I received a zip file via email that was password protected. However, my email system was blocking the zip file type, so the sender changed the extension to something else. I saved the file and renamed it to a .zip. However, it does not ask for a password to unzip it, and the unzipping fails.
Is there any way that this will work?
Make sure that there isn't a double file extension on it (i.e. "file.jpg.zip").
I have a nodejs backend and I want to send a file download link to the client such that, the file is directly accessible by the client. The file types are JPEG and PNG. Currently, I am serving these files as data-uri but, due to a change in requirements, I must send a download link in response to the file request and, client can download the file later using that link.
Now the current workflow exposes a path /getAvatar. This path should send a response back to the client with the file link. The file, is stored in /assets/avatars relative to the server root. I know I can express.static middleware to send back static resources. However, the methods I have seen so far, res.send() and res.download() both tries to send the file as attachment rather a link that can be used later to download.
Basically, the behavior is like a regular file sharing site where, once a file is clicked, a link to it is generated which, is used for downloading the file. How can I do this?
Reading SFTP command line shell seems there is no flag to upload entire
folders to remote server sending local files according to the date of the last modification so that the recently modified local files are the last to be uploaded remotely.
I tried to change the date with touch -t but sftp always seems to follow the alphabetical order.
I can not create an ordered list and send it through a batch file because my need is to send whole folders not single file [ i.e. put foldername ]
My need now is how to upload an entire folder that contains some XML files and only one of them having a random name that I know in advance must be sent to the remote server as last.
Thanks in advance.
My need now is how to upload an entire folder that contains some XML files and only one of them having a random name that I know in advance must be sent to the remote server as last.
Move the one specific local file away (to a temporary folder)
Upload the rest of the files
Upload the specific local file explicitly
Move the specific local file back.
I want to export a table to an Excel file. I need to export a report.
ORA_EXCEL.add_sheet('Sheet name');
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from mytable');
I saved my table to blob.
How do I export/respond to the user (client)?
I need something that is simple to allow a user to be able to download an Excel file to their own computer. I tried doing this procedure in an Oracle workflow:
ORA_EXCEL.save_to_file('EXPORT_DIR', 'example.xlsx');
But this did not help, because it is saves the file to a directory on the server and I need it in the real server.
The way I have handled similar issues in the past was to work with the systems people to mount a directory from either a web server or file server on the Database server.
Then create a directory object so that the procedure can save to a location that is accessible to the user.
If the files are not sensitive and there are a limited number of users then a file server makes sense as it is then just a matter of giving the user access to the file share.
If files are sensitive or this is a large number or unknown users we then used the Web server and sent a email with a link to the user enabling them to download their file. Naturally there needs to be security built into this to stop people being able to download other users files.
We didn't just email the files as an attachment because...
1) Emails with attachments tend to get blocked
2) We always advise not to open attachments on emails. (Yes I know we advise not to click on links as well but nothing is perfect)
Who or what is invoking the production of the document?
If it´s done by an application, which the user is working on, this application can fetch the BLOB, stores it at f.e. TEMP-Directory and calls
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("..."); to open it with the associated application. (see Open file with associated application)
If it´s a website, this one could stream the blob back as Excel-Mimetype (see Setting mime type for excel document)
Also you could store in an Oracle-DIRECTORY, but this one has to be on the server and should be a netword-share to be accessible for clients (which is rarely accepted in a productive environment!)
If MAIL isn´t the solution, then maybe FTP can be a way to store files in a common share. See UTL_TCP - Package, with this a FTP-transfer can be achieved (a bit hard to code, but there are solutions to find in the web) and I guess, professional tools that generate Office-documents out of Oracle-DB and distribute them do it like this.
Currently I'm working on a web project (Classic Asp) and I'm going to make an upload form.
Folklore says:
"Don't use the real name to save the uploaded files"
What are the problems, dangers, from the security point of view ?
Proper directory permissions should stop most of this stuff but I suppose for file names a potential danger is that they could name it something like "../Default.asp" or "../Malware.asp" or some other malicious path attempting to overwrite files and/or have an executable script on your server.
If I'm using a single upload folder, I always save my users uploads with a GUID file name just because users aren't very original and you get name conflicts very often otherwise.
I have created a drupal module which displays some reporting data. I would like to include an option that enables a user viewing the page to save data as a txt or csv file on their local system, but I am running into the following problems:
How to specify local directory to save to.
How to actually save the data to the directory.
I've read through the drupal api documentation for forms. There is a 'file' input type that allows a user to browse their system and select a location to upload from. I've also looked at the file_save_data() function, but it seems that data is only saved within the drupal site directory.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How to specify local directory to save to.
You can't. The user's browser will save your files to either the browser's default downloads directory, or it'll prompt the user to pick a location. Letting a website pick where a file gets saved would be a major security hole - they could create desktop shortcuts to viruses, add startup items, etc.
This worked for me:
$file = file_save_data($data, $dest, $replace = FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
drupal_set_header($header = "Content-type: text");
drupal_set_header($header = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file.xls");
The die() needs to go in there, or else the page html will be appended to the file.