Vim show newline at the end of file - vim

Using the set eol option Vim automatically adds a newline to the end of the file when it's saved. I have this option on but I would like to be able to see this newline in Vim, so I know that it's actually there.
For example with a file in Vim:
And the same file in TextMate:
This always tricks me and I end up adding a second new line and end up realizing later. This exact same question was posted here but the answer that was accepted didn't answer this portion of the question.
Using set list:
I can see there is a $ character denoting a new line after the last line but this also litters the rest of the file with these. I know I could set up a toggle for this but I'd really prefer the TextMate like behavior.

'endofline' is on by default so you don't need it in your ~/.vimrc.
EOL or "newline" doesn't mean "there's an empty line after here", it means "this marks the end of the line, any further characters are to be displayed on another line". "newline" != "new line".
The last line of your file is #21 and it ends with a "newline" character. Since there's no actual line after that "newline" character, no line #22, showing a line #22 is not only wrong but misleading.
TextMate's behavior is wrong.
Vim's behavior is correct.
If you want Vim to show a line #22, you'll need to explicitly add that line but it sounds rather silly to me.


Vim listchars showing end of line when there is no newline char

Create a new text file with notepad, type in 'hello world' and do not press enter at the end. Save the file.
This file has no newline character at the end of the file. Hex editor confirms this.
Yet opening the file in Vim, and turning on set list, the listchars shows the eol character. Why? Bug?
I've googled and I understand why Vim chooses to automatically write eol chars, and that I can turn that off using set nofixeol. But that is irrelevant to this.
The question I have is:
How do I get Vim to only display newline chars that actually exist in the file? Clearly listchars does not do this
From a quick google, the answer to my question is, its not possible:

Vim show and be able to delete 0x0a at end of file

This is driving me nuts. Similar SO questions don't contain the answer, though, so here it goes again in slightly different form:
Is there a way to:
Make vim show 0x0a at the end of file as a blank line?
Supposing #1 can't be done, how do I delete the eol? There is no line, so there is nothing to delete.
For example:
vim -b myfile (currently no eol)
Add blank line at the end of file, :w :q
vim -b myfile - the blank line is gone, but hexdump shows 0x0a is still there. This is inconsistent behaviour.
I don't know how to see the last blank line, but to remove just open your file, the run:
:set binary noendofline
This will remove the last (invisible) blank line from it.
Warning: because of binary some settings will be modified (for example textwidth)!
You can use set noeol in binary mode:
:help noeol
When writing a file and this option is off and the 'binary' option
is on, no <EOL> will be written for the last line in the file. This
option is automatically set when starting to edit a new file, unless
the file does not have an <EOL> for the last line in the file, in
which case it is reset.
see also: Vim show newline at the end of file
The way Vim shows 0x0a at the end of the file is that it opens the file without complaining about [noeol] when :editing the file (in a kind of "reverse logic" from what you expect). As you've probably read already, Vim's (and Unix) philosophy is that the trailing newline should be there.
Based on this philosophy, I wouldn't recommend intentionally creating files without a trailing newline. However, there are ways to make Vim respect and maintain such existing files. My PreserveNoEOL plugin provides a way to do this effortlessly.

Why would Vim add a new line at the end of a file?

I work with Wordpress a lot, and sometimes I changed Wordpress core files temporarily in order to understand what is going on, especially when debugging. Today I got a little surprise. When I was ready to commit my changes to my git repository, I noticed that git status was marking one of Wordpress files as not staged for commit. I remember I had reverted all the changes I did to that file before closing it, so I decided to use diff to see what had changed. I compared the file on my project with the file on the Wordpress copy that I keep in my downloads directory. It turns out the files differ at the very end. diff indicates that the there is a newline missing at the end of the original file:
< }
\ No newline at end of file
> }
I never even touched that line. The changes I made where somewhere in the middle of a large file. This leads me to think that vim added a newline character at the end of the file. Why would that happen?
All the answers I've seen here address the question "how could I prevent Vim from adding a newline character at the end of the file?", while the question was "Why would Vim add a new line at the end of a file?". My browser's search engine brought me here, and I didn't find the answer to that question.
It is related with how the POSIX standard defines a line (see Why should files end with a newline?). So, basically, a line is:
3.206 Line
A sequence of zero or more non- <newline> characters plus a terminating <newline> character.
And, therefore, they all need to end with a newline character. That's why Vim always adds a newline by default (because, according to POSIX, it should always be there).
It is not the only editor doing that. Gedit, the default text editor in GNOME, does the same exact thing.
Many other tools also expect that newline character. See for example:
How wc expects it.
GCC warns about it.
Also, you may be interested in: Vim show newline at the end of file.
Because vim is a text editor, it can sometimes "clean up" files for you. See for details on how to write without the ending newline, paraphrased below:
How do I write a file without the line feed (EOL) at the end of the file?
You can turn off the eol option and turn on the binary option to write a file without the EOL at the end of the file:
   :set binary
   :set noeol
Alternatively, you can use:
   :set noeol
   :w ++bin
Adding a newline is the default behavior for Vim. If you don't need it, then use this solution: VIM Disable Automatic Newline At End Of File
To disable, add this to your .vimrc
set fileformats+=dos
You can put the following line into your .vimrc
autocmd FileType php setlocal noeol binary
Which should do the trick, but actually your approach is somewhat wrong. First of all php won't mind that ending at all and secondly if you don't want to save your changes don't press u or worse manually try to recreate the state of the file, but just quit without saving q!. If you left the editor and saved for some reason, try git checkout <file>
3.206 Line
A sequence of zero or more non- characters plus a terminating character.
Interestingly, vim will allow you to open a new file, write the file, and the file will be zero bytes. If you open a new file and append a line using o then write the file it will be two characters long. If you open said file back up and delete the second line dd and write the file it will be one byte long. Open the file back up and delete the only line remaining and write the file it will be zero bytes. So vim will let you write a zero byte file only as long as it is completely empty. Seems to defy the posix definition above. I guess...

Gedit adds line at end of file

The answer to this must be somewhere but I'm not finding it -- can anyone help me understand why in Gedit, if I have a page of code there is no extra trailing blank line, but then when I do a file comparison for my svn commit it shows an extra line being added at the end of the file?
I have a feeling that Gedit is automatically adding an ending line break. But why, I have no idea...
Reality finally won and it's been fixed, but the broken behavior is still the default; enable the WYSIWYG behavior in a terminal with
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor ensure-trailing-newline false
It's a feature. I don't think it can easily be disabled.
this is intentional: text files should always be terminated by \n, otherwise
tools like 'cat', 'sed' etc may have problems. However there is no reason to
always show an empty line at the bottom of the text view, that's why we do not
show the last \n
paolo borelli [gedit developer]
Some editors (I'm unfamiliar with Gedit specifically) will try to ensure that a file always ends with a newline character. Other editors, like perhaps the one that you originally created the file with, will allow you to end a file without a final newline character.
Try the Whitespace Remover plugin.

Can you force Vim to show a blank line at the end of a file?

When I open a text file in Notepad, it shows a blank line if there is a carriage return at the end of the last line containing text. However, in Vim it does not show this blank line. Another thing I've noticed is that the Vim editor adds a carriage return to the last line by default (even though it doesn't show it). I can tell, because if I open a file in Notepad that was created in Vim, it shows a blank line at the end of the file.
Anyway, I can live with these two differences, but I'm wondering if there is an option in Vim that allows you to toggle this behaviour.
PS - GVim 7.2
Would this make sense to be on Server Fault instead?
[Update 2]
I'll rephrase this... I need to know when there is a carriage return at the end of single line file (Notepad shows an extra line with no text, with Vim I cannot tell). This is due to a Progress program that reads a text file (expects a single line, but with a carriage return) and parses the text for some purpose. If there is no carriage return, Progress treats the line as if it is null.
[Workaround Solution]
One way I've found to ensure there is a carriage return (but make sure I don't add a second one) is to make sure I have the end of line write option turned on (:set eol) and then just do a write/save. This will put an end of line in the file if it's not already there. Otherwise, it doesn't add a new one.
:help endofline
explains how you could stop vim from adding an extra newline.
It seems that vim treats newline as a line terminator, while notepad treats it as a line separator: from
There is also some confusion whether
newlines terminate or separate lines.
If a newline is considered a
separator, there will be no newline
after the last line of a file. The
general convention on most systems is
to add a newline even after the last
line, i.e., to treat newline as a line
terminator. Some programs have
problems processing the last line of a
file if it isn't newline terminated.
Conversely, programs that expect
newline to be used as a separator will
interpret a final newline as starting
a new (empty) line. This can result in
a different line count being reported
for the file, but is otherwise
generally harmless.
If I recall correctly, on unix-y systems a text file must be terminated with a newline.
One useful Vim option is
set list
It will help you see all end of lines characters (and possibly other generally invisible chars). So you will be able to view this last endofline directly in Vim and not only in Notepad.
When you open the file in VIM the status line should say [noeol] after the filename. So that's one indication. As Manni said, you can change this by setting both the endofline option off and the binary option on. You can set this as your default settings in a .vimrc file.
