Mailbox click slider - slide

If you have seen the mailbox app that dropbox has just bought you might have seen how you delete and archive mail with half and full slides (
I would like to incorporate something like that into a website, could someone please give me some idea on how I would do this?

Take a look at this example. Should be working in a mobile website.
Implementing it should be pretty easy as well. It is a matter of configuring the steps:
stages: [
{ percent: 25, color: 'crimson', icon: 'checkmark', action: function (li) {
//do action1
} },
{ percent: -25, color: 'olive', icon: 'clock', action: function (li) {
//do action2
} }


How to mix your own undo and webContents.undo() in Electron?

I want to handle my own undo/redo menu commands and at the same time still support the Electron built-in undo/redo of the webContents object when it is relevant, for example when the user is focused on a text input element.
This answer seems like a good start, but it is incomplete as it does not address the root question, which is how to mix the two things.
Here is how the ideal code would look like when defining the menu item:
label: 'Undo',
accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Z',
click: function(menuItem, focusedWin) {
if (*** focusedWin.webContents thinks it can handle it ***) {
} else {
// Run my own code
The one dollar question is: how do I code the "if focusedWin.webContents thinks it can handle it" test?
I found a solution to my problem. It's not elegant, but it works. The idea is that the built-in Edit menus such as undo/redo/cut/copy/paste/delete/etc. should be managed by the webContents object only when the user is focused on an input or textarea element.
So in my index.html file, I send a message to the Main process when there is a focus or a blur event on input elements. This sets a global variable (yuck!) on the main process side which is used to make the decision between letting webContents do its job or doing it ourselves.
In index.html (I use jQuery and the great messaging system described in this other thread):
//-- Tell the main process if the preset Edit menus should be activated or not.
// Typically we active it only when the active item has text input
$('input').focus(() => window.api.send("menus:edit-buildin", { turnItOn: true }));
$('input').blur(() => window.api.send("menus:edit-buildin", { turnItOn: false }));
In main.js:
// This is a global :-( to track if we should enable and use
// the preset Edit menus: undo/redo/cut/copy/paste/delete
var menusEditPreset = false;
// Listen to the renderer
ipcMain.on("menus:edit-buildin", (event, { turnItOn }) => {
menusEditPreset = turnItOn;
// ... and in the menu definition:
id: 'undo',
label: 'Undo',
accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Z',
click: (event, focusedWindow, focusedWebContents) => {
if (menusEditPreset) {
} else {
console.log("My own undo !");

Chrome DevTools Protocol: control new tabs

Need to be done: I need to simulate user interactions (journeys) across a chain of sites.
Question: Do you have any tips how to programatically controll a tab opened as a result of a simulated click?
My experience:
I'm using the chrome-remote-interface npm package.
I'm able to simulate a click with a custom ChromeController class which initializes the chrome-remote-interface and these methods:
async simulateClick(selector) {
return await this.evaluate(function (selector) {
}, selector);
* Shamelessly stolen from simple-headless-browser
async evaluate (fn, ...args) {
const exp = args && args.length > 0 ? `(${String(fn)}).apply(null, ${JSON.stringify(args)})` : `(${String(fn)}).apply(null)`
const result = await this.client.Runtime.evaluate({
expression: exp,
returnByValue: true
return result
Now I would like to interact with the recently opened tab. I can get the targetId of the new tab with the experimenetal Target Domain (prototyping in node cli):
var targets;
chromeController.client.Target.getTargets().then(t => targets = t);
Which results in:
{ targetInfos:
[ { targetId: '97556479-cdb6-415c-97a1-6efa4e00b281',
type: 'page',
title: 'xxx/preview/239402/',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/' },
{ targetId: 'bbfe11d5-8e4a-4879-9081-10bb7234209c',
type: 'page',
title: 'Document',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/teaser/0/' } ] }
I am able to switch between the tabs with:
However I'm not able to get any interaction with this, I can't find the connection, how to load it into the Page and Runtime objects.
I've searched in the docs and also tried googling: ' targetId' which only lead me to
> chromeController.client.Browser.getWindowForTarget({targetId: '97556479-cdb6-415c-97a1-6efa4e00b281'}).catch(e => console.log(e.message));
Promise { <pending> }
> 'Browser.getWindowForTarget' wasn't found
I've also tried to Target.setDiscoverTargets({discover: true}) and to close the original tab.
Thanks for any help!
Recently faced this same issue and in short I had to create a new dev tools protocol client for each new target I wanted control over.
My experience is with dev tools protocol using direct communication with websocket but the api is the same so it should be similar. So here is a summary of what I had to do.
Initially looking at the docs I would have assumed Target.attachToTarget should give us control of the new tab but I found that it didn't work.
My workaround was to create a listener that listened for the Target.targetCreated event which provides a targetInfos just like you found with Target.getTargets but for every new target created like a new tab, page, or iframe. Note: you need to enable Target.setDiscoverTargets in order to receive these events over the protocol.
[ { targetId: '97556479-cdb6-415c-97a1-6efa4e00b281',
type: 'page',
title: 'xxx/preview/239402/',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/' },
{ targetId: 'bbfe11d5-8e4a-4879-9081-10bb7234209c',
type: 'page',
title: 'Document',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/teaser/0/' } ] }
With that listener I looked for targets that were of type page, you could filter on a specific url if you know what the page will be. With the targetId in hand I requested available websocket targets following the HTTPEndpoints section near the bottom of the devtools home page.
GET /json or /json/list
A list of all available websocket targets.
[ {
"description": "",
"devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/DAB7FB6187B554E10B0BD18821265734",
"id": "DAB7FB6187B554E10B0BD18821265734",
"title": "Yahoo",
"type": "page",
"url": "",
"webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/DAB7FB6187B554E10B0BD18821265734"
} ]
I could then launch a new dev tools protocol client using the webSocketDebuggerUrl and have full control over the tab.
I know this is a pretty round about way but, its the only way I was able to make if work.
Although these days it's probably easier to use something like puppeteer to interface with multiple tabs in chrome if you can. Here is the source code to a puppeteer module that follows new tabs that could be good reference for trying to replicate it pageVideoStreamCollector.ts
This is a very late answer but just putting this here if anyone else has the same issue as help on chrome dev tools is very hard to come by. Hope it helps someone out.
I also am getting "Browser.getWindowForTarget wasn't found" on debian, google-chrome-unstable version 61

How to display an image generated dynamically by javascript in jsf page?

Using JSF and PrimeFaces I try to use java script external library (Highcharts) in order to display an image generated dynamically. Data used by the image is loaded from database. Image should be refreshed every n seconds.
In JSF I know that I can run java script function by
< h:outputScript name="js/volatilityChart.js">
but I have to somehow put parameters in order to appropriately display this function. I know there is possibility of calling execute() from RequestContext but I have no idea how to display an image generated in such a way. If knew I could probably use p:poll in order to refreshing it. I've searched the web but couldn't find proper solution.
Any advice will be appreciated.
As followed BalusC suggestion and after some digging I managed to create something that suits me (simply speaking accessing bean fields and methods inside javascript code within xhtml). In XHTML I put:
$(function () {
$('#container_portfolio').highcharts('StockChart', {
chart: {
alignTicks: false
rangeSelector: {
inputEnabled: $('#container').width() > 480,
selected: 1
title: {
text: ''
series: [{
type: 'column',
name: 'Volatility',
data: #{statisticsView.getStatistic()},
dataGrouping: {
units: [[
'week', // unit name
[1] // allowed multiples
], [
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
Above function works and gives what I expected. However, I would like to insert many similar calls. Is it somehow possible to extract them to separate files? It would dramatically increase manageability of the code. Thanks in advance.

Add a MediaPicker to the General Site Settings

The current project I'm on is utilizing tenant sites. With each site, we want the ability to change the logo through out the tenant site by modifying the its settings (on the admin page, settings > general).
I've added two text fields to the site settings by following this well documented tutorial. However, I'd like the user to be able to pick the logos using the media picker instead of typing in the path.
Currently I have a LogoBarSettings part with its record, driver and handler. I'm not sure how to add the media picker to the my LogoBarSettings and even if I did, must I also create another handler, driver, and record for it? I can't imagine I would but I'm pretty stuck at this point.
Can someone provide some direction on this?
Here is my LogoBarSettings
public class LogoBarSettings : ContentPart<LogoBarSettingsPartRecord>
public string ImageUrl
get { return Record.ImageUrl; }
set { Record.ImageUrl = value; }
public string ImageAltText
get { return Record.ImageAltText; }
set { Record.ImageAltText = value; }
The MediaPicker is invoked through Javascript, so you shouldn't need to change any of your model classes. When the MediaPicker is loaded for a page, it sets up a jQuery event handler for all form elements on the page. Triggering the event orchard-admin-pickimage-open will open the MediaPicker. Supply a callback function to capture the picked media.
Here is a quick example that you can run in Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools from a page which has the MediaPicker loaded, such as a Page editor:
$('form').trigger("orchard-admin-pickimage-open", {
callback: function(data) {
This should print something similar to this:
Object {img: Object}
img: Object
align: ""
alt: ""
class: ""
height: "64"
html: "<img src="/Media/Default/images/test.jpg" alt="" width="64" height="64"/>"
src: "/Media/Default/images/test.jpg"
style: ""
width: "64"
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
The BodyPart editor integrates Orchard's MediaPicker with TinyMce, so you can start looking at that module for a more complete example, specifically Modules\TinyMce\Scripts\plugins\mediapicker\editor_plugin_src.js.

Understanding the sencha touch object model

Okay, so I have the following class definition:
MyApp.views.ItemAction = Ext.extend(Ext.ActionSheet, {
items: [{
text: 'cancel',
handler: function(){
When I create an instance of ItemAction and show() it, an action sheet appears. Brilliant.
Now my problem: pushing the cancel button will hide the button itself, and not the parent sheet.
How do I solve this?
You can also try
handler: function(){
up will navigate up the owner chain. Calling it without any variables will get the immediate owner. But calling destroy is also a good idea since it will remove the sheet from the dom.
Okay, so I amended my code to look like this:
MyApp.views.ItemAction = Ext.extend(Ext.ActionSheet, {
id: 'itemaction',
items: [{
text: 'cancel',
handler: function(){
//do other stuff here...
And it works; I will use that for now, but of course I will appreciate a less kludgy solution (and no, setting the item scope to this does not work -- I get a DomWindow object if I do this).
