node.js event streaming as a client - node.js

I have a net stream that I want to use, however I can't use it directly due to the CORS limitation and that EventSource doesn't support authentication ..
I want to use node.js to get the stream from the source (domainA) and relay it to the requester.
so the flow would be: domainA --> node.js --> client
I was using https.request to get the data, but the thing is that its closing the connection after the first time.
so my question is - how would I proper implement this on node.js? how do I keep the connection alive and the data coming?

I was actually able to resolve this myself. what I was trying to do is simply 'mirror' an event source due to CORS restrictions. the connection kept closing after the first request, I found out that I was actually sending the wrong headers. After sending "Accept": "text/event-stream" the connection was kept opened and the data flowing. Thanks anyway!


Reusing RabbitMQ connection per expressjs api request

We are trying to use rabbitmq using this library called amqplib (not node-amqplib). Now all docs and examples I read say the connections should be long term. So my original thought of as soo nas someone makes a request to our web server (express), it will open a connection thus open a channel thus a queue so on and so forth. But that means per request we will be constantly opening and closing which is said ia not how you should ot it.
So, with that said, if you have an express server or some nodejs arch which involves pusblishing data per http request, is there some standard? do i make the connection object global and then any functions i need to use it, i pass it in/call it? is there som,e better way to get that connection instance per request without re-creating it?
Thanks in advance!

Why can't I use res.json() twice in one post request?

I've got an chatbot app where I want to send one message e.g. res.json("Hello") from express, then another message later e.g. res.json("How are you doing"), but want to process some code between the two.
My code seems to have some problems with this, because when I delete the first res.json() then the second one works fine and doesn't cause any problems.
Looking in my heroku logs, I get lots of gobbledy gook response from the server, with an IncomingMessage = {}, containing readableState and Server objects when I include both of these res.json() functions.
Any help would be much appreciated.
HTTP is request/response. Client sends a request, server sends ONE response. Your first res.json() is your ONE response. You can't send another response to that same request. If it's just a matter of collecting all the data before sending the one response, you can rethink your code to collect all the data before sending the one response.
But, what you appear to be looking for is "server push" where the server can send data to the client continually whenever it wants to. The usual solution for that is a webSocket connection (or which is built on top of webSocket and adds more features).
In the webSocket/ architecture, the client makes a connection the server and the connection is kept open indefinitely. Then either side of the connection can send messages to the other end. This is most useful when the server wants to "push" data to the client at any time. In this case, the client establishes the connection, then the server can send data to the client over that connection at any time. The client registers a listener for incoming messages and will be notified anytime the server sends it some data.
Both webSocket and are fully supported in modern browsers and in node.js. I would personally recommend using because some of the features it adds (a messaging layer, auto-reconnect, etc...) are very useful.
To use a continuously connected socket like this, you will have to make sure your hosting infrastructure is properly configured to allow it.
res.json() always sends the response to the client immediately (calling it again will cause an error). If you need to gradually build up a response then you can progressively decorate a plain old javascript object; for example, appending items to an array. When you are done call res.json() with the constructed response.
But you should post your code so we can see what's happening.

Way to Non-Keep-Alive Connections with Node?

I'm trying to build a demo distributed app that shows how to load balance between many different containers. The app works fine, but I'm trying to force refreshing between different containers, and Chrome/Firefox are keeping the connection open. I thought that forcing the connection to close with .close() would work:
But this causes the server to close. Is there a way to tell Chrome/Firefox not to hold open the connection to a server in Node without closing the server?
Excellent question. As far as I know, there is no normal direct way to disable HTTP keep-alive with the built-in HTTP server. You might be able to work around this. The request object has a connection property which will contain the underlying socket. You could save a reference to the connection and close it after you have called end() on the response. This really isn't a great idea however. The client can use pipelining, sending multiple requests before the response from a previous one has finished.
The best thing to do is just add this to your response headers:
Connection: close
This will signal the client not to keep the connection open.

Sending data from one domain to another through websockets

I'm using Socket.IO to attempt to transfer information from one domain to another... is that possible?
I want to send data upon a POST request to one domain to another domain...
I have a successful connection on the receiving end, but am having trouble with the sending end. Any suggestions?
Yes. According to socketio documentation, it is possible to make cross domain connections irrespective of the browser.
You can directly connect to the server ( sending end ) from the client via io.connect and there is nothing special you have to do in the server side code.
This link may be helpful in handling POST requests.
Also, it would be really nice if you can post what kind of issue you are running in to in the sending side.

send Session Description from node server to client

Do I need to use a websocket to send JSON data to my client? (it's a tiny session description)
Currently my client-side code sends a session description via XHR to my Node.js server. After receipt, my node server needs to send this down to the other client in the 'room'.
I can achieve this using, but is it possible to do anything a bit faster/ more secure, like XHR for example?
If you just want to receive the offer from the other side and nothing else, I would suggest you to try HTML5 Server Sent Events.
But this may bring problems due to different browsers support, so I would use a simple long pooling request. Since you only want to get the SDP offer, the implementation is pretty simple.
No, you don't need to use the WebSocket API to send JSON data from client to client via a server, but unless you use Google's proprietary App Engine Channel APIs, then the WebSocket API is probably your best choice.
Also, please keep in mind that you're not only sending session descriptions, but also candidate info (multiple times) as well as other arbitrary data that you might need to start/close sessions, etc.
As far as I know, the WebSocket API is the fastest solution (faster than XHR) for signalling because all the overhead involved with multiple HTTP requests is non-existent after the initial handshake.
If you want to code things yourself, I'd start reading the latest WebSocket draft and learning how to code the WebSocket server-side script yourself or else you will pretty much have to rely on a WebSocket library like Socket.IO or a proprietary solution like Google's App Engine Channel APIs.
How about using the 303 HTTP status code?
The first client send the session description to resource X, the server acknowledges the receipt and responds with a 303 status code that points to a newly created resource Y that accumulates other clients session descriptions.
The first client polls resource X until it changes.
The second client send its session description to resource A, the server acknowledges the receipt and updates resource Y. The first client notices the update with the next poll and will now have the second client's session information.
