Azure website, Cname redirect, SEO - azure

So i have the following scenario:
I have a domain: I am hosting the domain on a host provider in Romania. I will add a Cname record and A record in my DNS settings of my host provider that will point to an azure hosted website. Will this affect my seo? Is it still considered that i have the website hosted in my country so that i don't mess up the seo for
Thank you

Interesting question. The trick here is the method of redirection.
Generally speaking, there are 2 main methods of redirection.
a 301 redirect ("permanently moved"), or,
a 302 redirect ("temporarily moved").
You'll want to ensure that you use a 301 redirect ("permanently moved") in order to not anger Bing, Google, etc.
This works differently with various DNS providers, but most provide you with the choice between 301 and 302. If yours doesn't, you'll want to find one that does.
There's some good information here on the whole 301/302/SEO impact thing.
Good luck,
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Unable to map naked domain (non www) to Google Cloud Storage bucket

Good day, I am trying to host a static site on G Cloud Storage. I followed the documentation here and all was successful. I purchased a domain from namecheap and I named my bucket during creation as after verifying the ownership in Search Console. I wasn't satisfied with the "Not secure" thingy, so I wanted HTTPS, I should have used Load balancer but I was looking for something cheap at the moment. So I opted for Cloudflare to get me a free SSL and all was fine but here is the problem. My site works at,
but never works when it is:,,
For close to 24 hours since yesterday, I have been searching for solution to this problem all over the internet.
Some suggested and said, one have to create two bucket in GCS to serve both www and non-www.
Some, one have to create another bucket and in the web configuration, set the MainPageSuffix as so that redirect will be perform.
Some, one have to create a cname record to which I did but didn't work.
Some, one have to create an A record to set the IP to my hosting provider, I assume GCP but it didn't work either.
Some, I have to create a page rule and redirect all request from with or without protocol to
I think #1 would have worked but I have to maintained two separate buckets for one thing and #2, I don't know if it is standard practice but from #3 to #5. All efforts prove abortive. I have read through threads on Stackoverflow, CloudFlare community, personal blogs, all didn't work out for me. I have performed a URL Rewrites, 301 redirects from* to$1 but all efforts prove abortive based on the solutions I have found on the internet, I am confused at this stage because I don't know what to do. I am thinking of moving back to Github Pages using Jekyll or even to AWS S3 but I don't want to do that just yet.
Somebody please help. Attached are the screenshot of configurations.
This is what I do:
Set up the Google cloud storage bucket to the naked domain / non-www domain e.g.
Then use Cloudflare to set up CNAME at the naked domain to which has CNAME flattening by default.
Then add an A record to the 'www' subdomain to a private address such as ''
Then add a Cloudflare rule in 'Rules' that is a Forwarding URL with status code '301 - Permanent Redirect' from* to$1
This means only 1 bucket to the naked domain and if anyone tries to go to it will rewrite to So always HTTPS as well, works great.

301 Redirect without hosting

I have a client who is merging two sites into one. For the time being we are just installing a WP plugin to the site to manage the handful of 301 redirects they'd like handled, rather than writing to .htaccess manually.
But in a month or two they'd like to remove the site completely. Is there a way we can redirect traffic to the new combined site once they get rid of their hosting and we no longer have access to their .htaccess?
I have seen some brief mentions of setting the DNS to something but I don't totally understand and I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do. I have not asked the client if they are holding onto the domain name. In order to point the DNS to the new site, we'd need them to still own the old domain, correct? What would I assign the values to be?
You have to own the domain to do anything with it including updating DNS name. It wouldn't be smart to let it go.
If they don't have hosting on it anymore, then they will need to do domain forwarding with DNS. It can be done with 301 or 302 status codes. This link will show you how to do it on Godaddy. If you don't have Godaddy as your registrar, just look for the instructions for your domain registar.

Need Domain Name assistance - Please

I have a small issue. I have tried for the last hour to find a solution for this on this and many other websites. I have found similar but none have provided an answer that works. Heres that problem:
I have a badge on my website that was given to me by Norton online protection. they provided me with a script file and I placed it where it should go. NOW, this script is registered to "" but if someone goes to their browsertypes in just "" without the WWW. the Norton badge never shows.
I spoke with Godaddy this morning and they have no solution so that's why I'm asking on here.
Is there a to send a domiain name to the same domain name? so that it always shows the WWW?
Configure your webserver such that is one site (your actual site with your content), and you have another site that is (no www subdomain) as a site that you can now configure to redirect to your actual site. How that step is done depends on which webserver you are using, but basically these is a way to do that on any webserver (Apache, IIS, etc).
You could try to read the URL and check if 'www' is present in the URL. If it is not present redirect the visitors to
In php you could use the below for redirection

Will making my site secure (https) affect my google ranking?

I am managing a website ( which is currently running as a standard http:// website.
I am now looking at capturing some information that needs to be confidential. In order to do this, I am looking at purchasing an SSL Certificate for this particular domain.
I have 2 questions really:
Will my Rankings be effected at all?
Will I need to set up 301 redirects if there are links that are referring to http:// instead of https://?
Gong HTTPS will not negatively affect your page rankings. And yes, you should set up a 301 redirect unless this is a temporary change.
In a nutshell, the search engine bots connect to the pages as normal, so it doesn't matter if it's using SSL/TLS or not. The 301 will pretty much update the bots with the current information.
Going https will actually positivly affect your site's SEO as Google has now introduced it as a ranking factor.

Using DNS to Point a Domain to a Specific Page?

I know this question seems pretty straight-forward, but I'm having a hard time pulling up any answers on Google / Other Forums.
A client has a few domains parked on Network Solutions - not attached to any hosting account. I'm planning to point one of the recently purchased domains to a sub-directory of our main site (hosted elsewhere) - as part of a special promotion that's running.
However, Network Solutions now charges for Web Forwarding. In hopes of avoiding an additional charge I thought I'd use the DNS settings to point the IP to the site - but that just takes the user to the main website's home-page --- and not the specific sub-directory I need it to.
Since the domains are just parked - and not associated with a hosting account, I don't have access to a .htaccess file to deal with 301 forwarding or anything there.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Just point the DNS to your server and set up vhosts for each of the new domains. Then, drop in a one-line JS or PHP index file (or mod_rewrite rule) to redirect to the desired page on your main site.
