Will making my site secure (https) affect my google ranking? - security

I am managing a website (www.faa.net.au) which is currently running as a standard http:// website.
I am now looking at capturing some information that needs to be confidential. In order to do this, I am looking at purchasing an SSL Certificate for this particular domain.
I have 2 questions really:
Will my Rankings be effected at all?
Will I need to set up 301 redirects if there are links that are referring to http:// instead of https://?

Gong HTTPS will not negatively affect your page rankings. And yes, you should set up a 301 redirect unless this is a temporary change.
In a nutshell, the search engine bots connect to the pages as normal, so it doesn't matter if it's using SSL/TLS or not. The 301 will pretty much update the bots with the current information.

Going https will actually positivly affect your site's SEO as Google has now introduced it as a ranking factor. http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/https-as-ranking-signal.html


Enabling SSL for a subdomain in IIS

I recently bought SSL for my website and want to create a section within the site in the form of https://secure.example.com/member/upgrade.aspx. However, I am having a hard time solving this issue since currently my website URL rewrite prohibits any subdomain and the user is logged out if he or she gets transferred to the above link.
I have search online and found some good information such as dynamically create the url without actually creating a subdomain in IIS.
What steps are needed to achieve the objective above?
Should I have bought the wildcard certificate instead of one for a specific subdomain?
Thank you.
One option would be ignoring that url pattern for rewrite purposes or ignoring the url if the protocol is HTTPS. That said, I would take a slightly different approach here and just put the entire site behind SSL -- rewriting all the queries to the other protocol works and google is now giving rankings bumps to HTTPS so there are good business reasons to make the switch. You are already taking the pain of getting SSL involved at all -- the dedicated IP and certficate cost the same if you use them on a single page or all the pages, might as well take advantage of it and ease your management burden in the same motion.

Azure website, Cname redirect, SEO

So i have the following scenario:
I have a domain: mydomain.ro. I am hosting the domain on a host provider in Romania. I will add a Cname record and A record in my DNS settings of my host provider that will point to an azure hosted website. Will this affect my seo? Is it still considered that i have the website hosted in my country so that i don't mess up the seo for google.ro?
Thank you
Interesting question. The trick here is the method of redirection.
Generally speaking, there are 2 main methods of redirection.
a 301 redirect ("permanently moved"), or,
a 302 redirect ("temporarily moved").
You'll want to ensure that you use a 301 redirect ("permanently moved") in order to not anger Bing, Google, etc.
This works differently with various DNS providers, but most provide you with the choice between 301 and 302. If yours doesn't, you'll want to find one that does.
There's some good information here on the whole 301/302/SEO impact thing. http://www.theinternetdigest.net/archive/301-redirects-seo.html
Good luck,
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Does marginally changing a well established domains URLs and page content affect site ranking in search engines

I am rewriting a web application and will be porting procedural PHP code to a framework.
At the same time, the layout of the pages (but not the critical content) is not changing.
I'm thinking that I need to some how port the old URLs by using a 301 Redirect permanent.
Any advice on how to proceed? As this site is long established with a good reputation, it's important we maintain rankings in Bing and Google.
You should use 301 redirects instead, that will carry over the data the engines have for those pages and you should be fine

Implications of not forwarding http:// to http://www

my company is running IIS and DNN (I'm not a server guy, so color me ignorant), and I've read previous that you should either redirect your .http://www.mydomain to .http://mydomain or Vice Versa. Can anyone give me reasons to do this? (periods "prepended" to remove href)
From what I understand, it's because search engines see those as two different 'sites' (Even when visiting one or the other, I can be logged into one but not the other).
I also heard it can be a duplicate content problem, which search engines dislike.
Just looking for some professional insight, will help me and others.
This allows your site to be more SEO-friendly. Search engine crawlers will view these as two different URLs. That will cause your site's ranking in search engines to have multiple rankings for the same content.
ScottGu describes the problem and how to go about fixing it in a blog post:
Although it's mostly for SEO, there is also a potential usability issue in that a user who logs in on www.domain.com may get cookies that only work on the www subdomain and will be forced to log in again if they ever follow a link to domain.com (without the www prefix).
In addition to the SEO-friendlyness this also prevents some errors that might come up when both, with and without www works.
for example a user could login on www.yourdomain.com and would receive a cookie. later he visit your site via yourdomain.com and the cookie would not apply there.

Migrating a website to a new domain, and associated google index problem

We currently have a website at "somedomain.net/codefest". We do not own this server (or this domain name).
Due to capacity problems, we are now moving to a new server. Since we do not own the old domain name, we are also moving to a new domain name.
Since we'll need to abandon the old server soon, we'll be redirecting all requests to "somedomain.net/codefest/anything" to "newdomain.net/anything".
My problem is, after a lot of effort, our website's page rank is now fairly significant. I'm sure moving our website to a new domain name will be drastically detrimental to our website's search engine rank.
Is there any way we can tell the search bots that we've moved the website? Perhaps, when I redirect from the old site, if I give a 302 redirect, search spiders will notice it?
Is there any other issue related to moving our website that I should be aware of?
Google recommend a 301 redirect. (301 indicates permanent change. 302 indicates a temporary change.)
They have other advice on their Moving Your Site FAQ page which should be more widely applicable than just Google.
