Adding a cronjob into cPanel - cron

I just need to run the following url using cron jobs in my cPanel.
When I am trying to execute the link
the link is running in browser but when I am tried to add the same URL as it is in cron jobs I am getting the following error
bash/sh/ file not found
and when I edited the cron job as
/usr/bin/php /home/staging/public_html/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=cron
but I am getting 404 error.
My cPanel username is staging
Can anybody tell me what's the syntax of cron job in cPanel.
Cron Job running every minute and email report showing this errors.

Use wget function with full URL.

#yannick-blondeau As suggested you can use a wget or curl to make a simple request to your website.
Usually wget will attempt to download a file but this is not necessary with the -O flag to pipe to /dev/null or -q (both options used to prevent from saving output to a file), an example will look like
wget -O /dev/null
wget -q
You can also use curl for the same effect
curl --silent


How to use spaces within cron?

While trying to run a cronjob (I don't have access to the SSH terminal, I only have access to record crons via a cPanel from my hosting) I need to put a space between the cron command itself:
wget -o ccc/ddd >/dev/null 2>&1
However, the cron job fails reporting:
wget: Unable to find directory
So how can I use a space there?
In this case, URL encoding should do the trick:
wget -o " ccc/ddd"
should work as well.

Cron Job not working with codeigniter

Cron job not working in cpanel in the codeigniter
Here is my command line I couldn't get the error. It is a function to sent email. That function not working don't sent mail, the cron not calling the function. I don't know what's happening.
wget -O - -q -t 1

Shell script scheduling on acquia server

I want to schedule a shell script to will run every hour. For that I was trying to schedule from cron on acquia server.
The shell script file is in "docroot/scripts/". In Command option I gave command as "/var/www/html/", but it is not working.
I think that the shell script file should be in "scripts/".
If you are calling a php script from the shell file, you need to use the whole path to the php file even if it is in the same directory.
First start with logging into your box:
Then like #ScottA mentioned call your script: This time do it with verbose flag which is -x.
sh -x /var/www/html/
This is going to dump out everything your script runs or error out. See if anything is not what you expected.
In my case Inside my script I had a curl request that was not going through as planned:
curl --silent --compressed
So I flagged my curl call --verbose to get that to dump as well:
curl --silent --compressed --verbose
and called:
sh -x /var/www/html/
I got back that the host could not be resolved because my dev domain was only available inside my DNS. So for me the problem is when cron runs my curl fails do to my non public accessible dev domain.
+ curl --silent --compressed --verbose
* getaddrinfo(3) failed for
* Couldn't resolve host ''
* Closing connection #0

FeedWordPress cron job code

FeedWordPress (RSS fetcher) plugin of WordPress is working well, but it doesn't have an option to update RSS every 5 minutes (default is 60 minutes) so the only way is clicking the UPDATE NOW button manually.
I am new and some guys told me to trigger it every 5 minutes using a cron job, so I tried that in cpanel
First I tried this
curl > dev/null
but was getting this error
/bin/sh: dev/null: No such file or directory
Second I tried this
but now I'm getting this error
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/wget: Permission denied
(I used my in that place)
Any correct/exact working code?
You can use this code:
/usr/local/bin/curl --silent -L "" >/dev/null 2>&1
where you should replace with your domain name.
Null device is /dev/null
The /usr/bin/wget does not seems to have permission to execute for the current user.
It may be easier to write a script (say ) and run the script with cron
ls -l /usr/bin/wget
curl ...
Then check for any obvious errors due to permissions.

Using wget in a crontab to run a PHP script

I set up a cron job on my Ubuntu server. Basically, I just want this job to call a php page on an other server. This php page will then clean up some stuff in a database. So I tought it was a good idea to call this page with wget and then send the result to /dev/null because I don't care about the output of this page at all, I just want it to do its database cleaning job.
So here is my crontab:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/wget -q --post-data 'pass=mypassword' > /dev/null 2>&1
(I post a password to make sure no one could run the script but me). It works like a charm except that wget writes each time an empty page in my user directory: the result of downloading the php page.
I don't understand why the result isn't send to /dev/null ? Any idea about the problem here?
Thanks you very much!
wget's output to STDOUT is it trying to make a connection, showing progress, etc.
If you don't want it to store the saved file, use the -O file parameter:
/usr/bin/wget -q --post-data -O /dev/null 'pass=mypassword' > /dev/null 2>&1
Checkout the wget manpage. You'll also find the -q option for completely disabling output to STDOUT (but offcourse, redirecting the output as you do works too).
wget -O /dev/null ....
should do the trick
you can mute wget output with the --quiet option
wget --quiet
