How to play an AIFF sound file using Erlang? - audio

I am trying to look for a way to play an AIFF file using Erlang.
I have found this tutorial, but it seems to be only about reading the content of the file and not actually playing it.

I suggest using the linux command "play" with "os:cmd" or "ports". It is quite ad-hoc but it is not a very uncommon command and it may do the trick.


How do I play a wav file from a Free Pascal application running on Linux?

I have a multi-platform application written in Free Pascal. This application plays a short sound on some event. On Windows, I can do this by MMSystem and sndPlaySound('sound.wav'). However, I don't know how to do this on Linux without external libraries.
I have a solution to play it with SDL and OpenAL, but I don't want any dependency on these libraries to play one short sound. Does there exist a Linux command line player that exists on most distros by default? The file format doesn't matter; I will convert it.
mplayer is command line and graphical. You can start it on tty and pty.
You could try aplay, but that has a dependency on ALSA. Maybe sox?
The program mplayer - "the movie player" gives you the option to use a graphical user interface or to use the console. So i would imagine it has a solution to your problem.
Are you looking to BEEP, BLEEP and BOOP and BOP ( and low frequency fart) ? Use sox. If youre looking to play a file: use sox or SDL.
You need a for looped array to get a sort-of piano effect, like a song. Its ugly, messy, and cant be tweaked much like the ole PC speaker, but its passable.
Beep is probably want you want, tho. Install the package, put one on your motherboard( hookup? use sox), and enable the pcspkr module. (On ubuntu its blacklisted by default.) If BEEP produces nothing, try sox.
At least youll have something. Yes, you can check for loaded modules and installed packages. I believe Ive done both.

Forbid decompressing for UPX Win32/PE compressed files

Actually dont want people to decompress my Win32/PE executables.
I found a solution from one russian guy. His tool is named "UPX shell" and was at, but website is down for now(it is not the same as
His tool has option "Protect file from decompression" and it works just great(even with latest UPX)!
upx shell from russian guy doesn't have command line interface at all, which is needed for automatically compressing files with Visual Studio Post-Build.
Okay, it is not really cool for me, and I want to know how it works to write own command line solution, and is there any modern solutions for protecting .exe files from decompressing?
Depends a lot on your goals. Why don't you want people decompressing your PE?
If you are looking to stop people from "cracking" your software then even the "Russian guy"'s UPX Shell won't help. Code will get decompressed in memory when the EXE is running, so someone could simply read that memory.
My guess is UPX Shell just wraps the UPX compressed PE in another layer. Like making an executable zip file of an EXE. If this is the case just use another PE compressor on top of UPX, like PECOmpact
Protection schemes are not unbreakable, on the contrary, a good amount of them are easely breakeable. There's a ton of tutorials for breaking a bunch of protetion schemes. So, I really don't recommend relying on this kind of protection.

Finding audio peaks in video files

I have a bunch of video files that I want to process. I want to write a program that can find the audio peaks in each file and return the times where those peaks occurred.
I've looked for a lot of different APIs in different languages but couldn't get any of them to work. I am partial to php and java, so if anyone knows any good audio processing libraries in those languages that would be great! But really I don't care too much about the language. I will need to run this program on a cron.
Also, is it possible to use system calls to ffmpeg from within a script to accomplish this? Thanks in advance.
While I've only used this to work directly with audio files, the python wrapper around theechonest's audio analysis service can slurp in the audio from various video files. It uses ffmpegs shared libs to do this, though I find this wrapper much easier to work with via python then the command line.
Of particular interest within the api is which is, to quote the docs:
Framework that turns video into silly putty.
I'd add a couple other helpful urls but apparently I can only add one since I don't have a reputation...
anyway, hopefully that's a helpful lead.

Capturing audio input from microphone, with Haskell?

Is there a mature library that could enable audio input and output and work within Haskell? (A nice wrapper is fine, of course.)
I'm looking for something that can easily capture microphone input and, perhaps, play various audio files as well.
easily capture microphone input and, perhaps, play various audio files as well..
It will strongly depend on your OS platform: there are standard C libraries for this functionality on each OS, and you'll be looking for Haskell bindings to them (e.g. PulseAudio, etc). Look in the Sound category on Hackage:
E.g. HSndFile for audio file writing,
the module pulse-simple exposes bindings to capture sound from the microphone, see the second example at the top of the page;
pulse audio libraries required by cabal are obtainable via cygwin (search "pulse" in the cygwin installer).
there is a also binding to sox, which looks promising.
im sure there are other api wrappers to be found in hackage sound category.
for linux there is a binding to jack, has "unix" as a dependency, it WILL NOT build on windows...
Just in case you're not familiar with hackage:
It looks like there is some audio-related stuff there. Not sure if there is anything that will meet your needs. But most "mature" haskell libraries will be there.
You can do it with OpenAL and ALUT. I managed to install both on Windows 8, although it wasn't exactly effortless; ALUT requires the underlying C library to be compiled manually into a DLL.
Installing OpenAL - on the other hand - is as simple as downloading the SDK and typing cabal install OpenAL in the command prompt.
With ALUT, you can create OpenAL buffers from audio files (including WAV) and memory views.
I found an example of recording and audio playback here. It should be fairly straightforward to adapt the code to your needs.
Let me know if I left something out and I'll try to elaborate.

How to programmatically create videos?

Is there a freely available library to create a MPEG (or any other simple video format) out of an image sequence ?
It must run on Linux too, and ideally have Python bindings.
I know there's mencoder (part of the mplayer project), and ffmpeg, which both can do this.
ffmpeg is a great (open source) program for building all kinds of video, and converting one type of video (a sequence of images in this case) into other types of video.
Usually it is utilized from the command line, but that is really just a wrapper around its internal libraries. It is expressly available to be used from within another program.
There are also python bindings that wrap the c api, though this particular project doesn't seem to be getting the best support (there are probably other projects out there doing the same thing).
There's also this link where someone has used ffmpeg to do something similar to what you're looking for.
GStreamer is a popular choice. It's a full multimedia framework much like DirectShow or QuickTime, has the advantage of having legally licensed codecs available, and has excellent Python bindings.
in c++ OpenCV (open source Computer Vision library from Intel) let you create an AVI file and just push frames inside...
but it's like shooting with a cannon to a fly.
Not a library, but mplayer has the ability to encode JPEG sequences to any kind of format. It runs on Linux, Windows, BSD and other platforms and you can write a python script if you want to use it with python.
ffmpeg has an API and also python bindings, seems to be the way to go !
ffmpeg minimal runnable C example
I have provided a full runnable example at: How to resize a picture using ffmpeg's sws_scale()?
