While trying to get multiprocessing to work (and understand it) in python 3.3 I quickly reverted to joblib to make my life easier. But I experience something very strange (in my point of view). When running this code (just to test if it works):
Parallel(n_jobs=1)(delayed(sqrt)(i**2) for i in range(200000))
It takes about 9 seconds but by increasing n_jobs it actually takes longer... for n_jobs=2 it takes 25 seconds and n_jobs=4 it takes 27 seconds.
Correct me if I'm wrong... but shouldn't it instead be much faster if n_jobs increases? I have an Intel I7 3770K so I guess it's not the problem of my CPU.
Perhaps giving my original problem can increase the possibility of an answer or solution.
I have a list of 30k+ strings, data, and I need to do something with each string (independent of the other strings), it takes about 14 seconds. This is only the test case to see if my code works. In real applications it will probably be 100k+ entries so multiprocessing is needed since this is only a small part of the entire calculation.
This is what needs to be done in this part of the calculation:
data_syno = []
for entry in data:
w = wordnet.synsets(entry)
if len(w)>0: data_syno.append(w[0].lemma_names[0])
else: data_syno.append(entry)
The n_jobs parameter is counter intuitive as the max number of cores to be used is at -1. at 1 it uses only one core. At -2 it uses max-1 cores, at -3 it uses max-2 cores, etc. Thats how I read it:
from the docs:
n_jobs: int :
The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used.
I'm trying to train multiple "documents" (here mostly log format), and the Doc2Vec is taking longer if I'm specifying more than one core (which i have).
My data looks like this:
[TaggedDocument(words=['port', 'ssh'], tags=[0]),
TaggedDocument(words=['session', 'initialize', 'by', 'client'], tags=[1]),
TaggedDocument(words=['dfs', 'fsnamesystem', 'block', 'namesystem', 'addstoredblock', 'blockmap', 'update', 'be', 'to', 'blk', 'size'], tags=[2]),
TaggedDocument(words=['appl', 'selfupdate', 'component', 'amd', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'kernel', 'none', 'elevation', 'lower', 'version', 'revision', 'holder'], tags=[3]),
TaggedDocument(words=['ramfs', 'tclass', 'blk', 'file'], tags=[4])]
I have 8 cores available:
I am using gensim 4.1.2, on Centos7. Using this approch (stackoverflow.com/a/37190672/130288), It looks like my BLAS library is OpenBlas, so I setted OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 on my bashrc (and could be visible from Jupyter, using !echo $OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 )
This is my test code :
dict_time_workers = dict()
for workers in range(1, 9):
model = Doc2Vec(vector_size=20,
model.build_vocab(train_corpus, update = False)
t1 = time.time()
model.train(train_corpus, epochs=1, total_examples=model.corpus_count)
dict_time_workers[workers] = time.time() - t1
And the variable dict_time_workers is equal too :
{1: 224.23211407661438,
2: 273.408652305603,
3: 313.1667754650116,
4: 331.1840877532959,
5: 433.83785605430603,
6: 545.671571969986,
7: 551.6248495578766,
8: 548.430994272232}
As you can see, the time taking is increasing instead of decreasing. Results seems to be the same with a bigger epochs parameters.
Nothing is running on my Centos7 except this.
If I look at what's happening on my threads using htop, I see that the right number of thread are used for each training. But, the more threads are used, less the percentage of usage is (for example, with only one thread, 95% is used, for 2 they both used around 65% of their max power, for 6 threads are 20-25% ...). I suspected an IO issue, but iotop showed me that nothing bad is happening at the same disk.
The post seems now to be related to this post
Not efficiently to use multi-Core CPU for training Doc2vec with gensim .
When getting no benefit from extra cores like that, it's likely that the BLAS library you've got installed is already configured to try to use all cores for every bulk array operation. That means that other attempts to engage more cores, like Gensim's workers specification, just increase the overhead of contention, when each individual worker thread's individual BLAS callouts also try to use 8 threads.
Depending on the BLAS library in use, its own propensity to use more cores can typically be limited by environment variables named something like OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS and/or MKL_NUM_THREADS.
If you set these to just 1 before your process launches, you may see different, and possibly better, multithreaded behavior.
Note, though: 1 just restores the assumption that every worker-thread only ever engages a single core. Some other mix of BLAS-cores & Gensim-worker-threads might actually achieve the best training throughput & non-contending core-utilization.
And, at least for Gensim workers, the actual thread count value achieving the best throughput will vary based on other model parameters that influence the relative amount of calculation time in highly-parallelizable code-blocks versus highly-contended blocks, especially window, vector_size, & negative. And, there's not really a shortcut to finding the best workers value except via trial-and-error: observing reported training rates in logs over a few minutes of running. (Though: any rate observed in, say, minutes 2-4 of a abbreviated trial run should be representative of the training rate through the whole corpus over multiple epochs.)
(For any system with at least 4 cores, the optimal value with a classic iterable corpus of TaggedDocuments is usually at least 3, no more than the number of cores, but also rarely more than 8-12 threads, due to other inherent sources of contention due to both Gensim's approach to fanning out the work among worker-threads, and the Python 'GIL'.)
Other thoughts:
the build_vocab() step is never multi-threaded, so benchmarking alternate workers values will give a truer readout of their effect by only timing the train() step
ensuring your iterable corpus does as little redundant work (like say IO & tokenization) on each pass can help limit any bottlenecks around the single manager thread doing each epoch's iteration & batching texts to the workers
the alternate corpus_file approach can achieve higher core utilization, up to any number of cores, by assigning each thread its own exclusive range of an input-file. But, it also means (a) your whole corpus must be in one uncompressed space-tokenized plain-text file; (b) your documents only get a single integer tag (their line-number); (c) you may be subject to some small as-yet-diagnosed-and-fixed bug(s). (See project issue #2747.)
Ok, the best way to fully use the core is to use the parameter corpus_file of doc2vec.
Doing the same bench, the result looks like :
{1: 114.58889961242676, 2: 82.8250150680542, 3: 71.52109575271606, 4: 67.1010684967041, 5: 75.96869373321533, 6: 100.68377351760864, 7: 116.7901406288147, 8: 139.53436756134033}
The thread seems to be useful, in my case 4 are the best.
Still strange that the "regular" doc2vec is not that great at parallelizing
I have a problem with nested multiprocessing witch starts when I use scikit-learn (v. 0.22) Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. Necessary is system configuration: 24 thread Xeon machine running fedora 30.
I run consecutively qda on the randomly selected subset of predictors:
def process(X,y,n_features,i=1):
comb = np.random.choice(range(X.shape[1]),n_features,replace=False)
qda = QDA(tol=1e-8)
y_pred = qda.predict(X[:,comb])
return (accuracy_score(y,y_pred),comb,i)
where n_features is number of features randomly selected from the full set of possible predictors, X,y explanatory and depended variables.
When n_features is 18 or less process works in single-thread mode, which means that I can use any tool to parallel processing (I use ray). When n_features is 19, and above for unknown reason it (not me) starts all available threads, and entire calculation get more time even in comparison to a single thread.
tmp = [process(X,y,n_features,i=1) for _ in range(1000)]
Based on my previous experiences with other Linux libraries (R gstat precisely) the same situation (uncontrolled multithreading mode) was caused by Linux implementation of blas, but here it could not be the case. In general, the question is: what starts this multithreading and how to control it even if LDA/QDA hasn't n_jobs parameter to avoid nested multiprocessing.
QDA in scikit-learn does not expose n_jobs meaning that you cannot set anything. However, it could be due to numpy which does not restrict the number of threads.
The solution to limit the number of threads are:
set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS, MKL_NUM_THREADS, or OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS to be sure that you will limit the number of threads;
you can use threadpoolctl which provides a context manager to set the number of threads.
I am trying to implement an algorithm involving large dense matrices in Matlab. I am using multi-GPU AWS instances for performance.
At each iteration, I have to work with two large m by n matrices (of doubles), A and B, where m = 1600000, and n = 500. Due to the size of the matrices and the memory capacity of each GPU (~8 GB memory each), I decompose the problem by partitioning the matrices row-wise into K chunks of smaller matrices who has the same number of n columns but fewer rows (M /K).
In theory, I can load each chunk of data onto the GPU one at a time, perform computations, and gather the data before repeating with the next chunk. However, since I have access to 4 GPUs, I would like to use all 4 GPUs in parallel to save time, and decompose the matrices into 4 chunks.
To achieve this, I tried using the parfor loop in Matlab (with the parallel computing toolbox), utilizing best practices such as slicing, loading only relevant data for each worker. For posterity, here is a complete code snippet. I have provided small, decomposed problems deeper down in this post.
M = 1600000;
K = 4;
m = M/K;
n = 500;
A = randn(K, m,n);
B = randn(K,m,n);
C = randn(n,2);
D = zeros(K,m,2);
%p = parpool('local',K);
toc_load = zeros(K,1);
toc_compute = zeros(K,1);
toc_unload = zeros(K,1);
parfor j = 1:K
A_blk = gpuArray(reshape(A(j,:,:),[m,n]));
B_blk = gpuArray(reshape(B(j,:,:), [m,n]));
C_blk = gpuArray(C);
D_blk = gpuArray(reshape(D(j,:,:), [m,2]));
toc_load(j) = toc;
B_blk = D_blk * C_blk' + A_blk + B_blk;
toc_compute(j) = toc;
B(j,:,:) = gather(B_blk);
toc_unload(j) = toc;
toc_all = toc;
fprintf('averaged over 4 workers, loading onto GPU took %f seconds \n', mean(toc_load));
fprintf('averaged over 4 workers, computation on GPU took %f seconds \n',mean(toc_compute));
fprintf('averaged over 4 workers, unloading from GPU took %f seconds \n', mean(toc_unload));
fprintf('the entire process took %f seconds \n', toc_all);
Using the tic-toc time checker (I run the code only after starting the parpool to ensure that time-tracker is accurate), I found that each worker takes on average:
6.33 seconds to load the data onto the GPU
0.18 seconds to run the computations on the GPU
4.91 seconds to unload the data from the GPU.
However, the entire process takes 158.57 seconds. So, the communication overhead (or something else?) took up a significant chunk of the running time.
I then tried a simple for loop without parallelization, see snippet below.
%% for loop
for j = 1:K
A_blk = gpuArray(reshape(A(j,:,:),[m,n]));
B_blk = gpuArray(reshape(B(j,:,:), [m,n]));
C_blk = gpuArray(C);
D_blk = gpuArray(reshape(D(j,:,:), [m,2]));
toc_load(j) = toc;
B_blk = D_blk * C_blk' + A_blk + B_blk;
toc_compute(j) = toc;
B(j,:,:) = gather(B_blk);
toc_all = toc;
fprintf('the entire process took %f seconds \n', toc_all);
This time, running the entire code took only 27.96 seconds. So running the code in serial significantly improved performance in this case. Nonetheless, given that I have 4 GPUs, it seems disappointing to not be able to gain a speedup by using all 4 at the same time.
From my experiments above, I have observed that the actual computational cost of the GPU working on the linear algebra tasks appears low. The key bottleneck appears to be the time taken in loading the data in parallel from CPU onto the multiple GPUs, and gathering the data from the multiple GPUs back to CPU, though it is also possible that there is some other factor in play.
In lieu of this, I have the following questions:
What exactly is underlying the slowness of parfor? Why is the communication overhead (or whatever the underlying reason) so expensive?
How can I speed up the parallel loading and unloading of data from CPU to multiple GPUs and then back in Matlab? Are there tricks involving parfor, spmd (or other things such as parfeval, which I have not tried) that I have neglected? Or have I reached some kind of fundamental speed limit in Matlab (assuming I maintain my current CPU/GPU setup) ?
If there is a fundamental limitation in how Matlab handles the data loading/unloading, would the only recourse be to rewrite this portion of the code in C++?
Thank you for any assistance!
Sending data to/from AWS instances to use with parfor is considerably slower than using workers on your local machine because (a) the machines are further away, and (b) there's additional overhead because all communication with AWS workers use secure communication.
You can use ticBytes and tocBytes to see how much data is being transferred.
To improve the performance, I would suggest doing everything possible to avoid transferring large amounts of data between your client and the workers. It can often be more efficient to build data directly on the workers, even if this means building arrays redundantly multiple times.
Precisely how you avoid data transfer is highly dependent on where your original fundamental data is coming from. If you have files on your client system... that's tough. In your example, you're using rand - which is easy to run on the cluster, but presumably not really representative.
Sometimes there's a middle ground where you have some small-ish fundamental data that can only be computed at the client, and large derived data that is needed on the workers. In that case, you might conceivably couple the computation with parallel.pool.Constant, or just do everything inside a single spmd block or something. (Your parfor loop as written could equally use spmd since you're arranging things to have one iteration per worker).
I know that this question has been asked a lot of times, but the answers are not applicable.
This is answer one of a parallelized loop using multiprocessing on StackoverFlow:
import multiprocessing as mp
def processInput(i):
return i * i
if __name__ == '__main__':
inputs = range(1000000)
pool = mp.Pool(processes=4)
results = pool.map(processInput, inputs)
This code works fine. But if I increase the range to 1000000000, my 16GB of Ram are getting filled completely and I get [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory. It seems as if the map function starts as many processes as possible. How do I limit the number of parallel processes?
The pool.map function starts 4 processes as you instructed it (in the line processes=4 you instruct the pool on how many processes it can use to perform your logic).
There is however a different issue underlying this implementation.
The pool.map function will return a list of objects, in this case its numbers.
Numbers do not act like int-s in ANSI-C they have overhead and will not overflow (e.g. turn to -2^31 whenever reaching 2^31+1 on 32-bit).
Also python lists are not array and do incur an overhead.
To be more specific, on python 3.6, running the following code will reveal some overhead:
>>>import sys
>>>t = [1,2,3,4]
>>>t = [x for x in range(1000)]
So this means 24 bytes per number on small lists and ~9 bytes on large lists.
So for a list the size of 10^9 we get about 8.5GB
EDIT: 1. As tfb mentioned, this is not even the size of the underlying Number objects, just pointers and list overhead, meaning there is much more memory overhead I did not account for in the original answer.
Default python installation on windows is 32-bit (you can get 64-bit installation but you need to check the section of all available downloads in the python website), So I assumed you are using the 32-bit installation.
range(1000000000) creates a list of 10^9 ints. This is around 8GB (8 bytes per int on a 64-bit system). You are then trying to process this to create another list of 10^9 ints. A really really smart implementation might be able to do this on a 16GB machine, but its basically a lost cause.
In Python 2 you could try using xrange which might or might not help. I am not sure what the Python 3 equivalent is.
I am using the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, which has up to 240 threads, and I am working on minimizing the number of threads used for a particular application (or maximize performance) while being within a percentage of the best execution time. So for example if I have the following measurements:
Threads | Execution time
240 100 s
200 105 s
150 107 s
120 109 s
100 120 s
I would like to select a number of threads between 120 and 150, since the "performance curve" there seems to stabilize and the reduction in execution time is not that significant (in this case around 15% of the best measured time. I did this using an exhaustive search algorithm (measuring from 1 to 240 threads), but my problem is that it takes too long for smaller number of threads (obviously depending on the size of the problem).
To try to reduce the number of measurements, I developed a sort of "binary search" algorithm. Basically I have an upper and lower limit (beginning at 0 and 240 threads), I take the value in the middle and measure it and at 240. I get the percent difference between both values and if it is within 15% (this value was selected after analyzing the results for the exhaustive search) I assign a new lower or upper bound. If the difference is larger than 15% then this is a new lower bound (120-240) and if it is smaller then it is a new upper bound (0-120), and if I get a better execution time I store it as the best execution time.
The problem with this algorithm is that first of all this is not necessarily a sorted array of execution times, and for some problem sizes the exhaustive search results show two different minimum, so for example in one I get the best performance at 80 threads and at 170, and I would like to be able to return 80, and not 170 threads as a result of the search. However, for the other cases where there is only one minimum, the algorithm found a value very close to the one expected.
If anyone has a better idea or knows of an existing search algorithm or heuristic that could help me I would be really grateful.
I'm taking it that your goal is to get the best relative performance for the least amount of threads, while still maintaining some limit on performance based on a coefficient (<=1) of the best possible performance. IE: If the coefficient is 0.85 then the performance should be no less than 85% of the performance using all threads.
It seems like what you should be trying to do is simply find the minimium number of threads required to obtain the performance bound. Rather than looking at 1-240 threads, start at 240 threads and reduce the number of threads until you can place a lower bound on the performance limit. You can then work up from the lower bound in such a way that you can find the min without passing over it. If you don't have predefined performance bound, then you can calculate one on the fly based on diminishing returns.
As long as the performance limit has not been exceeded, half the number of threads (start with max number of threads). The number that exceeds the performance limit is a lower bound on the number of threads required.
Starting at the lower bound on the number of threads, Z, add m threads if can be added without getting within the performance limit. Repeatedly double the number of threads added until within the performance limit. If adding the threads get within the performance limit, subtract the last addition and reset the number of threads to be added to m. If even just adding m gets within the limit, then add the last m threads and return the number of threads.
It might be clearer to give an example of what the process looks like step by step. Where Passed means that the number of threads are outside of the performance limits, and failed means they are either on the performance limit or inside of it.
Try adding 1m (Z + 1m). Passed. Threads = Z + m.
Try adding 2m (Z + 3m). Passed. Threads = Z + 3m.
Try adding 4m (Z + 7m). Failed. Threads = Z + 3m. Reset.
Try adding 1m. Passed. Threads = Z + 4m.
Try adding 2m. Passed. Threads = Z + 6m.
Z + 7m failed earlier so reset.
Comparisons/lookups are cheap, use them to prevent duplication of work.
Try adding 1m. Failed. Threads = Z + 6m. Reset.
Cannot add less than 1m and still in outside of performance limit.
The solution is Z + 7m threads.
Since Z + 6m is m threads short of the performance limit.
It's a bit inefficient, but it does find the minimium number of threads (>= Z) required to obtain the performance bound to within an error of m-1 threads and requiring only O(log (N-Z)) tests. This should be enough in most cases, but if it isn't just skip step 1 and use Z=m. Unless increasing the number of threads rapidly decreases the run-time causing very slow run times when Z is very small. In which case, doing step 1 and using interpolation can get an idea of how quickly the run-time increases as the number of threads decrease, which is also useful for determining a good performance limit if none is given.