change anything inside it or can invoke the variable substituion .
so use double quotes instaed.
echo $LINE | sed -e "s/12345678/$replace/g"

Why can s command of sed can be followed by a comma?

I saw someone use an expression like: sed -e 's, *$,,'
does anybody know why we can use it like this, and what does it do?
I thought the s command should be sed -e 'addr,addrs/reg/sub/' ?
From Using different delimiters in sed:
sed takes whatever follows the "s" as the separator
It is a good way to avoid escaping too much. Code is more readable if you use a delimiter that is not present in the string you want to handle.
For example let's say we want to replace lo/bye from a string. With / as delimiter it would be a little messy:
$ echo "hello/bye" | sed 's/lo\/bye/aa/g'
So if we define another separator it is more clear:
$ echo "hello/bye" | sed 's|lo/bye|aa|g'
$ echo "hello/bye" | sed 's,lo/bye,aa,g'

find words in two quotes unix

I would like to display the last word in these lines I tried to look for example the word value but no answer, so I thought to look for the words between quotes but my file contains other words between quotes that I have I need not actually want to display the values ​​of the select tag knowing that my html file is.
grep '*' hosts.html | awk '{print $NF}'
For example:
I would have
You need to set the field separator to > you do this with the -F option:
$ awk -F'>' '{print $NF}' hosts.html
Note: I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve by grep '*' hosts.html?
Interpreting the comment liberally, you have input lines which might contain:
and you would like the names which are repeated on a line as the output:
This can be done using sed and capturing parentheses.
sed -n -e "s/.*'\([^']*\)'.*\1.*/\1/p"
The -n says "don't print unless I say to do so". The s///p command prints if the substitute works. The pattern looks for a stream of 'anything' (.*), a single quote, captures what's inside up to the next single quote ('\([^']*\)') followed by any text, the captured text (the first \1), and anything. The replacement text is what was captured (the second \1).
$ cat data
www and wotnot
if 'nothing' is required, nothing will be done.
$ sed -n -e "s/.*'\([^']*\)'.*\1.*/\1/p" data
Clearly, you can refine the [^']* part of the match if you want to. I used double quotes around the expression since the pattern matches on single quotes. Life is trickier if you need to allow both single and double quotes; at that point, I'd put the script into a file and run sed -f script data to make life easier.
sed 's/.*>\(.*\)/\1/g' your_file

how to replace a special characters by character using shell

I have a string variable x=tmp/variable/custom-sqr-sample/test/example
in the script, what I want to do is to replace all the “-” with the /,
after that,I should get the following string
Can anyone help me?
I tried the following syntax
it didnot work
exa=$(echo $exa|sed 's/-///g')
sed basically supports any delimiter, which comes in handy when one tries to match a /, most common are |, # and #, pick one that's not in the string you need to work on.
$ echo $x
$ sed 's#-#/#g' <<< $x
In the commend you tried above, all you need is to escape the slash, i.e.
echo $exa | sed 's/-/\//g'
but choosing a different delimiter is nicer.
The tr tool may be a better choice than sed in this case:
echo "$x" | tr -- - /
(The -- isn't strictly necessary, but keeps tr (and humans) from mistaking - for an option.)
In bash, you can use parameter substitution:
$ exa=tmp/variable/custom-sqr-sample/test/example
$ exa=${exa//-/\/}
$ echo $exa
