Arduino Bluetooth N64 Controller - Writing a Linux Driver? - linux

I'm working on a little Arduino project to create a bluetooth N64 joystick for my Ubuntu box.
I managed to find a sketch to output the controllers state via serial and it works great. Also sending the TX and RX to the little CSR bluetooth module I have works fine.
When I pair with the device I have to use "rfcomm bind" to see the device in my dev directory and 'cat'ing the output shows all the data is coming through as well.
My question is this, what are my next steps for getting Linux to recognize this device as a joystick - i.e. /dev/js0. If I know what I need to do to achieve this I can read up on the necessary steps but at the moment I have absolutely no clue where to start - having not done anything like this in the past. Should I be looking into creating a Kernel Module?
Any information or pokes in the right direction at all would be greatly appreciated - even if it's just an observation.

Writing custom kernel code is definitely not the way to go here.
To make your project appear as a joystick device in Linux you'll want to present it using the Bluetooth HID profile. With that in place everything should "just work" on the client side and you'll see an entry in /dev. The HID profile is pretty comprehensive and is used by most Bluetooth interface devices - keyboards, mice, game controllers etc. the Bluetooth part of this is actually mostly just a thin wrapper around the USB HID protocol.
From the sounds of things your device is currently not advertising itself using that profile.


How to send feature-report to the HOST_PC via Linux USB_GADGET

I have this configuration of the devices HOST_PS <----> Transmitter<---- Touchscreen.
Currently on my transmitter I have created a composite USB gadget device which could contain up to 5 HID devices, (2Mouse, 2Keyboard, Touchscreen). HOST PC could enumerate all of them and everything is working properly. From transmitter side I am writing HID report data comeing from the touchscreen to the corresponding /dev/hidg device and Host PC acts correctly. The problem occurred when
I have bought a new usb_touchscreen.
Extracted the report descriptor from that touchscreen.
Pass the report descriptor and all the corresponding data(dev, no_out_endpoint, protocol, report_desc, report_length, subclass) to /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/Nhid/functions/hid.usb0/.
After all this steps the HOST_PC could enumerate the touchscreen properly but the tocushes doesn't work(I also know why).
HOST_PC printing this message hid-multitouch xxx:yyy:zzz.uuu: failed to fetch feature 7.
Some touchscreens using Feature reports for allowing the HOST to have configurable device. If I connect the Touchscreen directly to the PC I can see the following under the hood. I'll describe the final steps before sending the input reports from the touchscreen.
pc -> touchscreen (GetDescriptor(Report))
pc -> touchscreen (GetReport(Feature eport))
touchscreen ->pc (Input Report)This is already HID report that sends the touchscreen
The problem hid-multitouch xxx:yyy:zzz.uuu: failed to fetch feature 7 is though I am setting the report descriptor to USB_GADGET's HID device and HOST_PS enumerates it properly, I am not sending the feature report to the host as it requested in step 2 above.
How to send feature report from device to HOST_PC, if the device is USB_GADGET composite HID device. In usual for sending the Input report (HID data) I am writing the incoming data from the touchscreen to the corresponding /dev/hidg<N> device.
The HOST_PC is Linux(Ubuntu, CentOS,... doesn't metter) and I ma not interested on Windows.
The Touchscreen works perfectly if I connect it to the PC directly.
I don't want to modify the touchscreen's report descriptor, remove feature report part and solve the problem like that.
I know this is a little bit complicated but Thanks in advance.
In case someone would have this kind of problem in future.
This is not a bug in Linux USB_GADGET driver but I would honestly say that it is a missing feature which is not implemented. This is a link to the place where the implementation wasn't done
If someone wants to send feature_report(s) from device to HOST, than you probably will need to implement it in driver.
This is my modification to USB_GADGET driver that will allow to send feature reports to the HOST.
PS. I don't have enough time to create pull request and other staff for applying this patch to the kernel. If someone would be interested on this than you can take this patch that I have created, polish the code and apply for a patch.

Receiving data from a BLE device to a raspberry Pi3

I never used a raspberry pi before and I have a project part of which includes receiving data from a BLE blood pressure device over Bluetooth to a raspberry pi 3. I can pair the device to my raspberry but I have no idea what to do next. I need to be able to receive the measurements in my raspberry please help and thank you in advance.
PS: the device I'm trying to use is very similar to this one:
Thanks for your answers, I have tried "Gatt" and "Gatttool" but the problem is after pairing the device is meant to send the measurement to its application on an android phone, without it I cannot read the blood measurement characteristic or it just does not exist.
Linux uses BlueZ as a default bluetooth stack. It exposes DBus APIs for implementing software using Bluetooth.
If you don't want to use this API directly, which can sometimes feel a bit low level you have many libraries that wrap it, such as that also comes with examples.
All other solutions requires replacing the Bluetooth stack on Linux and hence your other existing Bluetooth pairings to the system will stop working.

Teensy 2.0 / Atmega32u4 as Keyboard: Send and Receive

I'm currently working on a device which is able to work as a keyboard and communicate via Serial with a self-written software.
Now I have to install serial drivers (from Arduino) on different computers if I want to communicate with my application which I actually want to avoid.
Is there any other solution to solve this problem? Is it possible that my microcontroller works as a keyboard AND is able to send and receive data as HID device?
Thanks and greetings!
I actually do something similar with a 32u4, but it receives its serial over the built-in UART. I do this because it's linking between two separate systems. If it were only one system I could implement a 2nd interface. (Don't forget, a USB HID device must have an IN endpoint even if you are not using it.) Or you could just throw a $2 USB/TTL converter on and do it the same as I did.

Is there any way to see on linux the USB devices on realtime?

My question is simple, is there a way to see in a terminal what usb devices do I have connected to my computer in real time?
I already know lsusb, but it just show me the devices on the moment I ask it, I would like to be able to see if one connects and disconects at some point.
Edit: Thought the answer marked underneath gives a good alternative, in order to debug the program I was working on I found usefull useing the C++ function
This way I could check if I had lost or not the USB device.
Sure there is, you can use the udev device manager for kernel.
Moreover you can define rules to detect plugged/unplugged devices you are interested e.g. in your case usb devices.
Here is a tutorial on how to write a udev rule

Emulate a Bluetooth Device from PC

I wonder whether it is possible to emulate a specific bluetooth device like a Remote Controller for a TV or another device with my PC. I'd be okay with installing an additional hardware device for my computer (e. g. a BlueTooth PCIe card).
I imagined something like "recording" all single commands of my original remote controller using my Bluetooth card and afterwards use these recorded commands to turn on my TV for example.
Is something like this possible (with additional hardware maybe)?
Of course this is possible. Bluetooth is just a protocol and you can impliment it in your custom software to emulate all kinds of devices. If you need to emulate simple devices like keyboard or mouse, there are many ready solutions like this.
But if you have non standard device, there won't be any ready solutions and you will have to implement it yourself. What can help you:
If you have some kind of controller for PC and you want to emulate device with unknown protocol, you can use WireShark or other sniffer to understand what's going on.
There is an emulator called BT-Sim, but it is so poorly documented that I can't even guess what it does.
You can can take as example different android software like described in answers to this question.
You can check different program samples for PC like this.
For hardware you need only simple Bluetooth dongle. However, if you want to spy on some BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices, you can buy hardware sniffer like this.
(At least in Windows 10) Microsoft Store has an application called "Bluetooth LE Explorer" which is able to simulate different kind of Bluetooth GATT profiles as a peripheral.
