How to create a backup in Windows Azure - azure

I was trying to create a WindowsAzure backup but I have no success because only create tables structure without data. This is the procedure which I was following:
1.Select the database you want to back up in new portal of windows azure
2.In the footer you will have an option to import/export. Click export. This opens a modal popup. Select the storage account you want to use and type in a appropriate name to save the *.bacpac file.
3.Once the file is saved to storage, download it to local, open sql server 2012 management studio. Select the database server. Right click on it and in the context menu you will find Import Data-Tier Application. Select the bacpac file from you local and follow the settings.
How can I create a backup but also saving the data?

MSDN link has a full article on all the different ways you can do this, the above is only one of them.

There are a few approaches apart from the T-SQL scripted approach, two provided by Red Gate are:
SQL Azure Backup Application - A free desktop application, as well as a command line tool, that allows you to transfer a complete backup of an SQL Azure database to your local environment, or another environment thta you have access to.
SQL Azure Backup Hosted - A hosted solution variant, which has a number of features

Microsoft recently did a pretty comprehensive blog covering all the ways to backup a SQL Azure database.
Just so you know - I develop option number 7 :)


Azure Data Studio - cannot find backup option

I need to backup a database I've got access to, but cannot find the option.
According to I can simply right-click the database, go to Manage, and it should be there.
I can right-click on the database and get a "Manage" option, but that just gives me some info:
The Azure Data Studio database backup functionality is for on-prem or IaaS SQL Server databases. For Azure SQL Database, create a bacpac export instead. This can be done from within ADS by installing the SQL Server Dacpac extension for ADS.

Azure Import Data Tier Application does not have Standard DB option

I created the backup of my live Azure DB using Export option in Azure Portal. I am trying to restore this DB on my staging Azure DB using "Import Data Tier Application". The options listed under Azure DB Editions are Web and Business as shown in screenshot. However I need to create a Standard DB.
Is there a way I can create Standard Azure DB using "Import Data Tier Application"?
This problem was addressed in an updated version of SSMS which you can find in the link below. The SSMS is also in a new stand alone installer now:
I couldn't find such option in my ssms right now. You can choose web or business and import. after importing, change the service tier from the portal to 'standard'.

How to create tables in windows azure?

I am new to windows azure.Can anyone please tell me the process of creating database and tables in windows azure and how to connect to that connection to application .we have windows azure account .please clarify my doubts.any of pdf books for deploying the rest wcf services in cloud let me know the links.
It is May 2014 and that Silverlight online tool just is not really much better.
Best approach is to use SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) you can even use the free tools tool.
Connect to your Azure with the portal supplied server url / port ... and then your username /password.
Say you scripted out an existing database tables and want to execute that script, you have much more freedom and control with SSMS than online.
For table creation note that a few caveats, One that is common is that not all of T-SQL is supported and a typical script from another database table(s) you end up needed to strip off the two "ON [PRIMARY]" parts of the create statement
Click on the database server in the management portal. 1st thing you would do is manage the allowed IP Addresses which can access this server/database. Allow your local IP address there. After that you have 2 choices:
Use Sql Server Management Studio - It does not have the table editor and you would need to write T-SQL scripts manually.
Use Silverlight based database management utility - to access this, click on the Manage Url link as shown in the screenshot below.
Since you cannot have wizards for Adding/Editing tables, constraints or keys for Azure DB, even if you have connected it through MS SQL Server Management Studio, you can use RazorSQL for this purpose. It gives you a feeling like you are playing with your azure DB in management studio, same as you do with your normal DBs

How to restore my Local database to Windows Azure Database?

I have uploaded my application to Windows Azure Now I want to store My Local database to Windows Azure Database.
Please Suggest me how do I create table and backup the table there?
There are couple of ways to do that:
The most reliable (that I usually use) is using the SQL Azure Migration Wizard
Then you have the "Generate Scripts" option in your SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 or later). The generate Scripts option does have a feature to make SQL Azure compliant script. It can also script data. But I suggest using method one if you want to migrate data, too. SQL Azure Migration Wizard uses BCP tool, which dumps the data into binary files, while SSMS just generates inline INSERT Statements
SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) - you can create a Data Transfer task, but I would use it very rare for small DBs.
Export/Import data tier application (using DACPAC package) - this will migrate your schema and can migrate your data as well.
UPDATE 2017-10-24
Azure SQL Database now supports transactional replication from your on-premises SQL Server. You can configure your Azure SQL Database as subscriber and your SQL Server on-premise as publisher. You can read more about database migration options and strategies here:
Update 2017-12-23
SQL Azure Migration Wizard has been replaced by Data Migration Assistant:
If you already have a database on local machine then you can migrate it directly on Azure using SQL Management Studio. Follow these steps:
Right click on the database name in SSMS
Follow the wizard that appears then
There are a few ways in which to achieve this functionality.
SQL Azure Import/Export. "DACPAC" & "BACPAC"
Microsoft Codename "Data Transfer"
SQL Azure Data Sync Windows Azure SQL Data Sync
Migrating Databases using Import/Export Wizard in SSMS
SQL Azure Migration Wizard (As Mentioned in other Answers)
I'm assuming you're referring to SQL Azure? If so, you'll probably want to use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard #
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio and SQL Azure Tools also now has this option I believe.
In SSMS if you right click on the Databases root, there is an option "Import Data-tier Application...", which allows you to restore a BACPAC (you can also right click on a database, and select "Export Data-tier Application..." to export an existing database to a BACPAC).
SQL Server Data Tools enables Visual Studio 2010 with a Data Compare option, which can also be used to move data between two database instances (which would be suited to smaller data patches).

SQL Azure & VB.NET ?

I signed up for a free 30 of Azure. I logged in, created a database. I am able to connect (=Test Connectivity). But that's it. I don't see anyway to create tables, etc. Also how can I connect this db to (I am using 2010)?
To point SSMS at the DB, simply specify the server and user name. The server name was assigned when you created the SQL Azure database "server" and has a name like
Alternatively, you can select the database you want to work with and click on "manage" in teh toolbar along the top. This will launch the "Microsoft Database Manager for SQL Azure". It used to be called "project Houston" and is essentially a silverlight app that lets you perform most basic tasks against SQL Azure.
You might want to look at the visual studio tools and training kit from Microsoft. I beleive you will find your answers there.
You can use SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio
