How to save user information in a chrome extension - google-chrome-extension

Im making a chrome extension. I need the user to be assigned a unique id they get from my web site. how do i save this information in my chrome extension so that each time the browser is started the extension has the same unique id?

Use local storage, it's persistent across sessions.


Is there a way to get extension id in a chrome extension?

I want to get extension id of my chrome extension in extension codes. I know that extension id is a fixed string after being published to web store. But before it is published, the id changes when loaded from local folder. If I can get the id in codes, it will make debugging and testing much easier. works! Thanks to #Robbi,
More info about propertyId can be found over Chrome Docs

How can I get new chrome extension id before submit it for review?

I have developed one extension which takes session of my site by opening site in new tab and my site is talk with my chrome extension.
For send message from my website to chrome extension. I used my extension's id into my website.
I generate that extension id for development purpose only. Now I want to publish my extension and want to submit for review.
But problem is that , without my website., extension won't work as expected. So I need new extension id that will be generate after publish on Chrome Web Store and then I have to update my website to update id of extension into my website.
So how can I get uploaded extension's id before submit for review. So that I can update my website first before extension going for review.
Does any one have same kind of scenario ?
I don't know how google review our extension. So it needs to be working perfect before submit it in review.
You could upload the Extension to the Chrome Store but without publishing.
Then you could download it from the Chrome Dashboard.
Extract crx file. It is an ZIP File or use an Crx Viewer. (
the manifest.json should now contain a "Key" entry.
Ensure that the Key is the same value for your local build. This should result into the same id.
When you Upload the Extension to the Chrome Store again, ensure that the Key entry is removed. Otherwise the Chrome Dashboard will reject the Upload.

Get the most popular pages of user in Chrome extension

How can I get a list of the most visited current user's sites via chrome api?
I try to make custom speed dial page.
RTFM See the API list at
Use the chrome.topSites API to access the top sites that are displayed on the new tab page.
Do note that Chrome will not provide thumbnails for the sites.

How to open a new tab in a chrome extension and show data

I have a chrome extension which allows the user to perform actions and build up data. How can I get my chrome extension to open a new tab to allow my user to interact with the data they've accumulated? I could build a separate web app service where I pass the users data to. I currently persist the users data in local storage but I want a way for them to view/edit that data.
Not sure what exactly to google to get a chrome extensions to launch a new page under it's url...
Ideally I'd like for my user to press a button from the popup.html popup to open up the new tab, if possible.
I got it to work, basically from the popup.html page I can make this javascript call,
chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('dashboard.html')})
where 'dashboard.html' is file belonging to my chrome extension.

chrome extension to write user data on an existing excel sheet

I've created a chrome extension with user form, which has list of existing bookmark folder in chrome and user comment via text box.
Is it possible to write the user form data to an existing excel sheet in local drive, with aid of chrome extension ?
Thanks for your time !
chrome extension is not alowed to access local files(see here).
to solve this problem, I sugest you to building a little webapp, host it on you localhost or server, then use XMLHttpRequest send your user data to your webapp, after that you can write it on an existing excel sheet.
