populate combobox in VBA with array elements - excel

I have a VBA procedure (in Excel 2007) where I aspire to set the ListFillRange property of a combobox styled as a list using an array.
I know this works if I right click the combobox and write "Sheet1!$F2:$F17" next to the "ListFillRange" property. I can also do this in code. However, I am interested in dynamically setting the value of this property by assigning it an array.
I know for sure the array works as I tested it; there is probably a syntax error here:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects("cmbS").ListFillRange = ar
when I do this I get:
"Type mismatch" error.
The result of this action should be that the component is populated with the array elements, from element(0) ... to the last element (n-1) of the array. Any pointers, thank you very much!
I also tried:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").cmbS.list = ar
and it says "permission denied"
Here are the combobox properties in case it helps:
After testing and trying, I found this works:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").cmbS.ListFillRange = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(ar) To UBound(ar)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").cmbS.AddItem (ar(i))
However, I am interested in populating with all values at once for faster effect, not just adding element by element.

I know its late but maybe it is going to help someone else. At least the following code works (much faster than element for element) for me.
dim arr() as variant
arr = Worksheets("Total").Range("C2:"&lrow).Value
Worksheets("Menu").ComboBox2.List = arr

The only way you can populate a combobox with the content of an array is by doing it element by element. I find it hard to believe that it would be a notably slow process no matter how large your array is.


Can you access a VBA list with an in-cell Excel formula?

I wrote a VBA script/macro which runs when a change is detected in a specific range (n x m) of cells. Then, it changes the values in another range (n x 1) based on what is detected in the first range.
This bit works perfectly ... but then comes the age old erased undo stack problem. Unfortunately, the ability for the user to undo their last ~10 or so actions is required.
My understanding is that the undo stack is only cleared when VBA directly edits something on the sheet - but it is preserved if the VBA is just running in the back without editing the sheet.
So my question is: Is it possible to use an in cell formula (something like below) to pull values from a VBA array?
'sample of in-cell function in cell A3
=function_to_get_value_from_vba_array(vba_array, index_of_desired_value)
Essentially, VBA would store a 1D array of strings with the values needed for the range. And by using a formula to grab the value from the array: I might be able to get around the issue of the undo stack being erased.
You need to do something like the following: your argument for the function should be calling the array bulding; I created one dummy function that creates some sample arrays to demonstrate it. In your case, likely you will need to store the changes on the worksheet event in a global array variable instead, and as you stated, do nothing on the worksheet (whenever a change happens, just redim or appended it on your global array as needed). However, a new problem may arise and that is when you close/reopen, or by some reason the array is lost, so you need to keep track of it, I would suggest to catch before close event and then convert the formulas to static values.
Function vba_array(TxtCase As String)
Dim ArrDummy(1) As Variant
Select Case TxtCase
Case "Txt": ArrDummy(0) = "Hi": ArrDummy(1) = "Hey"
Case "Long": ArrDummy(0) = 0: ArrDummy(1) = 1
Case "Boolean": ArrDummy(0) = True: ArrDummy(1) = False
End Select
vba_array = ArrDummy
End Function
In your calling function, do the following
Function get_value_from_vba_array(vba_array() As Variant, index_of_desired_value As Long) As Variant
'when parsing, even with option base 0 it starts at 1, so we need to add 1 up
get_value_from_vba_array = vba_array(index_of_desired_value + 1)
End Function
In your book, your formula should be something like:
I did some actions before, so you are able to see that the "undo" works

EXCEL VBA Type mismatch with "Next" highlighted

I'm creating small project in Excel, and because I'm a VBA newbie I do encounter a lot of problems that I'm trying to resolve on my own. However i can't cope with this:
I created Sub that accepts two objects: FormName and ControlName.
What i want it to do, is to loop through every Control in specific UserForm and populate every ListBox it encounters, from another ListBox.
I created this funny string comparison, because I need to operate on objects in order to execute the line with AddItem. This comparison actually works well, no matter how ridiculous it is. However when I launch the program, I got
Type Mismatch error
and to my surprise "Next" is being highlighted. I have no idea how to fix this, nor what is wrong.
Public Sub deploy(ByRef FormName As Object, ByRef ControlName As Object)
Dim i As Integer
Dim O As msforms.ListBox
i = 0
For Each O In FormName.Controls
If Left(FormName.Name & O.Name, 16) = Left(FormName.Name & ControlName.Name, 16) Then
O.AddItem (FormName.Podgląd.List(i))
i = i + 1
End If
End Sub
I call this sub using:
Call deploy(UserForm1, UserForm1.ListBox3)
Above, I use Listbox3 because otherwise i got error saying that variable is not defined. However in my comparison I kinda override this.
If someone can explain in simple words, how to fix this type mismatch issue or how to write it in more elegant way

VBA getelementsbytagname issue

Good morning,
I'm attempting to extract HTML table information and collate results on en excel spreadsheet.
I'm using the getelementsbytagname("table")(0) function to extract the HTML table info, which has worked well. Can someone please tell me what is the significance of the (0) after the table?
Also, I have an instance where an opened webpage does not have any table information to process (I don't know this until the page is opened), this leads to an error in my code as I try to initialize my data array to the table dimensions. Is there a way of extracting a result from getelementsbytagname("table")(0), I've tried:-
If (iDom.getelementsbytagname("table")(0) = 0) Then
but this returns a run time error.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
First add reference to Microsoft Internet Controls (SHDocVw) and to Microsoft HTML Object Library:
Then the Object Explorer is your friend:
So getElementsByTagName returns IHTMLElementCollection which has property length. When on the page some elements with specific tag name are found then length is greater then zero. HTH
Dim tables As IHTMLElementCollection
Set tables = doc.getElementsByTagName("table")
If tables.Length > 0 Then
Dim table As HTMLTable
Set table = tables.item(0)
' Because item is the default property of IHTMLElementCollection we can simplyfy
Set table = tables(0) ' this is the same as tables.item(0)
End If
In VBA the appended (0) refers to the first element of an array (assuming an Option Base 0). Here is a short example:
vArr = Array("element 1", "element 2", "element 3")
Debug.Print v(1)
The above code should return element 2 as the second element of a zero-based array.
So, getelementsbytagname("table")(0) refers to the first element of that table. Yet, if the "table" is not found then there is no array to get from that table and getting the first element from that array (by appending (0)) yields an error.
Instead you should test if there is actually a table by that name (before trying to access the array of elements within that table) like so:
If (iDom.getelementsbytagname("table") = 0) Then

How to get my VBA scraper to find the above row?

I have some experience with VBA but I am very new to web scraping with VBA. However I am very enthusiastic about it and thought of a 1000 ways how could I use it and make my job easier. :)
My problem is that I have a website with two input fields and one button. I can write in the input fields (they have ID so I can easily find them)
My code for the input fields:
.Document.getElementById("header_keyword").Value = my_first
.Document.getElementById("header_location").Value = my_last
But I am really stuck with clicking the button.
Here is the html code for the buttons:
<span class="p2_button_outer p2_button_outer_big"><input class="p2_button_inner" type="submit" value="Keresés" /></span>
<span class="p2_button_outer p2_button_outer_big light hide_floating"><a id="tour_det_search" class="p2_button_inner" href="http://www.profession.hu/kereses">Részletes keresés</a></span>
As you can see there are two different buttons near each other, and they share the same class. I am looking for the first/upper one. My problem is that it has no ID, only class, type and value. But I was not able to find getelementsbytype or getelementsbyvalue method.
Is there any solution to find the button by type or value (or both)?
Sorry if I am asking something stupid but as I said previously I am new in scraping...:)
Thank you in advance and have a nice weekend!
Fortunatelly I have worked out the solution. :)
What I did is the following. I made searched for the relevant classes and then using the getAttribute() method and looping thru the classes I searched for the specific value and clicked on it when found it.
Below is the working code:
Set my_classes = .Document.getElementsByClassName("p2_button_inner")
For Each class In my_classes
If class.getAttribute("value") = "Keresés" Then
Range("c4") = "Clicked"
Exit For
End If
Next class
Thank you!
You can use the following function. It looks for a first HTML element with the given caption. You can also limit the searching by HTML tag.
(The code is compatible with IE <9 that doesn't contain getElementsByClassName method).
Public Function FindElementByCaption(dom As Object, Caption As String, _
Optional Tag As String, Optional Nested As Boolean = True) As Object
Dim ControlsSet As Variant
Dim Controls As Variant
Dim Control As Object
Set ControlsSet = VBA.IIf(Nested, dom.all, dom.childNodes)
If VBA.Len(Tag) Then
Set Controls = ControlsSet.tags(VBA.LCase(Tag))
Set Controls = ControlsSet
End If
For Each Control In Controls
If VBA.StrComp(Control.InnerHtml, Caption, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set FindElementByCaption = Control
Exit For
End If
Next Control
End Function
Here is how to apply it in your code:
Dim button As Object
Set button = FindElementByCaption(.Document, "Keresés", "INPUT", True)
If Not button Is Nothing Then
Call button.Click
Call MsgBox("Button has not been found")
End If
CSS selector:
Use a CSS selector to target the element of:
This says element with input tag, having attribute value with value 'Keresés'.
CSS query:
You apply the selector via the querySelector method of document.

Pivot Tables - VBA

I want to select some values through VBA in Pivot Table which is linked to OLAP Cube.
As I know such modification can be realised by typing:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[parameter].[parameter]").VisibleItemsList = Array("value1","value2","value3")
Since get list of parameters from cells in Excel sheet, I wrote simple function which - In mentioned example - returns:
I can't use such string as parameter for Array function (as it recognize it as one string), so I've tried to convert it to Array of Variant, typing above code:
Dim tableVar() As Variant
myVar = Replace(myVar, Chr(34), "")
myVar = Split(myVar, ",")
lowerB =LBound(myVar)
upperB = UBound(myVar)
ReDim tablica(lowerB To upperB)
For i = lowerB To upperB
tableVar(i) = myVar(i)
Next i
Unfortunately it changes nothing - when I'm calling:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[parameter].[parameter]").VisibleItemsList = tableVar
I'm still receiving an error message.
Could you help me, please?
you have a typo in your code, daty should say myVar.
(Either that or we're missing more details)
Stupid thing, but error message is simply correct - there's no such items in Cube:
Run-time error '1004': The item could not be found in the OLAP Cube
I gave incorrect parameter here:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[parameter].[parameter]").VisibleItemsList = tableVar
My code was unnecessary complicated - sorry for wasting your time.
Now my problem will be - how to check if specific dimensions or whole Cube exist...
Thanks once more for help.
