Error 'result::failure -9' when porting android app to BlackBerry 10 - blackberry-eclipse-plugin

I am trying to deploy my android app from eclipse on to my blackberry Z10 running and i am unsuccessfull at it.
Here is the actual error that i am receiving.
Failed to deploy project XXXX
Info: Sending request: Install
Info: Action: Install
Info: File size: 8659959
Info: Installing ...
Info: Processing 8659959 bytes
Info: Progress 0%...
Info: Progress 49%...
Info: Progress 50%...
Info: Progress 100%...
result::failure -9
After this error, I could see the app icon on my Z10, but when i try to access it, it says' Initializing. Please wait...' and the app crashes thereafter.
What does failure -9 indicate and any idea on what's the issue/resolution might be?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

I was able to fix my problem after doing little research and finding the unsupported libraries for my app. I figured out the unsupported libraries using the apkbarVerifier tool.
My app was using package. So, I edited the android manifest file to reflect the below line.
<uses-library android:name="" android:required="false" />
After this change, even though the 'Verify apk' option from eclipse is showing me the same warnings, I was able to deploy the app to my Z10 and had it to work.
Basically, failure -9 on deployment means that the app contains an unsupported library.


App in React Native after won't open in device after build successfull

It will show like this after build successful
Error ScreenShot
Installed on 1 device.
BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 22s 27 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 26 up-to-date
The system cannot find the path specified. info Starting the app
shell am start -n com.sae/com.sae.MainActivity...
But what is "The system cannot find the path specified" ?
How can I fix it ?
thanks in advance

Android Stuido, Can't run the app on my device after changing application name

I renamed my app from LoginRegister to RideMe,
After changing while I'm trying to run my app on my device, I get the following error
Installation failed with message Invalid File: C:\Users\barakhome\AndroidStudioProjects\LoginRegister\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_4.apk.
The file it's looking still in the "old" path since LoginRegister has been changed to RideMe
Any way to fix it?
Thanks in advance
Note* the app is running fine via emulator
Note2* after chaning the app name I cleaned and re-build the app.

Hololens Emulator app zzz

I have been following several tutorials from Microsoft on the Hololens, from the real basic 100 ( creating a Cube ) to the 101E.
However when deploying to the Hololens it doesn't troughs a error, all succeed, but when starting the App it shows a white screen and then zzz with a Moon "emoticon".
The only error i'm getting is the one attached. However developer license is active. And i also renewed it, but is that related? Don't know.
Log file:
3>------ Deploy started: Project: Origami, Configuration: Release x86 ------
3>Deploying to Phone Internal Storage...
3>Creating a new clean layout...
3>Copying files: Total 48 mb to layout...
3>Checking whether required frameworks are installed...
3>Framework: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00/x86, app package version 14.0.24123.0 is not currently installed.
3>Framework: Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0/x86, app package version 1.0.23819.0 is not currently installed.
3>Framework: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00/x86, app package version 14.0.24123.0 is not currently installed.
3>Installing missing frameworks...
3>Registering the application to run from layout...
3>Deployment complete (0:00:05,557). Full package name: "Origami_1.0.0.0_x86__sx6pycx103f58"
========== Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
There are several scenarios which produce this error. Here are a few ways, from my expetience, that may solve this issue:
In the Package.appxmanifest, find the line specifying TargetDeviceFamily and change Name="Windows.Universal" to Name="Windows.Holographic" and MaxVersionTested="10.0.10240.0" to MaxVersionTested="10.0.10586.0".
Go to the device portal and shutdown the instance of the app if it is running.
Try uninstalling the app from the emulator before installing it.
The hololens can be quite tedious to work with at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is a wonderful technology!

Why My project Run goodly But dont shown in emolator?

I am a new linux user and when I installed eclipse and sdk for android in linux.I get below error
when I start emolator and wait for 15 minute. I ran my project run very good and below message is shown.
[2013-05-30 09:53:13 - RamzNegar] Android Launch!
[2013-05-30 09:53:13 - RamzNegar] adb is running normally.
[2013-05-30 09:53:13 - RamzNegar] Performing com.elmos.ramznegar.MainActivity activity launch
[2013-05-30 09:53:13 - RamzNegar] Automatic Target Mode: Unable to detect device compatibility. Please select a target device.
[2013-05-30 09:53:22 - RamzNegar] Uploading RamzNegar.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2013-05-30 09:53:23 - RamzNegar] Installing RamzNegar.apk...
[2013-05-30 09:53:39 - RamzNegar] Success!
[2013-05-30 09:53:39 - RamzNegar] Starting activity com.elmos.ramznegar.MainActivity on device emulator-5554
but i cannot show anything in emolator
I see below image
if answer is ~my emolator not run yet~;why my emolator dont run
how i can solve this problem?
for the first time that you run emulator it will run very slow
and when you run your app ,eclipse didnot get you error
I think this is a bug for google
I hope that speed of emulator will be improve

Can't get azure web role to run locally using the emulator

I have a web role that I'm trying to run locally using the emulator. I have it working on another computer, but I cannot get it working on a different one, and have gone as far as to reformat it and start from scratch.
When I launch the site from Visual Studio, Chrome shows the following message:
This webpage is not available
The connection to was interrupted.
There is also an error code listed at the bottom:
Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset.
One interesting thing from the build output are these lines:
Starting process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Windows Azure Tools\v1.8\Debugger\WindowsAzureDebugger.exe' with arguments '"C:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /trace:error /config:"C:\Users\brian\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\159c7254-b7d0-4076-a4fd-820b00feca5f\temp\temp\RoleTemp\applicationHost.config" /site:"deployment18(27).AzureApp.MyApp.Web_IN_0_Web"'...
Process 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Windows Azure Tools\v1.8\Debugger\WindowsAzureDebugger.exe' exited with exit code 0.
If I run C:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /trace:error /config:"C:\Users\brian\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\159c7254-b7d0-4076-a4fd-820b00feca5f\temp\temp\RoleTemp\applicationHost.config" /site:"deployment18(27).AzureApp.MyApp.Web_IN_0_Web" from the command line, I get the following message:
The system cannot find the file specified.
Unable to start IIS Express in background.
I have no idea what file it cannot find, but I've verified that the config file I'm passing does in fact exist. Anyone have a clue what's going on here??
While I can not tell you what could be the actual root cause of your problem I can suggest a few ways to troubleshoot it:
Try changing IIS Express to Full IIS and see if it changes the behavior. You can do it by going to your Windows Azure Application project properties and look at "Web" option.
Try running application without debugging it
Launch CSrun at command prompt with /launchDebugger parameter of the /run option to verify that debugger does run without any issue
Try using IE as default browser
Clean your dftemp folder completely for any residual configuration and then launch Azure Emulator separately to verify there are no issues
Procmon "" may help you find the file that is missing...
Hopefully someone stumbles upon this answer with similar symptoms. When removing in role caching the <dataCacheClients> section was removed from . Somehow there was a left over <dataCacheClients> section left in the web.config. Everything and compiled and deployed to the emulator successfully. However, the role would fail to start since applicationHost.config was missing.
The fix was simply remove the unnecessary <dataCacheClients> section from the web.config file.
