XAudio2 occlusion processing - audio

I'm working on a home brew game engine and I am currently working on the audio engine implementation. This is mostly for self-educational reasons. I want to create an interface wrapper for generic audio processing, so I can switch between OpenAL, XAudio2 or other platforms as appropriate or needed. I also want this code to be reusable, so I am trying to make it as complete as possible, and have various systems implement as much functionality as possible. For the time being, I am focusing on an XAudio2 implementation and may move on to an OpenAL implementation at a later date.
I've read a good deal over the past few months on 3D processing (listener/emitter), environmental effects (reverberation), exclusion, occlusion, obstruction and direct sound. I want to be able to use any of these effects with audio playback. While I've researched the topics as best I can, I can't find any examples as to how occlusion (direct and reflection signal muffling), obstruction (direct signal muffling) or exclusion (reflection signal muffling) are actually implemented. Reading MSDN documentation seems to passive references to occlusion, but nothing directly about implementation. The best I've found is a generic "use a low-pass filter", which doesn't help me much
So my question is this: using XAudio2, how would one implement audio reflection signal muffling (exclusion) and audio direct signal muffling (obstruction) or both simultaneously (occlusion)? What would the audio graph look like, and how would these relate to reverberation environmental effects?
Edit 2013-03-26:
On further thinking about the graph, I realized that I may not be looking at the graph from the correct perspective.
Should the graph appear to be: Source → Effects (Submix) → Mastering
Should the graph appear generically as follows:
↗→ Direct → Effects ↘
Source →Mastering
↘→ Reflections → Effects ↗
The second graph would split the graph such that exclusion and obstruction could be calculated separately; part of my confusion has been how they would be processed independently.
I would think, then, that the reverb settings from the 3D audio DSP structure would be applied to the reflections path; that the doppler would be applied to either just the direct or both the direct and the reflections path; and that the reverb environmental effects would affect the reflections path only. Is this getting close to the correct audio graph model?

You want your graph to look something along the lines of:
Input Data ---> Lowpass Filter ---> Output
You adjust the Lowpass filter as the source becomes more obstructed. You can also use the lowpass filter gain to simulate absorption. The filter settings are best set up so that they are exposed in way that the could be adjusted by the Sound Designer.
This article covers sound propogation in more detail: http://engineroom.ubi.com/sound-propagation-and-diffraction-simulation/
In terms of this then been passed along the graph for environmental effects such as reverb, you just want those to be further down the graph:
Input ---> Low pass filter ---> Output ---> Reverb ----> Master Out
This way the reverberated sound will match the occluded sound (otherwise it will sound odd having the reverb mismatched to the direct signal).
Using a low pass filter sounds vague and incomplete, but there is not actually much more to the effect than filtering the high frequencies and adjusting the gain. For more advanced environmental modelling you want to research something like "Precomputed Wave Simulation for Real-Time Sound Propagation of Dynamic Sources in Complex Scenes" (I'm unable to link directly as I don't have enough rep yet!) but it may well be beyond the scope of what you are trying to achieve.


Methods for simulating moving audio source

I'm currently researching an problem regarding DOA (direction of arrival) regression for an audio source, and need to generate training data in the form of audio signals of moving sound sources. In particular, I have the stationary sound files, and I need to simulate a source and microphone(s) with the distances between them changing to reflect movement.
Is there any software online that could potentially do the trick? I've looked into pyroomacoustics and VA as well as other potential libraries, but none of them seem to deal with moving audio sources, due to the difficulties in simulating the doppler effect.
If I were to write up my own simulation code for dealing with this, how difficult would it be? My use case would be an audio source and a microphone in some 2D landscape, both moving with their own velocities, where I would want to collect the recording from the microphone as an audio file.
Some speculation here on my part, as I have only dabbled with writing some aspects of what you are asking about and am not experienced with any particular libraries. Likelihood is good that something exists and will turn up.
That said, I wonder if it would be possible to use either the Unreal or Unity game engine. Both, as far as I can remember, grant the ability to load your own cues and support 3D including Doppler.
As far as writing your own, a lot depends on what you already know. With a single-point mike (as opposed to stereo) the pitch shifting involved is not that hard. There is a technique that involves stepping through the audio file's DSP data using linear interpolation for steps that lie in between the data points, which is considered to have sufficient fidelity for most purposes. Lot's of trig, too, to track the changes in velocity.
If we are dealing with stereo, though, it does get more complicated, depending on how far you want to go with it. The head masks high frequencies, so real time filtering would be needed. Also it would be good to implement delay to match the different arrival times at each ear. And if you start talking about pinnas, I'm way out of my league.
As of now it seems like Pyroomacoustics does not support moving sound sources. However, do check a possible workaround suggested by the developers here in Issue #105 - where the idea of using a time-varying convolution on a dense microphone array is suggested.

Choosing an audio API

I'm struggling to choose between a vast number of audio programming languages and APIs. I'm very (totally) new to audio programming so please bear with me.
I need to be able to:
Alter volume of different sounds before outputting them to anything (these sounds can have a variety of different origins, for example mp3s and microphone input)
phase shift sounds
superimpose sounds that I have tweaked (as per items 1 and 2)
control the output to each of 8 channels independently of one another
make this all happen on Windows7
These capabilities need be abstracted by a graphical frontend I will probably make myself. What I want to be able to do is create 'sound sources' and move them around a 3D environment along either pre-defined trajectories and/or in relation to the movement of whoever is inside the rig. The reason I want to do pitch bending is so I can mess with red-shift stuff.
I don't want to have to construct full tracks before-hand and just play them. I want the sound that is played to depend on external input from sensors as well as what I am doing on the frontend.
As far as I know this means I cant use any existing full audio making app.
The Question
I've been looking around for for the API or language I should use and I have not turned up a blank, quite the opposite actually. I'm struggling to narrow down my search. A lot of my problem stems from the fact that I have no experience in audio programming.
So, does anyone know off-hand of an API or language that meets my criteria?
Hardware stuff and goals
(I left this until last because I'm not sure how relevant it is)
My goal is to make three rings of speakers at different heights and to have enough control over them to be able to simulate any number of 'sound sources' within the array. The idea is to have someone stand in the middle of the rig and be able to make it sound like there are lots of things moving around them. To get this working I'm planning on doing a little trig and using 8 channels of audio from my PC. The maths is pretty straight forward, it just the rest that I need to worry about
What I want to do next is attach a bunch of cameras to the thing and do some simple image recognition stuff to be able to 'attach sound sources' to different objects. Eg. If someone is standing in the right place it can be made to seem as though all red balls quack like a duck, and all orange ones moan hauntingly.
This is not to detract from Richard Small's answer, but to comment on some of the other options out there:
If you are looking for something higher-level with which you can prototype and develop this faster, you want max/msp or it's open source competitor puredata. These are designed for musicians who are technically minded, but not so much for programmers. As a result, you can build this sort of thing quickly and efficiently.
You also have some lower level options: PortAudio can handle your audio I/O, you would have to do the sound generation and effects and so on on your own or with other libraries. Cinder and OpenFramewoks both provide interfaces for audio, cameras, and other stuff for "creative programming". I'm afraid I don't know if they meet your full requirements, but they are powerful and popular for this sort of thing so I encorage you to look at them.
The two major ones these days tend to be
WWise Download Link
FMOD Download Link
These two engines may even in fact be overkill for what you need, but I can almost guarantee that they will be capable of anything you require.

How to amplify certain audio samples, particularly amplifying a certain frequency?

Can anyone provide sample pseudocode or share some existing link that has sample code.
Like for example I have a mix audio of 1kHz or 2kHz or 8kHz or so, and I want to boost certain frequencies like 1kHz only in real-time.
Reading some DSP books and resources confuses me.
You just need to design and implement a suitable digital filter. This is a large and complex subject area though, so you won't get a simple answer here. Probably the best thing as a first step would be to read a good introductory book on DSP, e.g. Understanding DSP by Rick Lyons, which is a very good for beginners as it's not too heavy on the math and has a more practical bent than most such introductory DSP books.
For this particular application though what you are trying to do is similar to implementing a graphic equalizer, and there are many pointers to how to implement this kind of thing if you use e.g. "graphic equalizer" as a search term.
There's a lot of math behind digital filtering. Sorry, I think it is important to at least understand basic filters (like those used in electronics). If you don't want to go through the basics: best to get an audio graphics equaliser where you can play with the (virtual) sliders. If you want to implement a very specific filter, please read on.
Real time: depends on your computing platform. If this is a small micro (like AVR, Microchip PIC,..) you'll need an efficient algorithm. This is likely a IIR band pass filter. The equivalent of a graphics equaliser consists of multiple band pass filters, all summed together. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_impulse_response
A more computing intensive algorithm uses FIR filters. In that case you can also control the phase of the filtered signal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_impulse_response
If you find an algorithm (i.e. IIR), you'll need to calculate the coefficients. The algorithm is simple, calculating the coefficients is not.
I found a book matching your question: Audio digital signal processing in real time
I browsed through it; it seems to have the right answers.

Signal Processing in Go

I have come up with an idea for an audio project and it looks like Go is a useful language for implementing it. However, it requires the ability to apply filters to incoming audio, and Go doesn't appear to have any sort of audio processing package. I can use cgo to call C code, but every signal processing library I find uses C++ classes which cgo cannot handle. It looks like libsox may work. Are there any others?
What libsox can provide and what I need is to take an incoming audio stream and divide it into frequency bands. If I can do this while only reading the file once, then bonus! I am not sure if libsox can do this.
If you want to use a C++ library you could try SWIG, but you'll have to get it out of Subversion. The next release (2.0.1) will be the first released version to support Go. In my experience the Go support is still a little rough, but then again the library I tried to wrap is a monster.
Alternatively, you could still create your own bindings through cgo using the same method SWIG does, but it will be painful and tedious. The basic idea is that you first create a C wrapper, then let cgo create a Go wrapper around your C wrapper.
I don't know anything about signal processing or libsox, though. Sorry.
There is a relatively new project called ZikiChombo
which contains so far some basic DSP functionality geared toward audio, see here
The dsp part of the project has filters on its roadmap, but they are not yet there. On the other hand some infrastructure for implementing filters, such as real fft and block convolution is there. Meaning that if you want FIRs, and can compute the coefficients by some other means, you can run them via convolution in zc currently with sound in real time.
Basic filtering design support (FIR,Biquad), for example using an ideal filter as a starting point will be the next step for zc. There are numerous small self-contained open source projects for basic and more advanced FIR and IIR filter design, most notably Iowa Hills which might be more accessible than a larger project to compute filter coefficients outside of Go.
More advanced filtering such as Butterworth, and filters based on polynomial solving and the bilinear transform will take more time for zc.
There is also some software defined radio Golang projects with some code related to filtering, sorry don't have the links offhand but a search for the topic may lead you to them.
Finally, there is a gonum Fourier package which also supplies fft.
So Go is growing some interesting and potentially stuff in this domain, but still has quite a ways to go compared to older projects (which are mostly in C/C++, or perhaps with a Python wrapper via numpy for example).
I am using this pure golang repo to perform Fourier Transforms with good effect
just supply the FFT call with a
import (
"github.com/mjibson/go-dsp/fft" // https://github.com/mjibson/go-dsp
var audio_wave []float64
// ... now populate audio_wave with your audio PCM samples
var complex_fft []complex128
// input time domain ... output frequency domain of equally spaced freq bins
complex_fft = fft.FFTReal(audio_wave)

Sound Synthesis Framework in C/C++/Objective-C?

I've searched the net but didn't found anything interesting. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
I'm looking for sound synthesis API written on C, C++ or even Objective-C, which can synthesize different types of waves, effects are optional.
Here's a complete library/toolkit for FM (Frequency Modulation) synthesis:
If you have time to spare... creating simple sound synthesis from scratch is actually a fun endeavor. If you create a small buffer of 256 16 bit samples which represent either a sine. a sawtooth, block or pulse, you can copy these to a live audiobuffer (e.g. a small buffer (say 16kb)) which constantly loops. By staying ahead of the playposition, and constantly filling up the buffer with new values, you can create the soundoutput.
You can use the small buffers to combine these in interesting ways (simplest is just to add them together (additive synthesis)).
The frequency of the tone can be manipulated by using a bigger or smaller sampling step through the small buffers. Amplitude can be manipulated by scaling the samples before putting them into the output buffer.
Great fun experimenting with this!
If you have this step nailed, you can add more sophisticated effects like filters (low pass, high pass, etc) and effects (reverbs, echoes, etc)
Have you looked at the synthesis toolkit (STK)? It's in C++ (I don't think ObjC is the right language for audio synthesis, in fact audio units, Apple's own way of doing audio stuff, including generators/filters/effects... is in C++).
STK will run on Mac OS X, and iOS no problem (CoreAudio is supported), but will also run on Linux and Windows (Direct sound and ASIO), using RtAudio. It's really nicely done and lightweight, these guys have spent a lot of time thinking about it and it will definitely give you a big head start. It can handle loads of different audio file formats + midi (and hopefully OSC soon...).
There is also Create and CLAM which is huge, these include GUI components and many other things which you might or might not want. If you're only interested in doing sound synthesis I really recommend STK.
PortAudio is also a great C API that we used last semester in an audio programming course. It provides an audio callback...what more could you need!?
I haven't tried incorporating it with anything in Objective-C yet, but will report back when I do.
Writing audio synthesis algorithms in C/obj-C is quite difficult in my opinion. I would recommend writing your signal processing algorithms using PureData and then use ZenGarden or libpd to embed and interpret the pd patches in your app.
Another C++ library is nsound:
One can generate any kind of modulated signal using the Generator class or using the provided Sine class. Each time-step can have it's own instantaneous frequency and phase offset.
You can also experiment with the Python module to prototype your algorithm quickly, then implement in C++. It can produce pretty matplotlib plots from Python and even from C++!
Have you looked at CSound? It's an incredibly flexible audio generation platform, and can handle everything from simple waveform generation to FM synthesis and all kinds of filters. It also provides MIDI support, and you can extend it by writing custom opcodes. There's a full C API and several C++ APIs as well.
