Entity Framework Check for references before deleting - reference

Say I have a User that I want to delete, but the User might be referenced by other tables in the database. Is there a way to check for references to this user before trying to delete or is the best option to just delete and catch/handle the exception that SaveChanges() throws?
Obviously I could check each table where the user might be referenced...but I would rather not as it is referenced in a few places and it just seems like a messy way to do things.

I don't now if you have found a solution to this yet but I'm posting since i run into a similar problem myself. I suppose you could use a query to check for references lets say something like..
bool related = db.Article.Where(i => i.CategoryId == id).Any();
But i believe it is better to catch the exception than to check for references.
For scenarios where you want a required relationship but no cascade delete you
can explicitly override the convention and configure cascade delete behavior with the
Fluent API.
The Fluent API method to use is called WillCascadeOnDelete and takes a Boolean as a
parameter. This configuration is applied to a relationship, which means that you first
need to specify the relationship using a Has/With pairing and then call WillCascadeOn
Delete. Something like:
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasRequired(a => a.Category)
.WithMany(i => i.Articles)
Then you usually get a DbUpdateException or a InvalidOperationException depending on how your data is loaded into memory. You can catch them with a simple statement and add a message to the user.
return RedirectToAction("Index");
catch (DataException)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your message here");
return View(category);
What WillCascadeOnDelete basically does is that it changes the Delete rule in your database from Cascade to No Action which causes the error to be thrown when a violation occurs.
The overall message here is that you have control over the cascade delete setting, but
you will be responsible for avoiding or resolving possible conflicts caused by
not having a cascade delete present. It worked for me, hope it helps you too.
See also:Configuring Relationships with the Fluent API


Spring + Hibernate - handling concurrency with #Transactional method

I have a problem of accessing some transactional method concurrently by multiple threads
The requirement is to check if an account exists already or otherwise create it, The problem with below code is if two threads parallelly execute the accountDao.findByAccountRef() method with same account reference and if they dont find that account , then both try to create the same account which would be a problem ,
Could anyone provide me some suggestion how to overcome this situation ?
The code is pasted below
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public void createAccount(final String accountRef, final Money amount) {
LOG.debug("creating account with reference {}", accountRef);
if (isNotBlank(accountRef)) {
// only create a new Account if it doesn't exist already for the given reference
Optional<AccountEO> accountOptional = accountDao.findByAccountRef(accountRef);
if (accountOptional.isPresent()) {
throw new AccountException("Account already exists for the given reference %s", accountRef);
// no such account exists, so create one now
accountDao.create(newAccount(accountRef, neverNull(amount)));
} else {
throw new AccountException("account reference cannot be empty");
If you want your system to perform when you have more than a handful of people using it, you can use the concept of Optimistic Locking (I know that there is no lock involved here).
On the creation this works by trying to insert the new account, and if you get an exception because of the duplicate primary key (you'll need to check this from the exception), then you know that the account was already created.
So in short, you optimistically try to create the row and if it fails, you know that there's one already there.

DbContext.SaveChanges Fails to Save Valid Entities

I'm using EF 5 with Code First POCO.
Here is the repository's SaveChanges implementation:
public virtual List<DbEntityValidationResult> SaveChanges()
var errors = new List<DbEntityValidationResult>();
catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
return errors;
A single validation error causes no entities to be written to the database. I had expected valid entities to be written out and to receive errors for invalid entities.
Is this how EF is supposed to act?
That's the way EF works.
SaveChanges() creates a transaction and attempts to save all the changes in the context.
If any writes fail for any reason, the whole transaction is rolled back and no changes are persisted.
I did some more digging. EEF does not attempt to write the Entities. It calls validation from the Object Context first. If any entities fail, they are added to DbValidationResult and the save is canceled.
For bulk transactions, you can remove those entities and handled any errors and then resave.
Once all the Entities validate, EF writes changes to the database as appropriate.

Orchard Custom User Part is not stored in Database

I can't seem to store additional data in a separate contentpart attached to User. I have done the following:
Created a module
In the module I created a Model for ProfilePart and ProfilePartRecord
In the migration I created a table for ProfilePartRecord (from type ContentPartRecord)
In the migration I altered the typedefinition for User, by setting WithPart ProfilePart
I created a driver class, that has 2 edit methods, one for get and one for post (code snippets are below
I also created a handler that adds a storage filter for profilePartRepository of type ProfilePartRecord
Module Structure
Since I think the issue is in the Driver. This is my code:
Is it going wrong because the part is attached to User? Or am I missing something else.
public class ProfilePartDriver:ContentPartDriver
protected override string Prefix
get { return "Profile"; }
protected override DriverResult Editor(ProfilePart part, dynamic shapeHelper)
return ContentShape("Parts_Profile_Edit", () =>
shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(TemplateName: "Parts/Profile", Model: part, Prefix: Prefix));
protected override DriverResult Editor(ProfilePart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper)
updater.TryUpdateModel(part, Prefix, null, null);
return Editor(part, shapeHelper);
I have used Skywalker's blog. There is one chapter about registering customers by using the User and adding your own content parts to it. Worked nice for me.
First of all - is your ProfilePart editor shown at all when you go to Dashboard and edit a given user? I noticed you're using Parts_Profile_Edit as a shape key, but actually use EditorTemplates/Parts/Profile.cshtml as a template. It's perfectly correct, but note that Placement.info file uses shape keys, so you have to use Parts_Profile_Edit as a shape name in there. Otherwise it won't get displayed.
Second - have you tried debugging to see if the second driver Editor method (the one for handling POST) is being called at all?
Like Bertrand suggested, I'd look into one of the existing modules that work (afaik there is one for user profile in the Gallery) and see the difference. It might be something small, eg. a typo.

Connecting the dots with DDD

I have read Evans, Nilsson and McCarthy, amongst others, and understand the concepts and reasoning behind a domain driven design; however, I'm finding it difficult to put all of these together in a real-world application. The lack of complete examples has left me scratching my head. I've found a lot of frameworks and simple examples but nothing so far that really demonstrates how to build a real business application following a DDD.
Using the typical order management system as an example, take the case of order cancellation. In my design I can see an OrderCancellationService with a CancelOrder method which accepts the order # and a reason as parameters. It then has to perform the following 'steps':
Verify that the current user has the necessary permission to cancel an Order
Retrieve the Order entity with the specified order # from the OrderRepository
Verify that the Order may be canceled (should the service interrogate the state of the Order to evaluate the rules or should the Order have a CanCancel property that encapsulates the rules?)
Update the state of the Order entity by calling Order.Cancel(reason)
Persist the updated Order to the data store
Contact the CreditCardService to revert any credit card charges that have already been processed
Add an audit entry for the operation
Of course, all of this should happen in a transaction and none of the operations should be allowed to occur independently. What I mean is, I must revert the credit card transaction if I cancel the order, I cannot cancel and not perform this step. This, imo, suggests better encapsulation but I don't want to have a dependency on the CreditCardService in my domain object (Order), so it seems like this is the responsibility of the domain service.
I am looking for someone to show me code examples how this could/should be "assembled". The thought-process behind the code would be helpful in getting me to connect all of the dots for myself. Thx!
Your domain service may look like this. Note that we want to keep as much logic as possible in the entities, keeping the domain service thin. Also note that there is no direct dependency on credit card or auditor implementation (DIP). We only depend on interfaces that are defined in our domain code. The implementation can later be injected in the application layer. Application layer would also be responsible for finding Order by number and, more importantly, for wrapping 'Cancel' call in a transaction (rolling back on exceptions).
class OrderCancellationService {
private readonly ICreditCardGateway _creditCardGateway;
private readonly IAuditor _auditor;
public OrderCancellationService(
ICreditCardGateway creditCardGateway,
IAuditor auditor) {
if (creditCardGateway == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("creditCardGateway");
if (auditor == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("auditor");
_creditCardGateway = creditCardGateway;
_auditor = auditor;
public void Cancel(Order order) {
if (order == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("order");
// get current user through Ambient Context:
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ploeh/archive/2007/07/23/ambientcontext.aspx
if (!CurrentUser.CanCancelOrders()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Not enough permissions to cancel order. Use 'CanCancelOrders' to check.");
// try to keep as much domain logic in entities as possible
if(!order.CanBeCancelled()) {
throw new ArgumentException(
"Order can not be cancelled. Use 'CanBeCancelled' to check.");
// this can throw GatewayException that would be caught by the
// 'Cancel' caller and rollback the transaction
A slightly different take on it:
public class OrderController
private readonly IApplicationService _applicationService;
public ActionResult CancelOrder(CancelOrderViewModel viewModel)
_applicationService.CancelOrder(new CancelOrderCommand
OrderId = viewModel.OrderId,
UserChangedTheirMind = viewModel.UserChangedTheirMind,
UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere = viewModel.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere
return RedirectToAction("CancelledSucessfully");
//App Service
public class ApplicationService : IApplicationService
private readonly IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
private readonly IPaymentGateway _paymentGateway;
//provided by DI
public ApplicationService(IOrderRepository orderRepository, IPaymentGateway paymentGateway)
_orderRepository = orderRepository;
_paymentGateway = paymentGateway;
public void CancelOrder(CancelOrderCommand command)
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
Order order = _orderRepository.GetById(command.OrderId);
if (!order.CanBeCancelled())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The order cannot be cancelled");
if (command.UserChangedTheirMind)
if (command.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere)
_paymentGateway.RevertCharges(order.PaymentAuthorisationCode, order.Amount);
In general I only see the need for a domain service when a command/use case involves the state change of more than one aggregate. For example, if I needed to invoke methods on the Customer aggregate as well as Order, then I'd create the domain service OrderCancellationService that invoked the methods on both aggregates.
The application layer orchestrates between infrastructure (payment gateways) and the domain. Like domain objects, domain services should only be concerned with domain logic, and ignorant of infrastructure such as payment gateways; even if you've abstracted it using your own adapter.
With regards to permissions, I would use aspect oriented programming to extract this away from the logic itself. As you see in my example, I've added an attribute to the CancelOrder method. You can use an intercepter on that method to see if the current user (which I would set on Thread.CurrentPrincipal) has that permission.
With regards to auditing, you simply said 'audit for the operation'. If you just mean auditing in general, (i.e. for all app service calls), again I would use interceptors on the method, logging the user, which method was called, and with what parameters. If however you meant auditing specifically for the cancellation of orders/payments then do something similar to Dmitry's example.

Ncqrs: How to raise an Event without having an Aggregate Root

Given I have two Bounded Contexts:
Fleet Mgt - simple CRUD-based supporting sub-domain
Sales - which is my CQRS-based Core Domain
When a CRUD operation occurs in the fleet management, an event reflecting the operation should be published:
These events are required a) to update various index tables that are needed in the Sales domain and b) to provide a unified audit log.
Question: Is there an easy way to store and publish these events (to the InProcessEventBus, I'm not using NSB here) without going through an AggregateRoot, which I wouldn't need in a simple CRUD context.
If you want to publish the event about something, this something probably is an aggregate root, because it is an externally identified object about a bundle of interest, otherwise why would you want to keep track of them?
Keeping that in mind, you don't need index tables (I understand these are for querying) in the sales BC. You need the GUIDs of the Aircraft and only lookups/joins on the read side.
For auditing I would just add a generic audit event via reflection in the repositories/unit of work.
According to Pieter, the main contributor of Ncqrs, there is no way to do this out of the box.
In this scenario I don't want to go through the whole ceremony of creating and executing a command, then loading an aggregate root from the event store just to have it emit the event.
The behavior is simple CRUD, implemented using the simplest possible solution, which in this specific case is forms-over-data using Entity Framework. The only thing I need is an event being published once a transaction occurred.
My solution looks like this:
// Abstract base class that provides a Unit Of Work
public abstract class EventPublisherMappedByConvention
: AggregateRootMappedByConvention
public void Raise(ISourcedEvent e)
var context = NcqrsEnvironment.Get<IUnitOfWorkFactory>()
// Concrete implementation for my specific domain
// Note: The events only reflect the CRUD that's happened.
// The methods themselves can stay empty, state has been persisted through
// other means anyway.
public class FleetManagementEventSource : EventPublisherMappedByConvention
protected void OnAircraftTypeCreated(AircraftTypeCreated e) { }
protected void OnAircraftTypeUpdated(AircraftTypeUpdated e) { }
// ...
// This can be called from anywhere in my application, once the
// EF-based transaction has succeeded:
new FleetManagementEventSource().Raise(new AircraftTypeUpdated { ... });
