How to run ftp.bat by pressing vba button in excell? - excel

I am trying to automate data extraction from mainframe and I've tried the solution below but it didn't work. Instead it erased the contents of the FtpLogin2.bat file.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call Shell(Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c D:\user\MyDocs\Downloads_FTP\FtpLogin2.bat",
End Sub
The content of ftplogin2.bat
#ftp -i -s:"%~f0"&GOTO:EOF
open ip user
password ped
get 'mainframe_dataset' pc_dataset.txt
What I'm trying to do is to build a form where I have an input. That input is the name of the mainframe file I want to extract. That data shoukld then appear in another worksheet of that excel book.I mean to automate that process by having a text field and a submit button, which should trigger the FTP in the macro.
Is there away to do that?

I think there is a problem using environ() in this case; I'm not sure why.
Use Shell("cmd.exe /c D:\user\MyDocs\Downloads_FTP\FtpLogin2.bat"
This should work on any version of Windows after 3.11.


python pywinauto file selection dialog

I am in the process of automating a firmware update for a specific component we use a work a lot. I have the automation of the gui completed (and working) except for this particular screen.
What I need to do, is have the program automatically navigate to the correct folder (standardized across machines) and select the correct file to use for the update.
Here is my code so far:
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend='win32').connect(title_re=".*EBDS*", found_index=0)
main_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*EBDS*", found_index=0)
main_dlg.child_window(title="Launch Control Panel", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
sub_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*Bill Acceptor*", found_index=0)
sub_dlg.child_window(title="Open", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
sub_dlg.child_window(title="Download", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
file_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*download*", found_index=0)
It has a couple sub windows that pop up after clicking, thus the main_dlg, sub_dlg, and file_dlg.
I have already told it to select the download button, and it pops up the "select a file to download" window.
What I need to do now is be able to specify the path (where it says This PC), change the file type (currently says Bin files), and select the correct file.
I have done a "print control identifiers" and here is the link to the txt file of that output (it's over 3k lines, so I didn't want to paste it here) Control Identifiers .txt
What I then did was I correctly (manually) went through the steps to get it where it needs to be, and did another "print control identifiers." Again, this is over 3k lines long, so here is a Link to that output.
Assuming that I'm doing this right, the file path location in the gui is:
file_dlg.child_window(title="Select a file to download.", class_name='#32770').child_window(class_name="WorkerW").child_window(class_name="ReBarWindow32").child_window(class_name="Address Band Root").child_window(class_name="msctls_progress32").child_window(class_name="Breadcrumb Parent").child_window(title=".*Address:*", class_name="ToolbarWindow32")
The question is, how do I interact with that object specifically? A .click() or .sendkeys() both error out.
Bonus points if you can figure out how to change the file type.
I'm open to an easier/different way of doing this, however this has to be deployable to a couple hundred machines that don't have the same screen size, ergo I cannot use pyautogui and pixel counts.
Any ideas?
You can enter the full file path to the edit box and click "Open" button. It should look like this:
file_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*Select a file to download*", found_index=0)
file_dlg.child_window(title="&Open", control_type="Button").click()
I assume you have to bypass .click_input() and .type_keys(...) usage as they require active desktop which is hard to maintain on a big pool of machines.

Run AHK script from excel successfully

When trying to run a AHK script from excel the 1st way using shell
Sub FrmShell()
Shell ("C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe \\REG-MITEK\Mitek\Mitek\documentation\RequestForQuote\old-RFP\RFP.exe")
End Sub
I get this error
When I run it with FollowHyperlink,
it works but can't get away from the dreaded hyperlink warning.
Sub FromHyperLink()
Dim s As String
s = "\\REG-MITEK\Mitek\Mitek\documentation\RequestForQuote\old-RFP\RFP.exe"
ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink (s)
End Sub
As per comment, posting an answer:
Check that statement - you're trying to open one application with another, as far as I know - the syntax should be "Application_path fileToOpen_path".
Possible decisions for #3 (requires registry access):
Circumvent Hyperlink Security Warning
But I didn't try neither.

custom function in excel using vba that works in any matchine

I have created a custom function via vba in excel. If I use it in my computer, it works ok, but if I change the file to another computer (where this computer also has the created function), it does not work. I must change the path of the created function. Is there any way to not change the path everytime I copy the file into another computer?
Solution 1: You could use a common paths in both computers
(for example: C:\work , C:\Work2)
Solution 2: You could put all files in the same path (C:\work), then you only need the to put the file name
Just save your add-in in the correct path on every computer.
It should be something like:
See Install and Use Excel Add-ins to determine the correct path.
If your add-in is installed correctly you should be able to run your user defined function without a path.
You can call special folder with application.
MsgBox Application.DefaultFilePath
This example will be: C:\Users\Usuario1\Documents
'Here are a few VBA path functions
MsgBox Application.Path
MsgBox Application.DefaultFilePath
MsgBox Application.TemplatesPath
MsgBox Application.StartupPath
MsgBox Application.UserLibraryPath
MsgBox Application.LibraryPath
You can too create wscrit object to call another paths, for example:
MsgBox CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")
Example folders for object:
And execute a macro like this,(allways have to use same directory):
Sub Macro()
AddIns.Add Filename:=Application.DefaultFilePath & "\Complement.xlam"
AddIns("Complement").Installed = True
End Sub

AppleScript/Automator Folder Action to Convert Excel to CSV

I'm running into a "Grant Access" problem with Office 2016 where I have to manually click "Grant Access" if I'm opening a new file with Automator. I found this answer for how to get around it (by using a file object or an alias object instead of a string):
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open file "Macintosh HD:Users:path:to:file"
end tell
But since I'm using an Automator folder action, I'm not sure how to get that file path where it needs to be. Most of the examples I found has the AppleScript use choose folder with prompt but since the whole point of this is to be fully automated, that's not going to work.
The idea is:
Excel file gets downloaded into "ForSQL" folder
Folder action prompts xls file to convert into csv
csv then opens in TextWrangle to ensure it stays in UTF-8
Then moves it to official "SQL" folder
Closes all the applications it opened and deletes whatever it moved from the "ForSQL" folder
But I'm open to better suggestions that get to the same end result.
This is my Automator workflow so far -- but it looks like I need to replace the 'Convert Format of Excel Files' step with AppleScript to get the "Grant Access" pop-up to go away. It's a folder action that starts when something hits the "ForSQL" folder:
I am not sure to understand what you want to do with textWrangle, but the script bellow does all steps before and after, only using Applescript (no need for Automator actions) :
--this choose file must be replaced by your "input" of automator folder items
set Fxl to choose file --the Excel file to be processed
-- define here your destination SQL folder
-- for my tests, I used a folder mySQL on my Desktop
set SQLFolder to ((path to desktop folder) as string) & "mySQL"
tell application "Finder" to set ForSQL to (container of Fxl) as string
--define new name by replacing current extension (xls, xlsx, xlsm, xml) by "csv"
tell application "Finder"
set N to name of Fxl
set NbExt to length of ((name extension of Fxl) as string)
set newname to (text 1 thru -(NbExt + 1) of N) & "csv"
end tell
--convert to CSV and close
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open Fxl
tell workbook 1
tell sheet 1 to save in (ForSQL & newname) as CSV file format
close without saving
end tell
end tell
-- add eventually your TextWrangle step here (?)
-- delete source file and move csv to proper folder
tell application "Finder"
delete Fxl
move file (ForSQL & newname) to folder SQLFolder
end tell
In practice you can run all this in full applescript folder action.
Replace the "set Fxl to choose..." by "on adding folder items...".
In this case you must insert the script above in a repeat loop to process all files drops in the folder.
However, you may have some issues using folder action script, because system will trigger your script again at the time you are creating the new CSV file (again in the same folder !).
The work around I suggest is to use folder action script to get the file dropped in ForSQL, move it to an other "temp_ForSQL" and run this script using the moved file. Doing so, the cvs will be added to temp_forSLQ, without triggering new folder action script.
I hope it is clear enough...if not, just let me know.

xlsread、xlswrite not work in matlab

matlab (2015b) in my new notebook ThinkPad function xlsread/ xlswrite not work
for every exist excel file, xlsread not load the data
xlswrite also not work in every path
error use xlsread (line251)
catch exception
if isempty(exception.identifier)
exception = MException('MATLAB:xlsreadold:FormatError','%s', exception.message);
the method import data also not work for excel file。
I found this answer in hope it can help you:
Who has problem to read excel file, can follow this order.
1- open the excel> file, >option, >add in, manage then select COM ADD IN, and clear everything (unchecked). everything should be cleared (unchecked).
2- restart the PC, and open the matlab.
3- perform xlsread command.
NOTE: for those people who use foxit pdf reader, it is potential to face this problem, so follow mentioned order.
NOTE: sometimes by using the matlab, configuration of excel is changed in unknown way, therefore there is no way to open the usual excel file in windows by double click.
So, open excel from desktop icon, file> option,> advanced,> general and then make clear (unchecked) "the ignore applications that use dynamic data exchange (DDE)". (same information for NOTE 2: these are some error for excel worker with matlab and related command.
