scikit learn unwanted parallel processing - scikit-learn

I have a problem with nested multiprocessing witch starts when I use scikit-learn (v. 0.22) Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. Necessary is system configuration: 24 thread Xeon machine running fedora 30.
I run consecutively qda on the randomly selected subset of predictors:
def process(X,y,n_features,i=1):
comb = np.random.choice(range(X.shape[1]),n_features,replace=False)
qda = QDA(tol=1e-8)[:,comb],y)
y_pred = qda.predict(X[:,comb])
return (accuracy_score(y,y_pred),comb,i)
where n_features is number of features randomly selected from the full set of possible predictors, X,y explanatory and depended variables.
When n_features is 18 or less process works in single-thread mode, which means that I can use any tool to parallel processing (I use ray). When n_features is 19, and above for unknown reason it (not me) starts all available threads, and entire calculation get more time even in comparison to a single thread.
tmp = [process(X,y,n_features,i=1) for _ in range(1000)]
Based on my previous experiences with other Linux libraries (R gstat precisely) the same situation (uncontrolled multithreading mode) was caused by Linux implementation of blas, but here it could not be the case. In general, the question is: what starts this multithreading and how to control it even if LDA/QDA hasn't n_jobs parameter to avoid nested multiprocessing.

QDA in scikit-learn does not expose n_jobs meaning that you cannot set anything. However, it could be due to numpy which does not restrict the number of threads.
The solution to limit the number of threads are:
set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS, MKL_NUM_THREADS, or OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS to be sure that you will limit the number of threads;
you can use threadpoolctl which provides a context manager to set the number of threads.


Why Doc2vec is slower with multiples cores rather than one?

I'm trying to train multiple "documents" (here mostly log format), and the Doc2Vec is taking longer if I'm specifying more than one core (which i have).
My data looks like this:
[TaggedDocument(words=['port', 'ssh'], tags=[0]),
TaggedDocument(words=['session', 'initialize', 'by', 'client'], tags=[1]),
TaggedDocument(words=['dfs', 'fsnamesystem', 'block', 'namesystem', 'addstoredblock', 'blockmap', 'update', 'be', 'to', 'blk', 'size'], tags=[2]),
TaggedDocument(words=['appl', 'selfupdate', 'component', 'amd', 'microsoft', 'windows', 'kernel', 'none', 'elevation', 'lower', 'version', 'revision', 'holder'], tags=[3]),
TaggedDocument(words=['ramfs', 'tclass', 'blk', 'file'], tags=[4])]
I have 8 cores available:
I am using gensim 4.1.2, on Centos7. Using this approch (, It looks like my BLAS library is OpenBlas, so I setted OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 on my bashrc (and could be visible from Jupyter, using !echo $OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 )
This is my test code :
dict_time_workers = dict()
for workers in range(1, 9):
model = Doc2Vec(vector_size=20,
model.build_vocab(train_corpus, update = False)
t1 = time.time()
model.train(train_corpus, epochs=1, total_examples=model.corpus_count)
dict_time_workers[workers] = time.time() - t1
And the variable dict_time_workers is equal too :
{1: 224.23211407661438,
2: 273.408652305603,
3: 313.1667754650116,
4: 331.1840877532959,
5: 433.83785605430603,
6: 545.671571969986,
7: 551.6248495578766,
8: 548.430994272232}
As you can see, the time taking is increasing instead of decreasing. Results seems to be the same with a bigger epochs parameters.
Nothing is running on my Centos7 except this.
If I look at what's happening on my threads using htop, I see that the right number of thread are used for each training. But, the more threads are used, less the percentage of usage is (for example, with only one thread, 95% is used, for 2 they both used around 65% of their max power, for 6 threads are 20-25% ...). I suspected an IO issue, but iotop showed me that nothing bad is happening at the same disk.
The post seems now to be related to this post
Not efficiently to use multi-Core CPU for training Doc2vec with gensim .
When getting no benefit from extra cores like that, it's likely that the BLAS library you've got installed is already configured to try to use all cores for every bulk array operation. That means that other attempts to engage more cores, like Gensim's workers specification, just increase the overhead of contention, when each individual worker thread's individual BLAS callouts also try to use 8 threads.
Depending on the BLAS library in use, its own propensity to use more cores can typically be limited by environment variables named something like OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS and/or MKL_NUM_THREADS.
If you set these to just 1 before your process launches, you may see different, and possibly better, multithreaded behavior.
Note, though: 1 just restores the assumption that every worker-thread only ever engages a single core. Some other mix of BLAS-cores & Gensim-worker-threads might actually achieve the best training throughput & non-contending core-utilization.
And, at least for Gensim workers, the actual thread count value achieving the best throughput will vary based on other model parameters that influence the relative amount of calculation time in highly-parallelizable code-blocks versus highly-contended blocks, especially window, vector_size, & negative. And, there's not really a shortcut to finding the best workers value except via trial-and-error: observing reported training rates in logs over a few minutes of running. (Though: any rate observed in, say, minutes 2-4 of a abbreviated trial run should be representative of the training rate through the whole corpus over multiple epochs.)
(For any system with at least 4 cores, the optimal value with a classic iterable corpus of TaggedDocuments is usually at least 3, no more than the number of cores, but also rarely more than 8-12 threads, due to other inherent sources of contention due to both Gensim's approach to fanning out the work among worker-threads, and the Python 'GIL'.)
Other thoughts:
the build_vocab() step is never multi-threaded, so benchmarking alternate workers values will give a truer readout of their effect by only timing the train() step
ensuring your iterable corpus does as little redundant work (like say IO & tokenization) on each pass can help limit any bottlenecks around the single manager thread doing each epoch's iteration & batching texts to the workers
the alternate corpus_file approach can achieve higher core utilization, up to any number of cores, by assigning each thread its own exclusive range of an input-file. But, it also means (a) your whole corpus must be in one uncompressed space-tokenized plain-text file; (b) your documents only get a single integer tag (their line-number); (c) you may be subject to some small as-yet-diagnosed-and-fixed bug(s). (See project issue #2747.)
Ok, the best way to fully use the core is to use the parameter corpus_file of doc2vec.
Doing the same bench, the result looks like :
{1: 114.58889961242676, 2: 82.8250150680542, 3: 71.52109575271606, 4: 67.1010684967041, 5: 75.96869373321533, 6: 100.68377351760864, 7: 116.7901406288147, 8: 139.53436756134033}
The thread seems to be useful, in my case 4 are the best.
Still strange that the "regular" doc2vec is not that great at parallelizing

Convert function to exploit parallelization of the GPU

I have a function that uses values stored in one array to operate on another array. This behaves similar to the numpy.hist function. For example:
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
def array_func(x, y, output_counts, output_weights):
for row in range(x.size):
col = int(x[row] * 10)
output_counts[col] += 1
output_weights[col] += y[row]
return (output_counts, output_weights)
# in the current code these arrays exists ad pytorch tensors
# on the GPU and get converted to numpy arrays on the CPU before
# being passed to "array_func"
x = np.random.randint(0, 11, (1000)) / 10
y = np.random.randint(0, 100, (10000))
output_counts, output_weights = array_func(x, y, np.zeros(y.size), np.zeros(y.size))
While this works for arrays it does not work for torch tensors that are on the GPU. This is close to what histogram functions do, but I also need the summation of binned values (i.e., the output_weights array/tensor). The current function requires me to continually pass the data from GPU to CPU, followed by the CPU function being run in series.
Can this function be converted to run in parallel on the GPU?
The challenge is caused by the following line:
output_weights[col] += y[row]
If it weren't for that line I could just use the torch.histc function.
Here's my thought: GPUs are "fast" because they have hundreds/thousands of threads available and can run parts of a big job (or many smaller jobs) on these threads. However, if I convert the function above to work on torch tensors then there is no benefit to running on the GPU (it actually kills the performance). I wonder if there is a way I can break of x so each value gets sent to different threads (similar to how apply_async does within multiprocessing)?
I'm open to other options.
In it's current form the function is fast, but the GPU-to-CPU data transfer is killing me.
Your computation is indeed a general histogram operation. There are multiple ways to compute this on a GPU regarding the number of items to scan, the size of the histogram and the distribution of the values.
For example, one solution consist in building local histograms in each separate kernel blocks and then perform a reduction. However, this solution is not well suited in your case since len(x) / len(y) is relatively small.
An alternative solution is to perform atomic updates of the histogram in parallel. This solutions only scale well if there is no atomic conflicts which is dependent of the actual input data. Indeed, if all value of x are equal, then all updates will be serialized which is slower than doing the accumulation sequentially on a CPU (due to the overhead of the atomic operations). Such a case is frequent on small histograms but assuming the distribution is close to uniform, this can be fine.
This operation can be done with Numba using CUDA (targetting Nvidia GPUs). Here is an example of kernel solving your problem:
def array_func(x, y, output_counts, output_weights):
tx = cuda.threadIdx.x # Thread id in a 1D block
ty = cuda.blockIdx.x # Block id in a 1D grid
bw = cuda.blockDim.x # Block width, i.e. number of threads per block
pos = tx + ty * bw # Compute flattened index inside the array
if pos < x.size:
col = int(x[pos] * 10)
cuda.atomic.add(output_counts, col, 1)
cuda.atomic.add(output_weights, col, y[pos])
For more information about how to run this kernel, please read the documentation. Note that the arrays output_counts and output_weights can possibly be directly created on the GPU so to avoid transfers. x and y should be on the GPU for better performance (otherwise a CPU reduction will be certainly faster). Also note that the kernel should be pretty fast so the overhead to run/wait it and allocate/free temporary array may be significant and even possibly slower than the kernel itself (but certainly faster than doing a double transfer from/to the CPU so to compute things on the CPU assuming data was on the GPU). Note also that such atomic accesses are only fast on quite recent Nvidia GPU that benefit from specific computing units for atomic operations.

Tensorflow supports multiple threads/streams on one GPU for training?

I found the source code of GPUDevice, it hard-coded max streams to 1, may I know the know reason?
GPUDevice(const SessionOptions& options, const string& name,
Bytes memory_limit, const DeviceLocality& locality,
TfGpuId tf_gpu_id, const string& physical_device_desc,
Allocator* gpu_allocator, Allocator* cpu_allocator)
: BaseGPUDevice(options, name, memory_limit, locality, tf_gpu_id,
physical_device_desc, gpu_allocator, cpu_allocator,
false /* sync every op */, 1 / max_streams /) {
if (options.config.has_gpu_options()) {
force_gpu_compatible_ =
I am wondering whether TensorFlow(1.x version) supports multi-thread or multi-stream on a single GPU. If not, I am curious the underlying reasons, TF did this on some purposes or some libs like CUDA prevents TF from providing or some other reasons?
Like some previous posts[1,2], I tried to run multiple training ops in TF, i.e.[train_op1, train_op2],feed_dict={...}), I used the TF timeline to profile each iteration. However, TF timeline always showed that two train ops run sequentially (although timeline is not accurate[3], the wall time of each op suggests sequential running). I also looked at some source code of TF, it looks like the each op are computed by in device->ComputeAsync() or device->Compute(), and the GPU is blocked when computing an op. If I am correct, one GPU can only run a single op each time, which may lower GPU utilization.
1.Running multiple tensorflow sessions concurrently
2.Run parallel op with different inputs and same placeholder
I have similar experience with you.
I have two GPU, each GPU run three threads, each thread running a session, each session running time fluct a lot.
if run only one thread on each GPU, session running time is quite stable.
from these appearence, we can conclude that ,thread in tensorflow not cowork well,
the mechanism of tensorflow has problem.

Reduce multiprocessing for statsmodels glm

I am currently doing proof of concept for one of our business process that requires logistic regression. I have been using statsmodels glm to perform classification against our data set (as per below code). Our data set consists of ~10M rows and around 80 features (where almost 70+ are dummies e.g. "1" or "0" based on the defined categorical variables). Using smaller data set, glm works fine, however if i run it against the full data set, python is throwing an error "cannot allocate memory".
glmmodel = smf.glm(formula, data, family=sm.families.Binomial())
glmresult =
resultstring = glmresult.summary().as_csv()
This got me thinking that this might be due to statsmodels is designed to make use of all the available cpu cores and each subprocess underneath creates a copy of the data set into RAM (please correct me if I am mistaken). Question now would be if there is a way for glm to just make use of minimal number of cores? I am not into performance but just want to be able to run the glm against the full data set.
For reference, below is the machine configuration and some more information if needed.
CPU: 10 cores
RAM: 40 GB (usable/free ~25GB as there are other processes running on the
same machine)
swap: 16 GB
dataset size: 1.4 GB (based on Panda's'deep')
GLM uses multiprocessing only through the linear algbra libraries
The following copies my FAQ issue description from
It includes some links to other issues where this shows up.
Statsmodels is using joblib in a few places for parallel processing where it's under our control. Current usage is mainly for bootstrap and it is not used in the models directly.
However, some of the underlying Blas/Lapack libraries in numpy/scipy also use mutliple cores. This can be efficient for linear algebra with large arrays, but it can also slow down the operations especially when we want to use parallel processing on a higher level.
How can we restrict the number of cores used by the linear algebra libraries?
This depends on which linear algebra library is used. see mailing list thread
openblas: try setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
mkl in anaconda:
import mkl
This is because Statsmodels use IRLS in estimating GLM and the IRLS process utilize its WLS regression routine which again uses QR decomposition. The QR decomposition is directly done on the X and your X has 10million rows, 80 columns which turns out putting a lot of stress on the memory and CPU.
Here is the source code from statsmodels:
if method == 'pinv':
pinv_wexog = np.linalg.pinv(self.wexog)
params =
elif method == 'qr':
Q, R = np.linalg.qr(self.wexog)
params = np.linalg.solve(R,, self.wendog))
params, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(self.wexog, self.wendog,

Joblib parallel increases time by n jobs

While trying to get multiprocessing to work (and understand it) in python 3.3 I quickly reverted to joblib to make my life easier. But I experience something very strange (in my point of view). When running this code (just to test if it works):
Parallel(n_jobs=1)(delayed(sqrt)(i**2) for i in range(200000))
It takes about 9 seconds but by increasing n_jobs it actually takes longer... for n_jobs=2 it takes 25 seconds and n_jobs=4 it takes 27 seconds.
Correct me if I'm wrong... but shouldn't it instead be much faster if n_jobs increases? I have an Intel I7 3770K so I guess it's not the problem of my CPU.
Perhaps giving my original problem can increase the possibility of an answer or solution.
I have a list of 30k+ strings, data, and I need to do something with each string (independent of the other strings), it takes about 14 seconds. This is only the test case to see if my code works. In real applications it will probably be 100k+ entries so multiprocessing is needed since this is only a small part of the entire calculation.
This is what needs to be done in this part of the calculation:
data_syno = []
for entry in data:
w = wordnet.synsets(entry)
if len(w)>0: data_syno.append(w[0].lemma_names[0])
else: data_syno.append(entry)
The n_jobs parameter is counter intuitive as the max number of cores to be used is at -1. at 1 it uses only one core. At -2 it uses max-1 cores, at -3 it uses max-2 cores, etc. Thats how I read it:
from the docs:
n_jobs: int :
The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used.
