How to use spaces within cron? - cron

While trying to run a cronjob (I don't have access to the SSH terminal, I only have access to record crons via a cPanel from my hosting) I need to put a space between the cron command itself:
wget -o ccc/ddd >/dev/null 2>&1
However, the cron job fails reporting:
wget: Unable to find directory
So how can I use a space there?

In this case, URL encoding should do the trick:
wget -o " ccc/ddd"
should work as well.


wget in script not working when called from cron

I've read a load of similar cases and can't for the life of me figure this one out...
I'm running a wget command inside a .sh script which is called from cron on reboot as follows:
#reboot /home/user/
The .sh script starts with
And I have done chmod +x
The line that fails is :
Which may not be providing the content to the variable in the wget
/usr/bin/wget "$mac/line.txt" -O /home/user/line.txt
If I run the script from command line, it works absolutely fine but if it runs from the cron on reboot, the script runs, but line.txt is saved as an empty file (0 bytes). Again, if run directly from command line, it works fine.
I've looked at file permissions, absolute paths, everything I can think of, but I've been staring at this for hours now.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
#reboot is too early in boot process IMHO. You should create a systemd script to wait network.
As a workaround, you can add a
sleep 30
or better:
until ping -c1 &>/dev/null; do
sleep 5
before your wget

linux difference between "sudo crontab -e" and just "crontab -e"

I noticed that when I typed sudo crontab -e I dont see my cron command, but when I do only crontab -e there is my command.
Is there a difference between the 2? If there is, where should I put my cron command, should it be in sudo or without the sudo?
Is there a difference between the 2?
Yes, indeed they are different.
The difference is that with sudo crontab -e the commands are schedule with root user's credentials. So that the commands in the sudo's cron table are executed as root user.
But with crontab -e, the commands are scheduled with the regular user who is logged in.
Where should I put my cron command, should it be in sudo or without the sudo?
Well, the answer to this depends on the type of command you want to run.
If the command required sudo access then sudo crontab -e should be used.
Else if the cron command doesn't require any special permission then use crontab -e.
If the ethernet network interface eth0 should be disabled or enabled at specific time then you would use the command
ifconfig eth0 up or ifconfig eth0 down
As the above commands require special permission (sudo), these commands are supposed to added to sudo's cron tab
Any other command which require minimal permission or no permission like removing a file from tmp directory like $ rm /tmp/somefile use the regular user's crontab.
Main part of the problem is to take care of the user with whom you wanna make your things done. Otherwise it will not trigger your cron job. And do make sure that you write output of your command in any file. It will help you to debug the problem which most probably might relate to your relative paths.
That's what I faced difficulties in. You can move forward following the below step:
identify your username with which you wanna go. Use whoami command.
Turn to your selected user mode and type crontab -e.
And append line < cron-schedule your-command >> output_filename.cron 2>&1 >
That's it.

perl not executing in cron

Ok I'm about to pull my hair out. I have a perl script that just will not run in the crontab however I have a previously written perl script that runs just fine every day on the same box. I have checked all of the given solutions on this site and others around the web and nothing seems to make a difference. Here is my cron and the first part of my script
55 13 * * * su oracle; cd /u02/oraclebackup;./ >> /u02/oraclebackup/move_em_backup.log > move_em_bkup.dbg 2>$1
It touches the .dbg file but does not put anything in there. There are no errors or anything that I can use to go by.
use Strict;
use Archive::Tar;
use Net::SCP qw/ scp /;
use Net::SCP::Expect;
use DateTime;
Can anybody help?
The command you're running is:
su oracle; cd /u02/oraclebackup; ...
su oracle normally launches an interactive shell under the oracle account (assuming you have permission to do so). I'm not sure what that would do in a non-interactive cron environment, but even assuming it works, the cd /u02/oraclebackup and following sub-commands will be executed after that shell terminates, i.e., under the account that owns the crontab. The su oracle will either block the rest of the command or do nothing.
You can use su -c command to run a command as a specified user. In you case, you'd want something like:
su -c oracle sh -c 'cd /u02/oraclebackup; ...'
Or change su to su - if you need the oracle account's login environment.
Better yet, drop the su and put the whole thing in the oracle account's crontab. You might still need to play some more tricks to get the environment right; cron jobs run with a limited set of environment variables by default.

FeedWordPress cron job code

FeedWordPress (RSS fetcher) plugin of WordPress is working well, but it doesn't have an option to update RSS every 5 minutes (default is 60 minutes) so the only way is clicking the UPDATE NOW button manually.
I am new and some guys told me to trigger it every 5 minutes using a cron job, so I tried that in cpanel
First I tried this
curl > dev/null
but was getting this error
/bin/sh: dev/null: No such file or directory
Second I tried this
but now I'm getting this error
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/wget: Permission denied
(I used my in that place)
Any correct/exact working code?
You can use this code:
/usr/local/bin/curl --silent -L "" >/dev/null 2>&1
where you should replace with your domain name.
Null device is /dev/null
The /usr/bin/wget does not seems to have permission to execute for the current user.
It may be easier to write a script (say ) and run the script with cron
ls -l /usr/bin/wget
curl ...
Then check for any obvious errors due to permissions.

Adding a cronjob into cPanel

I just need to run the following url using cron jobs in my cPanel.
When I am trying to execute the link
the link is running in browser but when I am tried to add the same URL as it is in cron jobs I am getting the following error
bash/sh/ file not found
and when I edited the cron job as
/usr/bin/php /home/staging/public_html/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=cron
but I am getting 404 error.
My cPanel username is staging
Can anybody tell me what's the syntax of cron job in cPanel.
Cron Job running every minute and email report showing this errors.
Use wget function with full URL.
#yannick-blondeau As suggested you can use a wget or curl to make a simple request to your website.
Usually wget will attempt to download a file but this is not necessary with the -O flag to pipe to /dev/null or -q (both options used to prevent from saving output to a file), an example will look like
wget -O /dev/null
wget -q
You can also use curl for the same effect
curl --silent
