how do they do it? [closed] - security

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i am a senior developer and I'm trying to advance my knowledge of security to a deeper level. That is to say that i know what these hackers can do/what the risks are, but I'd like to know how they do it in general. On that note, if anyone can enlighten me on the following items, i would be most grateful:
Packet sniffing: I know that packets can be sniffed out and analyzed, but how do they do it? my understanding was that in order to do this, there would need to be actual software running on the server itself since it needs access to the network card to do so... is that accurate? If not, how can they remotely capture incoming packets to a server without access to that box directly?
Session Hijacking: Once again, i am confused here. I know they can do it, but how? The session ID is issues by the server itself, and then returned to the browser based on what? the caller's ip address? mac address? what is used by these hackers to capture the session id from a web session? is it software on a pc that is infected?
Site Hijacking: again, i know they can do this, but from my current knowledge, this would mean that they would have to have hijacked/infected a DNS publishing server and redirecting queries for that site to their choice of IP address... again: is that accurate?
Hijacking a server: how is this possible? how can an open port, for example, allow any hacker to gain full fledged access yo a box so that they can infect it or install some piece of software that would enable 1, 2 and 3 above? My current understanding is that ports are used to communicate, but that unless some software/service is monitoring that port and waiting for commands, nothing would come of that port being open... is that accurate? and if so, why is so much importance given to ports being closed and such?
Hijacking some super secure site: i work every day with security in mind, and constantly use things like: SSL, RSA, SHA512, SSL TOKENS, IP restriction, etc... my question is: how in the crapper are they STILL able to get in with all of these things enabled?
i know that's a lot of stuff, but i really am curious and want to take my security knowledge to the next level. If you're a developer with the same mindset as me, you have issues just using some pre-built library or control without knowing what it does in the background in details, and you'll understand why I'm not happy just knowing which protocols, libraries or encryption methods to implement.
Know the enemy, right?

First of all, I love hacking (only for good), and I think the more people are educated about it the safer we all will be, so I applaud you for your curiosity.
These are great questions, but a good answer would literally require an entire book or two. I have read all of these books in my studies and I personally recommend them. I recommend the following to get you started:
This will get you started with basic tools and techniques. This book doesn't go very deep so if you're looking for the meat, skip it and read the other three unless you are very new to security: The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Made Easy, Patrick Engebretson (Full disclosure, the author was a professor of mine at DSU. The book rocks though)
For a relatively deep introduction to security, including an excellent background in OSes and networking:Counter Hack Reloaded: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses (2nd Edition), Edward Skoudis (probably my favorite book of all time)
To dive very deep (Assembly language level) into how the attacks work:Hacking, The Art of Exploitation, Jon Erickson
To dive deeply into the Web app side of things:The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws, Dafydd Stuttard, Marcus Pinto (Full disclosure, the technical editor was a professor of mine at DSU)


What should every programmer know about security? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am an IT student and I am now in the 3rd year in university. Until now we've been studing a lot of subjects related to computers in general (programming, algorithms, computer architecture, maths, etc).
I am very sure that nobody can learn every thing about security but sure there is a "minimum" knowledge every programmer or IT student should know about it and my question is what is this minimum knowledge?
Can you suggest some e-books or courses or anything can help to start with this road?
Principles to keep in mind if you want your applications to be secure:
Never trust any input!
Validate input from all untrusted sources - use whitelists not blacklists
Plan for security from the start - it's not something you can bolt on at the end
Keep it simple - complexity increases the likelihood of security holes
Keep your attack surface to a minimum
Make sure you fail securely
Use defence in depth
Adhere to the principle of least privilege
Use threat modelling
Compartmentalize - so your system is not all or nothing
Hiding secrets is hard - and secrets hidden in code won't stay secret for long
Don't write your own crypto
Using crypto doesn't mean you're secure (attackers will look for a weaker link)
Be aware of buffer overflows and how to protect against them
There are some excellent books and articles online about making your applications secure:
Writing Secure Code 2nd Edition - I think every programmer should read this
Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way
Secure Programming Cookbook
Exploiting Software
Security Engineering - an excellent read
Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO
Train your developers on application security best pratices
Codebashing (paid)
Security Innovation(paid)
Security Compass (paid)
OWASP WebGoat (free)
Rule #1 of security for programmers: Don't roll your own
Unless you are yourself a security expert and/or cryptographer, always use a well-designed, well-tested, and mature security platform, framework, or library to do the work for you. These things have spent years being thought out, patched, updated, and examined by experts and hackers alike. You want to gain those advantages, not dismiss them by trying to reinvent the wheel.
Now, that's not to say you don't need to learn anything about security. You certainly need to know enough to understand what you're doing and make sure you're using the tools correctly. However, if you ever find yourself about to start writing your own cryptography algorithm, authentication system, input sanitizer, etc, stop, take a step back, and remember rule #1.
Every programmer should know how to write exploit code.
Without knowing how systems are exploited you are accidentally stopping vulnerabilities. Knowing how to patch code is absolutely meaningless unless you know how to test your patches. Security isn't just a bunch of thought experiments, you must be scientific and test your experiments.
Security is a process, not a product.
Many seem to forget about this obvious matter of fact.
I suggest reviewing CWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors. It was updated for 2010 with the promise of regular updates in the future. The 2009 revision is available as well.
The 2010 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors is a list of the most widespread and critical programming errors that can lead to serious software vulnerabilities. They are often easy to find, and easy to exploit. They are dangerous because they will frequently allow attackers to completely take over the software, steal data, or prevent the software from working at all.
The Top 25 list is a tool for education and awareness to help programmers to prevent the kinds of vulnerabilities that plague the software industry, by identifying and avoiding all-too-common mistakes that occur before software is even shipped. Software customers can use the same list to help them to ask for more secure software. Researchers in software security can use the Top 25 to focus on a narrow but important subset of all known security weaknesses. Finally, software managers and CIOs can use the Top 25 list as a measuring stick of progress in their efforts to secure their software.
A good starter course might be the MIT course in Computer Networks and Security. One thing that I would suggest is to not forget about privacy. Privacy, in some senses, is really foundational to security and isn't often covered in technical courses on security. You might find some material on privacy in this course on Ethics and the Law as it relates to the internet.
The Web Security team at Mozilla put together a great guide, which we abide by in the development of our sites and services.
The importance of secure defaults in frameworks and APIs:
Lots of early web frameworks didn't escape html by default in templates and had XSS problems because of this
Lots of early web frameworks made it easier to concatenate SQL than to create parameterized queries leading to lots of SQL injection bugs.
Some versions of Erlang (R13B, maybe others) don't verify ssl peer certificates by default and there are probably lots of erlang code that is susceptible to SSL MITM attacks
Java's XSLT transformer by default allows execution of arbitrary java code. There has been many serious security bugs created by this.
Java's XML parsing APIs by default allow the parsed document to read arbitrary files on the filesystem. More fun :)
You should know about the three A's. Authentication, Authorization, Audit. Classical mistake is to authenticate a user, while not checking if user is authorized to perform some action, so a user may look at other users private photos, the mistake Diaspora did. Many, many more people forget about Audit, you need, in a secure system, to be able to tell who did what and when.
Remember that you (the programmer) has to secure all parts, but the attacker only has to succeed in finding one kink in your armour.
Security is an example of "unknown unknowns". Sometimes you won't know what the possible security flaws are (until afterwards).
The difference between a bug and a security hole depends on the intelligence of the attacker.
I would add the following:
How digital signatures and digital certificates work
What's sandboxing
Understand how different attack vectors work:
Buffer overflows/underflows/etc on native code
Social engineerring
DNS spoofing
Man-in-the middle
CSRF/XSS et al
SQL injection
Crypto attacks (ex: exploiting weak crypto algorithms such as DES)
Program/Framework errors (ex: github's latest security flaw)
You can easily google for all of this. This will give you a good foundation.
If you want to see web app vulnerabilities, there's a project called google gruyere that shows you how to exploit a working web app.
when you are building any enterprise or any of your own software,you should just think like a we know hackers are also not expert in all the things,but when they find any vulnerability they start digging into it by gathering information about all the things and finally attack on our for preventing such attacks we should follow some well known rules like:
always try to break your codes(use cheatsheets & google the things for more informations).
be updated for security flaws in your programming field.
and as mentioned above never trust in any type of user or automated inputs.
use opensource applications(their most security flaws are known and solved).
you can find more security resource on the following links:
owasp security
CERT Security
SANS Security
thehackernews(keep updating yourself)
for more information google about your application vendor security flows.
Why is is important.
It is all about trade-offs.
Cryptography is largely a distraction from security.
For general information on security, I highly recommend reading Bruce Schneier. He's got a website, his crypto-gram newsletter, several books, and has done lots of interviews.
I would also get familiar with social engineering (and Kevin Mitnick).
For a good (and pretty entertaining) book on how security plays out in the real world, I would recommend the excellent (although a bit dated) 'The Cuckoo's Egg' by Cliff Stoll.
Also be sure to check out the OWASP Top 10 List for a categorization of all the main attack vectors/vulnerabilities.
These things are fascinating to read about. Learning to think like an attacker will train you of what to think about as you're writing your own code.
Salt and hash your users' passwords. Never save them in plaintext in your database.
Just wanted to share this for web developers:

how to protect My Programs? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Let's say I have designed s very important system, and this system costs thousands dollars. I want to protect my system with a serial number as I know crackers will try to edit the binary code to bypass the serial number.
I have read about using a checksum function and apply it over my binary code and check the value if changed, but again, we are talking about a condition a cracker can avoid by editing the code.
My question is: what's the most used technique to protect important programs?
I have yet to see a "protected" digital product that had not been cracked pretty quickly after its publication (or in some cases, before its publication). Sorry, but it's the reality. You have to get the revenue by making a good product. Most of those who want to use it and can afford, will pay.
There will be a few dickheads, but that's life. You better be kind towards the legit users of your software and not bully them with weird copy protection attempts that don't work anyway.
If your app is working offline, whatever checks you do (check sums, serial code validity, etc), do them often, repeating verification code, in many routines of your software. Obfuscate your code, to make reverse engineering a more difficult task, and, if you have the possibility, implement an online check, part of the core functionality of your app residing on your server, and being serviced only to those installations that you have checked server-side for valid license key. Associate the license key to some form of unique identifier of the hardware the app is running on, and if you check online, have statistics concerning the IPs that make the verification request: if you encounter more IPs trying to verify the same license key, contact the buyer and approve a list of IPs they usually log on from, whilst blacklisting any other until specific request from them, either by mail or by phone.
The most used technique is serial numbers. But your customers will have access to the code, so they will be able to bypass your serial number check, no matter how much work you put into obfuscating it.
However, if you can provide your software as a subscription-based or one-time-payment web application, then people will not be able to do this. Whether this is feasible or not depends on the type of application you're writing.
I would always recommend to build a custom software protection before applying any kind of commercial protector such as a Packer.
In any case just a serial validation and a checksum check are not going to keep crackers away.
I would recommend you to visit my new blog and take a quick look at the anti-piracy tips & tricks page just to have an idea about what I am talking about.

How do you prevent hired developers from stealing code? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm in the process of opening up a company that will eventually hire 2-5 developers to work on a large web app.
My main concern is that one or more developers could steal the code. I could make them sign contracts against this type of thing, but I live in a country where the law is "bendable".
Is my only option to lock them up in a room without inet access and usb ports?
I'd love to know how others have solved this problem.
Don't hire people you can't trust.
Break the app into sections and only let people work on a subset of the app, never getting access to the whole thing.
Make it worth their while - you're opening a company, hire people and give them some stock options. Make sure it's more attractive for them to make you succeed than otherwise.
How about keeping them all happy and show that you appreciate their work?
You may find that you think your source code is the valuable part of your business, but you can always build that again. Your real advantage over your competitors is usually in the people you hire, and in the business relationships that you establish in the course of naturally doing business.
My suggestion is not technical but social: Make them feel good.
Most human beings have a moral base that prevents them from hurting other people who have treated them with respect and generosity.
There's a slim chance you'll wind up hiring a psychopath, in which case this approach won't work -- but then, it's likely to be the least of your worries.
The only thing that occures to me is to make them sign a contract where you explicit that if they share any code outside the project ambient, they'll compromise to pay you a large amount of money. But there's no guarantee they'll not do it anyway ..
You can create a vitual environment (a virtual machine) with limited internet connection (only to specific servers - git/svn server, database server, etc) and no copy/paste possibilities.
This virtual machine would be a standard environment with common developer tools.
At the office a developer would remotely connect to the virtual machine and start developing without being able to steal the code.
Of course he could print the screen or type the code on another computer but it's still very hard to steal.
There are many encrypting softwares available to encrypt the code. Here is an example
In other words you can hide the code of one developer(one module) from the other developer and he will not be able to take the whole code himself in any case if you follow this approach.

Is there a good service for checking website/server vulnerability [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have been asked to provide information on available techniques for assessing our current, and any future websites for security problems. the request is in the form of
Do you know of any good free one that examines for security holes?
I think our data security is probably worth a small amount of upfront spend so any non-free methods would be appreciated too.
Our systems are a mish mash of mySQL, Oracle, SQLServer, PHP, ASP.NET etc etc systems though I guess that that does not matter too much. All the systems are secured in as much as they are patched and the firewalls are set sensibly so outside people cannot get directly to the database boxes etc.
It is XSS and similar attacks that we wish to prevent.
What do YOU use to give you confidence in your systems? ');DROP TABLE answer;
owasp would be a good place to start. There's too much to cover to include here.
If the security of your site is worth nothing to your company then that's what you should pay. For my company the security of our data and the brand image has quite a high value.
We pay a whole bunch of money for regular scans, we've trained the developers in basic hacking/security of applications, our code reviews include a security review and now we're looking at AppScan from IBM (which is expensive but in the long run probably cheaper than all the pen' testing we pay for).
You get what you pay for. Making sure you understand the owasp issues would be a good start though.
Personally, I choose not to be confident in the security of our systems. I am convinced there is always something that I am missing and thus I keep looking for it.
What you seem to be looking for is something to make others feel confident (even if that confidence is an illusion). Penetration testing is probably the right choice for that. Depending upon the tool, it shows potential vunerabilities in a nice report and then you can report how you mitigated them.
We use IBM AppScan and it is a good tool for this. As with any tester of this type you will find yourself following a lot of bad leads. Most of them are not false postives per se, more just things that might be an issue or appear to be and you will have to investigate and determine if they actually are.
I would not put a lot of faith in this kind of testing. If you app scans clean it really does not mean your app is clean. Does not mean it is worthless, but don't make it out to be more than it is.
The next thing I would look into is static analysis tools in your various languages. A lot of these are free. Hand in hand with that is developer education. That is usually a pretty cheap solution to the issue, just making sure they understand what the risks are.
There is no silver bullet, no simple answer, you need to define security as an EVERYONE problem and make sure it is given both priority and commitment.
Check out dotDefender - they've got versions for IIS/Apache/ISA. I use this app to protect against SQL Injection/XSS/DDOS/probing/encoding attacks. No piece of software will ever be perfect but in my case I run systems with sites being developed in .NET, PHP, and classic ASP with some of our sites being new and others being 5+ years old.
I do also have a company do penetration testing / social engineering every year or so as well but with dotDefender I'm at least happy that I've got a baseline security blanket to protect my sites.
Of particular interest to me was that their app is fully x64 compatible - necessary since I'm using x64 web servers.

How to collect customer feedback? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What's the best way to close the loop and have a desktop app "call home" with customer feedback? Right now our code will login to our SMTP server and send me some email.
The site GetSatisfaction has been an increasingly popular way to get customer feedback.
GetSatisfaction is a community based site that builds a community around your application. Users can post questions, comments, and feedback about and application and get answers to their questions either from other members or from members of the development team themselves.
They also have an API so you can incorporate GetSatifaction into your app, and/or your site.
I've been playing with it for a couple of weeks and it is pretty cool. Kind of like stackoverflow, but for customer feedback.
Feedback from users and programmers simply is one of the most important points of development in my opinion. The whole web2.0 - beta - concept more or less is build around this concept and therefore there should be absolutely no pain involved whatsoever for the user. What does it have to do with your question? I think quite a bit. If you provide a feedback option, make it visible in your application, but don't annoy the user (like MS sometimes does with there feedback thingy on there website above all elements!!). Place it somewhere directly! visible, but discreet. What about a separate menu entry? Some leftover space in the statusbar? Put it there so it is accessible all the time. Why? People really liking your product or who are REALLY annoyed about something will probably find your feedback option in any case, but you will miss the small things. Imagine a user unsure about the value of his input "should I really write him?". This one will probably will not make the afford in searching and in the end these small things make a really outstanding product, don't they? OK, the user found your feedback form, but how should it look and what's next? Keep it simple and don't ask him dozens questions and provoke him with check- and radioboxes. Give him two input fields, one for a title and one for a long description. Not more and not less. Maybe a small text shortly giving him some info what might be useful (OS, program version etc., maybe his email), but leave all this up to him. How to get the message to you and how to show the user that his input counts? In most cases this is simple. Like levand suggested use http and post the comment on a private area on your site and provide a link to his input. After revisiting his input, make it public and accessible for all (if possible). There he can see your response and that you really care etc.. Why not use the mail approach? What about a firewall preventing him to access your site? Duo to spam in quite some modern routers these ports are by default closed and you certainly will not get any response from workers in bigger companies, however port 80 or 443 is often open... (maybe you should check, if the current browser have a proxy installed and use this one..). Although I haven't used GetSatisfaction yet, I somewhat disagree with Nick Hadded, because you don't want third parties to have access to possible private and confidential data. Additionally you want "one face to the customer" and don't want to open up your customers base to someone else. There is SOO much more to tell, but I don't want to get banned for tattling .. haha! THX for caring about the user! :)
You might be interested in UseResponse, open-source (yet not free) hosted customer feedback / idea gathering solution that will be released in December, 2001.
It should run on majority of PHP hosting environments (including shared ones) and according to it's authors it's absorbed only the best features of it's competitors (mentioned in other answers) while will have little-to-none flaws of these.
You could also have the application send a POST http request directly to a URL on your server.
What my friend we are forgetting here is that, does having a mere form on your website enough to convince the users how much effort a Company puts in to act on that precious feedback.
A users' note to a company is a true image about the product or service that they offer. In Web 2.0 culture, people feel proud of being part of continuous development strategy always preached by almost all companies nowadays.
A community engagement platform is the need of the hour & an entry point on ur website that gains enuf traction from visitors to start talking what they feel will leave no stone unturned in getting those precious feedback. Thats where products like GetSatisfaction, UserRules or Zendesk comes in.
A company's active community that involves unimagined ideas, unresolved issues and ofcourse testimonials conveys the better development strategy of the product or service they offer.
Personally, I would also POST the information. However, I would send it to a PHP script that would then insert it into a mySQL database. This way, your data can be pre-sorted and pre-categorized for analysis later. It also gives you the potential to track multiple entries by single users.
There's quite a few options. This site makes the following suggestions
I would recommend just using pre built systems. Saves you the hassle.
Get an Insight is good:
