Long time operations in MVC and WCF service - multithreading

I have got a MVC application, that uses WCF service as a connection layer to database. Some operations on WCF are time-consuming. So, what is the best solution for this problem? Should I use async controllers in my MVC application and Task.Factory.StartNew in WCF? Or should I use simple controllers and AJAX in MVC and Task.Factory.StartNew in WCF? Or it is better to use Task.Factory.StartNew in MVC? Or maybe it is better to use simple threads in WCF?
For example my service generates reports - it takes a long of time. I want user to be able to start generating report and not to wait until it finished - for example show 'generating'. Then he can start generating another one, and etc. After generation of a report is finished - return it to a user.
Please, give the best practices in such type solutions or show me the right direction, thanks a lot.

This kind of requirement can be designed in multiple ways as Tim Rogers pointed out in his comment. Judging by your use case focused around reports i would probably do it in the following way:
WCF method to initiate generating a report (would initiate a worker thread and return back a process/report id of some sort)
WCF method for checking the status of the operation (based on the operation/report id)
Regular controller which would call the method from point 1 and allow querying for the status of ongoing jobs for a particular user
View presenting a list of historical and ongoing jobs with their statuses (i would probably implement an AJAX request for refreshing the status to get a nice user experience)
Of course this is only a rough description. Whereas points 3 and 4 are easy and straightforward points 1 and 2 may be implemented in a number of ways. You can approach this with implementing your own threading strategy with task persiatance (in memory or db based), you can try using WCF Workflow Service etc. Hope this helps.


why should I not use MVC Jsonresult instead of apicontroller get method

I have developed an application which was MVC application. It has a requirement that the application will return json data for one get request.
So I have added apicontroller and created a get method to return json data.
So far so good. but then I thought, is it really needed to add apicontroller to create just one get method.
I started exploring and googling what is the difference other than content negotiation. Got lots of answers and articles but non of them were satisfactory.
So here is the actual confusion, why can't I just create a method in the MVC controller with JsonResponse and return the json data(Which I know only is need for my requirement, but other application on different domain will consume it).
Can anyone convince me why should I use apicontroller instead of MVC JsonResponse for my requirement or should I not be using apicontroller at all.
apology if there is any mistake.
If I get it right the question is Can we use MVC action to serve json content answer is yes! Is it okay to use Json Result? answer is It depends where do you want to consume it
Say I am an in a Web Environment where I have no need for the APIs (that means I am not going to serve my data to multiple clients) If that's the scenario where only your View is going to consume data returned from your Action Method you are good to go. An Action returning a Json Result is basically an Action Result and that's what it is made for.
but If you are in a REST scenario and you need your backend to serve your data to the client de facto standard is to use an independent Web API for that.
Controllers' main responsibility should be to work as an intermediary between your View and Model and whatever service layer you want to bring inside it. on the other hand, Web APIs are data-driven there only purpose is to serve data (use them if you need them)
Web APIs are good cause they give you the flexibility of serving the data to possibly any client that might need it. That's what I would pick if I am starting from scratch but if I only need to serve data to one client Controller Action methods will be way to go.
Hope this helps.

In an isomorphic Redux app, is it better practice to keep API calls small, or to send over all information in one go?

I am building a sports data visualization application with server-side rendering in React (ES6)/Redux/React-Router-Redux. At the top, there is a class-based App component, and there are two different class-based component routes. (everything under those is a stateless functional component), structured as follows:
|__ Index (/)
|__ Match (/match/:id)
When a request is made for a given route, one API call is dispatched, containing all information for the given route. This is hosted on a different server, where we're using Restify and Sequelize ORM. The JSON object returned is roughly 12,000 to 30,000 lines long and takes anywhere from 500ms to 8500ms to return.
Our application, therefore, takes a long time to load, and I'm thinking that this is the main bottleneck. I have a couple options in mind.
Separate this huge API call into many smaller API calls. Although, since JS is single-threaded, I'd have to measure the speed of the render to find out if this is viable.
Attempt lazy loading by dispatching a new API call when a new tab is clicked (each match has several games, all in new tabs)
Am I on the right track? Or is there a better option? Thanks in advance, and please let me know if you need any more examples!
This depends on many things including who your target client is. Would mobile devices ever use this or strictly desktop?
From what you have said so far, I would opt for "lazy loading".
Either way you generally never want any app to force a user to wait at all especially not over 8 seconds.
You want your page send and show up with something that works as quick as possible. This means you don't want to have to wait until all data resolves before your UI can be hydrated. (This is what will have to happen if you are truly server side rendering because in many situations your client application would be built and delivered at least a few seconds before the data is resolved and sent over the line.)
If you have mobile devices with spotty networks connections they will likely never see this page due to timeouts.
It looks like paginating and lazy loading based on accessing other pages might be a good solution here.
In this situation you may also want to look into persisting the data and caching. This is a pretty big undertaking and might be more complicated than you would want. I know some colleagues who might use libraries to handle most of this stuff for them.

Service Stack migrating RPC to REST issues

Trying to sell a move to ServiceStack from traditional ASP.Net /SOAP web services with the management team.
I am struggling with a some RPC'ish issues. Requirement is that I support SOAP (even backhandedly) in the hope of selling my service consumers on REST.
Take for example a service called "ReplaceItem" which basically requires:
Close out item number
Replacement item number
Store Number
Bunch of other replacement item data
Should I create a ReplacementItem DTO? It seems to be if I have a number of these type of functions I am just going to have tons of DTOs instead of tons of RPC methods. Plus what is the "id" in this case and what REST method would I be using?
I get that REST/SS gives me basic CRUD functionality for domain level structures like Items/Customers/etc, but how do I handle non-CRUD methods in SS.
I am also having issues with multiple parameters making up the primary key for a certain service. Almost all Inventory tables are structured by Item Number AND Store Number. I'd rather not dump the creation of some composite string on the service client. How do I handle this?
ServiceStack promotes a SOA-like message-based design that is optimal and provides many natural benefits for remote services.
My initial thoughts would look something like
POST {CloseItemNumber} /item/1/close
POST {ItemNumber} /item/1?replace=true
POST {ItemNumber} /item/1
POST {ItemNumber} /item/1 i.e. same DTO/service different values.
Where ItemNumber and CloseItemNumber are separate Request DTOs and services.
Designing Service APIs
I prefer to structure my services around 'resources/nouns' and design my service APIs as actions that apply operations to them.
If the operation requires more information than storing the Resource DTO I would create a separate service with the additional metadata.
i.e. Here's how I would convert Amazons 'RPC' service to be more REST-ful:
Into how I prefer to write it:
POST https://ec2.amazonaws.com/volumes/vol-4d826724/attach
FormData: InstanceId=i-6058a509&Device=/dev/sdh&AUTHPARAMS
Which would still use an explicit AttachVolume Request DTO.
Another example I use to showcase the different between WCF RPC and ServiceStack's coarse-grained message-based approach is in: https://gist.github.com/1386381
Difference between an RPC-chatty and message-based API:
This is a typical API that WCF encourages:
public interface IService
Customer GetCustomerById(int id);
Customer[] GetCustomerByIds(int[] id);
Customer GetCustomerByUserName(string userName);
Customer[] GetCustomerByUserNames(string[] userNames);
Customer GetCustomerByEmail(string email);
Customer[] GetCustomerByEmails(string[] emails);
This is an equivalent message-based API we encourage in ServiceStack:
public class Customers {
int[] Ids;
string[] UserNames;
string[] Emails;
public class CustomersResponse {
Customer[] Results;
Note: If you want your same services to support a both SOAP and a REST-based API, you will need to structure your services slightly differently to overcome SOAP's limitation of tunnelling all operations through HTTP POST.
Problem i still have when deciding to switch from 1 chatty RPC api to a REST api is that instead of having several functions easy to maintain, i find myself with either 2 solutions :
multiplying DTOs and services that makes internal code for the services being chatty and complex
putting into a single route (OnGet) all the code managing the service but this way i have to parse the different parameters to 'discover' which parameters have been requested (to simplify instead of having multiple simple functions with pre-defined parameters i now have only one function that has to determine which parameters are meaningful ... but that is VERY hard to maintain - code is more complex to me now).
In the proposed solution to solve GetCustomerById, GetCustomersByEmails etc. the point to me is that instead of having simple queries, we now have to dynamically construct the query based on the filled parameters - that can make the code tricky and hard to maintain - having to manage possible combinations of multiple parameters - some combinations not being possible too.
Feeling little bit sad about that as i REALLY don't like WCF at all.
Mixing WCF and REST seems summum of the complexity - the worst for me (complexity of defining a REST api + complexity of WCF).
Are my feelings shared or did i miss something ?

Multithreading using Wcf

HI i am new to the the whole programming thing, i have been given a task to multithread 4 stored procedures where each thread runs asynchronously so that the user can get output real quick i have to do it using WCF can anyone help me out with this. Initially what i am trying to do is taking each procedure and getting how much time it takes to execute using parametrizedthreadstart, but i am not sure how to go about it.
Considering you are new to the whole programming thing, you can follow these very basic steps to get thing done.
Create a new WCF service.
Add 4 methods each calling one stored procedure.
Add parameters to the methods which are required by stored procedures.
For Example if your stored procedure is - MySP(varchar name) then your WCF method will
be - MySP(string name);
Now depoly your service in IIS or windows service or Console App or wherever you want.
Create a client application, again it could be anything ConsoleApp or Win Form etc.
Add a reference to your service.
Instantiate service class and call there Async version. By Async I mean there you'll
see all of the four methods with Async attached.
For Example you will find your MySP(string name) method as MySPAsync(string name)
Also there will be MySPCompleted event, subscribe to it.
Now all of your methods are running asynchronously whenever they finish execution they'll call your subscribed methods.
I hope this helps you get started :)
There are a couple of different ways to do this. At the highest level, you can place each service request in it's own service endpoint. This could be defining endpoints for each method, or if you are hosting in IIS, placing each service it's own website. At the lower level, you could define callbacks for each method so that WCF will not block while the method calls are taking place.

SharePoint webpart connections

Is it possible to have a bi-directional web part connection? I am aware that a web part can be both a provider and a consumer but it seems only one connection is allowed between two web parts.
What I am trying to accomplish is a bi-directional connection where a field in web part A can update web Part B and a field in B can update web part A.
You can do this in several ways.
The main things to understand are:
You're in complete control of the interface the web parts share
By default only the consumer knows anything about the other web part
Here is then a couple of ways to implement what you describe:
Option 1: Pull/Push:
You can make your interface such that the consumer can pull the information it needs by either calling function or getting property values
And the consumer also pushes the information the other webpart might need by calling functions or setting property values.
Option 2: Consumer announcing
Here you define your interface (and way of using it) such that when a consumer get's a connection it make a call back through the interface to give the producer a reference to the consumer. This reference can then implement the same or another interface any way out want.
Now both the consumer and the producer has a reference to another web part where they can get the information they need.
