I would like to refresh a Repeat Control triggered by client side Javascript. To make it interesting, my datasource is a JDBC query which is why I didn't just do a partial refresh.
I've seen pages about using an XHR request to do this, but I don't see how to refresh the JDBC data to capture the new info.
I can refresh the repeat control with the old data, not the new.
I saw Repeat control refresh error
which talks about possibly requiring a timeout because the runtime isn't aware of the new data.
I've run the XHR after manually changing something in the DB and waiting a minute, still had the stale info.
Can I update the variable (jdbcPendingSummary) in the RPC call, if not can I call back to the server to trigger the refresh inside the CSJS function?
<xe:jdbcQuery connectionName="testDB"
sqlQuery="EXEC ptoGetPendingRequests #{sessionScope.userID}"
var="jdbcPendingSummary" />
<xe:jsonRpcService id="ptoRPC" serviceName="ptoRPC">
<xe:remoteMethod name="createNewRequest">
javaBeanObject.ptoCreateRequest(#{sessionScope.userID}, startDate, endDate, comment, d1,....,d15);
// Can I update the datasource var here?
<xe:remoteMethodArg name="startDate" type="string"></xe:remoteMethodArg>
<xe:remoteMethodArg name="d15" type="number"></xe:remoteMethodArg>
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
function createNewRequest(startDateID, endDateID, commentID, hiddenDivID, requestID) {
ptoRPC.createNewRequest(dojo.byId(startDateID).value, dojo.byId(endDateID).value, ........).addCallback( function(response) {
// ????? Refreshes the Repeat Control, but has the stale data.
function() {
XSP.partialRefreshGet(requestID, {onComplete: function(responseData) { } })
// Or how about updating the datasource var here?
}, 8000);
While this may not be a perfect solution, adding scope="request" to the JDBC code below caused the variable to be refreshed when the AJAX call completed.
<xe:jdbcQuery connectionName="testDB"
sqlQuery="EXEC ptoGetPendingRequests #{sessionScope.userID}"
var="jdbcPendingSummary" scope="request" />
You could achieve that using refresh() method of specific data source. So if you have a panel with some JDBC Query datasource configured - then inside inner view panel you could reference and refresh data via such syntax:
While you could have multiple datasources configured for a panel - referencing to them is starting from 0 index.
Code snippet to demonstrate that technique could be like this (could make more sense if query would use some computed parameter to present different data on refresh):
<xp:panel id="outerContainer">
<xe:jdbcQuery var="jdbcQuery1"
<xe:this.sqlQuery><![CDATA[#{javascript:"select * from users";
<xp:viewPanel rows="10" id="viewPanel1"
value="#{jdbcQuery1}" indexVar="idx">
<xp:viewColumn id="viewColumn1" columnName="id"
<xp:viewColumnHeader xp:key="header"
id="viewColumnHeader1" value="ID">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick"
submit="true" refreshMode="partial" refreshId="outerContainer">
I have some code, that if a user selects a "NO" answer on a certain field (Q1), it removes the answers of sub question related to Q1, and also hides them in the UI.
This works fine, and I do a partial refresh on the div containing all the questions. However, when I then click on the same question selecting answer "Yes" which then shows all the sub questions, so the user can answer them again, they still have the old values attributed.
When I remove the fields, the backend document reflects this correctly, but then when I click the question which then shows the fields again in the UI, they appear in the backend document again, with their original value. If I do a context.reloadPage() at the end of my code, everything works as expected, but this breaks other functionality and I only want a partial refresh. Any ideas? Thanks
if (compositeData.onClickCode) {
compositeData.onClickCode.invoke( facesContext, null );
var fieldName:string = compositeData.fieldName;
//Blank all IFM fields if user selects no IFM *CHANGE FIELDS ARRAY TO GET FROM KEYWORD*
if (fieldName == "Q1") {
print("Yes Q1");
if(document1.getItemValueString(fieldName)=="No") {
print("NO IFMS");
var questionsIFM = ["Q1a", "Q1b", "Q1c", "Q3IFM", "Q3bIFM", "Q3cIFM", "Q3dIFM", "Q4", "Q4a" ,"Q5IFM", "Q6IFM", "Q6aIFM", "Q7IFM",
"Q7aIFM", "Q7bIFM", "Q8", "Q8a", "Q9IFM", "Q9aIFM", "Q9bIFM", "Q10IFM", "Q11IFM"];
var len = questionsIFM.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
print("Field Name: " + questionsIFM[i]);
var guidanceOptions:string = "";
if (compositeData.guidanceOptions) {
if(#IsMember(document1.getItemValueString(fieldName), compositeData.guidanceOptions)){
guidanceOptions = document1.getItemValueString(fieldName);
viewScope.guidance = compositeData.fieldName+guidanceOptions;
Instead of changing the backend document you could update the datasource with doc.setValue('fieldName','')
Alternativly, you could change the scope of the datasource to "request", this forces the datasource to reload the backend document for every request.
Here is an example for updating the datasource directly (Button 'Clear') which always works and updating the component (Button 'Update').
If the button 'Reload' is clicked, changes to in the fields are "stored" in the component. The button 'Update' does a partial refresh (which hides the input field), so the value is lost.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
rendered="#{javascript:facesContext.isAjaxPartialRefresh() == false}">
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:document1.setValue('foo', '');document1.setValue('bar', '')}]]></xp:this.action>
I might be late to this party, but I found a way to force a reload from the back-end document. All you have to do is change the id for the dataSource a little, by adding or removing a "0" prefix to the documentId. Something like this:
return (viewScope.idPrefix? "0":"") + param.documentId
and when you want to force a reload during a partial refresh, just set
viewScope.idPrefix= !viewScope.idPrefix;
Don't forget to set ignoreRequestParams to true.
This is now what I have in my xpage:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:panel id="ContainerPanel">
<xp:inputText id="typeAhead">
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true"
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript://code here to trap the click in the list of values
//displayed by the type ahead. Code redirects to another page
//the goal here would be to avoid the full/partial update and only use the CSJS
//code to trigger the button's partial/full refresh so we can avoid having the onchange code
//trigger a refresh when the user decides to click the button instead of clicking on a suggestion
//that is offered by the typeahead
//I thought of using the temporary field and use it to store the value selected in the type ahead list,
//so the code knows wheter we are running the CSJS from the type ahead list or from the button (the onchange
//of the type ahead will fill this field so we know wether to trigger the CSJS partial refresh }]]></xp:this.action>
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[var selectedValue = document.getElementById("#{id:typeAhead}").value;
var targetField = document.getElementById("#{id:temporaryField}");
alert("typeAhead CSJS onchange: " + selectedValue);
targetField.value = selectedValue;
//init the partial refresh here!!!]]></xp:this.script>
<xp:typeAhead mode="partial" minChars="2">
<xp:button value="GO" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript://same call to the code called in the onchange event of the typeahead field
<xp:inputText id="temporaryField"></xp:inputText>
Because the problem comes from the fact that the typeahead's onchange event is triggered even though the user just wants to type in something and go click on the button (therefore triggering the partial update of the event, so the code can call a SSJS function), I thought I'd get rid of the type ahead field's partial update and try to trigger it manually from CSJS.
I am trying to use a temporary field to store the value selected in the type ahead so I can figure out if I need to run the SSJS function right away (the user selected a value in the list) or just don't do nothing as the user just wants to go and click on the button.
Unfortunately, the code is at the office and I'm home right now, but the comments in the above code should give an idea of what I'm trying to achieve.
Not sure either if I should use XSP._partialRefresh(), XSP.PartialRefreshGet() and which control ID should I use (if it has any importance).
Hope it all makes sense... Just trying to give the user the possibility to select a value in the type ahead list, or type something in the field and click the search button, both cases calling the same SSJS function (using either the value selected in the type ahead list or what has been typed in the field).
I have a page with a field and a button, just like the Google page. I have type ahead set up so it returns a list of documents title that correspond to the "search" term entered. Because I want the application to load a page when the user clicks on an item from the type ahead list, I added some code to the onChange event of the type ahead field. That works great, but...
Let's say a user wants to go ahead and click on the button anyways, because the list displayed by the type ahead field only show the top 10 search results, and the document he is looking for is not in that list, so he wants to trigger a "full search" by clicking on the search button. What happens is that the onchange code of the field is triggered before the onclick code of the button, and due to a fullrefresh on the type ahead field, this triggers a page refreshand the user needs to click a second time on the button to actually open the search page.
The question is quit esimple: how can I get the same behaviour as the Google page, opening up the page if I click on one of the suggestions, but also opening up a search page/search results page when clicking on the button?
Here is the code so far:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core"
xmlns:xp_1="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/coreex" dojoParseOnLoad="true">
<xp:script src="/xpSortedSearches.jss" clientSide="false"></xp:script>
<xp:script src="/xpadSearch.jss" clientSide="false"></xp:script>
<xp:dojoModulePath loaded="true"
<xp:panel id="PanelSearch" style="text-align:right;">
<xp:inputText id="inputSearch"
style="width:225px;height:20px;font-size:10pt;font-family:sans-serif;padding-left:5.0px;padding-top:5.0px;padding-bottom:2.0px; border:1px solid gray;"
tabindex="0" disableClientSideValidation="false"
<xp:attr name="placeholder">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:if(sessionScope.lang=="fr") {
"Entrez votre recherche ici ...";
} else {
"Enter your search query here...";
<xp:typeAhead mode="full" minChars="3" valueMarkup="true"
var="searchQuery" ignoreCase="true">
<xp:this.valueList><![CDATA[#{javascript://TODO Memory management???
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true"
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:var key:String = getComponent("inputSearch").getValue();
if(!!key) {
return true;]]></xp:this.script>
<xp:eventHandler event="onkeypress" submit="true"
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[//if we have a enter, launch the search
if (thisEvent.keyCode==13) {
var qryField = document.getElementById("#{id:inputSearch}");
if(doSearch(qryField)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
<xp:button id="button1" icon="/search.png"
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[ var qryField = document.getElementById("#{id:inputSearch}");
if(doSearch(qryField)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
<xp:br />
This event handler makes sure the search box has the focus once the
page is loaded
<xp:eventHandler event="onClientLoad" submit="false">
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[var edit = dojo.byId("#{id:inputSearch}");
if (edit) {
<xp:eventHandler event="onClientLoad" submit="false">
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[var edit = dojo.byId("#{id:inputSearch}");
if (edit) {
When user1 sees view with xe:pagerAddRows which show last document in view, another user2 adds new document. user1 clicks xe:pagerAddRows and can't see new document.
How to show new documents for user1 in view using click xe:pagerAddRows without full update page?
How to show new documents for user1 created by user2 automatically without click and full update page?
var document : NotesDocument = viewEntry.getDocument();
return #Name('[CN]',document.getItemValue('Author'))
You can refresh your dataView adding an onclick event to xe:pagerAddRows.
This causes a refresh of your view and will show documents created by other users since last refresh.
You can refresh your view with the help of a timer function on client side. setInterval() will execute a function every x seconds. The following example is executing a partial refresh of dataView1 every 5 seconds. Just add the code to your XPage.
setInterval(function() {
XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:dataView1}", {})
}, 5 * 1000)
It seems to me you'd like to show all view entries in real time and expand view automatically. If that's the case you could change the sort order so that newest documents would appear on top. This way and with the automatic refresh, you would always see the newest entries right on your first page.
I have created a simple xpage in Domino Designer/Server 9. When opening it, it give following error message:
Engine Exception
name can't be null
IBM WebSphere Application Server
I am not able to locate the source of this error. And strange thing is why IBM Websphere message is coming here!!
<![CDATA[#{javascript:var catDb:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase("<server name>","catalog.nsf");
requestScope.DocCol = catDb.search("Form='Notefile'"); }]]>
<xp:dataTable id="dataTable1" rows="30" value="#{javascript:return requestScope.DocCol;}" var="repCol" indexVar="repIndex">
<xp:column id="column1">
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1" value="#{repCol.Pathname}">
You might want to rework your code a little bit. Along this lines:
<xp:dataTable id="dataTable1" rows="30"
value="#{javascript:return requestTools.getDocumentsByForm('Notefile');}"
var="repCol" indexVar="repIndex">
<xp:column id="column1">
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1" value="#{repCol.Pathname}">
Create a script library where you then implement the function. Something like:
var requestTools = {
"isDebug" : function() { return false; },
"debugDocumentsByForm" : function(formName) { return {"PathName" : "DemoPath"},
"getDocumentsByForm" : function(formName) {
if (requestTools.isDebug()) {
return requestTools.debugDocumentsByForm(formName);
} else if (!requestScope.DocCol) {
// optimize this, add only the fields needed to JSON objects, so
// recycling can happen
var catDb:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase("<server name>","catalog.nsf");
requestScope.DocCol = catDb.search("Form='"+formName+"'");
return requestScope.DocCol;
This will allow you to tune the function without touching all XPages that use it. db.search is the slowest way to perform a search, so you only might use it for testing.
There is no code in the beforePageLoad event. You want to keep the data acquisition confined to your dataTable. Also consider to use a JSON object instead of a document collection and a view or at least an FTSearch. db.Search is way to slow.
I have a xpage that use view.postscript like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:dojoModule name="dojox.widget.Toaster"></xp:dojoModule>
<xp:styleSheet href="/.ibmxspres/dojoroot/dojox/widget/Toaster/Toaster.css"></xp:styleSheet>
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[var Toaster = function(id, msg, type, duration, pos) {
type = (type == null) ? "message" : type;
duration = (duration == null) ? "5000" : duration;
pos = (pos == null) ? "br-up" : pos;
var obj = dijit.byId(id);
obj.positionDirection = pos;
obj.setContent(msg, type, duration);
<xp:div id="toaster" themeId="toaster" dojoType="dojox.widget.Toaster"></xp:div>
<xp:button value="Toaster" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
<xp:this.action><![CDATA[#{javascript:view.postScript("Toaster('"+getComponent("toaster").getClientId(facesContext)+"', 'toaster message!')");}]]></xp:this.action>
But when I click button,the toaster can't show.Why?
And I need a way to show the toaster called by ssjs function.
Thanks a lot.
As #Frantisek Kossuth said, you're re-submitting the page. When your refreshMode is complete it will re-render the page based on the server values. If you want to make client side changes and reflect them in your UI, you can't do a refresh of complete. Doing a partial refresh of the page on an element that won't change (like button1) should update your UI without rebuilding the page.
Similarly, why do you need this to be done through SSJS? Why not just use Client actions in your button activation? If this isn't part of a larger function call that you're not including, simply change the event code from Server to Client and call the Toaster function that way. This would also allow you to not have to submit anything, leaving submit="false" in your eventHandler to avoid unnecessary functionality.